My Master Is a God

Chapter 1789 Let’s see if I don’t kill him

"What? Three meters away from me?" Yang Yiyun was shocked.

"You little bastard, control your emotions and thoughts. Don't get discovered. The opponent's all-encompassing magical power is astonishingly sharp. At this time, you should stabilize yourself and inflict heavy damage on him. The time for revenge has come," Yun Tianxie warned.

Then Yun Tianxie quickly said: "You've been discovered, get down."

Yang Yiyun was shocked and fell to the ground without hesitation.

At this time, he felt a strong wind passing by him.

The next moment, a towering tree in the distance made a clicking sound and snapped.

At this time, Yang Yiyun exerted the invisibility power of the colorful treasure clothes to the extreme, not letting his breath leak out and not even daring to let out his breath.

Cursing wildly in his heart: "Guri's keen perception is simply incredible. Even if I get excited, I can still be discovered..."

At the same time, cold sweat broke out on his back.

If the old man hadn't warned him, he would have been cut in half by an attack similar to sword energy.

The strong wind just now was like a horizontal knife slashing through him. Fortunately, he was lying on the ground, otherwise he would have been crippled or killed by this blow.

This point also fully demonstrates the power of You.

Fortunately, it was finally over, and a towering tree was damaged.

At this moment, You Ze, who was three meters away from Yang Yiyun, muttered in his heart: "Is the perception wrong?"

He just felt an undetectable fluctuation in the air in front of him, and took action without hesitation, thinking that it was accurate.

Unexpectedly, nothing was found, but a big tree was destroyed.

So Youya is a little confused, is he too sensitive?

Thinking about it, of course, seeing that Yang Yiyun also had the ability to become invisible, his nerves were actually very tense. He had just made Yang Yiyun vomit a large pool of blood. If the other party was going to be exposed, he would have been exposed long ago. It should be because he was too Too sensitive.

But having said that, Yang Yiyun, who is now invisible, has been hit by him. Next, he only needs to sense and search carefully, and he will be able to find Yang Yiyun soon. The most important thing now is to hold on to his breath, and not to suffer heavy injuries. Yang Yiyun got carried away with one blow.

You warned yourself in your heart, and then continued to restrain yourself and stabilize your omnipresent magical powers, and began to sense Yang Yiyun's location bit by bit...

As for Yang Yiyun at this moment, he was still lying on the ground and did not dare to move. It was really dangerous just now. The old man was right, he had to stabilize his emotions. The more he was at this time, the more he had to hold on to his breath.

The injury on his chest was very serious, but he could still hold on. He originally wanted to use a drop of water of life to repair the injury on his chest, but he was afraid that the water of life would come out of the Qiankun Pot and be sensed by the secret body, so Yang Yiyun gave up. , just slowly run your own skills to repair.

He can hold it.

I was about to get up, but the old man's voice sounded in my mind: "Keep lying down and don't move. The opponent is just over a meter away from you. You, kid, need to regain your strength first and listen to my master's arrangements later."

Yang Yiyun: "...uh~"

Keep climbing...

The seven loose immortals outside the field saw a pool of blood appearing out of thin air on the ground in reality, and then two booms, and a large crater dozens of meters wide appeared on the spot.

Then a towering tree broke in the distance.

Several of them couldn't help but become nervous.

Because they couldn't see the figures of You and Yang Yiyun, it was unclear who was vomiting blood and getting injured.

The invisible invisible battle has begun.

Although they couldn't see the two of them, they could imagine that the fight would be fierce.

"Tell me, who vomited blood and was injured?"

A Sanxian spoke up.

"Needless to say, that boy Yang Yiyun must have been injured by vomiting blood. You's invisibility technique is known as the daytime ghost and is unique in the world. How many people can hurt You?"

Another Sanxian said.

Although the other Sanxian didn't say anything, everyone was speculating in their hearts. A pool of blood, a big pit, and a broken tree gave them unlimited imagination.

Although everyone knows that You's invisibility is powerful and your strength is not bad. He is known as the first person under Sanxian, the ancestor of Sanxian Island.


But is Yang Yiyun really that weak?

Of course not, he has the old man as his backing. Although the gap between him and You is a bit big, but now after spitting out a mouthful of blood, the old man has locked onto You who was hiding in the dark.

Next, it depends on the old man's command.

Ten minutes later, the old man's voice came to mind: "You brat, you can get up and get ready~"

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and stood up slowly, lying motionless without changing his position. Even if he was a cultivator, he still felt a little numb.

After getting up, Yang Yiyun secretly gasped and said to the old man in his heart: "What will the old man do next? This bastard is too angry."

"The other party is a man of wealth, and he is also experienced in fighting. You guys should pay attention to it later. At this moment, he has moved thirty meters directly in front of you, and is slowly approaching. Listen to me. Command..." Yun Tianxie warned.

Yang Yiyun was speechless and said: "After all, isn't the old man just a rank-6 loose immortal? Why should he be so solemn? Although my strength is not as strong as that of the other party, but with the power of your soul, it is more than enough to deal with him. And you are always the twelve tribulation loose immortal soul, so you are not making such a fuss, are you?"

"You bastard boy, if you have this kind of thinking, you will definitely lose the next battle. I have taught you from the beginning that a lion can fight a rabbit with all his strength. What's more, you are not as good as a rabbit now, so you are so arrogant?

Besides, the omnipotent magical power is unique. Even if you try your best and have a master to give you guidance, you may not be able to take advantage of it. How dare you be arrogant?

It’s true that my teacher is the Supreme Loose Immortal of the Twelve Kalpas, but you don’t want to think about what my teacher is like now? Don't you have any idea? Be prepared to face the enemy with all your strength, otherwise you will wait for death, not to mention that there are seven great loose immortals who are looking at you..."

Yun Tianxie chattered endlessly and spoke extremely sternly. Yang Yi Yun Shu instantly surrendered and said: "Okay, okay, old man, that's what I said. Don't you still know what my character is? Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely fight the lion against the rabbit." Deal with him."

The bickering between master and apprentice has become a routine.

After the words were spoken, Yang Yiyun slowly approached the front, and at the same time, he was secretly saving his energy and preparing to strike hard at Youyi in the dark.

His mouthful of old blood cannot be vomited in vain.

Although he said it lightly to the old man, in fact, his inner vigilance was now worse than that of a lion fighting a rabbit.

He held his breath and prepared to take action.

One meter...two meters...ten meters...sixteen, seventeen, eighteen...

When we reached nineteen meters, we heard the old man's voice in his mind: "Attack."

Yang Yiyun worked hard, waiting for the old man's words.

Between him and You, it was a situation where no one could see the other, and no one could sense the other.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was completely waiting for Master Yun Tianxie to take command.

When the old man spoke, he suddenly punched forward.




There was a dull sound, a scream, and a mouthful of blood spilled out of thin air, thirty meters away.

Yang Yiyun felt secretly happy. He only felt a fist hitting the soft flesh. It was a real punch, and it seemed that it hit the opponent's stomach.

Although he couldn't see You's figure, he could see blood flowing out of thin air.

Yang Yiyun believed that with this fist, the damage he inflicted on You would be no less than his previous injury from vomiting blood.

He quickly asked: "Where did the old man hit the other party?"

Yun Tianxie scolded: "The stinky boy can only feel the opponent's position as a teacher, but cannot see the opponent. I know where he hit him, but I think he won't be seriously injured."

"Hehe~ It doesn't matter. Anyway, I hit him with one punch and finally got the interest back. Next, I'm going to torture him to death. Where is he now?" Yang asked his master Yun Tianxie with some pride.

"After he turned back, he moved thirty meters to your right. His speed seemed to be slow. If he is sick and may kill him, continue..." Yun Tianxie said.

"Okay, now let's see if I don't kill him."

As he spoke, Yang suddenly dodged and headed thirty meters to the right. When he reached ten meters away, he moved his palm.



Another large pool of blood was left in place.

Yang felt very happy.

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