My Master Is a God

Chapter 1845 Even immortals also have poor ghosts

The words of the God and Demon Bird are over~

But Yang Yiyun increasingly felt that there was something wrong with the head of this problem bird.

Sometimes I explain something to him in great detail and seriousness, sometimes I feel schadenfreude when faced with the incident, sometimes I give him guidance, sometimes I just test it...

Anyway, Yang Yiyun couldn't see through this bird. He could sum it up in one sentence: There was something wrong with his head.

After hearing the words of the demon bird that seemed to be testing him, Yang Yiyun wanted to curse it, but finally held back.

At the same time, I was also glad that I did not swallow the Dao Yuan of two immortals, otherwise it might really get me into big trouble.

Now that the corpses are destroyed and traces are gone, even if Zhang San and Li Si's disciples pursue him, they will be able to track him down to the scene, but he would have already left by then.

"Stop standing there stupidly and go swipe at the corpses of two weak chickens. Are there any training resources on them that your kid can use? In the fairy world, the strong are respected and people eat people. If you want to be strong, you must speed up. Practice speed and improve strength.

Otherwise, you have also seen that two weak chickens and high-level immortals can bully you, not to mention higher-level immortals. If they really encounter you, they will die a hundred times.

One more thing I want to remind you is to understand the power of the law. You are lucky today. You are careless when two weak angels confront you. Otherwise, they would have used all their strength from the beginning. Even if you use the Body Holding Technique, It’s all in vain.

Remember the three thousand laws of the immortal world, which are the three thousand avenues. What you have realized in the world of cultivation before is nothing. The point is to start to realize it again after arriving in the immortal world.

The more power of laws you perceive, the more proficient you are, and the stronger your strength will be. The laws of the fairy world have attributes, which are completely different from the power of laws that you have mastered before. The power of laws that you have perceived before can only It's a very mixed introduction.

To understand the attributes from the law enlightenment from the past, it means that you have to start all over again and practice from scratch. The level of strength is based on the power in the Dao Yuan in your body, and with the help of the law, it is a complete battle.

The laws of the fairy world are the foundation of Taoism. The use of any Taoism is inseparable from the power of the law. Only with the power of the law can powerful and high-level Taoism be used against the enemy. Do you understand? "

At this moment, the magic bird was guiding Yang Yiyun like a teacher.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun looks at the God and Demon Bird as a guy with a brain problem. He is serious at one moment and crazy at the other...

Yang Yiyun nodded, accepting the guidance of the God and Demon Bird.

However, he had a doubt in his heart, but he didn't know whether he should ask the magic bird?

The doubt in my mind is that when Yang Yiyun was in the world of cultivation, the black and white spheres in the Qiankun Pot were fused into his body, which caused great changes in his body and condensed the Qiankun Pot Pill, which is half black and half white.

According to the Divine Demon Bird, the black and white Qiankun Pill in his body should be called Daoyuan.

Moreover, the time of condensation is wrong. It should be during the ascension and entering the reception pool for tempering that the Dao Yuan can be condensed.

But his situation...

Even though he had condensed Dao Yuan before his ascension, Yang Yiyun now didn't know if the Black and White Universe Pill in his body was considered to be the same existence as Dao Yuan?

Also, even if it is Daoyuan, it is very different from the Daoyuan in other immortals.

The Dao Yuan in Zhang San and Li Si's bodies are all five colors, but the Dao Yuan in his body is black and white...

In terms of strength, the previous battle with Zhang San and Li Si also led to the conclusion that the power in his body is very domineering, while the power of the immortal is soft. Comparing the two before, the power in his body far exceeds the level of immortal power.

Even the power within Zhang San and Li Si Daoyuan is not as pure as the power of the Qiankun Pill in his body.

This is where he is completely different from the immortal.

Or maybe this is the difference between Shinto and Immortalism.

In short, it seems that my advantage is very strong now.

But Yang Yiyun has been worried for a long time. According to what the Qiankun Pot Spirit said at the beginning, he will be a complete alien after arriving in the fairy world.

Because maybe he is the only one in the entire fairy world who practices Shinto.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing?

The path he is taking now is completely unknown.

Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, I don’t know yet.

However, Yang Yiyun could imagine that this road must not be peaceful, and he might be in danger.

What the spirit of the Qiankun Pot originally meant was that the Qiankun Pot chose him as its master, gave him the most supreme skill in the world, and gave him something that no one else had.

But he was also kidnapped at the same time.

Let him practice the divine way so that he can surpass the Immortal Lord and then break the sky.

What is broken is the heaven of the fairy world, and what is opened is the way to the true heaven of the three realms, because according to the spirit of the Qiankun Pot, someone is controlling the true heaven, which goes against the true operation of the great road.

The existence of the heaven does not want the creatures in the fairy world to have direct access to heaven, and restricts the avenue of the immortal world, so it needs to be allowed to break the sky.

No matter how many questions Qiankun Pot Spirit didn't say, Yang Yiyun could guess that the existence of the manipulator behind it was beyond his imagination, but it was just not something he could imagine now.

The heaven of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, the divine way - the divine realm!

Yang Yiyun suddenly thought of the God's Cemetery on Earth and what the Qilin Soul had said to him.

Let him not be in the Laishen Cemetery if he doesn't have the strength of the Immortal Emperor.

God Cemetery, a place where gods are buried.

A place where shadows hide great secrets.

Now that I think about it, there may be an inevitable connection with what Qiankun Pot is talking about.

Think about it, a god can be buried, so...

Yang Yiyun didn't dare to speculate on what happened next.

He was shaking inside.

The most important thing is that the spirit of the Qiankun Pot said that he only has ten thousand years. If he can't break the sky in ten thousand years, he will die.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt bitter in his heart, but also felt angry. He felt as if his destiny was controlled by the spirit of the Qiankun Pot.

It is true that success is the Qiankun Pot, and failure is the Qiankun Pot!

With these things in mind, Yang Yiyun came to Zhang San and Li Si and began to clean the battlefield, temporarily leaving these unpleasant things behind.

He thought that he would find time to find the spirit of the Qiankun Pot and ask about these things.

The next moment Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up and he waved two storage rings in his hand.

This is what Zhang San and Li Si have.

Then he waved his hand and the flames on Zhang San and Li Si burned, completely destroying the corpses.

"I thought the treasures stored by the immortals in the immortal world were so high-end, but they turned out to be storage rings." Yang Yiyun muttered, holding the ring in his hand.

The God Demon Bird said: "What do you know, kid? In fact, all the methods of cultivation in the world of cultivation, such as refining weapons, refining pills, etc., are all passed down from the fairy world. However, some things must be discounted in the lower world, such as With the storage ring, in the fairy world you can see the real basic storage ring of fairy weapons. This is the most complete storage ring.

The storage rings refined in the Immortal Realm usually start with a minimum space of a hundred square meters. Unlike the small storage rings in the Cultivator Realm, which may only be a few square meters, they are also unstable and will collapse at any time when encountering strong forces.

As for the magical storage magic weapons refined in the fairy world, some high-level storage rings will not explode even if they self-destruct. The inner space is very stable. Let’s take a look at what is in the storage rings of those two weaklings. ! "

There was no need for the God and Demon Bird to remind Yang Yiyun with his celestial consciousness as he glanced at Zhang San and Li Si's storage ring...

"I'll go...poor~"

Yang Yiyun made a sound of disdain, and seven low-grade immortal stones appeared in his hand.

This is still a combination of Zhang San and Li Si. One storage ring has four, one has three fairy stones, and apart from that there is not a single fairy grass...

Yang Yiyun was very disappointed. He didn't expect that there were such poor ghosts among the immortals in the immortal world.

"You are indeed a poor man, and you thought there was an elixir for me to try, but having said that, it is not bad to have seven immortal stones. Just be satisfied, you kid. You have to know that the entire immortal world has gathered monks from three thousand worlds.

The ascended monks from the three thousand worlds have all gathered in the fairy world, and the world of cultivation that your boy is in is only one of the three thousand.

There are countless immortals in the entire Immortal World, not to mention the existence of other races. With countless creatures, there will naturally not be many resources. I remember many years ago, I encountered an Immortal King who went to the Daxian City Restaurant to work as a restaurant just for a Immortal Stone. Dude thing…

Fairy stones in the fairy world are the main cultivation resources. Even low-grade fairy stones are precious resources. It's good that you can harvest seven low-grade fairy stones. " said the magic bird.

Yang Yiyun held back his words and said, "Isn't this too poor? Have you run out of celestial herbs and elixirs?"

"You kid, you are overthinking. There is indeed no shortage of cultivation resources such as elixirs and herbs in the immortal world, but you have to know that not everyone knows how to make alchemy. Some elixirs cannot be taken directly to improve your cultivation strength. Okay, so what’s the use of the elixir?

In addition, ordinary elixirs are useless if they cannot be taken directly to improve cultivation. And high-level elixirs are not easy to obtain, so the resources in the fairy world are not so easy to come by.

Having said that, if you want to obtain more cultivation resources, you must either have strength or professional skills. Otherwise, your talent potential is too strong, and you can only be an ordinary immortal by simply absorbing the power of heaven and earth's immortal energy. "The God and Demon Bird talks about things in the fairy world with great clarity.

Yang Yiyun put away the seven fairy stones and said: "I didn't expect that your question is quite familiar with things in the fairy world. Come on, let's leave here first."

One person and one bird left the battlefield talking...

"I was a handsome guy in the fairy world back then, the one who caused countless fairies to die young. I followed your master, that old bastard Yun Tianxie, to live in many places in the fairy world. I don't know what's going on. I always feel very confused in my mind. There seems to be a lot of things. I have forgotten it and cannot remember it, but when I see it or when your kid asks me a question, I will inexplicably think of many things as if I am emotionally moved.

You little bastard, don't think I'm nagging too much in the future. Talk to me more. Maybe more things will pop up in my mind, which may be able to help you and the little bastard..." Shenmoniao spoke carefully.

"Go away~"

Yang Yiyun cursed: "Tell me first, where is this fairy mountain we are now? Is there a place where immortals exist?"

The God Demon Bird said: "I know somewhere, but the fairy mountain here is closest to the Three Thousand Jieyin Tianzhu. This fairy mountain must have a fairy city."

"Look for it. I first need a map of the Immortal World and the Immortal Mountains. I also need to look for the old man and Brother Liuer..." As Yang Yiyun was speaking, his realization suddenly lit up, and he saw faintly hidden figures in the colorful clouds and mist. building.

When he looked carefully, he felt happy. He saw a city far away.

The city in the fairy world is like a mirage, so beautiful...

"Celestial Curtain City?"

Yang Yiyun and the Divine Demon Bird arrived in front of a fairy city, looked at the three big characters on the city gate and spoke.

"Oh, don't wait any longer. Come in quickly. After entering the city, buy some elixirs for me to eat. I haven't had any elixirs in years. It's so hard. It's all your master's fault..." The Magic Bird Curse Yun Tianxie.

"You dare to curse my old man, let alone the elixir, I won't even buy you shit. Remember, I can only curse the dead old man." Yang Yiyun threatened the God and Demon Bird and walked towards the Fairy Curtain City.

The cities in the fairy world are very different from those in the world of cultivation. There are colors everywhere, and the clouds and mist are shrouded in fairy air~

There is no one guarding the city gate like those in the world of cultivation. It is open, and there are immortals coming in and out.

It looks quite lively.

"Hmph, what can I do if I just scold you?" The God-Demon Bird always kept his mouth shut.

Yang Yiyun no longer bickers with this problem bird.

With curiosity, he stepped into the first fairy city where he ascended to the fairy world.

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