My Master Is a God

Chapter 1805 The sword named Liujia is the Tao sword

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

At this time, Yan Buhuan's sword energy had reached ten meters away, and lightning came.

Yang Yiyun didn’t know what the old man wanted to do~

In the frightened situation, I could only choose to believe the old man and hope that he would not go insane this time.

At the critical moment, Yang Yiyun only heard the sharp trembling sound in his ears as the sword was unsheathed...

"Buzz buzz..."

This time he heard it very clearly. The trembling sound that resounded throughout the world was definitely the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

Yang Yiyun was a little shocked in his heart. He couldn't imagine what kind of sword could make such a big noise when it was unsheathed, causing the heaven and earth to rise.

The old man muttered: "Playing with a sword in front of me, haha, let me show you what the true way of the sword is."

After the old man finished speaking, Yang Yiyun saw an extremely shocking scene of the sword coming out, and also saw a very strange scene.

But he saw three streams of light rising from the sky in the Supreme Palace.

The three streams of light are, one red, one white and one green, three colors.

The same goes for permutations.

From a distance, it seems that there are priorities.

The white light in the middle is the most dazzling and powerful, followed by red and green light on the left and right sides.

Three beams of light soared from the Supreme Palace into the sky.

The bucket is thick.

When the three beams of light appeared, what surprised Yang Yiyun was that Yan Buhuan's sword energy that came towards him originally reached a place one meter in front of him, and he was about to drink blood.

But after the three sword qi soared into the sky in the Supreme Palace, Yan Buhuan's sword qi actually stopped, as if it was imprisoned, and began to tremble continuously.

Yang Yiyun felt happy now. It obviously seemed to be related to the three light pillars in the Supreme Palace.

To be precise, it's not a beam of light, but a sword energy.

After three beams of light soared into the sky, the entire top of the Supreme Palace was filled with killing sword energy.

If Yang Yiyun hadn't hidden his idea in the sea of ​​consciousness and the old man had borrowed his body, he probably wouldn't have been able to withstand such powerful sword energy at this time.

The six-eared macaque beside him, Yan Buhuan across from him, and the three surviving Sanxian ancestors were all trembling under the sword energy.

There is no way that the sword energy and sword intention are almost substantive. Yang Yiyun can feel the powerful aura even when he is hiding in his own sea of ​​consciousness, let alone the outsiders.

Seeing that Yan Buhuan's sword energy finally stopped, Yang Yiyun was relieved, but he was still worried. Compared with the opponent's sword energy, which was suspended one meter away from his own door, if something happened, it was guaranteed to be fatally disfigured.

Fortunately, this worry disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Because the sword energy summoned by the old man exploded into the small universe.

The next moment, the three major light pillars in the Supreme Palace suddenly burst into light and rushed out from the Supreme Palace.

First, there was a white beam of light. After rushing out of the Supreme Palace, it turned into an extremely simple ancient sword. It was an ordinary three-foot-sized sword. It reached the sky with a silvery white color and was gleaming dazzlingly.

The two large light pillars, one red and one green, also changed after flashing.

The next moment, they transformed into a boy and a girl, two boys and girls aged sixteen or seventeen.

The woman is dressed in bright red, and the man is dressed in dark green, which is very eye-catching.

I saw this pair of boys and girls, looking like lovers, one on the left and one on the right stretched out their hands on the ancient white light sword, and flew out of the Supreme Palace with the ancient white light sword.


There was a sound of sword sound.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun saw the ancient sword and the boy and girl disappearing in a swish.

In fact, the sword energy and sword intent are getting stronger and stronger, filling the entire Supreme Mountain.

Yang Yiyun understood that this was because the speed was too fast to catch. It was not that it really disappeared, but that it was too fast.

Then he saw Yan Buhuan on the opposite side became frightened, turned around and ran away, flying into the sky and turning into a stream of light. He seemed to be extremely frightened and ran away without hesitation.

In fact, Yan Buhuan is indeed on the run...

Different from the calm and confident look a second ago, Yan Buhuan now only wished that his parents had given him two less legs.

Yan Buhuan didn't expect that this would be the case?

He just heard Yang Yiyun yelling at the Supreme Palace, "Old man, get out of the sheath."

He also laughed at Yang Yiyun for being mysterious, and his voice became a little more vicissitudes of life.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, there would be a big change in the Supreme Palace. Three red, white and green light pillars rose into the sky. After that, the sword energy he slashed at Yang Yiyun stopped and trembled.

He, Yan Buhuan, is a swordsman, so he naturally knows the reason for this.

This was the coercion of the high-level swordsmanship on the low-level, and his own sword energy and sword intention were completely suppressed.

Then the white light turned into an ancient sword, and one red and one green turned into a young man and woman.

When Yan Buhuan saw this scene, his mind went crazy and his whole body trembled...

He knew that the three pillars of light would be their true colors at this time.

Not to mention whether he recognized the white light ancient sword or not, but when he saw the young man in red and green transformed and put his hands on the ancient sword from left to right, Yan Buhuan exclaimed: "Waiting for the sword attendant..." This is... a Dao sword~"

The Dao Sword is an existence that only exists in legends. It has independent consciousness. It is basically as intelligent as other living beings, has the way to practice, and has the qualifications to prove the Tao.

The Dao Sword's consciousness will only recognize one master in its life, never two masters. Some persistent Dao Sword consciousness will not choose other masters even if the master dies, and will bury itself never to be born again.

Even if the master can be reincarnated and re-cultivated, Daojian will look for him, whether in one life or two, or he will stay in one place and never be born again, waiting for the re-cultivated master to come back.

The Taoist sword's independent consciousness allows it to fight independently even if the master does not need to control the sword, which is very unique.

The most obvious feature of Taoist swords is that they have to wait for sword attendants.

The Sword Attendant is a person who specializes in serving the Dao Sword. The life and death of the Dao Sword are closely linked, and both prosper and suffer.

Similar to the spiritual beasts conquered by cultivators.

Imagine that it is difficult for a cultivator to own a spiritual beast, let alone a sword that requires the service of a swordsman similar to a spiritual beast. You can imagine how high the level of a Taoist sword is.

Of course, Yan Buhuan is not very clear about the specific existence of Daojian. He only knows roughly, and only knows that it is important to run away cleanly when encountering someone he wants to see.

Dao Jian is definitely not something he, a little Golden Immortal, can offend.

Yan Buhuan didn't expect that a small cultivator could actually summon a Taoist sword?

What's even more terrifying is...

The Dao Sword appeared from the Supreme Palace, and the amount of information in it was huge.

Yan Buhuan knew very well where the Supreme Palace was and its origins.

That is the dojo of Tianxie Supreme Yun Tianxie on Sanxian Island. Yun Tianxie's name is famous throughout the immortal world. His dojo in Supreme Mountain was rumored to be coveted by some big guys in the immortal world. They sent people there, but no one could enter. You have to go. On the other hand, some forces in the fairy world do not allow anyone to touch the fairy island.

Therefore, the Sanxian Island Supreme Palace is a taboo.

What now?

This kid named Yang Yiyun actually called "Old Man" to the Supreme Palace, and a Dao sword flew out of the Supreme Palace.

The information in this was too great for Yan Buhuan.

Yang Yiyun, Supreme Palace, Heavenly Evil Supreme, Dao Sword...?

After these words flashed through Yan Buhuan's mind, Yan Buhuan was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. When he saw the Dao sword taking shape, Yan Buhuan ran away without hesitation.

I have already said in my heart that Jiufeng Zhenren and the three so-called Sanxian ancestors have been scolded for ten thousand years.

This place is a big pit~

Yan Buhuan hated himself at this moment. Why should he take advantage?

Previously, when he felt the power of the soul emerging from the portal of the Jingyin Pool that he was guarding, he knew that someone from the lower world was offering sacrifices to invite the immortals to the lower world.

Originally, he could just send a fairy down to the lower realm at will, but the power of the soul from the Jie Yinchi portal was very pure and powerful, which could be absorbed, so he got greedy and went down to the lower realm himself, absorbing three copies. The power of pure soul.

Before coming here, I thought that I was a golden immortal. When I went to the lower world, I became an omnipotent existence. I could easily solve the troubles of the sacrificers. Then I returned to the immortal world with ease. Who knew that now I discovered that it was a huge pit as big as a bottomless pit? , a big pit that can kill you.

Thinking about the rumors about the Supreme Heavenly Evil in the Immortal Realm, and what has happened continuously in the Immortal Realm in the past ten thousand years, Yan Buhuan's heart felt like it was going to burst. He knew that from today on, the Immortal Realm would be in chaos...

I can't afford to mediate, and I don't dare to mediate anymore. In one word - run away.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun saw Yan Buhuan flying into the sky and starting to run. He couldn't help but said to the old man: "Old man, run away, run away~"

"Why are you so anxious? Even if he ran to the fairy world, he would kill him with one sword."

Yun Tianxie spoke and poured out: "Behead~"

Immediately, Yang Yiyun heard a scream.


But Yan Buhuan, who had already run hundreds of meters into the air, screamed. He saw Yan Buhuan's body glowing with white light, and then turned into ashes and disappeared.

At this moment Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "This... a real golden immortal died like this?"

He was so shocked. He was the real golden immortal who knocked him and the six-eared macaque to the ground with a wave of his hand. Unexpectedly, he was summoned by the old man and killed with a sword.

After swallowing, Yang Yiyun asked: "Old man... what sword are you always shouting about?"

Yun Tianxie replied calmly: "The name of the sword - Liujia, it is the Dao sword."

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