My Master Is a God

Chapter 1819 What a rogue crow

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

This bird's blood is different.

Obviously, there is indeed something different about the God and Demon Bird. Thinking about the blood of the dead tree, doesn't it mean that there will be another doctor around to restore the injury?

And blood can be used to refine elixirs and weapons~

Naturally, Yang Yiyun couldn't let Diao'er hurt the devil bird anymore.

He was afraid that Mink wouldn't be able to bear it and would disembowel the bird with one claw.

Maybe... the special thing about this bird is not its strength, but other things, anyway, the blood alone is the best proof.

As for the God and Demon Bird claiming to be the number one God and Demon Bird in the Three Realms, Yang Yiyun regarded it as bragging.

Anyway, he finally figured out that the problem bird's ability was definitely not about strength, blood was naturally one of the things he saw now.

Of course, in addition to this, being able to be adopted by the old man in the Supreme Palace, and being able to curse the old man and old bastard in return and call him Yun Tianxie by his first name also illustrates the uniqueness of this problematic bird.


Diao'er was dissatisfied with Yang Yiyun for stopping him from beating the devil bird, and squeaked in protest.

"Forget it, this problem bird was left by the dead old man. We don't know it the same way..." Yang Yiyun could only comfort Diao'er.

On the other side, the devil bird has recovered from its wounds and is smoothing its feathers while still cursing...

"Damn weak chicken, weak chicken, weak chicken, I am because... because because... ah ah ah... because I can't remember why, I can't show my strength, otherwise I can stare you to death with one look, In my eyes, you are all weak chickens, weak chickens, super weak chickens..."

The demon bird's curses became more and more angry and showed no sign of stopping.

Yang Yiyun's face became darker and darker as he listened. He also heard what the God and Demon Bird seemed to say, that he had no strength for some reason.

He was so arrogant even though he had no strength. Yang Yiyun was also drunk.

"Ahem... stop scolding, I will take you away under the master's orders..." Yang Yiyun said to the God and Demon Bird with a dark face.

"What can I do if I just scold you? You, you and Yun Tianxie, you are all weak chickens, old bastards, little bastards, little bastards, weak chickens, weak chickens, weak chickens..." The curses of the God and Demon Bird became more and more intense. Getting more and more energetic.

"Go ahead, Mink. Don't kill it. Just pluck all its feathers first..." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said. ,

"Squeak~" The mink nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, wishing that Yang Yiyun would open his mouth and teach this troublesome bird that hated chewing.


The next moment the God Demon Bird heard Yang Yiyun speak, his voice stopped.

"You little bastard... take care of your mink. Don't use force against me. I am a gentle and elegant god and devil bird. If you dare to be disrespectful to me, Yun Tianxie will not let you go. Your master will not dare to be disrespectful to me." .”

The sound of plucking all its feathers finally made the god-demon bird restrain itself, but its mouth was still very broken.

"Again, please go away, don't force me to let the mink pluck all your hair~" Yang Yiyun spoke to the devil bird with narrowed eyes and a smile, finally finding the weakness of this problem bird.

"How dare you, boy? If you dare to be disrespectful to me, don't even think about getting the body-holding technique from me." The God-Demon Bird suddenly spoke.

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard what the God and Demon Bird was saying: "How did you know that I wanted to use the Body Holding Technique?"

"I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. I know exactly what you are thinking." The god and demon bird said proudly.

Yang Yiyun was really surprised now.

He wanted to learn the body-holding technique before. After seeing the old man immobilize the four demons, he remembered the mythical movies he had watched when he was a child, etc., and his obsession became a little heavy.

But I just thought about it in my heart, but I never mentioned it to anyone.

This problem bird can actually understand his own thoughts?

Or can you say that you can see through the minds of other living beings?

It would be interesting if this were true.

"You...can you know what other people are thinking? Do you also know the immobilization spell?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The demon bird guy was so proud that he tilted his neck and made it look like his nostrils were pointing upwards. Of course, the bird's nostrils should still be there.

"That's right, I have more abilities than that."

"Do you know what I'm thinking about now?" Yang Yiyun probed.

The next moment, the god and demon bird cursed loudly: "You little bastard, don't think about naming me again - crow. I'm telling you, you weakling. I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms, not a crow."

Hearing the curse of the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun laughed, but his smile was a little gloomy.

He confirmed that the problem bird did have the ability to know what others were thinking.

At this time, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said with a sinister smile: "Are you looking at what I'm thinking about right now?"

The God Demon Bird disdainfully said: You little bastard is thinking... uh... forget it, I will follow you. Don't worry, I have no fighting ability and will not harm you. As long as you treat me better in the future. , I can teach you the secret method, guaranteed to be first-class.

And I won’t run away. That old bastard of your master took away something that is related to my life and fortune. If I were to kill you, your bastard master would destroy something like mine, so you don’t have to worry. "

After the demon bird finished speaking, it flapped its wings and flew up. It means let's go. I will follow you from now on. You don't have to worry about the rest.

"Haha, it's good to know, then let's go - crow." After Yang said that, he turned around and left, and the magic bird followed him and flew behind him.


At this time, Diao Er, who was squatting on Yang Yiyun's shoulder, opened his mouth and asked Yang Yiyun what was in his mind that made this problem bird so well-behaved?

Yang Yiyun touched Diao'er's head, smiled and walked back without saying anything.

Only he himself knew that he had murderous thoughts in his heart just now.

Let the God and Demon Bird see what he was thinking for the second time. In fact, Yang was thinking for the second time, 'If this problem bird can only understand other people's inner thoughts, if it can't be used by him, then it will be killed directly. ’

When thinking about this sentence, Yang Yiyun just stared at the God and Demon Bird, and he was indeed thinking of killing.

So the magical bird suddenly became obedient.

All living beings are afraid of death, or even fear of death.

Even the problem bird that claims to be the number one god and demon bird in the Three Realms.

With a thought of killing, Yang Yiyun also learned from the mouth of the devil bird that this bird had some weakness that was controlled by the old man.

No wonder the old man didn't leave him any secret method to control this bird.

It's not that it didn't happen, but the old man had already thought of it and had taken care of it for him.

Perhaps this bird was indeed extraordinary, and the old man was afraid that he would not be able to deal with it, so before leaving, he directly solved the problem of controlling the magical bird, so that the problem bird could follow him obediently.

So far it seems that this problem bird does have some skills.

Yang thought that he should not be in a hurry and study the bird slowly later.

Just now, Ye tentatively called a crow, but it didn't dare to refute.

Now I feel relieved.

Then Yang Yiyun walked out of the Supreme Palace with Diao'er and the Divine Demon Bird.

The appearance of the six-eared macaque outside has been going on for a long time.

"How is Yunzi?"

Sister Mei stepped forward.

Yang Yiyun pursed his lips and dodged to reveal the magical bird behind him and said: "It's this crow, I found it."

"What a crow~" Tianhu stepped forward and said.

The God and Demon Bird's eyes widened: "Hey, little fox, I am the number one God and Demon Bird in the Three Realms, not a crow. Don't listen to the nonsense of this little bastard Yang Yiyun. You can call me Lord God and Demon Bird, or you can call me Master Bird." , I..."

"Shut up, what are you talking about? I'll just pluck out all your feathers. From now on, you'll be called a crow, a crow, a crow, do you understand?" Yang Yiyun started up again when he heard the magical bird's rambles. It was as if he was chanting sutras. It gave me a headache, so I yelled at it.

The God-Demon Bird's musings stopped, and he looked at Yang with some fear and said, "I understand, I understand, I understand. Actually, I think the name Crow is a good one. It's very good. Maybe I'm an ancestor." Some of them are of Uzbek descent.

Well, this little fox is quite cute. When he transforms into a human, he should have breasts and a butt. The fox tribe is born with charm. It is a perfect cauldron of dual cultivation. It can rank among the top three in the three realms of kung fu in bed.

You kid are lucky. When I turn into a human being, you kid will also find me thousands of children, eighty thousand women, and millions of pairs of cultivators. evil head, what happened to me? I am supposed to be able to turn into a human being. , but what is going on now, how did it turn into this weak body? I need to think about it carefully, what went wrong? I..."

"Damn crow, can you shut up and stop chanting? Say one more word, and I will let Diao'er pluck him naked and grill him, believe it or not?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt the devil bird once. The goods started running trains as they talked.

The key is that what it said made Tianhu's face turn red and made him, the owner, very embarrassed~

What he didn't expect was that this questionable bird actually seemed to know everything. Yang Yiyun was afraid that if it continued talking, it might spit out some indecent and embarrassing words.

What a rogue crow!

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