My Master Is a God

Chapter 1790 How did you discover me?

With the old man's tracking and positioning of You, Yang Yiyun succeeded both times.

This is like in the same dark environment, Yang has infrared eyes, and You becomes a living target.

Yang was so happy now that he hit two hits in a row. Not only did he get revenge and collect interest, but he also made money.

He knew that if this continued, he would be able to capture Youshou.

"Old man, where is he?" Yang was very excited after he had just succeeded. It felt really good to torture You to death.

"I ran a little far this time, and the opponent suffered twice. This time he evaded directly to a hundred meters away, and turned back a hundred and twenty meters." Yun Tianxie also reminded leisurely.

At this time, it was only a matter of time for the master and the disciple to take down the invisible You. Both attempts were successful, and You had been severely injured. Now it seems that there is no trouble left.

"Okay, try to get him down this time, hehe~" Yang laughed and slowly walked towards where he was.

He didn't speed up this time. Anyway, You was already injured, and the old man had completely grasped You's whereabouts. He couldn't run away, so it was best to be safe. The faster the speed, the greater the movement, so as not to be escaped by You.

As for You at this moment, he was seriously injured after taking two hard blows. He was full of depression at this moment and couldn't figure out what was going on?

Obviously everyone is in the shadow state, and in comparison, the invisibility magical power he has cultivated is the main method of magical power. It is said to be much more advanced than Yang Yiyun's invisibility with the help of magical weapons.

If it were to be said that he had the upper hand - You.

But now it seems that his whereabouts have been accurately controlled by Yang Yiyun, which makes You depressed to the point of vomiting blood.

You knew clearly in his heart that although he didn't know what method Yang Yiyun used, his whereabouts must have been controlled by that kid, but how he tracked him was something he couldn't figure out even to death.

But one thing you understand is that you can't drag it out like this, otherwise it will be him who dies, not Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, he was hiding in a pile of rocks. He resisted the urge to vomit blood. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the rocks around him. His heart became fierce. In this case, let's just come. I haven't suffered such a big loss yet. deficit.

You already had a countermeasure in his mind, but he knew that his countermeasure was a way of killing the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred.

But right now, this is the best option for him.

The power of Wanxiang's magical power is not only invisible, but the core lies in the word Wanxiang.

You are absolutely sure that when this secret technique is used, Yang Yiyun's invisibility will definitely become ineffective, and so will he himself.

Now that his invisibility had lost its advantage and he was still in danger, Yu decided that everyone should be exposed.

Thinking in his mind, he recited the secret method humorously, and a trace of air flow appeared invisibly on the surrounding stones. The pile of rocks was not big, but it was within a range of forty or fifty meters, which was enough for You.

He speeded up, ready to explode at any time.

He didn't dare to drag it on because he knew that Yang Yiyun might come looking for him at any time.

In an instant, traces of air flow emerged from the large and small rocks in the piles of rocks within a range of forty to fifty meters.

Others can't see or feel the changes on these stones, but You can. He knows that this is the uniqueness and charm of Wanxiang's magical power.

The range of the spiritual rhythm of all things and all things.

You wiped the blood from the corner of your mouth, smiled, and said to yourself: "Come on, kid~"

At this time, Yang Yiyun naturally didn't know that You had been forced by him to the point where he had killed a thousand enemies and injured eight hundred. He laid a trap on the pile of rocks a hundred meters away and waited for him to pass.

Indeed, he naturally didn't know You's plan. He just followed the old man's instructions and slowly approached You, thinking whether he could kill you bastard this time...

Thirty meters, twenty meters... Yang Yiyun suddenly struck out at ten meters.

The old man determined his position, struck him ten meters away with a sudden strike, and used all the strength in his body to attack.

From the beginning, he did not use the power of law, just his own pure magic power.

Because the old man said that the power of law is the power of heaven and earth. If it moves, the opponent will find it, so just use your own magic power to attack. This situation is actually a sneak attack in secret, and the opponent is not prepared for the sneak attack. Even if the opponent is a loose immortal in the late stage of rank six, he still can't bear it.


A sound erupted in silence.

Yang Yiyun had a smile on his lips, waiting for the screams in the dark to sound again.


Sure enough, You's screams sounded.

A smile appeared on Yang's face.

However, at this moment, the old man's voice became louder and said: "Something's not right, you brat. The air around you is going to recede quickly..."

But at this time, a deep and sinister voice sounded: "Everything is law, gathering stones..."

The low and sinister voice sounded almost at the same time as the old man.

Yang Yiyun also felt a crisis emerging at this moment.

It was obviously too late to retreat at this moment. Without any hesitation, he suddenly activated the colorful white clothes. Feeling the danger at this time, defense was of course the top priority. He did not hesitate to expose himself, so he activated the colorful treasure clothes to defend.

"Boom boom boom~"

The moment he activated the colorful treasure clothes, his figure emerged from invisibility and was completely exposed.

And in an instant, within a radius of forty or fifty meters, stones of different sizes were thrown at him with powerful fluctuations of power.

At this moment, he was like a magnet, attracting boulders of different sizes to him.

Although he had the defense of colorful treasure clothes, Yang Yiyun felt uncomfortable when countless boulders hit him, and he was shaken by the huge shock and his body was turned upside down.

Through the gap where the boulder flew, Yang Yiyun saw a person.

This is the Sanxian who looks like you - You.

This guy looked miserable. His chest was also collapsed, there was blood on the corner of his mouth, he was still vomiting blood, and one of his right arms was broken.

But he was leaning on a boulder, staring at himself with red eyes.

You - also revealed his invisibility at this time.

Yang Yiyun understood that after this guy realized that his invisibility power had lost its advantage, he activated some secret method at any cost and mobilized these rocks to attack him.

Depending on the situation, this is a typical play style of killing one thousand enemies and damaging yourself eight hundred.

But it must be said that his move was very effective.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart: "After all, he is an old monster who has been practicing for countless years. He is ruthless and decisive."

This time You paid a heavy price, angered himself, and forced Yang Yiyun out of the darkness.

The two of them were exposed to the sun at the same time, walking from darkness to light.

You looked seriously injured, but Yang Yiyun, who was instantly smashed by large and small rocks among the rocks, could he feel sad after this blow?

Naturally, Yang Yiyun will not be relaxed at this time either.

After being hit by the rocks, Yang Yiyun suffered a certain loss even with the defense of the colorful treasure clothes. The moment he activated the defense of the treasure clothes, he had already been hit by the boulder, vomiting blood, and his body was in turmoil.

Although the boulder behind was intercepted by Qibao Yi's defense, Yang Yiyun was still injured.

The pounding of rocks like a violent storm was very uncomfortable and passed in an instant.

Yang Yiyun was almost buried in the rocks...


Yang Yiyun lifted the boulder on his body.

"Cough cough cough..."

There was a violent cough, and blood poured out of the corner of his mouth. It had to be said that he was hit by Youyin this time. The combined injuries before and after him made it really uncomfortable.

At this moment, You Zhan stood up and looked at Yang Yiyun.

And Yang Yiyun leaned on a boulder and stared at You.

The two looked at each other.

You opened his mouth and said: "Since I have been practicing Taoism, you, Yang Yiyun, are the first person who can force me to such an extent. You and I are also invisible, and our auras are restrained to the extreme. It is said that I am invisible through magical power, and you are invisible with the help of magical weapons. If we say we discovered each other first, I should have discovered you first, but...but how did you discover my whereabouts?"

When you opened your mouth, you didn't say "I", but you wanted to use me.

In his eyes, this kid Yang Yiyun is equal to him. Of course, he is equal in strength, and his tone of voice is no longer as arrogant as before.

It seems that he recognized Yang Yiyun as his opponent.

At the same time, You also asked the biggest curiosity in his heart.

He really couldn't figure out how Yang Yiyun discovered his whereabouts?

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