My Master Is a God

Chapter 1832 Yuan Shen Transforms into Kirin

After Yang Yiyun spoke up, the three thousand demons had to stop.

And the demon-transformed creatures disappeared immediately.

Just listen to the demon continue: "Let your men leave."

The tone was calm, but full of no doubt.

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he frowned, but said helplessly: "You guys will return to land."

"Holy Lord~"

"Holy Lord..."

When Yang Yiyun and his subordinates heard this, they all became anxious. This devil asked them all to come back and show their faces. How could this be possible?

"Hey, I don't have the patience, kid." The demon said quietly with amusement.

"Listen to the order and leave."

Yang Yiyun spoke up again. The soul of his son Yang Yuanqing was in the hands of the demon. At this time, even if Yang Yiyun knew what the demon was going to do, he had no choice but to do it.

He didn't dare and couldn't gamble with his son's life.

Zihuang and others had no choice but to obey orders this time.

"Let's go~"

Peacock was the last one to leave. She was not only one of the four great beauties in Yunmen Wonderland, but also Yang Yiyun's woman. Before taking her away, she glared at the demon fiercely and said: "If something happens to my husband, I, Peacock, swear that I will fight even if my soul is shattered." Tear a piece of flesh from your demon body."


The demon laughed loudly and watched as Yang Yiyun's big demons, cultivators, and mythical beasts left. Not a single one was left behind, not even the demonic birds without fighting power left.

Only Yang Yiyun was left in the field.

"Boy, do you think you still have a chance of winning now? Before, I had to concentrate on dealing with your large group of men. Now, even if you have the help of a powerful soul in your body, I am not afraid at all.

Of course, I don’t want to fight with you now and want to watch a show, so why don’t you kneel down. "The demon said in a playful tone.

This is a clear intention to humiliate Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun clenched his hands. He knew that this demon did it on purpose. From now on, he just wanted to humiliate him.

But he couldn't help it.

In order to keep his son, he had to bear this humiliation.

"If you want to protect your son, kneel down before me, quack quack~"

The demon walked up to Yang Yiyun step by step with pride. He had already eaten Yang Yiyun to death and did not dare to resist.

From the previous understanding and the departure of three thousand Ascension Realm demon cultivators and cultivators just now, it can be seen that Yang Yiyun values ​​his son very much, so Yang Yiyun's biggest weakness has been mastered by the demon himself, and at this time, he is unscrupulous in front of Yang Yiyun.

"Kneel down~"

The demon said in a deep voice.

Yang Yiyun stared at the demon with a face full of enchantment for a moment, and finally one of his legs slowly bent down.

"Hahaha..." When the demon saw Yang Yiyun slowly kneeling down, he laughed wildly, looking like he was going to eat Yang Yiyun to death.

Yang Yiyun clenched his fists and dug his fingers into his flesh. He lowered his head and slowly knelt down towards the demon in front of him.

The old man Zeng Jin told him that there is gold under a man's knees, so he should not kneel down easily. If he wants to kneel down, he should only kneel down to his parents.

Now a demon asked him to kneel down.

He can kneel down for his son.


There is a son in my heart, and I am even more proud.

Yang Yiyun, whose eyes were red and filled with murderous intent, bent one leg slightly while the demon in front of him laughed wildly.

Yang Yiyun poured out one word - "Ding".

He has never used the law technique, just for the right time.

There was also the source of water in the body that was not used. The Kirin power that was given to him by the Kirin Soul on his second trip to God's Cemetery that year was also a trump card and was not used.

It is also for this suitable time.

And now he knew it was the perfect time.

The demon in front of him laughed wildly, thinking that he was really determined.

And he slowly knelt down, causing the demon to relax his vigilance and take action now.

Just for a try.

The only thing that matters is time and the fact that he can subdue this monster at this moment.

Because Yang Yiyun believed that even if this demon controlled the soul of his son Yang Yuanqing, it would take time to destroy the soul.

The body-holding technique that he had learned from the law of Taoism, the power of the source of water in the body, and the power of Qilin, these three are his unexpected trump cards.

The body-holding technique immobilizes the demon, the power of the water origin freezes the demon's body, and the power of the unicorn soul attacks the demon's soul. All three attack together.

It’s just a blog.

In fact, Yang Yiyun didn't know if it would work.

But he couldn't help it.

Ask him to truly kneel down to a monster, and Yang Yiyun's bones are not soft yet.

And he knew that even if it was for my son, and he really knelt down to beg this demon, the other party would not let him go or let his son go.

Genuinely kneeling down to beg for mercy will only bring more humiliation, and ultimately cannot change the outcome.

When the demon has humiliated him enough, it will be his death.

So Yang Yiyun never thought about kneeling down to the demon from the beginning.

This moment is just a paralysis.

Just to get the chance to take action.

Of course, he had no idea whether he could suppress this demon this time.

Although he didn't know much about the demon world, he could tell that the demon in front of him was no ordinary person.

It was even more powerful than the demon soul that he and the old man jointly killed at the altar in Wujian Valley.

This demon also said that the demon soul in Wujian Valley was his brother, and he came to take revenge.

This is cause and effect, he admits.

But that doesn't mean he gives in.

A demon is not enough for him to surrender.

Although the old man is no longer there, Yang Yiyun's true calculation shows that he has been a cultivator for thousands of years. His ability to reach this point is inseparable from his own efforts. How could he really kneel down in front of the demon?

No matter what, it's all about fighting for your life, whoever laughs to the end will be the winner.

When the word "fix" came out, the maniacally laughing demon's laughter stopped. Yang Yiyun was overjoyed and without any pause, he activated the power of the water and went straight to the demon, and then activated the soul power of Qilin and went straight to the forehead of the demon.

He had rehearsed a series of actions almost countless times in his mind and considered them carefully.

At this moment the counterattack finally began.

The next moment the demon was motionless.

Yang Yiyun yelled in his heart: "Heilian help me."

After saying those words, Yang Yiyun's Yuan Shen came out of his body and came out with a swish, entering the center of the demon's eyebrows.

He knew that the most powerful thing about the demon was not the body at all. The body was the body that took away his son. The demon's greatest support was the demon's soul.

And the son's soul must also be in the sea of ​​consciousness, imprisoned somewhere by the demon.

What Yang Yiyun wants is to enter his son's sea of ​​consciousness and disperse the demonic soul. If not, he can drive the demonic soul out of his son's sea of ​​consciousness, so that he can save his son.

So this time when his soul left the body, he worked hard.

Because at this moment, the son's sea of ​​consciousness is dominated by the demon spirit. Once he enters, he will be in the demon's home field, which is very dangerous.

However, Yang Yiyun was not unprepared. He first used the body-holding technique and the power of water to immobilize his son's body or the demon's body.

Secondly, he used the soul power of Qilin to clear the way, and then asked Black Lotus to give him the blessing of the soul, increasing the power of the soul, so that he could enter his son's sea of ​​consciousness.

It can be regarded as completely prepared.

But there are variables in everything, and life and death are unpredictable.

But this was the only way to save his son, he had no choice.

Even if you die, you have to give it a try.


The next moment, Yang Yiyun's soul came out of his body, followed his son's eyebrows, and appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, the Qilin Soul was filled with purple light and was in a stalemate with a monster with the body of a wolf and the head of a human.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the true face of the demon's soul.

As soon as he came in, he felt the overwhelming aura of monsters and demons, which made his spirit a little unstable.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed forward. His thoughts drove the Qilin's soul, and the purple light burst out. He jumped over and merged with the Qilin's soul.

The next moment it turned into a unicorn.


The Yuan Shen can transform all things, merge with the soul power of Qilin, and become a Qilin form. This is something Yang Yiyun did not expect.

Unexpectedly, after the collision and fusion of his soul and Qilin's soul power, he could transform into Qilin state.

He felt like he was a giant unicorn now.

It is comparable to the soul of a demon.

Yang Yiyun rushed forward while roaring, and the Yuanshen attacked Yuanshen with the most primitive fighting and biting attack.

"Hmph~ This kid is looking for death."

Although the demon soul was cursing, he was rarely panicked.


Yang Yiyun's Yuanshen in Qilin state was fighting almost desperately.

The body was caught and hit by the demon soul, which made his soul tremble, but he was also ruthless and saw the opportunity to hoarse the demon with a large piece of meat, no, a large piece of soul.

The demon let out a scream.



The battle between Yuanshen and Yuanshen began tragically.

Earth-shaking in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Yang Yiyun's desperate fight only caused the demon's spirit to retreat step by step.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun is completely crazy.

No matter he only wanted to tear the demon's spirit into pieces, of course he himself was scarred, but he didn't care at all.

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