My Master Is a God

Chapter 1807 The real three realms of heaven, earth and people

The fever in his left arm could only be the Qiankun Pot, but it only passed away in a flash. Yang Yiyun thought it was an illusion and didn't pay much attention.

But listening to the old man talk, there was too much information and too many questions.

Why are the two masters first gods and then immortals?

The master is the master, and he is Yun Tianxie. Why does it involve the Qiankun Pot?

After all, the Qiankun Pot is just a mysterious magical weapon. How could it be the master?

"Old man, I'm a little confused. The Qiankun Pot is just a treasure. Why do you, old man, give me a first master?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask.

"Let's put it this way, the Qiankun Pot is indeed a magic weapon, but it is not an ordinary magic weapon. People often say that there are three realms in time, but do you know what the three realms are?" Yun Tianxie suddenly asked.

Yang Yiyun blurted out: "The three realms of heaven, earth and man."

He knew this statement when he was on Earth.

"What are the three realms of heaven, earth, and man? What do you mean by that?" Yun Tianxie continued to ask.

Yang Yiyun was a little confused about this question, but after hearing about it, he thought about it and said: "Heaven, earth, and human world are regarded as the three realms. Heaven refers to the fairy world where immortals live, and earth should refer to the world of cultivators. The human world is naturally the mortal world.”

"Haha, what you are talking about is also the understanding of many monks about the three realms. Even before I was a teacher, I also thought so. But when I reached the level of the twelve kalpas of the Loose Immortal Supreme, I truly understood what the three realms of heaven, earth and man are. .

The Three Realms are very broad, including many worlds, but they also represent three levels of living beings. First, let’s talk about the Human Realm. The Human Realm does not only refer to mortals, but all mortal creatures. The human-oriented world is called the Human Realm. For example, ordinary people who practice Taoism may gain extraordinary powers after practicing Taoism, but they are still human beings at their core.

For another example, monsters with spiritual wisdom can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and practice. In the end, they will still transform into humans. This is undoubtedly not the case with the Caimu monsters. After practicing, they will all transform into humans.

Another meaning is that humans are the primates of all things, and the core is spirituality. Everything in the world can have spirituality. In turn, it is the origin of primates (humans).

Therefore, wherever there are mortals, mortal beasts, ordinary vegetation, mountains and rocks, etc., they are all in the human world, including the entire world of cultivation, large and small. All the worlds can be said to be the human world. They are on the same world level. On the same space plane, this is the real human realm of the three realms. "

Yang Yiyun listened to the old man's detailed explanation and felt that it made sense, but he also found that the old man was too far off. He was asking about the Qiankun Pot, and the old man mentioned the Three Realms.

But think about it, since the old man said this, he may have a point, so I'm going to listen to it. Anyway, the Three Realms Speech is a big topic, and it will be beneficial for him to listen.

Listening to the old man talk about the human world, for Yang Yiyun, it really subverted his imagination and understanding of the three realms.

In the past, Yang Yiyun believed that the realm of cultivators was the earth realm, but now the old man said that the realm of cultivators is still the human realm.

He couldn't help but ask: "What about the earth realm? Is it the fairy world?"

"Yes, really speaking, the earth realm among the three realms is the fairy world, which is considered the second plane level. The fairy world is also vast. Humans, monsters, demons and other races coexist. The laws of heaven and earth in the fairy world are far stronger than those in the cultivator world. The geography The environment and other aspects are also different from those in the cultivator world..."

The old man told a lot of things about the fairy world, and Yang Yiyun wrote them all down, which would be beneficial to him when he goes to the fairy world in the future.

After the old man talked about the fairy world or the earth realm among the three realms in general, Yang Yiyun asked: "Old man, since the earth realm is the fairy world, then... what is the heaven realm among the three realms?"

This time Yun Tianxie was silent for a while before saying: "The people of the three realms of heaven and earth, headed by the heaven realm, there is no doubt that the heaven realm is the highest level of the world plane.

But many creatures in the fairy world don't know that the real heaven is actually not the fairy world. There is a higher level world above the fairy world, where should be the real heaven.

Many cultivating beings think that the immortal world is the pinnacle of cultivation. They all believe that after becoming an immortal, they will live forever, but in fact, is there any real immortal immortal in this world? It's just that he has lived longer and has never experienced a world catastrophe, so he thinks that the immortal world is the pinnacle of cultivation.

If there is immortality in this world, it must be the real heaven, the highest world above the fairy world..."

"Old man, do you know something?" Yang Yiyun heard his master Yun Tianxie's tone.

"My teacher has indeed explored a little bit. My true cultivation years are actually a long time ago. It can be traced back to the previous era. After I passed through the twelve tribulations of Sanxian as my teacher, I thought for a while that I had jumped out of the rules of heaven and would never be able to do it again. You don’t have to worry about being killed by a catastrophe. After living for several tens of thousands of years, if you don’t practice cultivation, you will think that your cultivation is at an end. You don’t have to worry about tribulation and natural disasters, and you can live happily forever... wasn't until later that the master met another giant in the fairy world, and they went to a forbidden place in the fairy world together...It was also after that time that the master knew that the fairy world was not the end, and there was definitely a high-level world above the fairy world.

Because in that place, we saw the remnants of the previous era... It was also the time when our master died, but luckily we got the Qiankun Pot, hugged the soul, and finally met you, kid.

I believe that the mystery of the Qiankun Pot definitely does not come from the immortal world. It is the origin of the gods above the immortal world. Therefore, I believe that the real heaven among the three realms should be the divine realm. There is definitely a saying in the ancient rumors that the divine realm is the only one. It is the pinnacle of cultivation, where immortal gods exist forever.

Shinto is a long-standing legend, a legend that many people don’t know, but it definitely exists. The Qiankun Pot must come from the divine world, and the Qiankun Kung Fu that your kid practices comes from the Qiankun Pot. Isn’t it Shinto?

Although I have never seen any people or spirits in the Qiankun Pot, my master's soul has not been without gains in the Qiankun Pot for so long, and I have never been idle. I have studied the world of the Qiankun Pot, and I have been in the Qiankun. Someone must be paying attention behind the pot.

If you pay more attention to the Qiankun Pot in the future, you will definitely gain something. As a teacher, I dare not and cannot compare with the inheritance of the Qiankun Pot, but I will still support you. When you grow up, after reforging the immortal body this time, I will go to the fairy world first. It's time to settle some accounts..."

Yun Tianxie's words became murderous at the end.

Yang Yiyun stopped asking questions about the old man, because he knew that asking would be in vain. The old man wouldn't tell, and he couldn't help at the moment.

"Okay, disciples have all noted it down."

"Okay, you and Monkey are here to heal. Don't go into the Supreme Palace. Entering to recast the immortal body will have strong repercussions. You can't bear it at the moment. I will give you the Liujia Sword and the Green-Red Scabbard to protect you." , don’t worry about anyone disturbing you." Yun Tianxie instructed.

Speaking of the Liujia Sword, Yang Yiyun was quite envious. He also heard the name of the Qinghong Sword. Hearing that the old man wanted to leave the Liujia Sword to protect himself and the monkey, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt excited, thinking that the old man was giving the Liujia Sword to him.

He was overjoyed and said in his heart: "Old man, do you always want to give me the Liujia sword and the green and red scabbard?"

Having seen the power of Liujia Sword in killing Jinxian Yan Buhuan, Yang Yiyun always felt envious.

"Haha, you kid is overthinking. The Liujia Sword is a Taoist sword. Whether it is a sword or a green-red scabbard, it is a spiritual creature that practices the Tao. It will only serve one master in its life. No matter what, Liujia Sword is left behind for the master. I only give you and Monkey the protector, because the time for my master to enter the Supreme Palace to recast the immortal body is uncertain. The island of loose immortals is not preserved and there are powerful loose immortals, so I am worried.

As for the Liujia Sword and the Green-Red Scabbard, don't worry about it. I used three magic weapons before I was a teacher and student, and both of them were destroyed that year. Only the Liujia Sword was because it needed time to integrate with the Green-Red Scabbard. That's why I left it in the Supreme Palace as a teacher, which can be regarded as escaping.

When your master leaves, you will take it with you. Don’t envy your master Liujia. Your dragon-slaying sword is not a mortal thing. As for whether it is a Dao sword or not, you will know if I teach you a method when your master leaves. Not a Dao sword.

If your dragon-slaying sword is a Taoist sword, you will need to find a scabbard for the dragon-slaying sword in the future. A Taoist sword with a scabbard will be complete and will be powerful when it displays its power. "

At this moment, Yun Tianxie was rarely patient with Yang Yiyun.

Yang was slightly disappointed, but he did not pester the old man. Instead, he became interested in the Dao sword and the green and red scabbard. He grinned and said: "Old man, tell me about the Liujia sword and the green and red scabbard. I always feel that They are not swords and scabbards, but people.”

"I'll ask you after you recover from your injuries. Now I'm going to enter the Supreme Palace..."

After the old man finished speaking, Yang Yiyun felt a shock all over his body. His main consciousness returned, and the Qiankun Pot pattern on his left arm began to emit hot and golden light.

At this time, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but feel nervous. He knew that the old man was about to come out of the Qiankun Pot...

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