My Master Is a God

Chapter 1821 Law and Taoism

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"Speak carefully, otherwise... I will grill you directly this time." Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and said to the little Phoenix: "Shanhong Fireproof~"

Little Phoenix nodded and a purple flame flashed out of his hand.

"Ah...Phoenix Flame, there is actually a phoenix beside you...? No, no, no, please put the little phoenix away. Children can't play with flames. I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously. I'll tell you right now. , what is the body-holding technique? It is a good thing to be eager to learn, and I like people who are eager to learn..."

As soon as the flames of the little phoenix came out, the tone of the demon bird changed, and his words became as thick as a city wall.

If you say you are weak, you will be weak, and if you say hard, you will be hard. Yang Yiyun was helpless with this problem bird.

The problem bird was finally suppressed.

"I don't have much patience with you anymore. Since you can know what others are thinking, then tell me what you want to know. Otherwise, I don't mind disobeying the teacher's orders, let alone whether you are a three-dimensional god or devil." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes. Said to the magic bird.

Maybe he felt or really knew that Yang Yiyun was not watching the joke. The magic bird didn't dare to prick it now. He tilted his neck and glanced at Yang Yiyun before saying: "I'm afraid of you, you weakling. I'm telling you. Already..."

The God and Demon Bird finally succumbed to Yang's lust and told Yang Yiyun the technique of immobilization.

But Yang Yiyun was dubious about the God and Demon Bird.

In his mind, it was just what a bird said, and it was not very credible.

According to the fixation technique taught to him by this problematic bird, it was actually a one-word law rune.

The way of teaching was a bit out of tune. After he was hurt and pecked, a word appeared in his mind the next moment.

But a distinctive character.

Yang Yiyun didn't know it, but he could understand the meaning of this character. The literal meaning was the way of law.

It's the avenue.

A kind of understanding of the law of Tao. As long as you understand it, you can use yourself as a medium to change the power of the law within a certain range. You can also gather this power on one or a single object to achieve your goal.

Just like the four demons, it was this power that locked and imprisoned the body.

Of course, if you want to use it successfully, you need your own strength, soul, etc., otherwise it will not only be ineffective but also suffer backlash from the opponent.

Just like in the treatment, it is naturally impossible for a golden elixir to immobilize an Ascension Realm cultivator.

The standard of measurement is that one's own soul power is stronger than the opponent's.

The note pronounced by one character is ‘Lin’!

However, the runes are very mysterious and contain a lot of information, which is as mysterious as the Eight Classics.

According to the words of gods, demons and birds, this is called Dao Wen, the Wen of the Great Way.

One Taoist text is enough for him to understand it for a long time. If he can understand this Taoist text thoroughly, he will benefit a lot from the magical powers he has learned.

The art of fixation is just one of them.

The power of Dao Wen lies in the understanding, which is all-encompassing.

Later, the God Demon Bird asked Yang Yiyun to experience it carefully, and then he targeted the four demons to feel the Taoist laws of the four demons. Whether he could evolve and comprehend the body-holding technique would depend on his own destiny. .

Yang Yiyun was skeptical, but waiting for the six-eared macaque to wake up would take time anyway, and he had plenty of time to understand.

Arriving in front of the four demons, Yang Yiyun was ready to give it a try.

After closing his eyes, the characters taught by the God and Demon Bird in his mind were shining brightly...

When his consciousness focused on this character, his mind suddenly buzzed. Then his consciousness shook, and he seemed to feel many things appearing invisibly, like water bubbles suspended in the sky one by one, and similar to the breeze. , like being in heavy rain, the ocean, dust, mist, or clouds...

Anyway, this feeling is very mysterious. He seems to feel many objects and so on. It is really an all-encompassing feeling.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly appeared on the other side with a similar substance, and the direction he identified was exactly where the four demons were in front of him.

There is some kind of invisible and weight-bearing material element in the four major bodies, and it roars with an element or an element in the Taoist text in the mind.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that it should be the law of the body-holding technique on the four demons.

Next, Yang Yiyun tried to understand this relatively profound power...

I didn't have any clue at the beginning, I just went with my feelings and felt it. According to the Divine Demon Bird, this Taoist text is actually a secret method of cultivation based on the power of laws.

This is the secret method of practicing true magic.

The previous spells could not be called spells in the true sense. At best, they were techniques, which were practiced by condensing the mana and aura in the body.

It is the most superficial thing in the way of cultivation.

A true spell can only be called a spell if it has a method and a technique. This core is the power of law. Using the power of the laws of heaven and earth as a medium to gather the power of heaven and earth, and combining the virtual and the real, is magic.

Therefore, the word "Dao Wen Lin" taught to Yang Yiyun by the Divine Demon Bird is a mental secret for practicing magic.

The true path of law that can be linked to the power of heaven and earth.

It is not unreasonable to say that in the world of cultivation, all methods must be summed up.

At first, Yang Yiyun thought that there would be great obstacles in understanding and researching the rules and secrets taught by the God and Demon Bird.

However, when he felt it carefully, he found that it was not as difficult as he thought.

The key point is that he has the Linzi Daowen in his mind, which is equivalent to having the key to enter the world of laws and magic.

Of course, this thing does require comprehension talent. At the beginning, he had no idea what these things he felt were...

However, when he felt the power of the four demons, he understood in an instant that all methods had similarities, and it was like opening a door to a new world.

I figured out that the Linzi Dao Wen in my mind was a secret of cultivation, and the laws that existed between heaven and earth were like the various auras of heaven and earth. However, the power of these laws still needed to be connected with auras of various attributes in order to be displayed. The spell comes.

To be precise, this is Taoism!

True Taoist power.

The secret, the power of laws, and the various energies between heaven and earth are combined to form Taoism.

With the secret method of Linzi, Yang Yiyun felt the attributes of various laws. Of course, according to the magic bird, the power of laws can be summed up in one sentence - there are ten thousand laws in the world.

That is to say, there are thousands of laws in the world.

But not much can be felt, and even less can be used after feeling it.

Everything requires the medium of chance.

After knowing the laws and sensing the laws, you still need to find something you can control and someone you can get close to, and finally you can gather it into Taoism.

The first thing Yang Yiyun felt was a relatively heavy power of law on the four demons. Thinking about it now, it was the so-called body-holding technique.

In fact, it is not called body-fixing technique, but law-based Dao technique.

The Linzi Dao Wen taught by the God and Demon Bird is only a foundation. At most, it is the evolution of some laws and Taoism that can immobilize the body.

Every Taoist skill needs to be understood and practiced by oneself. Only when you can finally perform it can it be regarded as your own Taoist skill.

The body-holding skills currently possessed by the four demons may be the Taoist skills left by his old man, so Yang Yiyun quickly mastered them.

With a thought in his heart, facing the heavy power of the four demons, he activated the power of law and tried to absorb the power of Taoism from the four demons...

The next moment, Yang Yiyun contacted the power trapped in the four major demons, and then the four demons, who had been fixed in one position for a long time, were finally able to move.

But Yang Yiyun silently recited a Taoist secret in his heart: "Ding~"

The four demons who had just moved froze their bodies again.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. He knew that he had learned the law of Taoism, or it would be appropriate to call it the body-fixing technique. He had learned the body-holding technique.

To be precise, he was introduced to the secret method of Dao Wen Linzi.

Although it was just a Taoist word, Yang Yiyun knew that he could comprehend many small Taoist techniques similar to the body-fixing technique.

Of course, minor magic is what God and Demon Birds call it, but to him, this is indeed a major magic.

When I tried to understand other elements of the law, I couldn't make any progress several times.

Yang Yiyun knew that this kind of thing should not be rushed. He was already good at mastering a Taoist technique. If he was greedy for more, he would just study more in the future. Moreover, there was a magic bird here, so he didn't have to worry about this.

At this time, Yang Yiyun finally had a complete change of view on the magical bird. This guy... might really be a bird with a big story.


At this moment, a dull sound came to mind. Yang Yiyun put away his mind and looked quickly, but he saw that the six-eared macaque's body was glowing with light and it finally woke up.

Under the pressure of the giant hand in the sky, the six-eared macaque was a blessing in disguise. It forced out its potential and entered a state of self-protection.

When the golden light like the cocoon of the six-eared macaque egg dissipated.

A monkey with darker hair appeared in Yang Yiyun's sight, with a demonic aura rising to the sky, and a whirlpool aura formed around him that condensed the power of heaven and earth.

There is no doubt that Monkey's strength has greatly improved. Yang Yiyun cannot tell what level he is at now.

But he was happy for the monkey anyway.

"Congratulations to Sixth Brother for making a further step in your cultivation." Yang Yiyun walked to Liu Er with a smile.

"This time it's a blessing in disguise. You're not bad either." Liu Er's cultivation has improved greatly, and he was in a good mood when he spoke.

"The matter is finally over. Thank you Brother Liu'er this time." Yang Yiyun cupped his fists and saluted Liu'er seriously.

But Liu Er waved his hand to stop him from bowing.

"Since you kid said that you and I are going to be brothers, there's no need to be polite. Could it be that you don't think of me as a brother?" Liu'er stared, pretending to be angry.

When Yang Yiyun heard Liu Er talking like this, he was immediately overjoyed. He had said before that if he didn't die this time, he would become brothers with Liu Er. Regardless of whether Liu Er recognized him or not, he would regard Liu Er as his brother.

Of course, the six-eared macaque has never expressed its stance.

Now that I heard Liu Er talking, I was finally sure.

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