My Master Is a God

Chapter 1809 The old man went against the will of heaven to attract hatred

Monkey had actually wanted to ask a question a long time ago and had also guessed in his mind, but he was not a talkative and curious monkey.

Liu Er had seen Yang Yiyun talking to himself before, as if he was in a daze, talking to himself.

But at that time, Liu Er was so shocked by the sword summoned by Yang Yiyun to kill Yan Buhuan that he didn't think of asking.

Later, I saw a portal appear on Yang Yiyun's left arm, and an old man with an immortal spirit walked out, and instantly entered the Supreme Palace...

What happened to Yang Yiyun was so shocking that Liu Er finally couldn't help but ask.

It's really unimaginable.

A person who is obviously a primordial spirit can actually attack the Kaitianmen and plunder the immortal power directly from the immortal world...

It is not that he has never seen strong people among the monkeys in Liuer, but it is rare to find a strong person who can possess a Tao sword, and it is even rarer to have someone who can plunder the immortal power from the immortal world with the power of the soul?

What level of existence is he?

Is it the Immortal King? Immortal Emperor? Or is it the top immortal power in the immortal world?

There were various speculations in Liu Er's mind.

Yang Yiyun heard Liu Er's question. He also came back to his senses from the shock, but he was already staring at the colorful colors gathered in the sky like water columns, and murmured: "He is my master~"

Yang Yiyun was not prepared to hide anything from the six-eared macaque.

Because everything that happened before, Liu Er saw everything. The old man borrowed his body to summon the Liujia Sword and the green and red scabbard to kill the Golden Immortal Yan Buhuan, and the method of killing the ancestors of the three loose immortals, and the changes in his aura were definitely not his. An Ascension Realm can do it.

So even if you want to hide it, you can't.

Moreover, when old man Yang Yiyun's soul came out, Liu Er also saw it.

Yang Yiyun didn't want to hide anything about Liu Er Macaque, a monkey who valued loyalty and commitment. He had decided before that he wanted to be brothers with Liu Er. In addition, the old man had now left his body or the Qiankun Pot, so there was no need to hide it.

Just tell Liu Er that the old man is your master.

After a pause, Yang Yiyun stared at the sky and continued: "My master's name is Yun Tianxie, and he is the Supreme Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations. Due to some reasons, his immortal body was destroyed, leaving only his soul...

Master and I met in my hometown, and it was also at that time that I embarked on the path of cultivation, step by step from a small world, a world that was completely mortal, to where I am now.

The Supreme Palace was a dojo where the master lived during his lifetime. He said that when I have the strength in the future, I will take him to the Supreme Palace on Sanxian Island, where he can recast his immortal body, so what happened today.

Speaking of which, my trip to the Supreme Mountain this time was also thanks to Brother Liu Er. Otherwise, I alone would not know what the outcome would be when faced with waves of Sanxian. "

Liu Er listened to Yang Yiyun's words, and his expression kept changing. When he heard Yang Yiyun say that his master's name was Yun Tianxie, his whole body was shaken.

The Supreme Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal, Yun Tianxie, is known as the Supreme Heavenly Evil. In terms of reputation and strength, he is as famous as the three giants of the immortal world, Immortal Lord. There are even rumors that Yun Tianxie is even slightly stronger than the Immortal Lord.

Because Yun Tianxie was the first person in the previous era to completely survive the twelve tribulations of the Sanxian Heavenly Tribulation, and he was the first person to survive the Sanxian.

He is so famous in the fairy world that no one knows about him.

Although Liu Er had never seen Yun Tianxie, he had heard of Yun Tianxie's name as early as a hundred thousand years ago.

But he didn't expect that Yang Yiyun was actually a disciple of Supreme Tianxie, and he had just met Yun Tianxie's soul...

"No wonder, no wonder... Only people like the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Evil can break through the void in the lower world to open the fairy gate, plunder such huge fairy power from the fairy world, and use it to reshape the fairy body for himself. He is worthy of being the supreme..." The six-eared macaque is incomparable sigh.

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised and said: "The old man is very famous in the fairy world?"

The six-eared macaque smiled bitterly when he heard Yang Yiyun casually calling Yun Tianxie "old man dead". I am afraid that Yang Yiyun was the only one in the world who dared to casually call Yun Tianxie "old man dead."

"Not only is he famous, as early as more than 100,000 years ago, the name of the Heavenly Evil Supreme was a myth in the fairy world. Let's put it this way, there are three great immortals in the fairy world. They are the powerful ones who stand at the top of the pyramid in the fairy world. Your master Tianxie Supreme is as famous as the three great immortals, and there are even rumors that he is slightly better than the immortals." The six-eared macaque said to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun listened, but he also felt a sense of pride in his heart, and whispered in a low voice: "It seems that I still muttered about the old man's strength and cultivation..."

While the two were talking, after the aftermath of the air wave passed, the sword energy barrier protecting them from the Liujia sword and the green-red scabbard was removed.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and Liu Er looked at each other again, and both of them looked surprised.

But I felt the powerful spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air gathering towards the Supreme Palace...

Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "This old man is going against the will of heaven! Isn't it enough to plunder the immortal power of the immortal world? He also wants to plunder the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on Sanxian Island. This is causing hatred..."

Yang Yiyun discovered that in addition to the immortal power of a thick bucket of sound from the sky, a steady stream of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the surrounding air also gathered towards the Supreme Palace.

I released my spiritual consciousness and felt it, but I found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from all directions within a radius of thousands of meters was converging towards the Supreme Palace, and the scope was still expanding.

Like a snake swallowing a whale, the crazy spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged into the Supreme Palace...

After the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, it began to materialize in the Supreme Palace Square.

In just a few minutes, the intensity of the spiritual energy reached an atomized state.

Yang Yiyun knew that the old man's craziness in plundering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Immortal World and Sanxian Island would inevitably attract many monks. If they were not protected, strong ones would come.

Now he finally knew that the old man's purpose of leaving the Liujia Sword was not mainly for him and the Liuer protector, but more importantly to protect them.

Such a big movement is bound to alarm the entire Sanxian Island, and even the immortals in the Immortal World will be alarmed if it is not kept intact.

It is conceivable that the people attracted will focus on him and Liu Er if they cannot enter the Supreme Palace.

"It doesn't matter, with the existence of Liujia Dao Sword, even the lower realm of immortals can't disturb your master's ability to recast the immortal body. Use your time to heal your wounds quickly, don't waste such rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth of Sanxian Dao is half as high as that of the cultivation world. Level, it has a great impact on cultivation."

The six-eared macaque could see it clearly, and immediately sat down cross-legged and began to heal his injuries. He had been seriously injured by Yan Buhuan's slap before.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and was going to sit cross-legged to recover from his injuries quickly. Maybe there would be trouble for them after a while.

At this time, he looked at Wangzai, preparing to let Wangzai enter the Qiankun Pot space. When he turned around, he found Wangzai lowering his head in front of the woman in red, as if to express his gratitude to the woman in red.

The woman in red is naturally one of the scabbards. She is also the one who pulls Wangzai into the Supreme Palace and is Wangzai's savior.

Although it is a scabbard, it is a spiritual object. Yang Yiyun looked at the green and red scabbard and said: "You two, I need to heal your wounds. Please guard the Supreme Palace. My master is recasting the immortal body. Such a big movement will definitely attract monks and cannot be disturbed." .”

After that, he said to Wangzi: "Wangzi enters the Qiankun Pot first..."

With a wave of his hand, Wangzai was taken into the space of the Qiankun Pot, and he also breathed a sigh of relief, finally having an explanation to Zhao Nan.


The Rokko sword and the green-red scabbard trembled.

But there was no conversation with him.

But the next moment, he saw the woman in red step forward and nod respectfully at him. She still didn't speak, but she stretched out a finger to touch his eyebrows.

Suddenly some information appeared in his mind, and then he knew the origin of the green and red scabbard. At this moment, he also discovered that he had some kind of connection with the Liujia Sword and the green and red scabbard.


The Liujia Sword trembled, but Yang Yiyun could understand the meaning. This was a communication with another kind of creature.

Liujia Qinghong expressed her intention and would not let anyone disturb the old man.

Yang Yiyun finally felt relieved and learned the origin of the green and red scabbard.

After having the message of the woman in red or the scabbard in his mind, Yang Yiyun understood the reason why they could not speak, and also knew that the green and red boy and girl were a human couple and a pair of disciples from a sword-making family. There was a period of suffering love, and both of them died in love in the end. After meeting the old man, it was the old man who helped them keep their souls alive, and finally turned into a green-red scabbard by chance.

We are together forever. When the two become one, they become a scabbard, and they become one body. They will never be separated.

As for being unable to speak, that was because the couple were born mute and never spoke at all. Even after they entered the path of spiritual cultivation, they were not used to speaking. Maybe they thought that not speaking was the best way.

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