My Master Is a God

Chapter 1829 The Law of the Earth’s Core

Although Yang Yiyun retreated once from the inside out, he did not lose his cultivation, it can only be said that his vitality was severely damaged.

Theoretically, it can be replenished through practice, but whether it can be recovered through practice is unknown.

But he has perseverance and perseverance, so he practices all the time.

Even if the change doesn't come back, he doesn't care. He must first restore his magic power and get his son out before he can feel at ease.

Digging a hole 30,000 miles underground is not an easy task even for cultivation experts Zihuang and others. After Yang Yiyun explained it, he began to practice and recover.

Fortunately, he has the water of life, nectar and jade liquid, and many natural and earthly treasures. It is not difficult to recover some things, but this time it is really difficult.

When the first drop of the water of life was taken, a huge vitality force exploded in the body, and the energy was absorbed by the running skills, but it was found that the recovery that could be replenished was minimal.

Yang Yiyun sighed and took the remaining two drops of water of life. It would take nine days to recover the second drop of water of life.

I also know that my current situation is quite troublesome, and as I expected it, I just want to take the water of life a few more times.

After absorbing three drops of water of life, Yang Yiyun began to absorb the crystals of jade liquid and honey...

He still has some in stock, thinking it should be enough for his own use.

Time is running out quickly while he is practicing...

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye~

Yang Yiyun woke up, Zihuang and the others were still continuing, and he practiced again...

It's just that his cultivation is not ideal. The magic power in his body has returned to its peak, but the recovery of his soul and blood essence is minimal.

The many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the space of the Qiankun Pot could not restore the power of his soul and essence and blood that he had consumed.

This is what Yang Yiyun is helpless about.

He had a premonition that if he could not recover, it was very likely that he would have no chance of immortality in this life, as the magic bird said, and it would only be a matter of time before he would be reborn.

But for the sake of his son, Yang Yiyun has no regrets.

At his core, he is a person who focuses on family and friendship.

"Perhaps this is also my calamity, the calamity of becoming an immortal."

He thought to himself, then closed his eyes and continued to practice. Now he didn't think about anything, he just thought about saving more power after Zihuang and the others dug through.

He went to save his son himself.

Thirty years later, the Purple Emperor came to take revenge.

"The Holy Lord has dug it out. As you said, there is a magma river thirty thousand miles underground. There is a huge palace on the other side of the river, but there is an extremely powerful barrier~"

After hearing the report from the Purple Emperor, Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes, stood up and said, "Let's go~"

Ten days later, under the leadership of Zihuang, Yang Yiyun went to the three thousand Ascension Realm men and demons and arrived at the place where the Tianji Formation evolved.

Looking at the magma river and huge palace, it is exactly the same as the evolution of the Tianji formation.

"Holy Lord, we tried that the barrier was too strong to break." The Rat King stayed here after opening the passage, but it was ineffective in trying to break the barrier.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said he knew.

"Thank you for your hard work~"

The voice he speaks now has the voice of an old man, like an old man.

The Rat King and others were frightened: "It's because my subordinates are incompetent and can't break the barrier."

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and said: "This is not your fault. This barrier is indeed weird."

Then Yang Yiyun said: "Everyone concentrates on attacking."

The palace is on the other side of the magma river. There is a long way to the palace, but there is a barrier.

As for the magma river, it was very wide and the temperature was so high that Yang Yiyun felt that it was more powerful than the purple flame of the little phoenix.

"Boom boom boom..."

Regardless of the situation, Yang Yiyun ordered everyone to forcefully attack the barrier first.

As a result, a wave of attacks from the great demons and cultivators of the Three Thousand Ascension Realm had no effect at all.

This also includes the power of Yang Yiyun and the four black fox demons.

Looking at the barrier that rippled in the water, Yang Yiyun frowned.

At this moment, the untimely God and Demon Bird once said: "A bunch of weaklings, this is a barrier formed by the power of the center of the earth. You weaklings can break it, what a joke, hehe~"

The mockery of the magical bird made everyone around Yang Yiyun want to tear its mouth open, but this strange bird was always by Yang Yiyun's side, and often insulted Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun often ignored it, and everyone tolerated it.

But this time, Yang Yiyun was not angry after hearing the words of the God and Demon Bird, but asked: "Just tell me what you can do?"

This is the first time he has heard of the power of the earth's core. No one understands this barrier, but the question bird has spoken out. Although the god and devil bird is laughing at it, Yang Yiyun knows that the question bird has extraordinary knowledge. Ask it.

"If you beg me, I will tell you, hehe."

The evil bird of God and Demon Bird always comes with its own behavior, regardless of the occasion.

"The mink plucks all its feathers and throws it into the river of lava~"


Diao'er squatted on the little phoenix calf. When she heard Yang Yiyun's words, she squeaked and was in front of Yang Yiyun in a flash, intending to claw at the magical bird.

"Stop, stop, stop, I'm afraid of you. I'm telling you, you're just a little bastard." The evil god and demon bird will always need the sharp claws of Mink to suppress it.

"Say, I don't have the patience anymore~"

Yang Yiyun said quietly.

The God Demon Bird said: "The power of the earth's core can be said to be the key to the formation and stability of the earth. Someone has induced the power of the earth's center to set up a barrier. If you break the barrier so arrogantly, you are fighting against the earth. Of course, To say one world is a bit exaggerated, but it’s almost the same…”

Yang Yiyun frowned and interrupted the God Demon Bird: "Tell me the important point."

"Can you please listen to what I have to say, you little bastard and weakling, don't interrupt me." The Divine Demon Bird immediately started cursing.

"Zhizhizhi~" Diaoer bared his teeth and waved his little claws at the magic bird.

Not to mention that the God and Demon Bird was afraid of a similar idiot like Diao Er, so he immediately shut up, became serious and continued: "Look for the laws of the earth's center. The power of the earth's center has laws. Find the laws, and then every time When the power of the earth's core changes, attacks can naturally break the barrier."

"How to find it?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Use the power of your soul to feel it. Normally, when yin and yang meet, it is when the power of the earth's core is weak. Attacking at that time will make the barrier weaker every time. If you repeat this, it will be broken." Said the magic bird.

Yang Yiyun: "How long will it take?"

"Not necessarily. Depending on how strong you are, it will take at least tens to hundreds of years, or even longer, hehe~" The God Demon Bird smiled slyly.

"It's been too long. Is there any other way? Or can we pass through the magma river?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The Demonic Bird laughed secretly and said: "You weakling, this is 30,000 miles underground, the center of the earth. You think the magma here is ordinary magma. The magma in the center of the earth may not even Daluo Jinxian dare to enter. You go Try it?"

Yang Yiyun hesitated for a moment, and had no other choice but to do what the God and Demon Bird said, find the movement patterns of the power of the earth's center, and launch an attack to break the barrier when yin and yang meet.

Among all the people present, he was the most powerful one. He stood in front of the barrier, closed his eyes and began to feel the barrier.

After feeling it for a few days, Yang Yiyun finally discovered that the power of the earth's core was indeed regular. There would be another undetectable fluctuation in about ten days. The time was very short, but it was enough for him.

The first time it was observed, it had been twenty days since the second time.

Suddenly Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and ordered in a deep voice: "Attack~"

Three thousand men attacked together.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

After a wave of attacks, Yang Yiyun found that the power of the barrier was indeed weaker. Although it was not obvious, it proved to be effective.

If this continues, just as the magic bird said, the earth's core barrier will always be broken, but it will be very time-consuming.

There is no other way at the moment, and I can only try it while wasting time.




"Boom boom boom..."

A full sixty years passed like this, and Yang Yiyun would order an attack every ten days, attacking the earth's core barrier for a full sixty years.

At this time, Yang Yiyun, Zi Huang and others discovered that the power of the barrier was significantly weakened.


Another thirty years passed, and finally...



"It's broken~"

"Finally broken~"

"The barrier has dissipated~"

Everyone cheered.


Yang Yiyun also heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at the huge gray-black palace on the other side of the magma river and said in a deep voice: "Let's go~"

They were the first to set foot on the stone path leading to the other side. Although this stone path crossed the magma river, they did not feel the heat when walking on it because they quickly crossed the magma river and arrived in front of the huge palace.

What kind of palace is it? There are no runes or traces. It only gives them a feeling of depression.

And it exudes unparalleled evil spirit and devilish aura.

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