My Master Is a God

Chapter 1810 The Supreme Palace is irresistible to the temptation of Sanxian

Yang Yiyun didn't know how powerful the Liujia Dao Sword was, but it was already outrageous in his eyes to be able to kill the Golden Immortal. However, he was not worried at the moment. In case of an emergency, he also sat down to recover from his injuries.

The blow to Yan Buhuan's chest was actually quite heavy.

As for the old man's situation in the Supreme Palace, Yang Yiyun couldn't see him, but he thought it was going smoothly, because the immortal power from the sky was continuously flowing down, and the spiritual energy of the world in all directions was getting stronger and stronger.

This shows that the old man's recasting of his immortal body was successful.

At this moment he could only wait.

Nodding to the Liujia sword and the green and red scabbard, Yang Yiyun sat cross-legged and began to recover from his injuries.

The situation in the Supreme Mountain changed, and the entire Sanxian Island was shaken.

All the strong and scattered immortals felt the changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and came out one after another.

However, he found that all the spiritual energy was gathered towards the Supreme Mountain, and there were colorful colors running through the sky and the earth on the horizon of the Supreme Mountain.

The first reaction of many loose immortals was that a treasure was born in the Supreme Mountain.

In other words, the Supreme Palace opened, and strange phenomena appeared in the world.

Everyone knew where the Supreme Palace was, and they all jumped towards the Supreme Mountain at once.

Scattered in a large mountain at the border of the wilderness of Sanxian Island, six rank-6 peak Sanxians gathered together.

"There is something abnormal in the Supreme Palace. I will go check it out quickly..."

"Could it be that those three old immortals broke into the Supreme Palace?"

"It's impossible. Where is the Supreme Palace? Jiu Feng and the other three old immortals don't have the strength yet. There must be other changes."

"The sects are all a group of hypocrites. They cannot be trusted. The lack of security has nothing to do with them..."

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been plundered and swept across the entire Sanxian Island. This matter is extraordinary. It is useless to say more. We will go there."


The loose immortal who is at the peak of the sixth rank of Sixth Brother is exactly the six ancestor-level figure in the casual cultivator group.

One by one they flew away.

In the wild depths of Sanxian Island, there is a powerful evil spirit soaring into the sky. The four evil spirits, green, red, blue and green, fly towards the Supreme Mountain in the blink of an eye.

The entire Sanxian Island was in chaos, and auras of different strengths and weaknesses turned into colorful rainbows and flew to the Supreme Mountain.

There are humans, there are monsters...

The Sanxian Island is dominated by the human race, but after all, the Sanxian Island is a fallen corner of the fairy world. It is a world in itself, and all living things also exist, so it is not surprising that the demon clan appears.

Moreover, Sanxian Island has been divided into two parts since its history. One is occupied by the human race and is called Sanxian City. It is actually very large, occupying more than half of Sanxian Island, but its name is Sanxian City.

The remaining half is barbaric, with powerful monsters and monsters surviving through cultivation. Basically, there is no conflict between the two, and they are relatively harmonious.

But this time, the colorful colors that penetrated the sky and the earth in the Supreme Mountain were obviously a strange phenomenon in the sky and the earth. It was very similar to what happened to the treasure of the world. The wild demon clan couldn't sit still anymore and went there one after another to get a piece of the pie.

At the top of the Supreme Mountain, Yang Yiyun and the six-eared macaque were both healing their wounds, with the Liujia Sword protector on one side.

On Sanxian Island regardless of day or night, no one knew how long time had passed. At a certain moment, figures appeared silently in the Supreme Palace Square.

Liu'er and Yang Yiyun opened their eyes one after another and saw no less than 300 loose immortals, some with third-level, fourth-level, fifth-level, and sixth-level cultivations, but the sixth-level loose immortals were less than twenty. People, and none of them are at the peak of rank six, most of them are in the early to mid-level of rank six, and there are only two in the later stage.

There is no doubt that these people are scattered immortals practicing on the 108 small peaks, 72 middle peaks and 36 large peaks of the Supreme Mountain.

Previously, Yang Yiyun killed dozens of Loose Immortals and fought against ten high-level Loose Immortals. The movement was so loud. Naturally, these Loose Immortals knew about it and hid in the dark to see it. However, Yang Yiyun and the six-eared macaque were too fierce. In the end, After reaching the top of the Supreme Mountain, these people did not dare to follow.

After the vision of heaven and earth appeared, they could no longer bear to go to the top of the Supreme Mountain, wanting to find out whether a treasure of heaven and earth had been born, or whether the Supreme Palace had been opened, so that everyone could share a piece of it. soup.

However, after coming up, I discovered that the three ancestors of loose immortals and the ten high-level loose immortals had all disappeared.

There were only Yang Yiyun, the monkey, and a scabbard with a green-red halo between the suspended white light in the Supreme Palace Square. There was no one else besides them.

Seeing this scene, many Loose Immortals were upset. Yang Yiyun and Monkey had fought with the Ten Loose Immortals before, and they had even heard the roars of the three Loose Immortal Ancestors. Although they did not come to watch the battle, they knew that the two sides had faced each other before. .

At this moment, I only looked at Yang Yiyun and Monkey sitting in the corner of the square recovering from their injuries, but did not see the three great Sanxian Ancestors and others, so there was only one possibility.

Both the top ten loose immortals and the three great ancestors were killed by Yang Yiyun and Monkey...

When thinking of this, all the Sanxian Immortals of Supreme Mountain became complicated in their hearts.

For a while, no one dared to get close.

Looking at the Supreme Palace in the distance, at this moment, the power of heaven and earth from all directions has almost gathered in the Supreme Palace. A five-color airflow as thick as a bucket poured down from the sky like a waterfall and entered the Supreme Palace.

The entire Supreme Palace was almost enveloped by the overwhelming power of heaven and earth, making it difficult to see its true appearance.

Even at this moment, while they were drinking for a thousand meters on the edge of the Supreme Palace Square, they still saw the substantial spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Each and every Sanxian gasped.

Although I don’t know what happened, judging from the situation, it must be related to the Supreme Palace.

At this time, the minds of all the Sanxian immortals became active. For the monks of Sanxian Island, the Supreme Palace was a first-class mysterious holy place. Every Sanxian dreamed of entering the Supreme Palace...

But since the Supreme Palace came into existence, no one has been able to enter, because the formation of the Supreme Palace is too powerful.

But what about now?

It seems that the Supreme Palace has opened...

The Supreme Palace is the dojo of Supreme Heavenly Evil, and he is the only person who has survived the twelve tribulations of the Loose Immortal. As a Loose Immortal, who doesn't want to survive all the Loose Immortal tribulations?

So the Supreme Palace is the place where every loose immortal dreams to enter. I want to go in and see if there is any secret method left by the Supreme to survive all the scattered immortal tribulations in the Supreme Palace?

In fact, there have been rumors on Sanxian Island for a long time that there is a secret method for overcoming all Sanxian tribulations left by the Supreme Heavenly Evil in the Supreme Palace.

At this moment, nearly three hundred Sanxian looked towards the Supreme with red eyes...

However, the presence of Yang Yiyun and Monkey in the square made all the immortals afraid to move.

The plunder of the fairy world in the Supreme Palace continues, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from all directions has been gathering continuously for a long time.

When the six-eared macaque opened his eyes, he saw these loose immortals closing their eyes again. It seemed that these loose immortals could not interest him.

Yang Yiyun glanced at Liuer, then at Liujia Sword, and closed his eyes.

With the Liujia Sword around, Yang Yiyun believed that the Liujia Sword would not let anyone enter the Supreme Palace to disturb the old man.

Although the formation of the Supreme Palace had been opened when the old man gathered thunder to hit the sky, Yang Yiyun was not worried at all.

There were nearly three hundred loose immortals, but Yang Yiyun knew that the Liujia Sword could handle them.

At a certain moment, among the two to three hundred Loose Immortals, someone finally couldn't hold it back and said: "Everyone and we have stepped on the path of Loose Immortals, which is a road of no return. Who can survive the twelve real Loose Immortal Tribulations?" The robbery to the end?

We have survived four, five, six and even seven and eight turns. Who can guarantee that we will survive the next nine or ten turns...?

It is said that the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Evil is the only person in an era who has survived all the tribulations of the Sanxian Heavenly Tribulation. I don’t need to say what this Supreme Palace means. Now that the Supreme Palace has been opened, the visions of heaven and earth appear, and wealth and honor are sought in danger. Let's all try together, maybe we can get the secret method of overcoming the tribulation left by the Supreme Heavenly Evil from the Supreme Palace... Let's rush..."

A late-level Sixth Rank Loose Immortal spoke with inflammatory remarks, and at the same time he was the first to rush towards the Supreme Palace.

The first one will lead to the second, and... there is a secret method of overcoming tribulations spread in the Supreme Palace, which is fatal to any loose immortal. No one can resist such temptation.

More than fifty people rushed past in an instant...

But the remaining loose immortals are just waiting and watching. They are all human beings. Naturally, some are smart, some are stupid, and some are scheming.

This time it was a test.

The late-level six-level Loose Immortal who was the first to instigate them retreated unknowingly, and the remaining fifty-six people rushed towards the Supreme Palace in a row.

Seeing fifty-six people rushing to the gate ten meters away from the Supreme Palace, something happened.




More than 200 Sanxian immortals in the distance widened their eyes, and fear appeared on their faces.

When they were serious, they only saw three green, red and white rays of light flickering among more than fifty loose immortals. The next moment, fifty-six loose immortals were reduced to ashes amid screams.

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