My Master Is a God

Chapter 1849 Demonized Beast


A roar echoed throughout the audience.

"It's turned on, it's turned on, Daluo Immortal Mansion is turned on..."

Everyone became excited.

Yang Yiyun looked over and saw a portal appearing in the center of the waterfall.

The words Shuiliandong instantly appeared in Yang Yiyun's mind.

The scenes are very similar.

Behind the ordinary is the portal.

Now the door is wide open, and the gods in the field swish into the waterfall one by one and fly away.

"Brother Yang, let's go too." Du Jiebin put away his fan and said, "There is a time limit for opening this portal. Let's go in first."

"Okay." Yang Yiyun nodded.

The only two people around Du Jiebin were far behind the number of people in Daewoo Immortal Sect.

However, Yang Yiyun noticed that the two people following Du Jiebin had perfect cultivation levels.

This was also the reason why Cao Man did not dare to attack.

He flew up and followed Du Jiebin and the other three into the portal emitting green light.

The next moment his feet hit the ground, Yang Yiyun stood firm. Only then did he realize that he was in another environment, but to his surprise, it was different from what he had imagined.

Originally, he thought that after entering the portal, it would be a secret place like many small worlds like the world of cultivation.

But when I came here, I realized that it was actually a real scene.

The location is in a huge cave.

It's not about entering another world.

I thought to myself that there seems to be some difference between the fairy world and the world of cultivation.

"Brother Yang, follow us carefully. As far as I know, Daluo Immortal Mansion is not simple. We have just entered the mountain. From now on, we have to pass through the huge mountain we saw outside, and then we will enter a valley when we go out. .

In fact, from now on, we have entered the Da Luo Immortal Mansion. Going forward, there will be intricate roads. Only by crossing the mountain can we enter the valley at the core of the Da Luo Immortal Mansion. There are many rumors there. Rare immortal treasures, there are still many ruins, palaces and the like.

With good luck, there will be opportunities, but there are also many corresponding dangers, so you still need to be more careful. There are many dangers in this mountain alone, including demonized beasts and other creatures. "Du Jiebin told Yang Yiyun while walking.

"Thank you, Brother Du, for reminding me to be careful." Yang Yiyun cupped his fists and thanked him.

"Why are you so polite? Since we meet each other, it's fate. I, Du Jiebin, also like to make friends, haha." Du Jiebin still shook the folding fan in his hand as he spoke.

As for the two Dzogchen Immortals beside Du Jiebin, they followed Du Jiebin from beginning to end without saying a word.

Looks very cold.

Du Jiebin didn't introduce him, so Yang Yiyun naturally wouldn't ask.

However, he could see that the two immortals around Du Jiebin, Dzogchen, respected Du Jiebin very much, just like his personal bodyguards.

But think about it, some people have discussed outside the portal before that Du Jiebin is the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect. He is a person of respected status, so it is normal to have two masters protecting him.

Yang Yiyun is considered a rookie in the fairy world and is very unfamiliar with it. He is very happy to listen to Du Jiebin tell everything about the fairy world, especially about such secret places as the fairy world.

While listening, Yang Yiyun was also very attentive and attentive. Occasionally he would ask if there was something he didn't understand.

Du Jiebin admired Yang Yiyun's serious attitude and was happy to tell Yang Yiyun about it.

The four of them were walking and talking, not bored at all.

As for the God Demon Bird, he has been quiet since he arrived at Daluo Immortal Mansion. He has been squatting on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and taking a nap, but he has not fallen off Yang Yiyun's shoulder.

The two Dzogchen immortals beside Du Jiebin were like shadows, very quiet.

Unknowingly, the four of them finally reached a fork in the road.

At this time, there were two Dzogchen Immortals around Du Jiebin. One of them, an old man, walked in the front and listened. He said to Du Jiebin: "Young Master, if you go to the left, there will be poisonous miasma. If you go to the right, there is a high possibility of demonized ferocious beasts. .”

This was the first time Yang Yiyun heard the old man speak. His voice was slightly hoarse, but it gave him a feeling of calmness. He seemed to be a very determined person.

The other great immortal next to Du Jiebin was a pale-skinned young man, walking at the back.

The old man in front responded to each other in tandem, typically protecting the young master.

Yang Yiyun took advantage of Du Jiebin and was protected.

At this moment, the old man in front spoke, obviously asking Du Jiebin to make a decision. Which of the two bifurcated roads should be taken?

The old man said that the road on the left was poisonous, and the road on the right was likely to have demonized beasts. In fact, both were dangerous.

But the decision will be made by Du Jiebin.

Du Jiebin stopped and thought for a while, then looked at the pale young man behind him and asked, "Ashan, which way do you think is the best way to go?"

"Young Master, I suggest you take the right path. Compared to the poisonous miasma, we are all weak. If we don't understand the rules of the poisonous path, it will be very troublesome to be contaminated by the poisonous path. And the demonized beast may not be encountered. Even if we do encounter it, This is considered the outskirts of Daluo Immortal Mansion, and the demonized beasts that appear will not be too powerful, so we are capable of dealing with them."

The young man Du Jiebin called Ashan replied.

But as soon as this young man with a face as pale as paper opened his mouth, the voice in Yang Yiyun's ears made Yang Yiyun's skin crawl.

A very feminine voice, like a voice in the dark.

"Okay, Lao Tomb, just listen to Ashan and take the left path." Du Jiebin agreed.

"Yes, young master." The old man in front responded.

Only then did Yang Yiyun know the names of the two Dzogchen immortals who were following Du Jiebin, Lao Tomb and Ashan.

Both of them have interesting names.

"Brother Yang, please don't mind. Lao Tomb and Ah Shan are the guards my grandfather arranged for me since I was a child. Lao Tomb and Ah Shan practice the dark way and often practice in the cemetery, so most people are not used to their words and aura.

But they are not bad, and they get used to it over time. He can rely on the two of them to come out this time, and they have been to this Daluo Immortal Mansion before and have experience, so don't worry. "Du Jiebin smiled and explained to Yang Yiyun, which was like introducing two great immortals to Yang Yiyun.

"No, no, I won't hide it from Brother Du. I have just ascended to the Immortal Realm not long ago. Many things about the Immortal Realm are unclear. I would like to ask Brother Du for more guidance in the future." Yang Yiyun also began to slowly tell his story.

"These are all trivial matters. To be honest, Du was born in the fairy world and is also fascinated by your lower world. You can also tell me about the lower world. I have been controlled by my family since I was a child. I really don't have many friends. I am dissatisfied with my brother. He said, this is also my first time to go out for training, and I have fallen in love with you, brother. I am very happy to make you as my friend..."

"I am also happy to be friends with Brother Du..."

The more they talked, the more they talked, and the two of them really felt that they had a similar odor, which made them happy.

Du Jiebin became Yang Yiyun's first friend in the fairy world.

"By the way, Lao Du, tell me what happened to the demonized beast."

After the two got acquainted with each other through conversation along the way, Yang Yiyun called Du Jiebin Lao Du, and Du Jiebin called him Yunzi, which made the relationship closer.

Du Jiebin said: "I have read from the classics that in the era of the war between immortals and demons, many immortal beasts or vegetation and monsters in the immortal world were assimilated by the demonic energy. Those who did not survive lost their immortal spiritual energy and completely turned into ferocious and violent energy. It has a heavy existence, so it is called a demonized beast.

Especially in places like these ancient ruins, the remaining ferocious beasts are much more ferocious than the immortal beasts in the fairy world, and are the most difficult to deal with.

The lowest level murderer is equivalent to an immortal and is called a ferocious beast. The highest level nine ferocious beast is comparable to the existence of an immortal.

The way to distinguish the level of ferocious beasts is to look at the inscriptions on the ferocious beasts. One inscription represents the first level. The ferocious beasts are ferocious because their souls have been demonized, mutated, and powerful. In addition, the inscriptions on their bodies are because they can The magical power of controlling laws, combined in the same realm, is far more powerful than an immortal by three points..."

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "I see, that means that the path we are taking now is very likely to have a first-order ferocious beast~"

"Not necessarily. After all, this is the outskirts of Daluo Immortal Mansion. Sometimes there may not be ferocious beasts. Even if there are at most low-level ferocious beasts, don't worry. I will protect you, brother, and nothing will happen to you." Du Jiebin said with a straight face. "It's always nice to have me," he said.


Just as Du Jiebin finished speaking, a deafening roar sounded.

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