My Master Is a God

Chapter 1806 You have two masters who are gods first and then immortals

"Liujia Dao Sword? What kind of sword is that?" Yang Yiyun said to himself.

But at this time, I heard the old man say again: "Behead~"


After the second sound of the word "Zhou" was heard, Yang Yiyun heard three screams. When he looked up, he found that it was none other than Master Jiufeng, Master Tongxian and Master Wanling, the three ancestors of Sanxian being killed by the old man amidst the screams. The Liujia Taoist sword slashed down and disappeared into ashes.

In fact, Yang Yiyun didn't even see the sword killing people, he only heard the screams, and when he looked over, they had all disappeared.

Just after hearing the old man's words, he poured out the word "Zhang" twice, and Yan Buhuan, who was in the late Golden Immortal stage, and three ancestors who were at the peak of Level 6, were perished.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what Dao Sword was, but he understood the power of Dao Sword, a power that he couldn't understand yet.

The place was finally quiet~

Regardless of whether they are immortals or loose immortals, they are all dead anyway.

Without enemies, he and the monkey were out of danger.

Then three streams of light, one white, one red, and one green, flew in and began to circle around him, or in other words, around the old man. They buzzed and trembled, looking very happy.

It was the old man who dominated his body at the moment, so the sword naturally recognized him.

Yang Yiyun was a little envious. It was obvious that this was the old man's sword, and the grade was not low.

Before, I could only see a ray of white light, but now I can finally see it clearly. The three feet of the sword are as white as jade, without a trace of impurities. The mountain is flashing with halo, and it is buzzing and trembling as if it is telling the old man something. .

And a man and a woman, one red and one green, stood quietly on one side.

At this time, I only heard the old man say: "Old man, we finally meet. After today, just go back to the battlefield."


The Rokko Dao Sword trembled loudly this time.

Immediately afterwards, the sword intent soared to the sky, seeming to be responding to Yun Tianxie.

"Hahaha...Okay, okay, return to the sheath, take me into the palace to recast my immortal body, and protect this kid here." Yun Tianxie laughed and spoke to Liujia Daojian.

At this time, Yang Yiyun felt something was wrong. From what the old man meant, it seemed that... he wanted to enter the Supreme Palace by himself, without the help of his apprentice...

The key is that Yang Yiyun knows the old man's condition. His remaining soul is in the Qiankun Pot, can't he come out? Can you get out of the danger of losing your mind when you get out?

If the Qiankun Pot can be produced, will it be dangerous?

Yang Yiyun had a lot of thoughts in his mind for a moment. Just when he was about to ask the old man, he saw a man and a woman on one side of the cave, whose bodies were full of light, turning into two streams of light, and then the two streams of light, one red and one green, merged into one. The blue-red light flashed and gradually transformed into another form.

The halo dissipated in an instant, but a blue-red scabbard appeared in front of his eyes, and then the Liujia sword flashed into the sheath.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun felt the old man reach out and the Liujia Sword fell into his hand.

At this time, the old man behind let out a hollow sigh: "I know you want to talk, so if you have anything to ask, just ask, and if you have anything to say, just say it. Now that it's over, I'm afraid you and I, master and disciple, will have to part ways for a while~ "

"Uh... old man, you... what do you mean? Why can't I understand you?" Yang Yiyun ignored the old man's words when they met and only caught the last sentence.

Are you master and disciple?

Yang Yiyun's mind went blank for a moment.

He thought that the old man was going to sleep again, or that it was more serious this time. Could it be that summoning the Rokko Dao Sword to kill the immortal completely exhausted the power of his soul?

Are you going to lose your mind?

So Yang Yiyun was trembling when he was asked.

"Death... old man, I don't want to die... I... I, I... I wouldn't have let you take action if I had known earlier. I was just afraid of consuming your soul... You go back to the Qiankun Pot to raise it, it's okay... You are The Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal Supreme, it will be fine... you won’t die, old man, tell me quickly, you won’t die, right...?”

Yang Yiyun was confused. All he could think about was that the old man had exhausted his soul by summoning the Liujia Dao Sword this time, and he was afraid that he would be gone.

So Yang Yiyun is afraid...

"You bastard, you cursed me to die for my teacher? What are you thinking about? I have survived twelve tribulations of the Immortal Tribulation for my teacher. I am the only person in this era who has survived the entire tribulation of the Immortal. Do you really think that I am a teacher?" So easy to die?"

Yun Tianxie cursed, but his words were full of relief, because he knew that this was his apprentice's concern and worry for him.

This guy isn't all bad either.

Yang Yiyun was confused again. What did the old man mean? Is everything okay?

According to his understanding of the old man, since he said this, it would be fine.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Old man, since you're fine, what's the difference? You made me think you were going to die, so I was worried for nothing." Yang Yiyun cursed.

"You are just stupid, do you blame me? What I mean is that after the Supreme Palace recasts the immortal body this time, I will go to the immortal world first. Naturally, you and I, the master and the disciple, have to separate..." Yun Tianxie said quietly.

Now Yang Yiyun finally understood that the old man who was emotionally dead would return to the fairy world after reforging his immortal body?

This is a bit unexpected, but as long as the old man's soul is not dissipated, it's easy to say anything, but he is also a little disappointed.

"Old man, didn't you say before that you couldn't come out of the Qiankun Pot because of your remnant soul state? Would it be dangerous to come out?"

"Idiot, that was before, but it's different now. Besides, this is the Supreme Palace, and it's my master's dojo. Even if the soul comes out of the Qiankun Pot, nothing will happen in a short time. After entering the Supreme Palace, I have a way to protect my soul. .

Moreover, you have been practicing for nearly a thousand years in total. The Qiankun Pot recognizes you as its master. As you grow, the Qiankun Pot will naturally grow with you. Being a master in the Qiankun Pot for nearly a thousand years can be regarded as cultivating the soul.

Now it will not affect the soul. As for the Liujia Dao Sword, from the moment you step into the Supreme Mountain, I have already been connected to the Liujia Dao Sword. You can call out the Liujia Dao Sword long ago, but I want to I urge you to hone yourself more. Compared to the Immortal World, the world of cultivators is too peaceful. If you don’t have enough combat experience, you will suffer a loss in the Immortal World in the future. There are benefits to practicing more.

Summoning the Liujia Dao Sword this time will not consume your soul at all. Don’t worry, kid. The things I left in the Supreme Palace this time are still there, which is enough for me to recast the immortal body. So after recasting the immortal body this time, If you are a teacher, go to the fairy world. There are many things waiting for you to do in the fairy world..."

At this point, Yun Tianxie paused and continued: "You don't have to worry about being a master. If we are destined in the future, you and my master and apprentice will naturally meet again, but there are two things you must keep in mind.

First, when you go to the Immortal Realm in the future, please do not tell anyone that you are my disciple, Yun Tianxie, otherwise it may bring you trouble or even death..."

This time, before Yun Tianxie could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Yiyun: "Old man, don't think I can't hear it. You have enemies in the fairy world, so you're afraid of hurting me, right? Haha, I, Yang Yiyun, am your disciple of Supreme Tianxie. This It is recognized by Heaven. Do I abandon you as my master when I go to the immortal world?

In order to save my life, I don’t even dare to admit it to my master. I’m not afraid of it. Your enemies are my enemies. It is only right that the debts of the father and the son should be repaid. On the contrary, the enemies of the master are the enemies of the disciples. There is nothing to be afraid of. Since I have been practicing Taoism, Isn’t it also a matter of life and death?

You are my master, and I am your apprentice. This is a fact, and it cannot be changed even if the sky falls and the earth falls. Besides, I am not a timid person..."

"You bastard, your teacher's enemy is something you can't imagine now. Just do whatever you are told, or I will expel you from the school." Yun Tianxie yelled sternly.

Instead, Yang Yiyun was shocked and said quickly: "Okay, okay, please don't get angry. I'll just make a note of it."

"You brat, you are too stubborn to do anything. The reason why you ended up like this as a teacher is because you are too persistent. You...that's all. You kid also has your chance.

Let’s talk about the second thing. The second thing is the Qiankun Pot. After the Qiankun Pot comes out as a disciple, the Qiankun Pot may change. You guys should think about it carefully in the future.

Speaking of which, in fact, being a teacher can only be regarded as your kid’s second master, not a real master. Your kid’s first master is supposed to be the Qiankun Pot, or a certain creature in the Qiankun Pot, or maybe the world. Somehow, the person behind the Qiankun Pot is your kid’s real first master. Anyway, there are some things that I can’t explain clearly as a teacher. Things are just feelings and facts. You will definitely find the answer from the Qiankun Pot in the future.

The Qiankun Pot's Creation Technique that you were practicing back then was given by the Qiankun Pot, as well as the Qiankun Pot's Body Tempering Technique, all of which appeared inexplicably and were then passed on to you by your master.

It sounds ridiculous, why did I accept you as my disciple, but the technique you practice comes from the Qiankun Pot, and it is such a coincidence that it is more like tailor-made for you...

Although I can't figure out the secret of the Qiankun Pot, I can be very sure that the Qiankun Pot comes from Shinto, so I can sum it up in one sentence.

There are two teachers who are gods first and then immortals!

In other words, your boy has two masters. The first master is Qiankun Pot, which is the divine way, and the master is Sanxian, which is the immortal way. "

Hearing what the old man said, Yang Yiyun felt a heat in his left arm and his head felt big. It was difficult to digest what the old man said. What kind of Shinto? This was the first time he heard of it.

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