My Master Is a God

Chapter 1791 He still has means

Hearing You's question, Yang Yiyun coughed and smiled.


Naturally, he would not say that the old man existed in him.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he swallowed a drop of water of life under the cover of his palm. He needed to recover from his injuries. The current injuries were quite serious.

Then looking at You, Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "Haha, isn't it just invisible? It's not as awesome as you think. I wanted to find you easily, but it's a pity that I didn't kill you."

Yang Yiyun said nothing about the old man's discovery of You's whereabouts.

The old man said that Wanxiang's magical power is indeed extraordinary, but if you want to avoid him, you must be the Wanxiang Immortal Emperor himself. As for 'You', he is only a loose immortal in the late sixth rank. It is not difficult to find his whereabouts. Of course, for Yang Yiyun paid the price with a mouthful of old blood.

After hearing Yang Yiyun'er's explanation, You naturally felt unhappy. He believed that there must be some secrets about Yang Yiyun, otherwise how could he be found?

Then 'You' frowned and said, "Since you didn't tell me, I won't be polite. No matter how powerful you are now, you can't deal with the Seven Great Loose Immortals, right? Haha."

As you spoke, you said to the seven great loose immortals who had already walked to his side: "Take this boy to search for souls. He has great magical powers, and we will share them."

At this moment, the seven loose immortals finally understood that the blood stains that appeared out of thin air before were both Yang Yiyun's and You's. What shocked them was that, depending on the situation, the previous invisible duel between You and Yang Yiyun was evenly matched, and both of them were actually injured. .

But in the eyes of the Seven Great Loose Immortals, this point is a little overemphasized.

Who is You?

What kind of cultivation level does Yang Yiyun have?

It's unbelievable that the two of them could fight to a draw.

Yang Yiyun also felt that he was on the same level in his heart.

There is no absolute level of realm in the world of monks. The strong are always respected. Whoever has the biggest fist is the king.

Although Yang Yiyun looked seriously injured at this moment, he had won their respect, respect for the strong.

But at the same time, the eyes of the seven loose immortals also lit up when they listened to You's words. In the end, this interest still prevailed.

Even when they came out of the mountain, they were not entirely in the position of protecting the sanctity of the Supreme Mountain. They received a summons from their descendants to take revenge, and they also came to take a look at the sacred beasts and birds around Yang Yiyun...

Isn't it also a matter of interest?

Up to this point in the battle, Yang Yiyun had killed two of the top ten immortals in Supreme Mountain. Now even You was seriously injured, which was the only way to defeat Yang Yiyun. No, to be precise, Yang Yiyun was not defeated, but both he and You were injured.

This guy is so scary.

But at the same time, several major loose immortals also saw that Yang Yiyun's various methods undoubtedly no longer tempted their greed.

What You said at this moment was exactly what they wanted.

Now... Yang Yiyun has been seriously injured. Even if he is against the sky, can he still withstand the attacks of the seven loose immortals?

As long as Yang Yiyun is killed, everything will be over, and they will be able to get what they want and achieve their goals.

And after this battle, everyone knows that this kid Yang Yiyun must not be kept. Keeping him in the future will be a disaster for them.

"Everyone, set up your formation and kill this little devil directly. This kid's methods are weird. We don't have to worry about his face. Let's amplify our moves and kill him directly. We will restore the peace of the Supreme Mountain and give an explanation to those juniors who died. .”

One of them spoke quietly.

The other six people all nodded in agreement.

As for You at this moment, you were shaking your body but leaning on a big rock. You looked at Yang Yiyun with a cold smile. In his eyes, Yang Yiyun was dead at this moment.

Several major loose immortals knew that Yang Yiyun, who had been injured, could not make a difference.


Yang Yiyun watched and listened to some old immortals, but when the end came, they were still making excuses with hypocrisy, and the little devil's hat opened his mouth.

Yang grinned and said: "You are all old and immortal. Do you really think that I can only wait to die if I am injured? I can't let you slaughter me, haha... ahem... I want to see it today." , how can you old immortals kill me..."

Yang Yiyun coughed and cursed. He was indeed severely injured, but not to the point where he could not fight back. However, he was indeed unable to cope with the attacks of the seven loose immortals.

But is he just allowed to be slaughtered by the seven loose immortals?

How can it be?

Although the old man said not to take action, when it comes to the real life and death situation, Yang Yiyun believes that his old man will not ignore it. But on the other hand, even if the old man can take action, Yang Yiyun does not want the old man to take action this time.

Because from the beginning, the old man lent his soul power to himself.

After constant contact and fighting, even if the power of the old man's soul is strong, it has been consumed a lot.

If the old man takes action again and puts him into a deep sleep, it won't be a matter of seconds.

This is the Supreme Mountain, where the old man's Taoist temple is located. The purpose of coming here is to reshape the old man's immortal body, but he cannot let the old man fall asleep again at the door of his house.

Besides, besides the old man Yang Yiyun, there is also a Black Lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It's just that when he obtained the origin of water, Black Lotus went too far and entered a state of self-protection like the old man.

Black Lotus has not woken up yet.

However, after hundreds of years, Yang Yiyun thought that even if Black Lotus did not wake up, it would be almost recovered.

There is a community of interests between him and Hei Lian. If he dies, Hei Lian will have no place to stay, so Yang Yiyun believes that in times of crisis, perhaps Hei Lian will come out to protect him.

Of course, this is just Yang Yiyun's speculation. He doesn't know whether Hei Lian can wake up in the real crisis.

But no matter what, Yang Yiyun hopes that Black Lotus can wake up, because there is full of uncertainty here.

He knew that on the Supreme Mountain, there were three great ancestors of loose immortals above the loose immortals of these sect groups. Now the top ten loose immortals in the late sixth rank had forced him to this point. It is conceivable that if the so-called loose immortal ancestors If Zu appears, he will definitely be invincible.

As for the old man, Yang Yiyun knew in his heart that the purpose of coming here this time was to rebuild the old man's immortal body. For this day, he knew how long the old man had been waiting.

For this day, he knew that the old man was worried about him. From the beginning of guiding him to practice, he entered the cultivation just for this day. Along the way, not only the hardships of life and death he experienced, but just on the road of his growth, The old man didn't know how many times he wiped his butt.

How many times, he actually lost count.

But Yang Yiyun knew that every time the old man took action, he was risking his life to protect himself and protect himself from the wind and rain. Without the old man, he would have died countless times.

Although the old man woke up every time he fell into a deep sleep, Yang Yiyun knew that every time the old man was fighting for his life.

Because he knows that for a monk, what is the real core is the soul.

What the old man fights for is his own soul.

When a monk practices Taoism, his physical body is gone. He can seize his body and be reborn. He can even be reincarnated and reborn through great magic. He can fight to become a loose immortal...

The physical body can be discarded if conditions permit, but the soul cannot. Once the soul dissipates, it is death in the true sense.

All Yang Yiyun knew was that every time the old man protected him from the wind and rain, it was because he was fighting for his life.

If it weren't for the special nature of the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun believed that the old man's remnant soul would have disappeared long ago when he was shielding himself from the wind and rain.

Speaking of which, the old man accepted him as his disciple in order to regain his immortal body, but... when Yang Yiyun protected himself from the wind and rain time and time again, Yang Yiyun knew that the old man was working hard to use his remaining soul to give himself this The incompetent apprentice protects him from the wind and rain.

In fact, Yang Yiyun knew that if the old man brought him back to the world of cultivation for this person and came to the Supreme Mountain Dojo to recast his immortal body, there was no need to risk his life again and again. At worst, he would give up an uneasy disciple like Yang Yiyun and start over again. Just find one.

Yang Yiyun believed that the Qiankun Pot protects the old man's soul. Even if his apprentice dies, his old man's soul will not dissipate in the Qiankun Pot.

But the old man didn't do that. Although every time the old man jumped out to wipe his butt, he always cursed and said there would be no next time. He always said that he would not take action this time, but every time there was a real crisis, He still took action.

The feelings between the two masters and apprentices were never expressed, but Yang Yiyun knew them all.

So this time, Yang Yiyun vowed in his heart that he would never let the old man take risks. The master and apprentice had protected him until now, and it was time for him, the apprentice, to do something for the master.

Yang Yiyun did not want to reach the top of the Supreme Mountain. In order to protect himself, the old man fell into a deep sleep when he rebuilt his immortal body.

Facing the seven great loose immortals, Yang Yiyun grinned, he still had means.

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