My Master Is a God

Chapter 1824 Identical Demon Suppressing Altar

Deep in the wilderness, Yang Yiyun came under the leadership of the four black fox demons.

Except for the God and Demon Bird, everyone around him had been put into the Qiankun Pot space for the sake of insurance.

Speaking of approaching this place, it is an unknown place.

Even the four great black fox demons who have been guarding the Demon Valley for generations change their expressions when talking about the Demon Valley.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun had to consider everyone's safety.

As for the magic bird...

Of course, Mr. Yang had a purpose in letting him stay on his shoulder. Although this guy has a bad mouth and sometimes has problems with his brain, as the old man said, this problem bird has something in his belly.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to take this problem bird to the unknown Demon Valley. If there is anything, you can ask to remind him or something.

Although he is not weak now, after the old man left, he lost his biggest support and did not dare to do anything rashly.

Of course, Black Lotus still exists in the sea of ​​consciousness, but Black Lotus is naturally unable to compare with the old man. After Black Lotus woke up this time, he only recovered some memories of his previous life and knew some methods, but after all, he is still absorbing his energy in the sea of ​​consciousness. The power of the divine soul relies on the nourishment of his divine soul.

He is far from reaching the level of the number one Black Lotus in the prehistoric times. There is a huge difference. The power that can help him is limited. Judging from this battle on the Supreme Mountain, if Black Lotus helps, he can only use the power of Black Lotus. Dealing with the loose immortal who is at the peak of rank six.

No matter how high it is, it won't work.

And the biggest drawback is that Hei Lian can only borrow his power from him, and Hei Lian cannot ask the old man to directly use his body to fight directly.

There is a distinction between priorities and priorities here.

Therefore, the current Mr. Yang is not an ignorant young man who does things without any sense of proportion.

"Master, this is the Demon Valley."

The black fox led the way and stopped in a canyon.

Yang Yiyun nodded and looked at a place that looked like an ordinary valley. The mountains were full of lush greenery, but something felt wrong.

It always feels very eerie.

"What's different here?" Yang Yiyun asked Black Fox.

"Master, there are actually no living beings approaching the Demon Valley on weekdays. Maybe you have also felt that the atmosphere here is very gloomy. For normal living beings, they are repelled by this dark feeling.

It looks like nothing, but after entering the valley, there will be evil, demonic, violent, and violent auras. In short, it is very dark and will be very uncomfortable. In the Demon Array Land deep in the valley, there are powerful demons. Surrounded by Qi, coming out from the sealed place, that is the deadly evil aura.

It can't be stuck anyway. Creatures with weaker cultivation will be demonized and turned into complete monsters after being stuck. Of course, with the master's cultivation, as long as he doesn't get close to the seal, there will be no danger.

However, there are still some demonized demons in the sealed land, which is more difficult, so after entering the valley, we still have to be careful. Being entangled by those monsters is not too powerful, but it is still very troublesome. "

Black Fox's explanation is quite detailed.

Yang Yiyun nodded and signaled to enter the valley.

While walking, Yang Yiyun asked the God and Demon Bird: "Crow, how much do you know about creatures like demons?"

The God and Demon Bird glared and said: "I am the number one God and Demon Bird in the Three Realms. What is there that I don't know? You weakling should ask the right person... Oh, don't ask the right bird~"

Yang Yiyun has a black face and black lines. He really wants to strangle this problem bird to death.

But after thinking about it, I still held back. Now I understand the problem. Birds are born with a bad mouth, a bastard nature, and there is something wrong with their brains. It is impossible to make plans with them.

"Say~" Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and said one word.

"Listen up, you weaklings. Demons are the product of demon cultivating medicine. There is one word difference between the two, but the difference is huge. This is the same as the human race.

Transforming demons is passive, while cultivating demons is active. Demons often lose their self-awareness and are either assimilated and replaced by demons, or they develop a full consciousness, which is relatively evil, and some become completely demon-headed monsters without self-thought.

As for cultivating demons, you can choose by yourself and have special demonic skills. In such cases, you are often self-aware and will not be affected by demonic energy.

As for demons, speaking of your human race, the demonic way is more terrifying. Because the demon race itself has the advantages of strength, body, etc., overpowering the human race, so the demonized demon race is more powerful.

Another thing is that the killing of monsters is heavier, so be careful when you go in, I don't want to be implicated by you. "The demon bird was not polite at all when he spoke.

Although Yang Yiyun was angry, he could only endure it. After entering the Demon Valley, he still had many things to ask this problem bird. Although this heartless problem bird had a broken beak and had no actual combat effectiveness, Yang Yiyun discovered that it He is really rich, and he seems to know a lot of things in the world.

"To be more practical, is there any way to deal with demons or demonic energy?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Hehe~ Please beg me~" The God and Demon Bird started to act mean again.


Yang Yiyun was completely speechless.

Simply ignore this idiot and walk forward.

Entering the Demon Valley, the atmosphere of the Demon Valley was indeed very unusual from what Black Fox had said.

Unconsciously, it will make people feel irritable.

But when Yang Yiyun started to use the power of creation, this impetuous mood was gradually suppressed.

A hundred miles into the Demon Valley, a huge altar appeared.

But in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he was shocked.

Because he had seen such an identical altar.

When I first went to look for Zhao Nan and other girls, I saw an identical altar like this in Wujian Valley.

It's just that the immortals are suppressing the demons.

Later, the old man took action to transform the demonic soul that had been sleeping for many years at the cost of being suppressed somewhere.

I didn't expect to see the same altar here again today.

There is no doubt that what is suppressed here is the whole demon.

No wonder Black Fox said that if the demonic energy leaks out, it can transform demon cultivators into monsters.

When a few people walked in, Heihu suddenly lost his voice and said: "No, the altar is broken~"

The expressions of the other three demons also changed drastically at this time.

Although they are not guarding the Demon Valley, it doesn't mean they don't care.

Everyone knows what it means when the altar is broken.

What is being suppressed here is the real devil.

Now imagine that Yang Yiyun had spoken about the demon wolf before, or the demon wolf that had devoured a pair of white ape parents. I'm was the demon who suppressed demons here...

You can imagine what the consequences will be after the demon of suppression goes out.

Yang Yiyun's face was also extremely solemn. What he was worried about now was whether there was any connection between the demons suppressed here and the demons that Wujian Valley really wanted back then.

If there is……

That would be a big problem~

The demon in Wujian Valley was released by him, but he got rid of it again.

If there is any connection with the demon here, then with the demon's behavior style, he will definitely take revenge.

He asked the four black fox demons to search the entire Sanxian Island. There was no trace of the demonic wolf. Now when they arrived here, they found that the altar had been broken.

This can only explain one problem.

The suppressed demon may have been transformed into a demonic wolf, and then left Sanxian Island.

Where can I go?

It’s nothing more than the world of cultivation, right?

If you go to the world of cultivation, then...

Yang Yiyun was shocked and said: "Go back to the realm of cultivation quickly, that demonic wolf will most likely take revenge on my Yunmen Wonderland."

The reason why he said this was a well-founded guess.

Because the demon-suppressing altar in front of him is exactly the same as the altar in Wujian Valley.

The difference is that those who suppressed Wujian Valley back then were the nine ancient immortals, while here are the four black fox demon forces. They have been responsible for guarding this place for generations, but now there is a problem~

Yang Yiyun had to worry...

It was all in vain when they arrived here, and Yang Yiyun quickly returned to the world of cultivation with the four demons.

Yang Yiyun calculated that more than three hundred and sixty years have passed since he left for the Little Demon Realm and then to Sanxian Island.

In places like Little Demon Realm and Sanxian Island, there is no difference between day and night, so you really can't feel the loss of time.

As soon as I came out and returned to the world of cultivation, I realized that so much time had passed.

They took the Four Demons and the God-Demon Bird with them, and they appeared in the deserted area of ​​the Cultivation Realm, which was considered the territory of the demon clan of China Unicom Sanxian Island.

More than three hundred and sixty years have passed, and I don’t know if there is anything wrong with the world of cultivation or Yunmen?

What Yang Yiyun is most worried about now is that Wujian Valley is connected with the demons in the Demon Valley of Sanxian Island, so as to take revenge on Yunmen.

He released his powerful spiritual consciousness and teleported directly to Yunmen Wonderland.

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