My Master Is a God

Chapter 1844 Immortal Dao Yuan

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Unexpectedly, the law and Taoism taught by Question Bird was quite reliable. I thought that the body-holding technique might not have much effect on the immortals.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San and Li Si were immobilized.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed at this moment, and he struck out with his sword at the two immortals with his backhand.

The powerful sword energy swept towards Zhang San and Li Si in an instant.

But at this moment, Zhang San and Li Si burst out with light.

Yang Yiyun's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect Zhang San and Li Si to break away from the shackles of the body-holding technique so quickly and began to deal with the counterattack.

The time spent calculating in my mind actually took less than two breaths!

In other words, his body-holding technique can only last for less than two breaths on Zhang San and Li Si.

This made Yang Yiyun a little disappointed, but having said that, he did not waste time, because the attack on Zhang San and Li Si had already gone out.

That is, before they could break free from the immobilization technique, he killed them with one strike of his sword.

Now let’s see how Zhang San and Li Si deal with it.

However, they saw haloes all over their bodies, with panic on their faces. In a hurry, the immortal weapons in Zhang San and Li Si's hands erupted with powerful aura to block Yang Yiyun's sword energy...

"Boom boom~"



Amidst the roar, Zhang San and Li Si vomited blood and flew backwards. After all, they were a step slower. Although they broke free from Yang Yiyun's body-fixing technique, they were hasty in their response and failed to block Yang Yiyun's sword energy.

Yang Yiyun saw Zhang San and Li Si flying backwards and dodged away in an instant.

The Dragon Sword was moved again, and he calculated the trajectory of Li Si's landing in his mind, and struck suddenly.

Using almost all his strength, Yang Yiyun roared as the dragon-slaying sword roared: "Cut~"


He slashed down with his sword. This time, he did not activate the sword energy and directly slashed Li Si from top to bottom with his sword.

While screaming, Li Si was cut in half by Yang Yiyun's sword.

Blood splatters everywhere~!

Li Si died.

Yang Yiyun saw the dazzling light erupting from Li Si's body. He vaguely saw a colorful bead appear when Li Si's body exploded, and immediately wanted to escape.

Although he didn't know what this colorful bead was, Yang Yiyun instinctively guessed that it should be similar to a cultivator's golden elixir.

How could he be allowed to escape?

"King Kong Supreme~"

With a soft drink, the Supreme Divine Power transformed into a giant hand, and immediately caught the colorful beads that were about to escape in Li Li's body, and threw them into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

At this time, there is still one Zhang San that has not been solved, and there is no time to study whether it is the golden elixir problem.


Zhang San on the side saw Li Si being killed by Yang Yiyun in just the blink of an eye, and he was frightened.

I never expected that the first-grade immortals who had just ascended would be so powerful that they could kill the high-grade immortals.

Zhang San is scared now~

Regardless of the reason, Zhang San knew that Yang Yiyun was a freak and had the ability to kill him.

He turned around and ran away in surprise.

However, after one immortal was eliminated and only the other one was left, how could Yang Yiyun let Zhang San escape.

"Can you escape? Definitely."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yang Yiyun's mouth, and with the word "fix" out of his mouth, Zhang San's figure, who had already taken off, froze in mid-air, with a look of horror on his face.

The next moment, Yang flashed, raised his sword in front of Zhang San, and slashed down suddenly.


At this moment, Zhang San broke free from the immobilization technique, but it was too late.

With an evil smile, Yang Yiyun fell on him with a sword.


In the blink of an eye, Yang, who had gained experience, beheaded Zhang San, and the next moment he had the beads in Zhang San's body in his hand.

Two high-grade immortals were completely killed by Yang.

At this moment, holding the colorful bead in Zhang San's body in his hand, Yang Yiyun looked at it curiously, only to see that the bead shone with a colorful halo, felt warm in his hand, and contained extremely pure immortal power.

Yang Yiyun thought it should be like a golden elixir!

However, what he was a little confused about was that when he was cultivating the combined state, the Nascent Soul in the body had long been fused, but it had just turned into Dantian, and there was no golden elixir. There was a virtual starry sky in the Dantian, and there were stars, but theoretically the golden elixir level The cultivation has long been over, but now something similar to a golden elixir has been found in the body of the immortal, which makes Yang Yiyun very confused.

And the weird thing is that holding this bead in Yang Yiyun's hand actually made him feel hungry, not to mention unable to swallow it in one bite.

He couldn't help but ask the God Demon Bird: "Is it possible that the Crow Immortal also has a golden elixir in his body? Or does it mean that after ascending to the immortal world, the golden elixir needs to be condensed again? Or that at the beginning of the immortal level, should this thing be called an elixir?"

"Haha, what you kid said is almost the same, but this thing is called Daoyuan, which is similar to the cultivator's golden elixir. It is also where all the power of the immortal lies, but it is also different.

There is an immortal soul in Daoyuan, and it is the manifestation of celestial phenomena on the other side. Everyone practices the immortal way differently, and the manifestations within Daoyuan are also different. Some people have a mansion inside Daoyuan, and some people may have a mansion inside Daoyuan. A star, or even an immortal weapon, a strange beast, a god, etc., on the contrary, there are countless changes.

Daoyuan is also the place where the power of immortal energy is condensed, and it is also where the power of the immortal soul resides. In short, Daoyuan is the foundation of the immortal. When Daoyuan is broken, it means that the body dies and the Tao disappears.

You boy should deal with Daoyuan as soon as possible. Hehe, the two immortals may have notified their respective sects through Daoyuan at this moment, or maybe someone is already seeking revenge, hehe..."

At the end of the story, the demon bird started to feel happy about his misfortune.

"I'll go~ Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yang Yiyun glared at the Magic Bird.

"You didn't ask, kid." The Demonic Bird looked like his clothes were no big deal.

"Then what to do with this Daoyuan?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The God Demon Bird cursed: "Idiot, either destroy or devour it. Hey, I suggest you, a weakling, swallowed two Dao Yuan. This thing is filled with pure power, which can make you, a weakling, gain a lot of cultivation."

If you keep this thing, you will bring trouble to yourself. Their immortal sect will search for traces of their Dao Yuan and find you. Then you will be in trouble, hehe~. "

Yang Yiyun ignored the God and Demon Bird calling him a fool, but asked the key point: "You mean, as long as I swallow or destroy the Daoyuan of Zhang San and Li Si, the people from their immortal sect will not be able to find me?"

"It's too late. You didn't destroy their Daoyuan at the first time. They should have passed your boy's information to the master a long time ago. Even if you destroy Daoyuan now, your information has been passed on. Maybe their There will be people in the Immortal Sect seeking revenge, but it doesn't matter if you hide from them and can't find them." The Divine Demon Bird spoke in confusion.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, looked at the Daoyuan in his hand, and was ready to destroy it, but... he really wanted to swallow it when facing Daoyuan, and the God and Demon Bird Daoyuan contained pure power...

But after all, it is the Dao Yuan of human cultivators, which is no different from Yuan Ying.

If he was really allowed to devour the refining Dao Yuan, he would really feel a little uncomfortable.

Forget it, just destroy it!

Yang Yiyun suddenly activated his power in Daoyuan.


The light of Daoyuan in his hand burst out, and a mansion evolved in the roar. Of course, it was only in a phantom state, and Daoyuan was sealed by his power and could not turn over the storm at all.

Then there was a scream: "Ah... don't, don't, don't... don't kill me~"

A pocket version of Zhang San came out of the mansion in a panic and begged Yang Yiyun.

This is Zhang San's immortal soul. He knows that if the immortal soul is destroyed, it will be a real death, disappearing from heaven and earth, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

So Zhang San was frightened and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, since you want to kill me, you should be prepared to die."


As soon as Yang Yiyun exerted his strength, Zhang San's Dao Yuan shattered and disappeared.

Then he followed the law and took out Li Si's Daoyuan from the Qiankun Pot, destroying them all.

After all, he did not absorb the Taoist power of Zhang San and Li Si. They were all from the human race, so he was afraid and had a shadow in his heart.

The Demonic Bird smiled secretly and said: "Hehehe~ You are not bad as a weakling. You resisted the temptation. Remember, kid, there are countless temptations along the way to immortality. You must have determination. Ninety-nine percent of the immortals are like this. He died because he couldn't control his inner greed, and his body and soul disappeared.

If you kid really swallowed and refined the Dao Yuan of Zhang San and Li Si just now, then their master will definitely be able to find the breath from you. At that time, it will be a real and serious disaster. Immortal monks are most taboo, swallowing Dao Yuan, This is an unwritten rule. People will treat them as aliens, and everyone will punish them. Devouring and refining Dao Yuan is the work of the devil. "

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