My Master Is a God

Chapter 1804: In front of the Supreme Palace, shout for the old man to get out of his sheath

"Sword of Heaven, Fall~"

Yan Buhuan opened his mouth to talk, and then took action, using a sword in one hand to strike at Yang Yiyun.

Both are sword auras. Yang Yiyun's sword is tens of feet long. The sword aura carries the action of thunder and is as powerful as a rainbow.

Yan Buhuan, on the other hand, waved his hand gently, and an ancient sword condensed in his hand, with a dazzling white light.

Compared with Yang Yiyun's sword energy, which is like a rainbow, Yan Buhuan can only condense a sword with a length of three feet with a wave of his hand.

It seems much weaker.

But Yang Yiyun's expression became serious. He often used the dragon-slaying sword, and he could feel the extraordinary power of the opponent's sword.


Like a tiny bolt of lightning, a piece belonging to the Immortal named Yan clashed with his sword energy.

The roar was like the effect of King Kong hitting plastic. His seemingly gorgeous and high-end sword was instantly shattered by the opponent's simple and clear sword.

And so it fell directly on him without any reduction.



The seven-colored light on Yang Yiyun's body shone brightly and flew backwards in an instant, leaving a mouthful of blood on the spot.

The colorful treasure clothes were dim, but when he looked down, he saw a half-foot-long wound on his chest.

Immortal Yan's sword directly broke through his colorful treasure clothes and damaged them.

Yang Yiyun was also secretly grateful. If it hadn't been for the colorful treasure clothes to block it, his body would have been broken in half.

Now there is only a half-foot-long wound on the chest, but fortunately it is not fatal.

He knew that it was the colorful treasure clothes that blocked the power.

The treasure garment was damaged.

It also allowed Yang Yiyun to see the strength of the immortal named Yan.

Completely beyond imagination.

The six-eared macaque was slapped down by the other party, and he was also severely injured by the other party's wave of his hand, which turned into a sword and broke through the colorful treasure clothes.


At this moment, he and the six-eared macaque were not far apart, but he saw the six-eared macaque getting up and crawling tremblingly, but it couldn't get up despite coughing in the snow.

Seeing this, Yang Yiyun quickly went to help the six-eared macaque.

"Brother Liu Er, how are you...?"

"I can't die just yet." Liu Er said.

"Brother Liu Er, take this honey crystal~" Yang Yiyun said, looking at Liu Er.

He was seriously injured, but Liu Er's injury was even more serious.

He was originally going to give Liu Er the Water of Life, but since the Water of Life sublimated, there were only three drops. He had used up all of it before he was injured, so he could only give the Six Ears Macaque Honey Crystal.

Honey crystal is a jade liquid. It may not be as good at healing as the water of life, but it contains powerful and pure power, which is also good.

"No need. Even if we recover from our injuries now, we can't defeat each other. It's still... the same ending." Liu'er didn't ask for the honey crystal handed over by Yang Yiyun.

"I'm sorry, I've caused trouble for you~" Yang Yiyun apologized.

"Haha, I, Liu Er, act based on my heart alone. Staying here is a promise to you and it is also of my own free will. It has nothing to do with you. It can only be said that the times are bad, ahem..." Liu Er, who has almost half of his bones broken I was too tired to talk at this moment, so I just sat down on the ground.

Yang Yiyun listened to the six-eared macaque talking, and actually knew that this was because he was free and easy, and it was also about friendship.

While the two were talking, Yan Buhuan in the distance suddenly lit up his eyes and saw the honey crystal that Yang Yiyun took out in his hand, and said to himself: "The crystal of honey and jade liquid, this is a good thing, and it is rare in the fairy world. , it seems that this boy has something good in him."

After Yan Buhuan's soliloquy was heard by Master Jiu Feng beside him, he quickly responded: "Senior Brother Yan, this guy has a lot of good things. He has high-level cave-like magic weapons. He also has an underage divine bird phoenix and a five-clawed golden dragon beside him. , the treasure-hunting flying marten, and a nine-tailed fox, they should all be among his magical treasures."

Master Jiu Feng told Yan Buhuan what he knew and his guess about Yang Yiyun's worth.

"Seriously?" Yan Buhuan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. If what Junior Brother Jiu Feng said is true, then he will make a lot of money in the lower world this time. Divine beasts and birds are almost as rare as feathers and water chestnuts in the immortal world, let alone dragons and phoenixes? This is a masterpiece of cultivation and domestication. It is rare that it is an immature mythical beast and bird. If it is an adult mythical beast and bird, he has no ability to tame it.

Those who can appear in the lower realm must not have strong cultivation, otherwise this kid would have been released long ago during the battle.

There is also a treasure-hunting mink, which is even rarer, a different species among the different species in the world.

As for the nine-tailed fox, hehe, it is a top-notch demon fox born with dual cultivation. Who wouldn’t want to have one?

There are not many high-level cave-heaven magic weapons in the fairy world...

"Junior brother dare not expire, senior brother, nine times out of ten." In fact, Master Jiu Feng himself has never seen the divine birds and beasts around Yang Yiyun, but the three backs who spoke to him before have seen them with their own eyes and received them. The three loose immortals did not dare to lie to him about the information conveyed by other people. It should be true.

At this time, facing Senior Brother Yan's fiery eyes, Master Jiu Feng naturally had to speak in agreement.

Yan Buhuan also believed that Junior Brother Jiu Feng would not lie to him, and he did not dare to lie to him.

After getting Jiu Feng's personal confirmation, Yan Buhuan became excited.

He raised his feet and walked slowly towards Yang Yiyun and the six-eared macaque. After severely injuring Yang Yiyun with his sword, he did not rush to take action. Anyway, in his eyes, Yang Yiyun and the six-eared macaque were just ants, unable to escape from his grasp. They were just fish on a board.

At this moment, his head was filled with things about Yang Yiyun.

"Boy, hand over the magic weapon you have, and I will leave you a whole body~" Yan Buhuan walked slowly and stared at Yang Yiyun from a few hundred meters away while talking.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and the six-eared macaque were both severely injured.

Seeing Yan Buhuan approaching with a fiery and playful look in his eyes, Yang Yiyun was ready to give it a try. Anyway, at least this time he would be in front of the six-eared macaque.

Listening to Yan Buhuan speak, Yang Yiyun knew that he was another greedy person.

Haha, immortals are still just humans, and they also have desires!

"Heilian, I need to draw my sword again, help me~" Yang Yiyun began to speak in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Heilian's voice rang in his mind: "This person is very powerful. Even if I help you temporarily, it will not help."

Yang Yiyun was angry as he listened to Hei Lian's words, but he also knew Hei Lian's temperament. Since she said this, she was not prepared to take action. Even if she helped, she was no match for her. The previous sword fight had proved it.

Yan Buhuan is getting closer and closer, and Yang Yiyun's heart is getting heavier and heavier. Who is not afraid that it is a lie at the moment of life and death?

After all, Yang Yiyun sighed and said in his heart: "It seems that the old man can't do anything if he doesn't let him take action~"

He originally had no intention of asking Master to take action, fearing that Master would fall asleep again...

But it doesn't work anymore. There is still a six-eared macaque beside him, whether it's Yang Yiyun or not.

I can only ask the old man for help.

The Supreme Palace was not far behind them. Yang Yiyun wanted to ask the old man if there was any way to escape into the Supreme Palace.

Of course, in front of Yan Buhuan, it would be very difficult to escape to the Supreme Palace at this moment.

"Isn't that brat no longer trying to be brave? Haha~"

The next moment, Yun Tianxie's voice sounded in his mind with a smile.

Yang Yiyun had rejected the old man once before, but now it was impossible to refuse.

Listening to the old man's words with a hint of teasing smile, Yang Yiyun felt inexplicably relieved. Could it be that the old man already had a way to deal with this?

He immediately cursed: "Old man, you are still laughing. Look at the injuries of Monkey and I. Even if we want to be strong, we can't do it! The other party... is too strong, old man, can you do that?"

"You bastard, when can I not be a master? Besides, don't forget, this is in front of the Supreme Palace on the top of the Supreme Mountain, and it is my master's dojo. If I hadn't sharpened you, my master would have killed a few of my minions long ago. .

It's just a late-stage Golden Immortal. It's no big deal. Believe it or not, I can kill this little Golden Immortal with just a shout without having to do anything today? Hehe~"

At this time, there was no hint of a powerful enemy in Yun Tianxie's words.

With a smile and confidence.

However, it sounded a bit pretentious to Yang Yiyun's ears, and he couldn't help but retort: ​​"Old man, you...don't be careless. The other party is a real golden immortal from the immortal world, not a parallel import like the Supreme Mountain. Sanxian."

"You bastard, is it appropriate for me to be my teacher and say such big things?"


"When has there ever been..."

The master and apprentice once again started to fight.

But at this time, when Yan Buhuan saw him talking to Yang Yiyun, Yang Yiyun ignored him at all and became furious. He suddenly raised his hand and struck Yang Yiyun with sword energy.

"If you don't know how to appreciate it, go to hell and kill you. I will find the magic weapon in you myself." Yan Buhuan spoke gloomily.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was shocked when he saw Yan Buhuan coming with a sword energy.

But I just heard the old man say: "Don't panic, you stinky boy. Let go of the spiritual platform and just shout a word for the teacher."

At this time, Yang Yiyun could only let the old man do whatever he wanted.

After letting go of the mourning platform, he was shocked the next moment, but he knew that the old man had borrowed his body.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun found that he had become a spectator. He only heard the old man shouting at the gate of the Supreme Palace: "Old man, please take off your sheath~"


The next moment, a trembling sound resounded throughout the sky.

Yang Yiyun heard the sound like a sword being unsheathed, but he didn't know why at the moment. What medicine did the old man buy in the gourd?

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