My Master Is a God

Chapter 1825 The youngest son Yang Yuanqing is missing

Before Yang Yiyun arrived at Yunmen Wonderland, his spiritual consciousness had already enveloped the entire Yunlei Mountains.

Now his consciousness is so powerful that it can reach thousands of miles in one thought. In the world of cultivation, there are no restrictions like Sanxian Island and Little Demon World.

After all, the first two are worlds that are products of the immortal world, and it is normal for them to have restrictions on their spiritual consciousness.

In the world of cultivation, he has reached the pinnacle of cultivation - the peak of Ascension Realm, where his spiritual consciousness can be unlimited.

If the soul is strong enough, it can be extended.

Although the range of spiritual consciousness that spans tens of millions of miles is still accidental in the vast world of cultivation, for him it is already an achievement that goes beyond searching for cultivators.

In the spiritual consciousness, the Yunlei Mountains are safe, and the guardian mountain gate of Yunmen Wonderland is safe.

This made Yang Yiyun breathe a sigh of relief.

"I hope I'm overthinking it. The suppressed demon altar between Wujian Valley and Demon Valley may be just a coincidence and has no connection."

While he was thinking about it, he kept teleporting and had reached the Yunlei Mountains.

"Follow me closely, this is the Ten Thousand Miles of Yunlei Mountain Range." Yang Yiyun told the four black fox demons following closely behind him.


Although it was the first time for the Four Demons to come to the Yunlei Mountains, he had already discovered that there were dense thunders here.

One person and four demons shuttled back and forth... Soon Yang Yiyun and the four demons arrived at the core of the Leiyun Mountains, at the gate of Yunmen Wonderland.

"You little bastard, is this the sect you created?" The God Demon Bird squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and spoke.

Yang Yiyun was used to talking about this little problem, and didn't care about it.

"Yeah, go in later and shut your mouth. If someone rips it to pieces, don't look for me." Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, opened the formation with a wave of his hand, and walked in.

"I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. Whoever dares to touch me, you are all weaklings in my eyes..." The god and demon bird, who was like the king of heaven and me, started to talk again.

Yang Yiyun simply ignored it.

After entering Yunmen Wonderland, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt something was wrong. The entire Yunmen Wonderland was too quiet.

With a sudden movement in his mind, he realized that everyone in Yunmen was actually gathered in the meeting hall.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Most of the core and senior leaders of Yunmen were in the meeting hall, which meant that something big had happened.


Yang Yiyun did not dare to delay any longer, disappeared directly, and appeared in the meeting hall.

Yunmen Meeting Hall.

"Zi Huang, do you have any news from your side?"

Zhao Nan looked haggard.

Zihuang shook his head and said: "No, I'm still looking~"

"What happened……?"

Yang Yiyun's figure appeared in the main hall.


"Meet the Holy Lord..."

A series of sounds sounded.

Yang Yiyun finally came back after more than three hundred years of absence. Everyone was relieved to see Yang Yiyun appear, but at the same time they also became nervous.

Because what happened at Cloud Gate was too big for everyone.

"Don't show any pretense, tell me what happened?"

Yang Yiyun felt the suppressed emotions and inner uneasiness of everyone.

When he looked at the women Zhao Nan and Dugu Qingwu with their eyes all red, his heart was beating faster and faster.

"Yunzi... Yuan Qing is missing..." It was Zhao Nan who finally spoke.

"Yuan Qing?"

Yang Yiyun said to himself, he was a little dazed at first, but he reacted in the next second and said: "But Yuan Zheng and Yuan Bao's parents came to the cultivator world?"

Yuan Qing, Yang Yuanqing.

How could this name Yang Yiyun be unfamiliar?

This is after returning to Earth, he fell into the sea and lost his memory due to the Water Origin Pearl. Yuan Zheng and Yuan Bao met on a small island. Later, by some strange combination of circumstances, they married Yuan Zheng and left a son...

Later, the memory was restored and they were brought back to Earth's Cloud Gate. The child was born and named Yang Yuanqing, but when he left, Yuan Zheng chose to stay and said that when his son grew up and started practicing, he would come to the world of cultivation to find him.

Back then, his parents Yang Guozhong and Duanmu Wan'er were still there, so Yang Yiyun asked them to stay in the world of cultivation and return to the world of cultivation in the future.

It has been more than three hundred years since he left the cultivation world and went to the Little Demon Realm. Thinking about Yuan Zheng, mother and son, it was normal for them to come.

But now Zhao Nan says that his youngest son Yang Yuanqing is missing?

Something is definitely going on here.

Yang Yiyun trembled in his heart, but still kept calm and asked: "What exactly is going on?"

"Three years ago, my parents took Yuan Zheng, her son, and Yuan Bao to the world of cultivation, but when the children were out traveling, Yuan Qing disappeared...

We found evil demonic energy in the place where Yuan Qing disappeared. Apart from that, we have not found any clues. We have mobilized the entire power of Yunmen to search for three years, but there is no news. Today is also the first time we meet every month. On that day, after deliberation, we still have to go out and continue looking...

My parents, Yuan Zheng, Yuan Bao, Tuan Yuan Yuan and their children have also gone out to look for me. Yun Zi is sorry, but I didn’t take a good look at my home..."

Zhao Nan's eyes were red and full of guilt when he spoke.

When Zhao Nan was talking, Yang Yiyun's head was actually buzzing.

But he also knew that this matter was not Zhao Nan's responsibility. As the head of a sect and a family, even though his heart was in chaos at this time, his reason told him to calm down.

Deep down in his heart, Mr. Yang actually preferred his younger son Yang Yuanqing among his several children. Looking back, as soon as Yang Yuanqing was born, he washed his marrow and shaved his hair with the water of life...

He was born with an innate body, and he was already at the golden elixir level at the age of one. He was the most talented among several children, but now...

From what Zhao Nan said, it was obvious that someone had done it deliberately, and it very likely overlapped with what he was most worried about.

There was demonic energy at the scene. Could it be the demon wolf he was tracking down in the Demon Valley on Sanxian Island?

The exact same demon-suppressing altar is no coincidence.

It is very likely that the demon who escaped from the Demon Valley Altar on Sanxian Island was also the demon wolf that killed his sworn brother Bai Qi, or that he was related to the demon at the Wujian Valley Demon Altar.

By coincidence, his son disappeared, leaving a demonic aura at the scene...

This is no coincidence, Yang Yiyun thinks so.

"Go, Tuan Tuan Yuan Yuan, Xing'er, Lele, Xiao Manman, all call back. Maybe the other party did it on purpose. I will handle this matter. Don't go out. By the way, give up Yuan Zheng." Yuanbao and parents are back."

Yang Yiyun thought that whether the other party was a human or a demon, since he dared to arrest his son, wouldn't he dare to arrest others?

Yang Yiyun took his relatives very seriously, and he did not dare to let them take risks.

He will investigate this matter himself.

At this moment, he swore in his heart that no matter who it was, he would find it and crush it to ashes.

"Okay, I'll send the message to us right away." Zhao Nan nodded. She was actually worried that others would be in danger if they went out.

But it couldn't stop them from going out to look for someone.

"You all go down and rest first." Yang Yiyun just came back when his son disappeared, and he was not in the mood to reminisce with a few women.

"Let's go down first..." Zhao Nan, Dugu Qingqing, Lou Haitang and other women walked out of the hall. They understood Yang Yiyun's mood and left the meeting hall without saying much.

After the women went out, Yang Yiyun looked at the purple emperor and other four great demon commanders and master cultivators in the hall and said, "Where did my son disappear?"

"Reporting to the Holy Master, the young master has disappeared in the original territory of the Holy Land of All Spirits. However, the territory of the Holy Land of All Spirits has been taken over by our Cloud Gate for hundreds of years. Apart from the demonic energy left at the scene, no trace of it has been found. I have looked for any clues, including underground, but there are none." It was the Rat King who answered this time.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said: "All major areas of the cultivator world mobilized all the disciples of Yunmen, regardless of any force, to search for me. However, if they found that there was demonic energy somewhere, they would focus on searching. If you dare to resist or refuse to let the searchers, give me Destroy the whole family.

I have to dig three feet into the ground to find my son, and I have to see him dead or dead. I don't believe he can disappear out of thin air. If there is anything suspicious in the world of cultivation, report it immediately. "Yang Yiyun's expression was gloomy and terrifying as he spoke, and he unknowingly exuded powerful aura and murderous intent, making all the Yunmen masters in the hall feel scared.


Everyone answered in unison.

After everyone went out, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said to the four black foxes: "Black Fox stays, and you three will follow to assist."

The three big monsters, Crazy Lion, Silver Eagle and Red-headed Centipede, did not dare to show any signs of neglect at this time and quickly took orders and left.

"Hei Hu is going out with me, and Niu Duzi is coming with him. Let's go to the place where Yuan Qing disappeared." Yang Yiyun wanted to confirm where the magic energy was left, and whether it came from the same source as the magic energy at the Demon Valley Altar on Sanxian Island. Pulse, if so, this matter is not simple.

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