My Master Is a God

Chapter 1840 The first battle in the immortal world begins with two high-grade immortals

Yang Yiyun said this to Zhang San and Li Si on purpose.

You were so cool before, but now that I see my potential, you have turned into kneeling and licking me. I won’t give you a chance.

When Zhang San and Li Si heard what Yang Yiyun said, their expressions changed.

How could they not see the playfulness in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

But for such a monster-level potential person, Zhang San and Li Si really don't want to give up.

Zhang San endured it, and still said with a smile: "I wonder what Brother Yang wants? I can tell you, Zhang can say this, as long as Brother Yang is willing to join our Immortal Sect, in terms of training resources, with Brother Yang's talent and potential, The headmaster will give the green light."

"Li can also promise Brother Yang that we can give you the best cultivation environment as long as you join our Fairy Mountain." Li Si also spoke quickly.

"Haha, what I want is to transcend the realm of Immortal Lord, can you give it to me?" Yang said with a smile.

When Yang Yiyun said these words, Zhang San and Li Si knew that Yang Yiyun was playing tricks on them.

But I didn't expect that this kid was still a vengeful person. He had scolded them before and was waiting here.

Zhang San narrowed his eyes and said: "Brother Yang, this is the immortal world, not the world of cultivation. No matter you are a dragon or a phoenix in the world of cultivation, in the immortal world you are just a worm, do you understand?

Recruiting you is to give you face. Don't think that having great potential means you can be arrogant. People with potential must be alive to reflect their potential. There are many geniuses who die midway, so don't be ignorant of good and evil. "

There was both soft and hard words in these words, and the threat was very strong.

Although Li Si didn't speak, his eyes became gloomy.

In their eyes, Yang Yiyun is now just a little ascended person, the lowest level immortal in the immortal world. If he didn't value his potential and talent, he would rarely talk nonsense.

I didn't expect this boy to be ignorant.

In response to Zhang San's threat, Yang Yiyun chuckled and said, "Is it possible that I don't want to join the Immortal Sect and am forced to do so?"

"The Immortal World has rules, and everything is voluntary. Since Brother Yang is unwilling to join the Immortal Sect, we will naturally not force him. However, I would like to remind Brother Yang that those who do not have an Immortal Sect in the Immortal World are casual cultivators. Rogue cultivators in the Immortal World My status is not very good. I was bullied, robbed, or even killed by others, and no one came forward, haha~" Li Si took up the conversation.

Yang Yiyun didn't take Zhang San and Li Si's threats seriously. He, Yang, was really not frightened all the way.

He was really not interested in the solicitation and talk of these immortals.

Grinning, he said: "I appreciate your good intentions. Mr. Yang has just ascended to the Immortal Realm and doesn't know much about it yet. He will consider joining the Immortal Sect in the future. But right now, he just wants to experience the scenery of the Immortal Realm. If he wants to join in the future, Yang will give priority to a certain immortal sect, and we will see you later, so I’ll leave first.”

Yang Yiyun left after speaking, not giving anyone a chance to refute.

I was thinking in my mind that you guys gave me a powerful thumbs up before, but now I will show you a proud back.

As for whether he would hold a grudge and cause trouble, he really wasn't afraid.

Aren't they just a few top-grade immortals?

When he was in the lower realm, he even killed loose immortals who were comparable to the golden immortal level. Is it possible that he is still afraid of a few heavenly immortals?

"You're too presumptuous~"

Several immortals gritted their teeth as they watched Yang Yiyun leave neatly.

Of course, among the five immortals, only the one named Coral remained silent.

Only Zhang San and Li Si looked at Yang Yiyun's leaving figure with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

But we don’t dare to take action here, because this is the core of the fairy world. The three thousand connecting pillars represent the three thousand worlds, which are equivalent to connecting the three thousand worlds of cultivation and are the foundation of the fairy world.

It's very ancient here.

There are also regulations that prohibit fighting here.

In fact, all five people understood that Yang Yiyun was really targeting Zhang San and Li Si.

If Yang Yiyun doesn't want to join the Immortal Sect, they can't force him.

But letting Yang Yiyun leave was the last thing Zhang San and Li Si wanted to see.

Yang Yiyun's potential will be a huge threat to them in the future. It would be okay if he didn't offend Yang Yiyun before, but Pianpian has offended Yang Yiyun before.

Moreover, this kid Yang Yiyun has shown a grudge against them, and this is Liang Zi.

Instead of waiting to be noticed by a powerful person who is very likely to grow up in the future, it is better to kill him quickly.

What can a genius with great potential do? After he dies, he is nothing and no longer a threat.

Yang Yiyun left the place where he ascended to receive the Tianzhu with a happy one, and left quickly.

You can naturally fly in the fairy world, but the laws of the fairy world are more powerful.

After Yang Yiyun arrived in the fairy world, he discovered that the power of flight and spiritual consciousness were actually limited.

The power of the laws of the fairy world is dozens or hundreds of times more stable and balanced than that of the cultivation world.

Therefore, the power of flight and consciousness have declined.

Yang Yiyun found that the ordinary speed of flight could not keep up with the speed of instantaneous movement compared with the world of cultivation.

And his consciousness can travel thousands of miles in an instant in the cultivator world, but after all, it can only travel one thousand meters in the immortal world.

The contrast is too great.

He was a little depressed and complained to himself: "What a bullshit fairyland. After ascending, the strength actually declined."

At this time, the demon bird that had been squatting on his shoulder said: "You kid, just be content. According to my understanding, after many people ascended to the immortal world, they were suppressed by the laws of the immortal world, making it difficult to fly. Divine consciousness, no, in the immortal world It should be called immortal knowledge.

The Immortal Consciousness can be released up to a hundred meters, and one hundred meters is not bad. Not only can your kid fly, but the Immortal Consciousness can also be released for a thousand meters. You are really a freak, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? "

When Yang Yiyun heard the magic bird speak, he immediately became happy: "Crow, you finally spoke. Why did you not speak and act like a mute in front of those immortals before?"

"Nonsense, you know it's risky for me to follow you now? It's not normal for me to follow you to ascend to the immortal world, and I'm the number one god and demon bird in the three realms, so I'm noble.

Your boy's current strength is an authentic weakling in the fairy world. If I don't keep a low profile, wouldn't it mean that I will live too long? "The God Demon Bird said in a tone that you are just a fool.

"Tch, what's special about you is that you have a strong mouth. To put it bluntly, you're not afraid of death. Forget it, I won't talk to you about this topic. Instead, you can tell me, what's the difference between divine consciousness and immortal consciousness? Aren't they both detection?" Yang Yiyun Asked what he wanted to know.

God Demon Bird: "Of course it's different. To put it bluntly, spiritual consciousness is still within the scope of spiritual consciousness, but it's just a little more powerful. In the world of cultivation where the rules are incomplete, the purpose of divine consciousness is mostly for detection. When it comes to attacks, Strength, not so good.

But the fairy consciousness is different. After being baptized by the power of the fairy world, the real sublimated power can be used to kill enemies. The power of the fairy consciousness can be used to kill enemies if it is applied to the law. It is not only used for detection, but also can be used to kill enemies. There are many things you can learn about how to kill enemies if you slowly study them. "

Yang Yiyun also understood the general idea. The God and Demon Bird repeatedly mentioned the word law. Yang Yiyun was moved in his heart and asked: "Is the focus of cultivation in the immortal world on the law?"

"You can teach me, you are not a fool. Yes, when cultivating in the immortal world, in addition to the basic immortal power, the focus is on laws. There are three thousand avenues in the world, and there are three thousand laws.

In the world of cultivation, the power of laws is limited. You can only come into contact with the laws of the five elements at most. However, in the fairy world, there are three thousand laws. How much you can understand and study thoroughly will have great power.

Cultivation of the Immortal World Laws is the main focus. Precisely because the Immortal World Laws are comprehensive, after those of you who ascended, even though you ascended and I said you became stronger, your strength was reduced. This is the reason. "

"That's it~" Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding.

Then the Demonic Bird said again: "Did you deliberately anger those two weakling immortals just now?"

Yang Yiyun heard the words of the God and Demon Bird, he chuckled and said: "I have killed level six loose immortals on Sanxian Island, and their levels are comparable to the golden immortals of the immortal world. Although the old man said it, the level of the lower world is very watery, and it cannot be compared with the immortal world at all. Compared to real immortals.

But after all, I had killed the Golden Immortal level, and when I arrived in the Immortal Realm, I was despised by those two bastards and showed their power, so naturally I felt unconvinced.

They are also the lowest level of immortals. Aren't they just top-level immortals? I am a first-level immortal. I would like to try to see how big the gap is between me and them. How dare they be so arrogant. "

Yang said the general reason in his heart, but of course there was another reason he didn't say, that is, the spirit of the Qiankun Pot said that he cultivated a higher level of Shinto than the Immortal Dao, and he just wanted to try the Shinto and Immortal Dao. What's the difference?

"You got your wish, and those two immortals followed. Hehe, to be honest, I don't like them either. If you guys fight, it would be better if you kill those two immortals. If you can't beat them, you kid will be beaten." If they beat me up, I would be more happy to see it, hehe~" The God and Demon Bird gloated, hoping that the world would not be in chaos.

Angry Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes.

Needless to say, with his divine consciousness or immortal consciousness, he found that the two people named Zhang San and Li Si had been following him at a distance of seven or eight hundred meters, and they followed him slowly.

I haven't touched any of them. I guess this place is not suitable for doing anything.

I heard what they said before that this was a land of three thousand worlds, and there were probably restrictions on fighting, so I kept following him, thinking that I was waiting to leave here before taking action.

But Yang Yiyun was not only not afraid, but felt very excited in his heart.

Thinking that his first battle in the immortal world would start with these two blind immortals.

I deliberately angered them before, just to see the difference between the immortals in the immortal world and the monks in the cultivation world. Now it seems to be a virtue.

Since it was them who chased him to death, they couldn't blame Yang.

As for whether he could kill two high-grade immortals, Yang had thought about this question.

Since the spirit of the Qiankun Pot has given him the advantage of cultivating the divine way, if he cannot defeat two top-level immortals in the same realm, then it will be in vain.

Talking about Shinto is not worthy of the word Shinto, let alone breaking the sky.

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