My Master Is a God

Chapter 1833 The critical moment of self-destruction

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"Stop it, damn boy~"

The demon spoke in panic, full of helplessness.

Maybe he didn't expect that Yang Yiyun would have the ability to fight back.

At this time, Yang Yiyun wished that he could make the demon's soul fly away, so how could he stop?

After his soul transformed into the unicorn state, he became extremely ferocious, and with the help of the power of the black lotus, he attacked wildly, making the demon unable to stop shouting.

The more this happened, the more ferocious Yang Yiyun's attack became.

A single attack left the demon soul scarred.

"In this case, your son has no chance of living..." The demon said suddenly to no avail.

Hearing this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, light flickered from the other side of the sea of ​​consciousness, accompanied by miserable screams.


Yang Yiyun began to tremble all over.

The sound was the scream of his son.

When he turned around to look, he saw that in a huge bloody sphere, it was the soul of his youngest son Yang Yuanqing trapped inside. His whole body seemed to be trembling and he screamed.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun roared angrily and suddenly thought about his son and rushed towards him.

"Quack... Damn boy, you'd better not move, otherwise I can make your son's soul disappear into ashes with just one thought."

At this time, the demon was also trembling all over, and smiled sinisterly. He was also seriously injured by Yang Yiyun, but he used Yang Yuanqing's soul as his trump card to deal with Yang Yiyun.

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun's life gate was indeed pinched.

Yang Yiyun, who was about to throw down his son Yuanshen, had to stop when he heard the demon talking. He didn't dare to gamble.

I also believe that this kind of monster has the means to make his son's soul fly away.

"Alas~ I still failed after all!"

Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart. Two fights, one physical fight against the demon, and one fight for the soul, still failed in the end.

But it's not that he doesn't have the ability to fight back, it's that his life gate is in the hands of the demon, and he has nothing to do.

His son's soul was controlled by the other party, so he could only use the enemy's weapon.

Even if the demon's body is trapped, it still won't help.

I thought about rushing into the sea of ​​consciousness to kill the demon soul in one go, but unexpectedly, my son Yang Yuanqing appeared and screamed at the thought.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was really full of powerlessness.

"Get out of here and untie yourself."


A powerful force came and hit Yang Yiyun Yuanshen directly, causing Yang Yiyun Yuanshen to withdraw from his son's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

It's not that he didn't see the demon's attack, nor was he incapable of resolving it, but he couldn't move because he was afraid that his son would be knocked out of his mind by the opponent's thought.

He allowed the demon to hit his Yuanshen with a blow, but he forcefully withstood the blow and the Yuanshen retreated.

If he hadn't seen the tragic look of his son Yang Yuanqing Yuanshen, maybe Yang Yiyun would have fought back, but...he just saw the painful look of his son trapped in the bloody sphere.

After all, he was discouraged for a moment.

He is the master of Yunmen Wonderland and a father.

Yunmen Wonderland can still function without him as its holy master, because it has become the number one force in the world of cultivation.

His son Yang Yuanqing is the only one in the world.

In the battle with the Great Demon Lord in Europe, Liu Lingling's death was still a thorn in his heart.

Yang Yiyun has a shadow over the death of his relatives.

He didn't want to lose a son.

Even if he is the one who dies.

Yang Yiyun was in a dilemma.

So he gave up resistance and was beaten hard by the demon.

The next moment, his soul was severely injured and returned to his body. Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. He looked at the demon in front of him who had been frozen by him and turned into an ice sculpture with the source of water, his eyes were red.

Unlock the demon with a wave of his hand.

He knew that once the demon died, his son Yang Yuanqing would not survive.

At this time, Yang Yiyun felt uncomfortable.


The demon opened his eyes and laughed, very evil.

Then one of the opponents punched him and said with a playful smile: "If you don't want your son to suffer, just stay still."



Yang Yiyun punched hard, vomiting blood and flew out.

"Let your kid be disobedient... bump bump bump... hahaha..."

There was a burst of punches and kicks, with the sound of breaking bones.

The demon laughed crazily and carried out the most ferocious revenge on Yang Yiyun. Every blow was a killing blow. Yang Yiyun was crippled after a few blows. He lay motionless on the ground and vomited blood from his mouth.

The demon finally stopped and walked step by step to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun saw the demon's extremely proud smile imprinted into his blurred vision.

He only had half a breath left.

He gave up...

"Please... please let me go... my son..." Yang Yiyun said a word of pleading intermittently, even though he knew that saying it would be in vain. The devil would not let his father and son go, but he still sat there and said what a father should do. thing.

"Quack...are you finally begging me?"


With a bang as he spoke, the demon stepped on Yang Yiyun's chest with one foot, causing his dignified chest to completely collapse with a click.


Yang Yiyun spat out a mouthful of blood, and subconsciously hugged the demon's legs with both hands, trying to move his legs away, but to no avail.

"Hey~ Please beg me now, it's too late, I've had enough fun, I'll send you on your way."

As he finished speaking, the demon raised his hand, filled with evil energy, and slapped Yang Yiyun on the head...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly said to himself: "I'm sorry, son, but my husband can't save you, so I will accompany you on the road to hell... Please, Black Lotus~"


Yang Yiyun let out a long roar, and when the demon slapped him down, he forcibly expelled the black lotus from his sea of ​​consciousness, and then what he thought about was - self-destruct.

Die with the monster.

The powerful soul burst into flames.


A black lotus floated out of his body.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun burned his soul and madly absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body.

It was thousands of times faster than the speed at which he could absorb spiritual energy during his breakthrough cultivation.

This is the sign of the monk's self-destruction.

The demon's pupils suddenly shrank, and he naturally understood what Yang Yiyun was going to do, he was going to blow himself up.


The demon was finally afraid. The powerful aura exuding from Yang Yiyun made him feel threatened.

Although he is the great demon in the demon world, he is also a demon soul that has been suppressed for countless years, and his cultivation is far from being restored.

If Yang Yiyun blew himself up, he would be doomed.

He quickly wanted to retreat, but one leg was still on Yang Yiyun's chest, and he was tightly held by Yang Yiyun and couldn't get away.

At this time, the demon didn't have time to break away from Yang Yiyun. He cursed and his soul left the body with a swish.

But he finally escaped from Yang Yuanqing's body.

"Black Lotus~"

Yang Yiyun suddenly pushed Yang Yuanqing, who was holding one leg, towards Heilian.

Just when he made the burning soul self-destruction, and forced Hei Lian out of the sea of ​​consciousness, he sent a message to Hei Lian, asking Hei Lian to save his son no matter what.

This result was actually part of his calculation.

He failed twice to drive the demon soul out of his son's body, so he knew that ordinary fighting methods would not work.

So he endured being beaten to death by the demon and burned his soul at the last moment to self-destruct.

He made a bet that when he blew himself up, the demon Xi Ming would escape from his son's body at the last moment.

This time he made the right bet.

Sure enough, the demon escaped from his son's body.

But at this time, his self-destruction had already begun and he could not stop. There was no way out, only death.

He knew his own situation very well. Once he blew himself up, it would be no small matter, so he sent a message to Hei Lian and asked Hei Lian to protect his son Yang Yuanqing.

With his self-destruction, only Heilian can protect his son from being affected by his self-destruction.

In an instant, his son Yang Yuanqing's body was pushed to one side of the black lotus.

The next moment, the black lotus glowed brightly, and a woman in black appeared in the lotus platform. She glanced at Yang Yiyun with complicated eyes, and at the same time reached out to catch the unconscious Yang Yuanqing.

Immediately after the lotus flowers merged together, the black lotus woman or the spirit of the black lotus and Yang Yuanqing's body disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yiyun finally smiled, knowing that his son was finally rescued.

However, at this moment, Yang Yiyun felt that the historical power in his body had reached its peak. He knew that the self-destruction was activated and he could no longer suppress the power in his body.


Under the pressure of unimaginable power inside his body, Yang Yiyun let out a long roar and said in his heart: "This is how it ends."

He clearly felt that every inch of his body was beginning to crack.

He knew he was going to die, and his soul was shattered.

But at this moment, at the critical moment, he suddenly felt a shock in his left arm, a warm current instantly spread throughout his body, and a force he had never felt before enveloped him.

At the same time, the pressure that felt like it was going to explode in my body disappeared without a trace at this moment...

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