My Master Is a God

Chapter 1831 A battle with the demon

With an order, three thousand Ascension Realm subordinates swarmed forward.

What Yang Yiyun was thinking was that no matter what, as long as he could suppress this demon, he would find a way to save his son's spirit.

However, facing Yang Yiyun and his three thousand Ascension Realm subordinates, the son or demon opposite him showed no fear at all. Instead, he had a faint smile on his face.

Yang Yiyun rushed to the front, but he heard the other party say with a smile: "Okay, let's try the weight of these demon cultivators like you in Yunmen first. They are all at the level of heavenly demons. They must be very delicious, haha~"

Hearing the other party speak like this, Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

At this time, he had already rushed in front of the opponent, and without any time to think about it, he directly activated his supreme magical power.

"King Kong Supreme~"

After all, the other party occupied his son's body, and Yang Yiyun really didn't dare to make a killing move.

The move was successful and he grabbed it directly.

Then he saw the other party grinning, and a black energy or powerful demonic energy appeared in his hand, converging into a strange magic weapon, which looked like a spear but was slightly different. The blade of the gun had a row of small skeletons, exactly seven of them. .

Suddenly he stabbed Yang Yiyun's palm.

At the same time, Zihuang's attack followed closely.

"The devil is in the sky~"

Just listen to what the other person is saying.

The next moment, his whole body was filled with black energy.


"Ho ho ho..."

Thousands of roars came out in an instant.

The overwhelming demonic energy rushed out of his son's body, and figures with fangs and claws appeared one after another in the billowing demonic energy, with human and animal shapes.

Like an army of millions walking out of the darkness.

How scary.

In an instant, they were facing the Purple Emperor and the other three thousand ascension realms.

Yang Yiyun thought he had the numerical advantage, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually have such a move.

Now he was also afraid.

Unexpectedly, the sub-devil's methods are quite good.

And judging from the demonic aura emanating from it, the auras of these creatures coming out of the opponent's demonic aura are not low.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and King Kong Supreme were also fighting against each other's strange magic weapon.


With a dull sound, Yang Yiyun felt a huge force hitting his hand.

The strength in his hand was no weaker than the power of his Supreme Vajra Power, and it also carried a sinister aura that penetrated directly into his body along the palm of his hand.

Yang Yiyun stepped back amid the roar, this attack was considered a test.

He found that the other party was indeed stronger than he imagined.

This monster behaved calmly and calmly from beginning to end, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

In the exchange of blows, he was still slightly at a disadvantage.

However, this was just the beginning. He had plenty of means to suppress this monster.

After retreating, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and looked at the opponent. The left hand he had just struck was trembling, and a sinister force rushed into his body.

It is the combined power of demonic energy and demonic energy. It is very strange. When the Qiankun Creation Art is activated, it is difficult to refine it for a while.

The domineering and feminine demonic energy was running rampant in his body, which made him frown. Although it could not affect him temporarily, it would definitely be affected over time.

With a cold snort, Yang Yiyun moved in his heart and activated the two life stars of Taiyin and Sun.



The innate magical powers of the two destiny stars emerged.

The golden runes of the East Emperor Bell were flying, and the gate of Youdu was extremely dark and suspended behind it.

After he activated the Taiyin Life Star, the demonic energy in his body was instantly absorbed by the Gate of Youdu.

"Hey~ This kid has some abilities. Not bad. Haha, I like you like this. If you are too weak, it would be boring. Next, let me see what you are capable of. Don't let me down. .”

He clearly knew that the demon was speaking, but it was his son's body that was occupying him, which made Yang Yiyun very distressed.

"Monster, today I will let you know the word regret."

Yang Yiyun bit it, his eyes turned red, and his aura surged again.

On the other side, out of the monstrous demon energy, more than tens of thousands of demon creatures came out, facing the Purple Emperor and other three thousand ascension realms.

With his dark aura, he actually resisted the purple emperor and other great demons and cultivators.

However, the four black fox demons are no longer among them. After all, the four of them are the strongest demon cultivators who have emerged from Sanxian Island.

Soon he came to Yang Yiyun's side.

"You four help Zihuang and the others." Yang Yiyun ordered the four black fox demons.

Although Zihuang and others are also powerful in cultivation, Yang Yiyun seems to think that this demon today is extraordinary. He is afraid that Zihuang and other subordinates will suffer a loss. After Gengcai's demonic energy enters his body, Yang Yiyun has experienced that it will not be possible in a short while. resolved.

It's better to be careful.

Great demons and cultivators like Zihuang are the biggest cornerstone of Yunmen, and Yang Yiyun is not happy to lose even one of them.


The four black fox demons took the order and left.

But at this time Niu Duzi, Diao'er, Yunlei Beast, and Little Phoenix arrived next to Yang Yiyun.

Of course, the God Demon Bird is also there. This thing slipped from Yang Yiyun's shoulders during the battle, but now it landed on the huge head of the Cloud Thunder Beast.

"Master, we are here~" Niu Duzi said.

"Be careful, I'll assist you." Yang Yiyun didn't even look back.


Niu Xiaozi and Yun Lei Beast stood beside Yang Yiyun, one on the left and the other on the right, each with a halo of light all over their bodies, staring at the demon opposite.

The demonic spirit is soaring to the sky.

However, Yang Yiyun still sent a message: "Be careful with your moves, don't hurt my body, use the positive pressure seal as the top priority."

He had to confess that his son's body was possessed by a demon, but he could not destroy his body.

"Haha~ They are all mythical beasts. It seems that I am in good luck today~"

The other party spoke with amusement.

Yang Yiyun's anger surged to the sky, and the next moment a silver light flashed in his hand, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Heilian, I need help~"

"Black Lotus Sword Formation - Seal."

Yang Yiyun burst out, borrowed the power of the black lotus, and shot out a sword. The sword energy was flowing horizontally, and thousands of sword shadows were directed at the demon.





Niu Duzi, Little Phoenix, Yun Lei Beast, and Diao'er also attacked at the same time.

The demon who had been acting calm and calm suddenly changed his expression. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he found that Yang Yiyun's aura had changed.

The sword actually came out with a prehistoric aura.

As a generation of demons, he knows what the prehistoric aura means.

Not daring to be careless, he swung the weird skull gun in his hand.

"Three demons and four demons, kill~"

When the devil finished his words, Yang Yiyun saw the demonic aura rising from the skull spear in his hand, and then seven sparkling skulls rose up.

The next moment, they transformed into the form of four extremely huge monsters and three nine-foot-tall humanoid creatures. The faces of each of them could not be seen clearly, but they had overwhelming evil aura and demonic aura.

"Ho ho ho..."

The roars were deafening.

"Boom boom boom~"

The confrontation is between lightning.

The whole underground world was trembling.

Yang Yiyun's black lotus sword formation came out and headed towards the demon, but was fooled by the opponent.

But with the help of Niu Dauzi, after this blow, the two sides separated again.

The demon's face finally darkened, and he lost his previous calmness. He stared at Yang Yiyun and said sinisterly: "It turns out that there is a powerful existence in your body. No wonder it can turn the Little Demon Realm and Sanxian Island upside down. It seems that I have underestimated you. you."

"It's too late for the monster to leave my son's body now." Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice.


When the demon heard this, he laughed wildly.

After whispering, he still said surreptitiously: "It is true that the powerful existence in your boy makes me very afraid, but if you think you can make me surrender in this way, you are too naive.

Hehe, don't forget, your son's body and soul are running in the palm of my hand. As long as I am willing, I can make your son's soul fly away at any time.

Now...let the demonic beasts around you retreat, and your demon cultivators stop. Do not resist. If you dare to resist, I will show you something right now, hahaha~"

After the demon finished speaking, his face suddenly became distorted, looking extremely painful.

Then he spoke: "Father... don't worry about the child, kill this devil. The child will not be born like this. Death is liberation, kill..."


His face turned sideways again, and he returned to his previous sinister tone: "How about it? Do you want to take a gamble and make your son's soul fly away? Hahaha~"

Yang Yiyun clenched his hands, and he naturally knew that the demon had deliberately released his son's soul just now to disturb him.

He heard what his son Yang Yuanqing said, and he knew in his heart that his son was being controlled by a demon and was in an extremely painful state.

The son told him to leave it alone and kill the demon.

But can he?

He is a father, can he watch his son die?

Two lines of tears fell.

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

Yang Yiyun's heart was bleeding.

Then he took a deep breath and said, "Everyone stop~"

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