My Master Is a God

Chapter 1830 Leaving my son’s body

Yang Yiyun and his three thousand demon cultivators all had solemn expressions when facing such a huge palace.

Of course, it's not the hugeness of the palace that scares them, but the aura emanating from this huge palace that makes everyone feel stressed.

But the God Demon Bird said: "You little bastard, it looks like what you are going to face is not just a simple sexual contest~"

Listening to what the problem bird said, Yang Yiyun resisted the urge to tear its mouth open and said, "Just say what you have to say."

The God Demon Bird gloated a little and said: "Judging from the demonic and demonic energy emitted, there are powerful beings practicing inside, and the power absorbed is the circle, which is the power of the center of the earth. If you can know the sound of using the power of the center of the earth to practice, there is no doubt that Not a powerful person.

Under the law of heaven, even demon cultivators would not dare to do this easily, because I say that the center of the earth is the power to stabilize the earth. Doing so is tantamount to destroying the earth, which will affect all living in this world. world creatures.

The point is that there are a lot of dark powers under the earth, which are inherently dark. Even if many creatures know that the earth is a kind of power, they don't have the ability to absorb it. Even if they absorb and refine it, it will be a big problem.

From the aura emanating from the hall in front of me, it seems that the other party has not only absorbed the center of the earth, but also refined it for his own use. Now it depends on how much the other party has absorbed and refined.

It seems that your boy will encounter a powerful enemy, a demon-like creature, a demon among demons. Maybe it has a background. If it is a big demon from the demon world, it will be really difficult to deal with. "

After Yang Yiyun listened to the words of the God and Demon Bird, there was no fluctuation. He could infer from the earth center barrier that the other party was not simple.

Judging from the investigation of Sanxian Island, it should be what Bailong Baifeng said, that the demon wolf that made thousands of demon cultivators vanish into thin air in one breath was also the murderer of Bai Qi and his wife.

Now it seems that it is the same demon who kidnapped his son Yang Yuanqing.

The targeted target was Yang Yiyun.

"How come you didn't respond at all?" Seeing Yang Yiyun's calm expression, the God Demon Bird couldn't help but ask. According to its understanding, Yang Yiyun would be scared or frightened after listening to its story.

As a result, Yang Yiyun was expressionless.

"So what if he is a demon? If I capture my son, I will tear him into pieces, crush his bones and spread ashes, and destroy his spirit in heaven and on earth."

Yang Yiyun looked at the hall in front of him, his voice was extremely calm, but he spoke every word seriously.

This disappointed the God and Demon Bird.

"Enter the palace~"

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and led three thousand men up to the giant palace.

There are about a few hundred meters of steps.

When they climbed the steps, they appeared in front of a large platform, which was regarded as the main hall square.

The door of the main hall is made of gray-black stone, looks very heavy, is tens of meters high and wide, and is tightly closed.

But when Yang Yiyun looked at the door, he was shocked.

Because he saw a wolf totem on the door of the hall.

It looks just like what I guessed.

As expected, it was the demon wolf that escaped from the Demon Valley.

In other words, the demon soul sealed by the Demon Valley Altar was captured by a demon wolf.

Arriving in front of the main hall, the demonic and demonic aura was even stronger, and Yang Yiyun knew it wouldn't be that simple.

However, he was not afraid at all, and even the anger in his heart, which had been suppressed for almost two hundred years, was finally about to explode.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun said to Heihu: "Heihu, you four, go over and have a look, and open the hall door for me."

"Yes, Master." The black fox took the order and walked into the gate of the giant palace with the mad lion, silver eagle, and red-headed centipede.

The four black fox demons are now considered the most powerful existences in the field besides Yang Yiyun, the master.

It would be most appropriate for the four of them to go up.

The four demons of the Black Fox acted neatly, which was in line with their demon cultivating style. When they arrived at the gate, they directly bombarded the gate.


After a loud bang, the door of the hall suddenly fell into pieces.

blasted away with violence.

However, immediately after the door was blasted open by the four black fox demons, a burst of black energy flew out from the hall.

"Be careful~"

The black fox shouted, and his whole body glowed with light. The other three big demons also reacted quickly and launched an attack on this black energy.

"Boom boom boom~"

Amidst the fierce roar, the four black fox demons flew down the steps and landed in front of Yang Yiyun.


The four demons vomited blood.

"So strong~"

Black Fox said.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and helped the four black foxes up. The next moment, his eyes were fixed on the black air in front of the hall like a blade.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun was shaken and trembled all over, and lost his voice: "Qing'er~"

The black energy in front of the main hall gradually formed a human shape. I originally thought it would be a demonic wolf, but I didn't expect it to be his son Yang Yuanqing.

Now Yang Yiyun was trembling in his heart.

He did not hesitate to risk his life to find his son, but he did not expect this result.

It was obvious at a glance that his son had been taken away from him.

Around Yang Yiyun, the four great demon commanders Zihuang, Peacock, Rat King, Qingniu and Thunder Tiger were all shocked.

They could clearly see what happened to Yang Yuanqing.

The Holy Lord's son was taken away by the demon. This...

Killing intent also spread instantly.

Yang Yiyun stared at his son Yang Yuanqing or a certain demon in his sight. His chest was rising and falling, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

At this time, the God Demon Bird felt Yang Yiyun's emotional changes, and for the first time did not open his mouth to hurt Yang Yiyun.

Of course, if it makes sarcastic remarks at this time, it will be crushed to death by Yang Yiyun for any reason.

Instead, he squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and said: "Don't be discouraged, little bastard. It's not the worst yet. It doesn't look like it's a complete seizure of the body, but the coexistence of two souls. In other words, the demon hasn't assimilated your son's soul. Otherwise, The natal card has been broken for a long time, let’s see how the natal card is.”

When Yang Yiyun heard the magic bird talking, it was like a straw appeared in the drowning water, and he grabbed it at once.

Just now, his mind was completely blank, and he felt like the world had collapsed.

Now with the words of the God and Demon Bird, he finally came back to his senses, and with a wave of his hand, the soul of his son Yang Yuanqing appeared in his hand.


Fortunately, Yang Yuanqing's natal card was intact, which meant that what the God and Demon Bird said was completely correct.

After putting away the natal card, when Yang Yiyun looked up again, his eyes were as cold and sharp as a knife, but also full of love and tenderness, and he was extremely distressed.

He looked at his son, and his son also looked at him, but at this moment, his eyes were strange and full of amusement.

Yang Yiyun knew that the other party was a demon! .

"Leave my son's body, and I will not hold you accountable for what you have done."

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's voice was hoarse and low, and there was even a hint of pleading in it.

Even more... He thought that if the other party could return his son, then if the other party was really a ferocious beast that killed his sworn brother Bai Qi and his wife, he could go against his will even once and not take revenge.

At this moment, he was not the master of Yunmen Fairyland, not a monk in the Great Perfection of Ascension Realm, and not even a master with a fierce reputation. just a father.

A father who can do anything for his son and is willing to do it.

However, it turned out that he was out of ideas.

I saw his son laughing playfully and softly, even saying with hatred: "Hahaha... I thought you would turn the Little Demon World, Sanxian Island, and the Cultivation World upside down. What kind of hero would you be?" Character, I didn’t expect you to have weaknesses~ Haha.

How about it? Do you feel sad that your son was taken away from you by me? Don’t worry, your son’s soul is still there and will not be easily refined. I will let you witness your son’s spirit in front of you, hahaha...

I originally thought that I would wait for me to come out of seclusion and look for you in person, but I didn’t expect that your boy is quite capable. He actually found this place in two hundred years. It’s good, now that he is here, he understands the grudges.

Oh~ By the way, speaking of grievances, I have a clear grievance. I want to explain it clearly to you. The grievances between you and me, in the Infinite Valley of the Realm of Cultivation, the demon soul you released when you broke the Demon Suppressing Altar, that is... I Brothers are real demons in the demon world.

Having said this, you should know why I arrested your son. Of course, there is a reason why I chose one of your many sons.

First of all, I escaped from the Demon Valley on Sanxian Island not long ago, and my demon soul was unstable. I didn’t want to confront you head-on, so I had no choice but to capture your son. It happened that your son was out traveling.

Secondly, your son is a great one. He possesses the bones of the Holy Demon that everyone in our demon world envies, so I took away your son.

I originally thought that I would come out to look for you after I completely fused your body, but I didn’t expect that you would find me so quickly and interrupt my practice, so I am very angry and the consequences will be terrible, haha..."

The wild laughter resounded through the space 30,000 miles underground.

Yang Yiyun's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he could no longer hold back his roar: "Come on, suppress him."

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