My Master Is a God

Chapter 1795 What a domineering monkey

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

As soon as he finished speaking, the six-eared macaque flew up and disappeared in a swish...

The next moment, a scream came up: "Ah~"

A Sanxian exploded and died.

"Boom boom~"

There were two more roars and screams from two bodies.

In this situation, three loose immortals were directly beaten to death by the six-eared macaque.

Exploded to death.

Yang Yiyun could see clearly from a distance, but he saw a shining golden sledgehammer appearing in the hands of the six-eared macaque. It was about three meters long. The speed of raising the sledgehammer was simply beyond his comprehension. It should be a certain speed. Every time he attacks, a Sanxian will be killed by the six-eared macaque's hammer.

Directly smashed to death.

Yang Yiyun was stunned.

I thought the six-eared macaque was tough, but I didn't expect it to be so tough.

After three hammer blows, the three loose immortals were directly smashed to pieces.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun saw the six-eared macaque staring at 'You' who had been hiding far away.

And You also ran away at the first time, but he didn't expect that the six-eared macaque would turn around and stare at him, and he was immediately frightened. You also saw the three hammers of the six-eared macaque just now, which really frightened You's soul. They were all trembling with roughness and strength.

You knew that facing this monkey, he would not be a match for ten of them. In the blink of an eye, he saw the monkey staring at him. You couldn't even think about it. At the cost of damaging his soul, he directly activated his omnipotent magical power and became invisible~

At this time, he knew that being invisible was the best way to avoid being targeted by this monkey.


The six-eared macaque hit 'You' with a hammer and made a roar, but found that You was missing.

"Are you invisible...I thought I couldn't find you, haha~" the six-eared macaque sneered, suddenly struck the ground with a palm, and said in a low voice: "The earth is imprisoned~"

In an instant, with a six-eared macaque as the center, dense cracks appeared on the ground, spreading hundreds of meters in an instant, as if a circle was drawn on the ground.

And when Liu Er sent out a palm on the earth, he didn't care about the other three loose immortals who escaped. He didn't care at all, because Liu Er Macaque cared about You in his heart, not that You was powerful, but that You was powerful. Liu Er did not allow anyone to escape from his grasp. He was very persistent, even if he did not care about the other three Sanxian who were frightened out of their wits, he still wanted to pull out You after being invisible.

As for the other three Sanxian, after seeing Liu Er going to deal with You, they quickly mobilized their soul power and escaped without their lives. The scene where Liu Er and three hammers had just blasted three of their companions deeply shocked their hearts.

At this time, as a companion, they should save You, but the six-eared macaque is too powerful, so powerful that it makes their hearts palpitate. How long will it take if they don't escape now?

As for You?

I can only say that a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

If you have too much time to take care of yourself, who will care about You?

It was You who bought them time and allowed the three of them to escape.

Yang Yiyun squinted at the three people who escaped. He wanted to catch up and kill the three old immortals, but at this time he also saw Youzai hiding for once.

He has learned about You's invisibility, and even the old man takes it seriously.

So Yang Yiyun decided to stay and help the six-eared macaque find You.

Moreover, the old man said that he wanted to get the all-seeing magical power from You. This magical power, which has been lost in the immortal world for a long time, can be reappeared on Sanxian Island. The old man attaches great importance to it, how can he let it go?

Then Yang Yiyun was just about to go over, thinking about asking the old man to take action to find the hidden You, but he saw the six-eared macaque slapped the ground with his palm, and suddenly cracks appeared like spider webs within a hundred meters of the ground. , forming a circle.

He thought it must be a secret technique unique to Liu Er, and it should be used to deal with the invisible You.

So Yang Yiyun also stopped, ready to take a look before talking. Of course, he didn't intend to be idle. Standing in the distance, he could still ask the old man to help find You. If the six-eared macaque's method didn't work, he would go up to find You. Touch up the knife.

"The old man helped you find where You Zang is?" Yang Yiyun asked his master Yun Tianxie in his heart.

"No need to work too hard. This monkey can find You's location. Just wait and see. But you can remind the monkey not to beat You to death with a hammer. Even if your soul is gone, you won't be able to gain all the magical powers." Yun Tianxie said. said.

"Hey, old man, don't you highly admire the magical power of all things? How can you say that you can find it with just one search with six ears?" Yang Yiyun was somewhat refuting the old man at this moment.

But the next moment, Yun Tianxie began to curse directly and said: "You brat, that loose immortal named You has not mastered the magical power of all things, and the six-eared macaque is obviously much better than You. In absolute terms, With the strength, it can be found.

Besides, what is a six-eared macaque? That is the six-eared macaque, one of the four chaotic monkeys in the world. The best thing about his supernatural talent is that he is good at listening to sounds, can sense things, and knows the front and back. Everything is clear. What is hidden in the dark in the world can be hidden from the six-eared macaque? ? Do you think his nickname of six-eared macaque was for nothing?

My teacher really admires all things and magical powers, but I don’t say that absolutely. Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing and interfering with each other. This monkey is the nemesis of the method of all things and magical powers. If you don’t learn other things well, you are good at talking back to my teacher. If you have this time, don’t study it. The Twelve Supreme Divine Powers, you really are not a son of man. This is the end of the matter. Before you ascend to the immortal world, you must let me understand the sixth level of the Twelve Supreme Divine Powers. Otherwise, I will wait for my master to deal with you, hum. "

Yun Tianxie went crazy like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Yang Yiyun looked at each other in confusion and didn't dare to talk back anymore.

He is currently only studying the fifth level of the Twelve Supreme Tao. As for the sixth level, he has no clue at all. It becomes more and more difficult to understand the later stages. He was reprimanded by the old man and felt bitter.

Not daring to talk to the old man anymore, he focused on the six-eared macaque.

But after seeing the six-eared macaque exert some magical power with one palm, he stood up and closed his eyes.

At this time, Yang Yiyun saw the six-eared macaque's ears glowing faintly...

His name is Liu Er, but in fact, others can only see one pair of ears, which makes no difference to ordinary people. But now that Yang Yiyun saw the six ears glowing, he knew that he might be using his hidden other ears to find Youyou. A place of invisibility.

The old man just mentioned in his curse that the six-eared macaque: is good at listening to sounds, can detect things, knows the front and back, and everything is clear. This is a gifted magical power. If it is true, it is indeed a magical power, and looking for a secret hidden in the dark is Just a piece of cake.

He did not disturb the six-eared macaque, but just watched quietly, thinking about how long it would take the six-eared macaque to find You.

Is it one minute, two minutes, three minutes, five minutes... or ten minutes? Or more time?

After all, when he fought with You, he couldn't find it. It was all because of the old man, and it took him more than ten minutes to find You's location after spending a lot of blood using him as bait.

It has to be said that the all-encompassing magical power that You cultivates is indeed divine energy, and there is no breath anyway.

At this time, it depends on what means the six-eared macaque can use, or how much time it can take to find the ghost?

Just when I was thinking this, the next moment I saw the six-eared macaque suddenly opened its eyes and disappeared in a whoosh.

Then he suddenly appeared fifty meters away and hit Mingchu with a palm.




Liu Er was fifty meters away, and Yang Yiyun only saw him slap his palm into the air, and the next moment there was a dull sound, followed by screams and blood vomiting.

A cloud of blood mist appeared, and the six-eared macaque stamped his foot on the ground with Lightning Lightning.

Yang Yiyun was stunned. In less than ten breaths, Liu Er took action and directly found You. He was so angry that he was so angry. Under the thunder, he shot out blood mist with a palm, and then stepped on it with a fierce kick.

Yang Yiyun hurriedly said loudly: "Brother Liu'er keeps him alive for my use, just imprison him."

The six-eared macaque was stunned when he heard it, but he still stepped on the blood mist.


The sound of broken bones and screams sounded, and at the same time You's body emerged.

However, the Liu'er family broke the law and disappeared invisibly.

Then Liu Er lifted You's body with one foot.


Screaming Zhongyou was directly kicked by Liu Er to Yang Yiyun's side.

"I sealed his magic power and left it to you. I will chase the three who escaped."

After Liu Er finished speaking, Li Lifengxing disappeared without giving Yang Yiyun a chance to speak, chasing the three loose immortals who ran away.

Yang Yiyun looked at the place where the six-eared macaque disappeared and said with great envy: "What a domineering and arrogant monkey. When will I be as coquettish as him...?"

After muttering, Yang Yiyun withdrew his gaze and looked at You, who was already dying with his six ears raised to his feet. HehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehadacquiredtheAll-Seeing Magical Power~"

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