My Master Is a God

Chapter 1796 A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


At this moment, You's whole body was sealed by the six-eared macaque, which was like fish meat on a plate. His eyes widened when he heard Yang Yiyun speak.

Regarding the magical power of all phenomena, You has never told outsiders about it, and has never heard of such magical powers in the outside world. Since he obtained the magical power of all phenomena from ancient ruins, he thought it was the only one. Anyway, no one has ever been mentioned by the outside world. Character.

Many people know that the magical power he cultivates is special, but they only know about the ability of invisibility and don't know the name at all.

But now he actually heard Yang Yiyun say the name of the Myriad Divine Power, and this kid actually said, "I have obtained the Myriad Divine Power"?

What does it mean?

Could it be...?

You instantly became frightened, knowing what Yang Yiyun was going to do.

Yang Yiyun wants to take away his omnipotent magical power~

No wonder that when the scary monkey was about to kill him, this kid shouted to stop and not let the monkey kill him. Now You Suan understood that Yang Yiyun didn't let the monkey kill him because he wanted to search for souls and obtain his omnipotent magical powers.

If Yang Yiyun didn't stop the monkey to keep his hand, according to the monkey's rage, he would definitely end up with his soul scattered as soon as he took action. Once the soul was scattered, Yang Yiyun would not be able to search for the soul, and he would not be able to obtain the omnipotent magical power.

I thought this boy had a conscience and refused to let the monkey kill him, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

At this time, You's heart felt cold.

The feeling of being soul-searched is not pleasant, and if it falls into the hands of Yang Yiyun, it will probably not end well after being soul-searched. It is better to die.

But now he is sealed by the terrifying monkey from the inside out and can't do anything. He is no different from ordinary people. The key is that he has been beaten and disabled.

This is You's sadness.

Seeing Yang Yiyun's weird smile, You opened his mouth and said the word "you", but could no longer say anything.

As for Mr. Yang, he was not too proud at this time. He grinned and said: "Old bastard, aren't you very arrogant? I want you to be arrogant..."



While talking, Yang stepped on You's arm, and with a click, he broke off You's only remaining arm. The other one had been cut off by Yang Yiyun earlier when the two were fighting secretly.

Now both arms were useless in Yang Yiyun's hands.

"Ah... I'll kill you if you want~" You screamed.

"This is just interest. Don't worry, I won't give you any more attention. I just want the secret of all things magical power. By the way, where did your magical power come from?" Yang Yiyun also wanted to ask clearly, in case this You has any powerful backing. , there are also people who have cultivated the magical power of all things, so they can be prepared when the time comes.

" do you know the All-Seeing Magical Power?" You also wanted to know how Yang Yiyun knew or where he knew this magical power. Since he practiced the All-Seeing Magical Power, he has never been on Sanxian Island or other places in the world of cultivation. I have heard that some people practice such magical powers, but You believes that such powerful magical powers cannot be passed down.

In fact, he had been searching secretly, but he didn't have any clues. If there were any, it would be a comfort to him before he died.

Yang Yiyun was stunned, but he didn't expect You to ask the same question. Now it seems that You's acquisition of the All-Seeing Divine Power was just a coincidence. It was not inherited, let alone the All-Seeing Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Realm mentioned by the old man.

Yang Yiyun didn't have a good face towards You, the enemy who almost killed him.

Since the Wanxiang magical power obtained by You is not the inheritance of the Wanxiang Immortal Emperor, there is no need to continue the conversation and just prepare to search the soul directly.

He snorted coldly and said: "You don't care where I know it from. I want to know. I will naturally find out if I search your soul."

Yang Yiyun was about to look at Yousouhun while he was talking.

But at this time Youlou said: "Wait a minute, as long as you tell me the origin of all phenomena and magical powers, I will cooperate with you to obtain the complete and complete all phenomena and magical powers. Otherwise, do you think I will be defenseless against such important magical powers and secrets?

If you forcefully search my soul, the seal left in my soul to seal all the magical powers will be activated. At that time, you can search my soul and get at most half of the secret method of all phenomena, but don't expect to get the complete method.

My request is very simple. Tell me what you know about the origin of all phenomena and supernatural powers. Otherwise, you will never get your wish. If you tell me, it will fulfill one of my wishes, and I will cooperate with you. How about it? "

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said, "How dare you threaten me when you are about to die?"

"Haha, you are right to think so." You said as if you were a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

This made Yang Yiyun really not dare to take risks. At the same time, he asked his master Yun Tianxie in his heart: "This old man has been sealed by the six ears. Can what he said be trusted?"

I just heard the old man's voice in my mind: "There are indeed some powerful people in the monk world who can add seals to their souls to protect some secrets that they don't want others to get or see.

Precisely in order to cope with the current situation, some sect secrets are specially used to seal soul memories. They just don't want their own secrets and so on to be searched for souls.

When the soul is forcibly searched, the seal in the soul will automatically activate and then destroy certain memory fragments. This Sanxian does not seem to be lying. It is better to believe what he says or not.

If this guy really has the power of sealing deep in his soul, if you forcefully search his soul, you may not be able to get all the magical powers. "

After listening to the old man's words, Yang Yiyun gained new knowledge. He didn't expect that there was a secret method to seal the soul. He was wondering if he could ask the old man for one and add such a secret method to his own soul?

If I was captured by someone else that night and was searching for my soul, wouldn't all my secrets be exposed?

Of course, as soon as this idea came up, Yang Yiyun shook his head and rejected it, because if one day his soul was forcibly searched, he would be close to death. What's the use of protecting many secrets?

But right now, he really doesn't dare to use force against You, an old bastard.

Think about it and say, "How can I trust you?"

"Believe it or not, you have no choice. Moreover, I have never said anything out loud in my life. I have a habit of going back on my word. Anyway, my life and death fall into your hands. I admit defeat." You now spoke very bachelorly.

Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth angrily and said, "Okay, young master, I will fulfill your wish, but if you dare to lie to me, I will never let you die, do you understand?"

Yang's words were heard in You's ears, which inexplicably made You's heart tremble. He knew what Yang Yiyun's words meant.

Sometimes life is scarier than death.

Especially the monks' methods of torturing the soul during the heat, that is life worse than death.

You nodded and said, "It's settled." He didn't dare.

"As far as I know, the Myriad Powers most recently appeared in the immortal world. There is a powerful Immortal Emperor who is famous for his Myriad Powers. He is known as the Myriad Immortal Emperor. He can fight with the Immortal Lord by relying on the Myriad Powers..."

Yang Yiyun told You the old man's story about the Wanxiang Immortal Emperor, which fulfilled You's wish.

"Master...I see, but speaking like this, my inheritance is most likely from the Immortal Emperor of All Things..." You sighed, with relief on his face.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun reached out and grabbed You Tianling directly and said: "It's my turn to get to know you~"

"Actually, I can pass it on to you directly." You said.

"I can't trust you." Yang Yiyun's heart moved after he finished speaking: "Search for souls~"


You screamed miserably. The soul that was hurt by the soul search was naturally an extremely painful thing, and it was also justified.

If it weren't for the fact that the old man attaches great importance to the magical power of all things, Yang Yiyun actually wouldn't want to search for ghosts. He thinks that searching for souls is equivalent to absorbing all the memories of other people's lives into his own soul. It will take a long time to digest them. If he can't digest them, it will affect himself. Your state of mind will affect your future cultivation.

It even triggers inner demons and obsessions.

But in order to obtain the magical power of all things, Yang Yiyun could only do this, and the necessary price had to be paid.

It took more than ten minutes for Yang Yiyun to stop.

The expression on his face keeps changing...

This is the sequelae. After getting everything you have, it is equivalent to experiencing You's life. It takes time to eliminate the sequelae and refine You's memory.

Of course, he also obtained the secret method of all phenomena as he wished, and it was a complete secret method of all phenomena.

I'm glad I agreed to You before, otherwise there is really a chance that I won't get all the magical powers, because Yang Yiyun did find that there is a sealing power in You's memory, which is the power to seal all the magical powers and secrets.

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