My Master Is a God

Chapter 1792 Seven Loose Immortals join forces to attack

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun's purpose is very clear. He will try his best to force Heilian to wake up.

Of course, he didn't know if it would work, but he would try it anyway.

In my heart, the East Emperor Bell, the Gate of Youdu, and the Statue of the Star of Life appeared again.

This time he did not urge the Dharma Body to come out, because the Dharma Appearance Body consumes too much power of the soul. According to his current situation, forcing the Dharma Appearance Body to come out will not last long.

Instead of wasting the power of the soul, it is better to concentrate and use the supreme magical power a few more times. He has used the fifth-level thunder supreme magical power two or three times, and he doesn't believe that these old guys are not afraid.

Of course, the situation in his body was not good now, but he risked his life to force Heilian to wake up.

In times of danger, Black Lotus, the existence residing in his sea of ​​consciousness, should be the first to be alert.

Yang Yiyun is taking a gamble.

The seven great loose immortals were all stunned when they saw that Yang Yiyun had once again revealed his previous magical powers, and involuntarily stopped approaching Yang Yiyun.

At this time, 'You', who was recuperating far away, said in a deep voice: "What are you waiting for? I paid the price of losing both sides. I broke my arm and severely injured the boy. He is also at the end of his strength now. You Wait until the seven great loose immortals are still hesitating and stalling, and wait until Yang Yiyun calms down before you take action again?"

You's stern voice resounded throughout the audience, and in the ears of the seven immortals, all of them couldn't help but blush.

Indeed, before You fought alone, none of them helped. Now You paid the price and also injured Yang Yiyun. At this time, taking advantage of his illness to kill him was the best result.

If it is as you said and wait until Yang Yiyun calms down, then it will be a big trouble.

After all, they have lived too long, cherish their lives, and have developed the habit of not taking risks easily.

But now the seven people looked at each other and knew that You was right. This was indeed the best opportunity to deal with Yang Yiyun, and it seemed that Yang Yiyun was really holding on.

If under such circumstances, seven of them were still timid when facing Yang Yiyun, a junior, it would become a big joke if word spread.

"You guys kill him."

As one of them spoke, his whole body shone with a bright aura, and he took a step forward and walked straight towards Yang Yiyun.

The remaining six people also took action at the same time, surrounding Yang Yiyun, each of them showing an extremely powerful aura.

None of these seven immortals suffered any injuries.

For a moment, Yang Yiyun only felt the powerful momentum of the seven people, but also felt tremendous pressure.

At this moment, You, who was recuperating in the distance, felt relieved after seeing the seven loose immortals finally taking action together.

He is the only one who has the closest contact with Yang Yiyun, and understands that Yang Yiyun is terrifying and cannot be explained by ordinary reasoning.

The seven loose immortals joined forces to take action. With absolute power, it was safest to suppress and kill Yang Yiyun.

In fact, you now regrets that you took the stand alone to deal with Yang Yiyun.

As a result, he was hit so hard now.

Of course, he didn't know until he fought, and he didn't expect Yang Yiyun to be so strong, which cost him a lot.

If they had come together at the beginning, Yang Yiyun might have been killed long ago.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Now we can only watch the seven great Sanxian come together to kill Yang Yiyun.

But deep in You's heart, there was an idea that even he found ridiculous.

That was the deep feeling in his heart that even if the seven loose immortals at this moment dealt with Yang Yiyun who was seriously injured, they would not get any advantage.

When this idea came up, You himself didn't believe it. It was a fact that Yang Yiyun was injured at this time, and he would definitely not be an opponent that the seven loose immortals could suppress together.

He could only comfort himself in his heart, hoping that he was overthinking...

You set his sights on the field, staring at the Seven Great Sanxian and Yang Yiyun.

He doesn't feel at ease unless he stares.

At this time, the seven loose immortals became fierce and took action together to form a formation and surrounded Yang Yiyun tightly. They all looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

On the other hand, Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes with an evil smile, which looked completely different from the seven great loose immortals' expressions of facing an enemy.

Looking at this scene, Youyan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Ten of the ten loose immortals from the dignified Supreme Mountain came out of the mountain, two of them had been killed by Yang Yiyun, and he himself was seriously injured. The remaining seven were trembling even if they were united. It was really ridiculous.

When word of what happened today spreads out, You know that regardless of whether Yang Yiyun dies or not, Yang Yiyun's name will definitely resound in every corner of Sanxian Island and even the world of cultivation.

And their top ten loose immortals will all be a joke!


Because they are the top ten loose immortals in the Supreme Mountain, they have a good reputation, and they are the masters of the late rank six.

And what about Yang Yiyun?

This kid is just a cultivator from the Ascension Realm of the Cultivation World. The big realm alone is completely different from that of two realms.

Regardless of status or cultivation strength, compared with Yang Yiyun, in the eyes of outsiders, any one of them has the ability to kill Yang Yiyun instantly.

But what about the reality?

In fact, ten of them went to deal with one Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun forced them to the point where they felt like they were facing a powerful enemy and were in dire straits.

So in today's battle, no matter they win or lose, they will be completely humiliated, and Yang Yiyun will become famous in the entire cultivation world...

This is simply sad...

The seven loose immortals in the field took action at the same time, using magical weapons, magical powers, etc., and they all greeted Yang Yiyun in an instant. The momentum was so powerful that the air was distorted, just thinking about it could make Yang Yiyun disappear into smoke.

In this regard, Yang Yiyun's approach was to activate his whole body defense to the extreme, and his eyes were solemn. Faced with seven old immortals attacking together, he knew that he was going to be finished.

Of course, if his attack is powerful, he can dispel most of the attacks.

He looks relaxed on the surface, but in fact, he is extremely serious inside.

He roared: "The Wrath of Burning Heaven~"

"Thunder Supreme~ Draw thunder and kill~"

In one breath, he activated the fourth and fifth magical powers of the twelve supreme magical powers.

Normally, it would not be easy for him to use two magical powers at once at this time, but facing the seven great loose immortals attacking him at the same time, he did not dare to be careless, and he had no choice but to do so.

Yang knew in his heart that if his attack did not scatter half of the simultaneous attacks of the seven loose immortals, then he would have no chance of withstanding the full power of the seven.

So he gritted his teeth and forcefully used two magical powers in one breath, thinking that he could resist the attacks of the seven loose immortals.

After the supreme magical power came out in an instant, Yang Yiyun's body burst into flames, which spread out with him as the center.

The fourth level of Burning Heaven Supreme's Burning Wrath is also astonishing in its lethality. He dares to say that in this one-on-one situation, the Loose Immortal would never dare to forcibly touch the magical flames he released.

At the same time, thunder sounded in the sky: "Rumble...Crack~"

A barrel-thick thunder and lightning descended from the sky of the Supreme Mountain.

The power of two supreme supernatural powers, flame and thunder, were formed instantly.

The thunder struck directly on Yang Yiyun's body, exploded in an instant, and spread out with him as the center, almost blending with the flames and spreading out...

The next moment, they collided with the joint attacks of the seven loose immortals.


"Kacha kacha kacha..."

Lightning flashed and thunder roared, deafening.

Yang Yiyun's two powerful supreme magical powers, and the combined power of the seven loose immortals, exploded together, like two rivers colliding.

But after all, in terms of strength, Yang Yiyun was facing seven people alone, and they were seven powerful late-level sixth-level loose immortals.

After all, Yang's magical attack was no match for the combined attack of the seven loose immortals.

The powerful power emitted by the seven loose immortals was mostly offset by Yang Yiyun's magical power.

After that, the power of his flames and thunder dissipated, and only one-third of the combined power of the seven loose immortals turned into a huge airflow and hit Yang Yiyun hard.

Yang Yiyun saw the power flow of the seven loose immortals sweeping towards him. He gritted his teeth and activated the power of the water source in his body to explode. The blue light glowed all over his body. The continued confrontation was also a defense.

This is his last line of defense. He knows his own situation well. His own defense and the defense of the colorful treasure clothes alone are not enough to withstand the power of the seven loose immortals.

Because he had been severely injured by You before.

Coupled with the two supreme magical powers being unleashed in one breath, even defense requires strength.



After all, I couldn't resist.

His power to activate the source of water could not block the power of the seven loose immortals. The combined force of the seven people was too powerful.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was like a kite with its string broken, vomiting blood and flying backwards...

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