My Master Is a God

Chapter 1823 A different kind of demon

The two brothers, White Dragon and White Phoenix, heard a trembling sound behind them and heard someone calling their names.

White dragon and white phoenix!

No one has shouted these two names for hundreds of years, and shouting them in the mine will always be the sound of a whip.

After hundreds of years, these twin white apes have become numb.

Apart from their parents, there are only a handful of people in the world who can call them by their names, and only the second uncle Yunmen's family can be counted.

The white dragon and the phoenix turned their heads, and sure enough, not far behind them, it was the familiar person, the white-haired second uncle Yang Yiyun.

A man with flowing white hair.

"Second uncle..." The two brothers and sisters spoke tremblingly almost at the same time.

"It's me~"

Yang Yiyun felt sad when he saw a pair of little white apes. He never thought that they would talk about such scenes when they met at Yunmen in the Mountain and Sea Realm.

It can be seen that they have suffered a lot, and the originally shining white hair on their bodies has turned completely gray and is covered with dirt and dust.

The transformed body was as tall as their parents, but as thin as bones and looked tortured.

Yang Yiyun has also done mining, especially mineral veins in the Cultivator Realm. He was the only one who dug the spirit stone mine in the Mountain and Sea Realm, and also narrowly escaped death.

When he was working as a miner and escaping, he met Bailong Baifeng's parents and later became sworn friends.

After hundreds of years, Yang Yiyun never thought that the two children who were now sworn brothers would one day work as miners.

"Second uncle...wuwu..."

The next moment Bai Feng looked at Yang Yiyun and started crying.


Yang Yiyun lifted the magic seal on them with a wave of his hand.

Although it is the territory of the demon tribe, there are still mana restrictions on the treatment of miners, otherwise it is easy to cause trouble. After all, there are a lot of demon cultivator miners in a mine, and it is difficult to manage without restraints.

Yang Yiyun waved to the white dragon and white phoenix again, using his Taoist luck to condense the water element in the air and wash away the dirt from their bodies.

The next moment, the two white apes, the white dragon and the phoenix, transformed into a boy and girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. They were still very handsome. This was also the first time Yang Yiyun saw the white dragon and the phoenix in their transformed form.

When they were in the Shanhai Realm, they had not yet transformed into humans.

Then it was a family reunion scene...

Sister Mei, Hei Hu and others stood watching from a distance, and it was Hei Hu who was suffering the most.

Because this mine is under his jurisdiction, but he has no idea about White Ape's capture of Black Fox. The big demon in the square managed by his subordinates is responsible.

She only talked about the white ape when she was inspecting the mine. Because the snow-white ape race is rare, she had a memory, otherwise she would have forgotten it.

But what about now?

Looking at the relationship between Yang Yiyun and a pair of little white apes, Black Fox was always afraid that Yang Yiyun would anger her. After Black Fox arrived at the scene early, the leader of the mine saw that it was the big boss who was coming. Black Fox did not say anything or dared. Come and see.

Half an hour later, Yang Yiyun finally listened to Bailong Baifeng's story, and then realized that there was another reason why they were able to come to this mine.

I originally thought that everything was the work of the black fox, and I thought about killing the black fox to vent the anger on the two children. But now I know that is not the case. Speaking of which, I have to thank the big monster in the mine who caught them, otherwise their brother and sister would have died long ago. .

In the story of Bai Long Baifeng, Yang Yiyun learned that when they left Shanhaihai to enter the realm of cultivators, they actually did not take the passage where Taixuanzong was, but followed the demon clan of Shanhai Realm and took another path, but the result was For some unknown reason, he appeared directly in the wilderness of Sanxian Island.

Then the nightmare began. The enemy they encountered in the wilderness was not the strength of the mine or the power of the black fox demon clan, but a demon.

What is a demon?

It's a different kind of demon cultivating into a demon.

That time there were five thousand demon cultivators who entered Sanxian Island from the Mountain and Sea Realm, but ninety-nine percent of them died, and only their brothers and sisters survived.

According to Bai Long Baifeng, that demon was a demon wolf that was filled with demonic aura, viciousness, cruelty, and yin energy. It was so terrifying that their parents and other demon cultivators were sucked dry of their essence by the demon in one breath.

As for the two of them being able to survive, it was entirely because their parents burned their essence and forcibly used the secret method of the White Ape clan to send them away from the Shura field at that time, and they escaped with their lives. Of course, according to Bailong Bailong, they could escape. , it is also possible that the demon wolf did not take a fancy to their essence and their cultivation was too weak. Otherwise, if they had chased them at that time, they would not have been able to escape death even if their parents had the secret method to burn their essence.

After that, the brother and sister fled for their lives, but they were captured by the big demon under Black Fox and became miners in the mine here for hundreds of years.

Another point is that Bailong said that he felt the aura of the demon wolf again and reached near the mine, but later retreated for unknown reasons.

Now that I think about it, it was probably because the Demon Wolf didn't want to be involved with the black fox that he didn't attack the white dragon and white phoenix who fled to the mine. Therefore, after talking about the mine, he was protected in a way.

"Second uncle, please avenge my parents."

As soon as Bai Long opened his mouth, Bai Feng followed suit and knelt down to Yang Yiyun.

"Get up." Yang Yiyun roared in a deep voice.

White Dragon and White Phoenix did not kneel down.

Yang Yiyun looked at the two brothers and sister and said: "We are all one family. Don't say anything about whether we beg or not in the future. Your father and I are sworn brothers. Although I am a human and he is a demon, this does not affect our mutual respect at all. I swear that we will Find that demonic wolf and avenge your parents."

"Thank you, uncle, we will follow his arrangements." The two little white apes knew that from this moment on, they were finally free.

After understanding the situation, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, turned around and focused his attention on the black fox.

The next moment Yang Yiyun didn't even speak, the black fox was already trembling and knelt down and said: "Master Mingjian, the little fox doesn't know about the white ape. The arrest of the demon cultivator and the mining are all done by his subordinates. My subordinates don’t care about anything, so please be careful, Master.”

After the black fox spoke, his head fell to the ground.

"Get up, I know this. Bailong and Baifeng are my nephews. I have been angry for hundreds of years and can't just let it go. Do you understand what I mean?" Yang Yiyun narrowed his voice and spoke.

"Yes, I understand. Master, please rest assured. Black Fox will definitely give an explanation to Master Bai Long and Miss Bai Feng." Black Fox breathed a sigh of relief, spoke quickly, then stood up and disappeared in a whoosh.

The next moment, screams were heard all around...

But it was Black Fox who killed all the men in the mine in one go.

Yang Yiyun did not stop him and allowed the black fox to kill all her demon cultivators.

No matter what, the white dragon and the phoenix have suffered here for hundreds of years.

According to Yang's protective character, he must be angry.

If Black Fox hadn't already called him the essence and blood, the first person he would kill would be Black Fox.

A few minutes later, Black Fox came over covered in blood, stood in front of Yang Yiyun, and was restored to life.

"End the mine and let go of all the demon cultivator miners, including the three of you. Remember, this is all the mines under your jurisdiction. I hate mining." Yang said very reportedly. Indeed, he was arrested back then. Been a miner.

Everything is a shadow in my heart.

Regardless of whether he is a human or a demon cultivator, they are all the same in Yang's eyes.

"Yes, we will remember the master's rendezvous and will immediately disband all the mines within our jurisdiction." The four demons spoke quickly.

The fate of the four of them is already in Yang Yiyun's hands, and they will definitely follow Yang Yiyun to leave Sanxian Island. There is no use keeping the mine.

Besides, we can’t dig out any immortal stones, so just disband!

Yang Yiyun was quite satisfied with the attitude of the four demons. After nodding, he asked: "Do you know about the demon wolf?"

As soon as these words came out, the four demons were all shocked, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Seeing this scene in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he knew that the four black fox demons knew about it.

Sure enough, after the four demons looked at each other, the black fox said: "Reporting to the master, we know that it is a taboo in the wild depths of Sanxian Island, a different kind of demon, which conflicts with the ancient demons in the wild depths.

But that place has been sealed since the history of Sanxian Island. It is said that the people suppressing the supreme demon possessed by the demon clan. However, in history, demonic energy occasionally leaked out, swallowing wild monsters or demon cultivators. Transformed into an evil and powerful demon.

The demonic wolf you mentioned, Master, should have been caused by the leakage of demonic energy in that place, and the existence of our four forces is to guard the Demonic Valley. This is a rule passed down from generation to generation, but since tens of thousands of years ago, we have not Go and pay attention to the Demon Valley. "

"Why don't you care?" Yang Yiyun asked in a deep voice.

"Because our ancestors have died many, many times, and every time the demonic energy leaks, many demon clans will die. We... the four of us are the last bloodline of our respective clans. We don't want to exterminate the clans, plus Demonic energy will not come out of the Demon Valley. As long as no demon cultivators enter, it will be fine.

I’ve never heard of the demon wolf you mentioned. It’s most likely the demon wolf that ran into the Demon Valley and was demonized. The master’s place is too evil and scary. It’s better not to go there, even if the demon fairy is there. In the history of our four tribes, anyone who enters the Demon Valley will not end well. "The black fox had a look of fear in his eyes as he spoke.

Now Yang Yiyun was surprised.

Is Demon Valley really that powerful?

No matter what, he had already sworn in front of Bai Long and Baifeng that he would avenge his sworn brother Bai Qi and his wife, and he couldn't just let it go.

Looking at the four demons, he said: "mobilize all the demons under your command to find the demon wolf from the wilderness. If you can't find me, go to the demon valley and kill those who worship my elder brother. No matter they are demons or demons, I will kill them." There is a result.”

"Yes, I will make arrangements now."

The four demons answered in unison.

A month later, the black fox, mad lion, silver eagle and red-headed centipede mobilized all their monsters in the wild wilderness of Sanxian Island, digging almost three feet into the entire wilderness without a trace of the demon wolf.

Of course, there is only one place I haven’t been to, and that is Demon Valley.

So Yang Yiyun decided to go to the Demon Valley. He wanted to see what the demons were capable of after turning into demons, or what kind of place the Demon Valley was.

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