My Master Is a God

Chapter 1839 You two can’t give me what I want

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"You...your kid finally woke up~"

The demon bird couldn't help but speak.

"Have I practiced for three days?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The God-Demon Bird nodded slightly and said, "It's three..."


At this moment, a huge force burst out from the pool and swept Yang Yiyun.

The next moment, he interrupted the conversation between Yang Yiyun and the God and Demon Bird, wrapped the two of them, and flew out directly as if being thrown out.


Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun rushed out of the reception pool...

The moment he flew out of the clouds and mist in the Jieyin Pond, Yang Yiyun finally saw the tip of the iceberg in the fairyland.

In the gorgeous void above our heads, there are endless bright stars, and still colorful cirrus clouds. The clouds and mist are swirling and flowing endlessly, like the Milky Way hanging upside down.

But at this moment, the ground is already on the ground.

Yang Yiyun didn't know how he got out. He said it was the Jingyin Pond, but he didn't see the Pond. Instead, it turned into land.

I think the real Jie Yinchi is in another form, and it will naturally be invisible when he comes out.

But there are huge pillars all around, numbering at least thousands at a glance.

At this moment, he was standing in front of one of the giant pillars.

Looking up, this huge pillar has a diameter of at least a hundred meters, and as for the height, it is completely invisible.

It looks like it goes straight into the nine heavens.

There are countless cirrus inscriptions on the giant pillar, which are extremely mysterious and sparkle with a faint halo.

It shocked Yang Yiyun very much.

At this moment, a majestic scolding resounded in Yang Yiyun's ears like thunder.

"Who ascends to the lower realm?"

Yang Yiyun was startled and turned around suddenly, but several people appeared behind him at some unknown time.

Five, three boys and four girls.

Looking at the five people Yang Yiyun looked around, it seemed that there was no one else around him, so he asked blankly: "Who are asking me?"

"How presumptuous, a little ascended from the lower realms, but you are still not polite when you see us. We are the top-grade immortals guarding the Tianmen, so of course I am asking you."

One of the young men with an unruly look scolded Yang Yiyun.

Top grade heavenly immortal!

Yang Yiyun grinned. He didn't expect someone to give him a blow on the first day he ascended to the immortal world.

A few high-level immortals have already put on airs, so wouldn't it be even more impressive to go up to the level of true immortals, golden immortals, etc.?

"You're still not polite?"

At this time there was another scolding.

Yang Yiyun twitched when he heard this, frowned, and was about to attack, but at this moment, one of the female immortals said: "Zhang San Li Si, okay, he is just a newly ascended person, there is no need for this, hurry up and register for entry. .”

This female fairy interrupted two people named Zhang San and Li Si, and threatened Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun took a special look at the female fairy and developed a good impression. Looking carefully, the female fairy looked like a work of art, and she felt full of fairy spirit to him.

Maybe all the immortals in the immortal world are like this?

Yang Yiyun thought to himself that he had become an immortal anyway and could change his appearance in Jie Yinchi. He had discovered this before, but he did not change his appearance.

He still has white hair and looks the same.

Your body, hair, and skin are given by your parents, and your appearance is also given by God. There is no need to change it.

However, looking at the appearance of these five men and women, they all look like first-class handsome men and beauties. It is obvious that they changed their appearance in the reception pool when they ascended.

Just when Yang Yiyun was thinking about these innocuous matters, the man named Zhang San coldly snorted: "For the sake of Coral Fairy, I won't argue with you, a kid who doesn't understand the rules. Listen and put your hand on the lead." On the Tianzhu, register for entry."

"Introduction to Tianzhu? Entry level?" Yang Yiyun was a little stunned after hearing this.

At this moment, it was the female immortal who spoke out: "The Tianzhu of Jieyin is the Tianzhu that leads to the nine heavens and is connected to the Jieyin Pond. There are three thousand Tianzhu of Jieyin here, which represent the three thousand worlds of cultivation.

In fact, when you ascend into the celestial pool, your information has automatically been transferred to the celestial pillar. Now we are only responsible for registration and making an identity card for you to enter the fairy world. You have no identity in the fairy world. For you who have just ascended The little immortal who came up had many inconveniences and even troubles.

You only need to drip blood essence into a drop of Tianzhu beside you, which is considered to activate your identity in the fairy world. "

Only then did Yang Yiyun understand that after ascending to the fairy world, he still had to go through naturalization?

"Thank you so much to this fairy sister. I understand what to do." Yang Yiyun thanked the fairy named Coral Fairy with fists, but he ignored the others from beginning to end.

You guys are all heavenly beings, but you are just top-grade heavenly beings and you treat me like this?

No birds will pounce on you.

After saying this, Yang Yiyun followed the instructions of the female immortal and dropped a drop of blood essence into the huge Tianzhu.


The next moment, the Tianzhu buzzed and radiated brightly.

Then a line of simple cultivation handwriting appeared.

The handwriting on it was common in the world of cultivation, and Yang Yiyun recognized it.

I saw the words written on the Jie Yin Tianzhu: Yang Yiyun, the Ascended One, ascended from the great world of Pangu Cultivation, his hometown of China, Earth, and his cultivation age was one thousand and eighty years - a first-class heavenly immortal, and he was tempered in Jie Yin Pond for ninety days.

"Huh...ninety days?"

"How can this be?"

"Three months?"

"There must be something wrong with Tianzhu's records?"

When the five immortals saw Yang Yiyun's information manifested, they all lost their composure and screamed in surprise.

In the history of the fairy world, the highest record of tempering in the Jieyin Pool is nine days. Those who can ascend for nine days and survive to the present are undoubtedly at the top of the pyramid of the fairy world today. However, the people who have appeared in the history of nine days have a pair of hands. Come and count.

There are three thousand cultivation worlds under the entire fairy world, and the Pangu cultivation world where Yang Yiyun is located is just one of them.

There are countless small worlds under the big world, and there may not be an ascendant who can lead nine heavens in the lead pool.

What's more, it's ninety days?

This simply overturned the five immortals' perceptions.

At first, it was hard for them to believe it.


Jieyin Tianzhu is an existence that has been born since the existence of the immortal world. It is a product of the way of heaven. How could it go wrong?

Looking at Yang Yiyun's identity information, Pangu Cultivation World, the small world of China on Earth, has been cultivating for one thousand and eighty years and ascended.

The information inside caused several immortals to have huge wild ideas.

The Great World of Pangu Cultivation is also a nominal existence in the entire three thousand worlds of the Immortal World. There have been many legendary figures in history, and undoubtedly not all of them were influential existences in the Immortal World.

Not to mention, from the last era to the present, any awesome loose immortal who appears has caused huge waves in the entire immortal world.

I have never heard of Yang Yiyun's hometown, but that's not the point. The point is that he was only one thousand and eighty years old during his cultivation.

In the entire history of the immortal world, those who can ascend after a thousand years of practice are not without phoenix feathers and water chestnuts, but they are very rare.

With such cultivation qualifications, they are definitely the first person in modern times to guard the Jieyin Tianzhu.

Pangu Tianzhu's place has been really lively over the past few years.

Just a few hundred years ago, there was a case where the Heavenly Gate was forcibly opened and even alarmed the Immortal Emperor. As a result, one of the Immortal Emperor's hands was cut off from the lower realm.

Although the Immortal Emperor ordered to keep silent about this matter, there was no airtight wall after all, and they had heard about it to some extent.

That time I heard that all the immortals who guarded this place were executed.

Only then did the five immortal sects have the opportunity to come and guard it.

The five of them naturally come from five different immortal sect forces, so it is naturally beneficial for them to come to guard and guide Tianzhu.

First, there are also wealthy people who ascend from the lower realms and can reap benefits.

The second is the key point. They find that those with great talent and potential can be absorbed into their own immortal sect. They have inheritance from fellow sects in the immortal world. If an immortal sect wants to pass on, it must inject fresh blood.

Therefore, the Guardian Immortal Sect is the most direct and effective opportunity to recruit new disciples.

Of course, this also requires the other party to do so voluntarily, and there can be no coercion anyway.

However, under normal circumstances, those who ascended from the lower realm are novices starting from scratch when they arrive in the fairy world. Faced with the invitations from the fairy gates in the fairy world, they rarely refuse.

Of course, those who are ascending from sects with roots in the immortal world are excepted. If they ascend, their immortal sect will naturally send people to pick them up.

However, Yang Yiyun is obviously a person who does not have a sect in the immortal world, because there is no record on the Tianzhu.

If he has a sect, it will be displayed on the Tianzhu.

After half a payment, the five immortals finally came to their senses. There would be absolutely no problem in receiving the Tianzhu. Since Yang Yiyun recorded the ninety-day baptism in the Jieyin Pool, there was nothing wrong with it.

This can only show that Yang Yiyun's talent is the most evil talent among evildoers. If such potential people are not attracted to his fairy sect, they are mentally ill.


Zhang San, who had scolded Yang Yiyun before, coughed. When he looked at Yang Yiyun, a smile appeared on his face. Even his voice was whispering. A white light flashed in his hand, and a milky white token appeared on it. The naturally beautiful inscriptions sparkle with pure immortal power.

Then, as if he saw a big girl, he said with a smile: "So your name is Yang Yiyun, Brother Yang, oh, I was rude just now, my name is Zhang San, from Qiming Fairy Mountain, Brother Yang welcomes you to ascend, this is Qiming Immortal Mountain’s identity token, in the future you will be enriched in the Immortal Yuan and practice in Qiming Immortal Realm... Come on, Brother Yang, drop a drop of blood essence and you will be the core disciple of Qiming Immortal Mountain..."

"Hmph~ Zhang San, you are so shameless. You just scolded Brother Yang. Brother Yang, I am from Yunwu Fairy Mountain. Our Yunwu Fairy Mountain will give you all the cultivation resources you want..."

"Brothers, we, Lingxiu Immortal, are in the third-grade Immortal Mountain. It is definitely your best choice to come to the Immortal Realm..."

"Brother Yang, if you join us, you will embark on the road to becoming a strong person..."

The five people rushed to surround Yang Yiyun. Each of you had an immortal card representing their respective immortal sect in their hands. You no longer had the arrogance you had before. You licked your face and smiled, hoping that Yang Yiyun would join their immortal mountain...

They even started to undermine each other.

At this moment, the voice of the God and Demon Bird sounded in his mind: "Boy, please think clearly. Once you join the Immortal Mountain, you cannot change it. Some Immortal Mountains in the Immortal World have very strict rules."

In fact, Yang Yiyun was confused when he first came to the fairy world, but he could also see that the change in attitude of these five people must be related to the ninety days he spent in the reception pool.

This represents potential.

Ordinarily, it can only be carried for nine days at most until it dies.

He stayed in Jingyinchi for ninety days for various reasons. Now that he thinks about it, it must have a lot to do with the technique he practiced. He practiced Shinto.

That's why there is probably a record of ninety days.

But now it seems that it has caused trouble for itself.

Looking around at the five people, especially the way Zhang San and Li Si were licking their faces at this time, he felt disgusted. With a wicked smile on his lips, Yang made a decision in his heart and spoke.

"Haha, you two can't give me what I want~"

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