My Master Is a God

Chapter 1820 You have such a strong taste

Yang Yiyun angrily roared at the devil bird, which made Sister Mei couldn't help but laugh, and said: "What are you arguing with a crow? I can see it. There is indeed something wrong with this crow, as long as it doesn't make a big mistake, forget it."

In Sister Mei's eyes, Yang was furious at the moment.


Yang Yiyun took a deep breath. He also knew that this problem bird had a brain problem and was probably born with a bad mouth. It would make him mad to argue with it, so he had better leave it alone. He was afraid that the problem bird would make him mad and go crazy.

When the demon bird heard Sister Mei speak for it, it immediately became happy and said: "Oh, there are still people who understand. This little dragon is sensible. Hey... the body is a dragon, the soul is a dragon, but the true soul is a human being... Your little golden dragon is quite interesting!

Little girl, Mr. Bird, I have a suggestion for you. In the future, you should practice more on the fusion of the soul and the true soul. Although you are still cultivating into the body of a true dragon, there is still no fusion between the true soul and the soul. If this continues, you will never Without the true talent inheritance of the dragon clan, it can only be a pseudo-dragon.

And it will become more and more difficult for you to practice in the future. You will focus your practice too much on the bloodline. Although the Dragon Clan inheritance is a bloodline inheritance, it is just a cover. The entire Dragon Clan talent inheritance lies in the dragon soul. That is the real inheritance. You Now I only have the body of the divine beast, but no soul of the divine beast~"

As soon as Shen Mo Niao finished speaking, Sister Mei was shocked all over.

Yang Yiyun was also extremely surprised. He looked at the magic bird. He didn't expect that this bird in question really had something in its belly. He had revealed Diao'er's identity and the characteristics of Tianhu's fox clan before, and now he was talking about it again. Sister Mei said so many words, and every word sounded meaningful.

Almost all of Sister Mei's secrets were revealed in one breath, and she also talked about the shortcomings of Sister Mei's cultivation. Judging from the way Sister Mei was shaken all over, she should have hit the nail on the head.

Now Yang Yiyun re-examines this problem bird.

"Maybe I should be more tolerant of this problem bird..." Yang Yiyun said to himself.

As for Sister Mei, when she heard the magic bird talking to her at this moment, her heart was far from as calm as she seemed on the surface, and she was already in a state of turmoil.

It is true that when she was on the earth, she was completely implicated by Yang Yiyun, but in the end, her soul entered the Qiankun Pot and entered the body of a dragon fish. After that, the Qiankun Pot changed again. She transformed and practiced in the Qiankun Pot, and transformed from a dragon step by step. The fish evolved into the body of a golden dragon.

But as this bird said, her cultivation has always been focused on bloodline or physical cultivation, and she has not paid attention to the dragon soul, because she is fundamentally a human being. She has always practiced transformation to become a real dragon. To the point where she always felt that her strength was not on par with the legendary beast, the real dragon.

Over the years, she did feel that her cultivation direction seemed to be different, but she couldn't figure it out. Now when she heard what this bird said, Sister Mei's mind suddenly clicked. Thinking about it, her problem was really a problem. That's what he said.

In the final analysis, her soul is essentially that of a human being, not a dragon. If she wants to obtain the inherited power of a true true dragon, she must transform into a true dragon from the inside out.

But for Sister Mei, she has no idea how to transform her soul into a true dragon soul so that she can have a complete dragon soul.

So after listening to the story of the magic bird, Sister Mei's eyes lit up. She knew that since this bird could tell her problem to the point, there must be a solution, a way to let her essence How to transform your soul into a true dragon soul.

At this time, Sister Mei glanced at Yang Yiyun. Since the bird was left to Yang Yiyun by Yang Yiyun's master, then Yang Yiyun is the owner. The best way is to let Yang Yiyun talk to the bird about this problem.

And Yang Yiyun also understood what Sister Mei meant.

Yang Yiyun immediately looked at the Divine Bird and said, "Crow, do you have a way to solve the problem of Sister Mei converting the dragon soul?"

"Of course I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. This little girl's problem is weak to me. It's very simple. Why is this little dragon your wife? Are you so concerned about me?" The god and demon bird at this moment He still talks like crazy and is very arrogant.

"You answered correctly, she is my wife." Yang said impulsively as he strangled the bird to death.

Shen Mo Niao Yile exaggerated: "Wocao, you have such a strong taste that even the dragons won't let you go... ah, little bastard, why are you beating me... ah... ah, ah, ah, don't hit me, don't hit me... …”

"If you keep talking nonsense, watch me pluck out your feathers and tear your mouth apart. From now on, you should respect my wife. I am your master now, and Sister Mei is your mistress. How to solve this problem?" What's the problem with Sister Mei?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but beat the devil bird after all. Of course, he did it in a measured manner, that is, to scare him. He was really afraid that the bird's tiny body would be accidentally beaten to death by him.

In fact, Yang Yiyun found that the bird in question was actually very resistant to beatings. There was no energy fluctuation in its body, but it could withstand his beatings.

"Ahhhhh...weak chicken, weak are such a big weak chicken, how dare you hit me, wow, how much hair I have lost, you weak chicken, I won't tell you how to do it, I'm so mad at you, so mad at you, that you're going to beat me up, and you're so damn master? I'm so pissed off...

If it weren't for that old bastard Yun Tianxie who threatened me to follow you, a weakling, I would want you to wipe my ass. You weakling wanted to ask for help from me, but you actually used violence against me...?

I hate you so much. If you wait for me to remember my past memories and regain my great magical powers, there will definitely be thousands of ways to make you, a weakling, kneel down and beg me..."

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that this guy would get more and more energetic as he fought, and instead of correcting himself, he started yelling at himself.

His face was full of black lines and he said: "Diao'er, come on, don't kill me~"


Diao'er had long been displeased with the black and white bird. After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he squeaked, full of excitement, and rushed towards the magic bird with a swish.

Yang Yiyun really didn't dare to beat this problem bird. He was afraid that he would be beaten to death if he couldn't help it.

Let Diaoer take action. The two of them are about the same size, so it's suitable.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” I admit defeat...I...ah...Master, I don’t dare anymore..."

The demon bird let out a scream like a killing pig, and was mounted by Mink, waving its little claws... Feathers were flying all over the sky...

"Diao'er, stop." Yang Yiyun felt secretly happy, Diao'er still had to deal with this guy!

In the blink of an eye, the mink plucked all its feathers and turned into a bare, white-striped chicken.

There were also blood marks on the body. Yang Yiyun knew that the blood on this problem bird was valuable and could not be wasted. He also heard the bird asking its owner to beg for mercy, so he asked Diaoer to stop.


Diao'er was extremely satisfied and released the magic bird from its claws.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked at the naked body of the demon bird, which was very funny, but at the next moment, Yang Yiyun saw that the dark purple lines on this guy's skin were all over the body, and it looked really mysterious.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the streaks on this guy's body flickering, and the dark feathers sprouted out again, but they only grew a little bit, like lanugo, covering the body more or less, but It's not growing either.

It should also take time.

"Are you convinced?" Yang asked with a grin.

The magic bird opened its mouth and roared angrily: "You are weak..."

Looking at the posture, this guy actually wanted to break his mouth again, so Yang snorted coldly: "Humph~ Diao'er~"

"Zhizhi~" Diao'er cooperated very well.

"Uh... Now that you've accepted it, don't come here. It's not easy for me to grow feathers. Leave your woman's affairs to me and I will take care of them for you."

This time the magic bird learned to be smart.

"Haha, it can't be solved. You will never grow feathers on your body. I will let the mink supervise you." Yang narrowed his eyes and threatened the magic bird feathers.

Although this guy was convinced, he still kept talking about me. His words were too shabby, and he knew he couldn't change them, so he didn't care.

Turning back to look at the four demons in the distance who were still keeping their frozen bodies, Yang Yiyun turned his eyes and asked the God and Demon Bird: "See if those four demon cultivators have body-fixing skills on them?"

"Hehe...please beg me~" The god and devil bird is so mean and so mean, here it comes again~

Yang Yiyun's face was full of black lines. He knew that this guy was really mentally ill. He had just been taught a lesson and he didn't remember it.

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