My Master Is a God

Chapter 1848 Making friends with Du Jiebin

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Of course, this knows Yang Yiyun's inner calculations. He is not a person who is afraid of trouble anyway. He is only at the same level as him, and he is not a true immortal.

Seeing that there are more than ten people, and the leading young man is a Dzogchen Immortal, I am afraid there will be a life and death battle today.

There are too many people to do it, but he is confident about running away.

During the brief stalemate, a hearty laugh broke out.

"Hahaha... It's really interesting. The people of Dayu Xianmen are indeed among the top ten forces in the Daqing world. They are shameless when they bully others. They are so awesome~"


Cao Xiaobao roared darkly.

At this moment a path parted in the crowd.

Three people came over, the leader was a young man dressed as a scholar holding a Zisha.

Cao Xiaobao gritted his teeth and stared at the young man dressed as a scholar and said fiercely: "Du Jiebin, do you want to mind your own business?"

"Haha, you are not qualified to ask your cousin Cao Man to come out and talk to me." The eyes of the young man whom Cao Xiaobao called Du Jiebin were full of disdain.

"You..." Cao Xiaobao was angry.

"Xiao Bao, step back."

At this time, several disciples of Dayu Immortal Sect stepped aside, and a middle-aged man in black armor walked out. His eyes were shining, but he gave people a very feminine feeling.

This person is Cao Man, the leader of Dayu Xianmen this time, Cao Xiaobao's cousin.

"Du Jiebin, is this kid from your Taiqing Immortal Sect?" Cao Man stared at Du Jiebin and asked in a deep voice.

"Haha, it wasn't before, but now, I look at this little brother and plan to let him follow me into the Great Luo Immortal Mansion. Cao Man, do you have any objections?" Du Jiebin shook his fan and spoke with a smile.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was caught between the two sides, but he was a little confused. Originally, he was ready to fight for his life, but he didn't expect that a man named Du Jiebin came out halfway. Judging from the cultivation level, this Du Jiebin was a top-grade heavenly immortal, but he did not treat anyone from the Dayu Immortal Sect at all. Take it seriously.

And at this time, he didn't care about the leading man named Cao Man of Dayu Xianmen.

This made Yang Yiyun make some wild guesses about Du Jiebin, but he didn't know who this Du Jiebin was and why he came out to help him?

While he was thinking about it, someone whispering around him reached his ears, but it made him understand who Du Jiebin was.

"It's really exciting now. Du Jiebin from Taiqing Immortal Sect is here too." Someone in the crowd murmured.

Some people who don't know Du Jiebin are curious: "I have heard of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects in the Daqing world, but I haven't heard of Du Jiebin~"

"Hehe, you must be ignorant. Du Jiebin is the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect. He is just a low-key person. You have not heard that it is normal. However, Du Jiebin is the number one person. His cultivation as a top-grade immortal is invincible in their Taiqing Immortal Sect. , of course this is a rumor, and it is unknown whether it is true or false, but often rumors are not groundless.

But there must be many people who know that Taiqing Immortal Sect and Dayu Immortal Sect are sworn enemies and have never dealt with them, from top to bottom.

Du Jiebin stood up to speak to that kid, mostly for this reason. I can only say that the little immortal was lucky today. Among the many people from the immortal sect present, I guess only Du Jiebin dared to confront the people from the Dayu Immortal Sect..."

"This Taoist friend really knows a lot. Where is the immortal gate of Taoist friend?"

"I'm at the Great Narcissus Gate..."

"It turns out to be Taoist Brother Da Narcissus who is ranked tenth, disrespectful, disrespectful~"

"Sigh~ Compared with Taiqing Immortal Sect, which is ranked third, and Greater Immortal Sect, which is ranked fourth, our Immortal Mountain is still lagging behind~" This person said modestly, but there was still a sense of pride in his tone. After all, in In Daqing World, among the hundreds of immortal sects, being able to be among the top ten is a strength and reputation in itself.

And Yang Yiyun also roughly understood that the person who helped him was originally named Du Jiebin, and the enemies were the brothers Cao Man and Cao Xiaobao of Dayu Xianmen.

Listening to the comments from people around him, Du Jiebin is indeed not an ordinary person. He is actually the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

The point is that Taiqing Immortal Sect and Dayu Immortal Sect have never been able to deal with each other, ranking among the top three and top four. This situation itself is a state of competition.

Although Du Jiebin helped him because he was hostile to Dayu Xianmen, Yang Yiyun was still grateful.

At this time, Cao Man clenched his hands in the face of Du Jiebin's strength, but he still did not dare to do anything in front of Du Jiebin in full view of the public.

Others don't know Du Jiebin's situation, but he, Cao Man, knows.

Now that Daluo Cave Palace is about to open, Cao Man chooses to endure it because this time he entered Daluo Immortal Palace for the same treasure. When he gets that treasure, he will be able to break through the immortals and then kill Du Jiebin in Daluo Cave Palace. yes.

In Daluo Immortal Mansion, it would be most appropriate to kill Du Jiebin, and there would be no trouble.

"Haha, since Mr. Du wants to save this kid, Cao should give Mr. Du some face." The brilliance of Cao Man's words won the admiration of many gods around him.

In fact, my heart is always dark.

Immediately after Cao Man finished speaking, his eyes stared at Yang Yiyun like poisonous snakes, and he said gloomily: "What's the boy's name?"

Yang Yiyun had been standing aside, and Cao Man's eyes suddenly stared at him, which made him feel uncomfortable all over. When he heard Cao Man ask his name, Yang Yiyun naturally knew what Cao Man meant.

It's just that he doesn't want to break up with Du Jiebin and wants to save face for himself.

But Mr. Yang is now a bare commander in the fairy world. He is really barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. How can he care about Cao Man?

He snorted coldly and said, "Yang Yiyun."

His eyes were full of provocation as he spoke.

"Haha, my name is Cao Man. Remember me. You are lucky today. If you have the ability, I will see you in the immortal mansion."

Cao Man's words were undoubtedly a threat to Yang Yiyun. He just said, "I see you in the fairy mansion, otherwise I will kill you."

After saying that, Cao Man smiled coldly: "Let's go~"

Then he turned around and left with Dayu Xianmen, going to the other side.

"Yang Yiyun, you'd better leave Daqing World, otherwise, hurry up and wait, Grandpa, I will kill you." These were the cruel words Cao Xiaobao left to Yang Yiyun before taking him away.

But Yang Yiyun just smiled and didn't say a word this time.

But his eyes flashed with black and white light.

When the people from Dayu Xianmen left, Yang Yiyun looked at Du Jiebin.

Du Jiebin was also looking at him at this moment.

"Thank you Mr. Du for rescuing the siege." No matter what Du Jiebin's purpose was, whether he was against the people of Dayu Xianmen or not, it was a fact that he helped him rescuing the siege, and Yang Yiyun should say thank you both emotionally and rationally.

"Hahaha... Little brother, you don't have to be polite. It's just a matter of course to help you. It's just a little effort. Our Taiqing Immortal Sect and Dayu Immortal Sect have always been at odds. Without you here today, I, Du Jiebin, will be disgusted with them. What kind of virtue." Good Du Jiebin Shuang smiled and said.

When Yang Yiyun heard Du Jiebin's unpretentious words, his favorable impression of Du Jiebin immediately increased.

He immediately smiled and said, "Young Master Du is so cheerful and open-minded. I, Yang Yiyun, would like to make friends with Mr. Du."

These words stopped in the ears of Du Jiebin and everyone around him, but they were all stunned.

Because from Du Jiebin's perspective and that of everyone else, Yang Yiyun's words sounded like he, Yang Yiyun, thought highly of Du Jiebin.

But what happened at the scene was that Yang Yiyun was a small first-grade immortal, while Du Jiebin was a high-grade immortal, and the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, which ranked third among the top ten forces in the Daqing world.

Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin became friends. It can be said that Yang Yiyun favored Du Jiebin.

But when the words came out of Yang Yiyun's mouth, it seemed that Yang Yiyun thought highly of Du Jiebin.

This made all the immortals around him despise Yang Yiyun.

You are really thick-skinned, and you actually have such a relationship?

Du Jiebin was stunned, and looked at Yang Yiyun's eyes, which were clear and clear. There was no affectation or other expression at all. He always felt that this little fairy was different and interesting.

After a while, Du Jiebin laughed loudly and said: "Okay, I, Du Jiebin, am also a straightforward person. If you want to be my friend, if you want to enter the Daluo Immortal Mansion, then follow me. Don't worry, if Brother Cao Man troubles you in the Immortal Mansion, I'll bear it for you."

Somehow, Du Jiebin said these words to Yang Yiyun by accident and made friends with Yang Yiyun.

In fact, Mr. Yang today does have the capital to say this, because his old man Yun Tianxie has rebuilt his immortal body and entered the immortal world.

Who is Yun Tianxie?

That is the top boss in the fairy world.

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