My Master Is a God

Chapter 1847 Dayu Immortal Sect

After spending five immortal stones to buy the lowest elixir for the problem bird, Yang Yiyun got a piece of news that he could earn immortal stones, which was not bad.

Facts have proved that the little girl from Danlou did not lie to him, and the news about the opening of the ancient Daluo Cave three hundred miles southeast of Xianmu City is true.

Because when he was walking on the street, he heard a lot of people talking, and there were groups of immortals leaving the city.

Yang Yiyun silently followed those people heading to Daluo Immortal Mansion, which saved trouble.

He has a lot to do.

We need to look for the old man, we need to look for Liu Er, and his senior brothers and sisters...

But when I first arrived in the fairy world and I was unfamiliar with the place, I was still prepared to stay in Daqing Fairy Mountain for a while.

One is to get familiar with the environment, and the other is to earn immortal stones and find ways to improve one's cultivation level. Now the cultivation level of low-grade immortals is too low, and it is dangerous to go out and take risks.

Therefore, the opening of Daluo Immortal Mansion is a good thing for him.

If you can go to experience and understand the immortals and immortal mansions in the immortal world, you can also gain something if you are lucky.

After guessing that it would take him half a day to reach the realm of cultivation, he took the God and Demon Bird to his destination.

It is a huge mountain.

The Daqing Immortal Mountain where he is located is called Daqing Immortal Mountain. In the world, it is more appropriately called Daqing Continent. Daqing Immortal Mountain is just a general term.

Along the way, it was also called Daqing World or Daqing Continent.

In the world of Daqing Fairy Mountain, there are many normal mountains.

The mountain peak you see in front of you is just one of them in this world.

From a long distance away, you can see the entire mountain peak glowing with rays of light, and people are already coming and going at the foot of the mountain.

"All heavenly beings~"

Yang Yiyun walked all the way and couldn't help but sigh.

"What's the matter? There are countless creatures in the fairy world, and there are three thousand people from the great world gathered together. There is nothing surprising. There are too many places for experience and adventure like this~" The God Demon Bird was very disdainful of Yang Yiyun's sigh.

Yang Yiyun ignored the magic bird and went straight up the mountain.

He heard on the road that Daluo Cave Mansion is on the mountain, and there is another world.

There's still some way to go.

After about thirty miles up the mountain, Yang Yiyun saw green light illuminating half of the mountain.

The light source was emanating from a large jungle, and the noise could be vaguely heard.

After walking through the jungle, Yang Yiyun saw a flat and huge open space, as big as a football field.

Directly in front is a vertical mountain like a mirror, with waterfalls flowing down through the mountain.

The surrounding environment is really like a fairyland, with mountains and rivers blending together, and lush vegetation all around.

The vertical waterfall is showing a green light.

Yang Yiyun thought that it should be the source of the entrance to Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Seeing that the crowds of immortals were still watching, he knew that the Great Luo Immortal Mansion might not be fully opened yet.

It's not bad, it's better to come early than to come by chance.

Although the Danlou woman said it was open, it should be based on the actual situation.

These fairy mansions are ancient ruins and are not that simple.

"The little bastard is trying to find a way to integrate into one of these immortals. It's not easy to get into these ancient ruins. Although the little girl said that it is an immortal mansion ruin at the level of Daluo Shangxian, the ancient immortals are not comparable to the current immortals. There are many powerful laws and techniques that are still as powerful as in ancient times.

It will be very difficult to break into a place like this without companions. Otherwise, it will be much easier to get in, so your first priority is to find a small team to go in. "The demon bird said and ordered.

"Uh~ I don't know anyone, so if you want to blend in with them, you will want me?" Yang Yiyun said with a roll of his eyes, not satisfied with Yang Yiyun's proposal.

Now in the fairy world, he is completely at the level of a rookie. It is indeed the best thing to have natives of the fairy world by his side when entering such an ancient fairy house.

"If you kid can't find a team to get in, I can only despise you. The dignified owner of the first holy land in the world of cultivation, you don't even have this ability, how can you still be such a fool?" The God Demon Bird cursed.

"You..." Yang Yiyun was furious at this question. seems to make sense.

Indeed, if he couldn't even find a small team, why would he go to the Immortal Mansion like this next?

Give it a try~

Then he walked around and found that among the seven or eight thousand immortals present, most of them were middle-grade immortals or above. There were not many low-grade immortals like him.

As for those who shouted to recruit people to form a team to enter the Immortal Mansion, their cultivation levels were not simple. They were all at the Immortal Dzogchen level. The higher the cultivation level of those who followed, the better.

There are some low-level immortals with the same cultivation level as him. They either have a sect or are members of an immortal family, and they are all taken with them.

This discovery made Yang Yiyun a little embarrassed.

He knew that under such circumstances, it would be difficult for him, a low-grade immortal, to be accepted by others!

If it wasn't enough, he was still going to give it a try.

"Come on, come on, the next wave of the Da Luo Immortal Mansion's gate is about to open. There are still two people left in our Da Yu Immortal Mansion, so hurry up if you want to come~" A shout sounded not far behind Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he turned around and said, "This fellow Taoist, I am willing to join you."

This is the first immortal sect that I encountered after walking around and asked for help, and it seemed that there was actually a team of more than ten people on the other side, most of whom were high-level immortals, and the leader was a perfect immortal. He looks very strong. If he can be admitted into the Heavy Rain Immortal Sect, it will undoubtedly be a good choice.

A young man who looked unruly sneered and said: "Haha, boy, are you blind? Haven't you seen that our Dayu Immortal Sect is all top-grade immortals? Why are you, a little first-grade person, joining in the fun? Get out of here. "

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, and the next moment his eyes turned murderous. He clenched his hands and his face became gloomy. He did not expect that the other party would look down on people so much.

The bastard doesn't want anyone he doesn't want, and he actually curses him.

I was really furious.

Facing this bullshit Daewoo Immortal Sect with more than ten people, Yang Yiyun clenched his fists and said sullenly: "You were the one who said you wanted someone just now, let me ask, is this correct?

Also, you have a mouth full of shit. If you don’t want someone, you can refuse or speak rudely. I think your Daewoo Immortal Sect is not like that. Now I invite you to go. I feel disgusted. I am indeed a low-grade immortal, but I can kill a high-grade immortal. It's not impossible. "

"You bastard, you're looking for death~"

The young man didn't expect that a little first-level heavenly immortal would dare to provoke him, a top-level heavenly immortal from the Dayu Immortal Sect. He suddenly became angry and cursed at Yang Yiyun before punching him to death.


Although Yang was now the lowest level first-grade immortal, he was not afraid at all and punched out with a cold snort.


Amid the roar, Yang Yiyunteng took six or seven steps back, while the young man opposite took three steps back.

The two clashed, causing the onlookers around to burst into an uproar.

"Hey, this is pretty cool. A first-grade immortal can actually compete head-on with Dayu Cao Xiaobao."

"It's indeed good, but this kid looks like a rookie at first glance. If he provokes the Dayu Xianmen, one of the top ten immortal sects in the Daqing world, he is dead."

"Yes, it's a pity. Against this scumbag Cao Xiaobao, this boy will be miserable today."

"To put it bluntly, the people from his Dayu Immortal Sect are used to being domineering in Daqing World. It's really disgusting."

"Shhh, keep your voice down. Others will hear you. People in Dayu Immortal Sect are not good people. Don't get into trouble."

There was a lot of discussion around, but they were all dissatisfied with Dayu Xianmen. Not enough that Dayu Xianmen was one of the top ten forces in the Daqing world and could not be offended. Everyone just whispered and felt sorry for Yang Yiyun. They all thought that Yang Yiyun would be more evil today. .

Because this Cao Xiaobao is a well-known little bully, and the person leading the team today is his cousin Cao Man, who has the cultivation level of the Immortal Dzogchen, which is a first-class master on this occasion.

Cao Xiaobao and Yang Yiyun exchanged punches, but unexpectedly, one punch that killed Yang Yiyun only caused Yang Yiyun to take five or six steps back, while he himself also took three steps back.

But one of them is a first-grade heavenly immortal, and the other is a high-grade heavenly immortal. Their cultivation levels are far apart.

Coupled with the looks from everyone around him, Cao Xiaobao felt that he had been humiliated today, and his heart was filled with murderous intent towards Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang Yiyun also narrowed his eyes and stared at Cao Xiaobao. He was also slightly surprised that the top-grade immortal in front of him was much stronger than Zhang San and Li Si. However, there was a big difference in strength among the same top-grade immortals.

He was thinking in his mind how to kill the other party and then escape.

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