My Master Is a God

Chapter 1850 A fairy treasure is born inside

"Be alert, a ferocious beast has appeared~" the old tomb in front quickly reminded.

" quickly~"

In the blink of an eye, there was a sound of panic coming from the front.

When Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin looked, four or five immortals hurriedly ran towards them from the front.

It was obvious that the ferocious beasts were attracted by these five immortals, or that they were chased by the ferocious beasts.

In this situation, it was obvious that the ferocious beast was so powerful that the five immortals turned around and ran away.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, three of the five immortals are first-grade immortals, one is a middle-grade immortal, and one is a high-grade immortal.

Such a level of cultivation is inconspicuous among the thousands of immortals attracted by the opening of Daluo Immortal Mansion today.

But obviously they formed a small team of five people, and the overall strength was not weak, but at this moment they were running away in a hurry, which was a bit abnormal.

There is no doubt that the ferocious beast chasing them is very powerful, or more than one ferocious beast appears, otherwise the small team of five immortals should not be so panicked.

In an instant, the five immortals arrived more than ten meters in front of Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin.


Another roar sounded.

A black halo swept in like a ghost, landing on a first-grade immortal at the end. He screamed and was instantly entangled in the black beam of light. The next moment, his body burned and turned into ashes.

This is how he died.

"Young master, it's not good, it's a red flame black snake. This thing is very difficult to deal with. Let's retreat or rush over. I suggest retreating is the best." Old Tomb spoke.

"Retreating is not the best choice. The red flame black snake is extremely fast in this environment, and the poisonous gas it releases spreads faster. We can't run away. It is recommended to defend and look for opportunities to rush over." Ashan took a step forward and appeared in In front of Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun, they stood side by side with the old tomb.

"Old Tomb Ah Shan, let's fight hard. We can't outrun the red flame black snake, a Dzogchen level ferocious beast." Du Jiebin also spoke.

Then he solemnly said to Yang Yiyun: "Yunzi will follow me closely behind me later. Logically speaking, this is only the outermost periphery of Daluo Immortal Mansion and there should not be any basic vicious beasts of Dzogchen. Now it seems that this time Daluo There is something wrong in the inner area of ​​the Immortal Mansion."

"Don't worry, Lao Du, I'm not without means, haha~" Yang Yiyun laughed and said.


At this moment, the light in front of everyone dimmed, but they finally saw the ferocious beast.

One of the five immortals died, but the other four ran to Yang Yiyun and the others.

Among them, the top-ranking Celestial Immortal quickly said: "Fellow Taoists, please help me."

"How did you get into trouble with this red flame black snake?" Lao Tomb asked in a deep voice.

"No, no, no... not only this red flame black snake, but also many first-level monsters rushed in from the exit in front. Some people who entered in front said that some immortal treasures appeared in Daluo Immortal Mansion, and high-level monsters in the valley also I wanted to get it, so I used low-level ferocious beasts to drive the immortals in..."

The top-grade immortal said with lingering fear.

As soon as these words came out, both Lao Tomb and Ah Shan glanced at Du Jiebin.

Yang Yiyun saw a flash of light in Du Jiebin's eyes.

Then I heard Du Jiebin say: "Lao Tomb, Ashan, deal with this black snake as soon as possible. Let's enter the valley as soon as possible."

"Yes, young master."

The two responded.

At this moment, the red flame black snake appeared in front, completely revealing its true face.

But it was a snake with black claws growing on its belly.

The bucket is thick, with a body about thirty meters long, and its whole body is covered with half an inch of scales, making it look very hard.

Glowing brightly.

While roaring at them, you can still see rows of fangs, and his red eyes are as big as fists, making them look terrifying.

Is this still a snake?

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart as he looked at the red flame black snake that appeared more than ten meters away.

This was the first time Yang Yiyun had seen a snake with legs and sharp claws growing on its abdomen and a mouth full of fangs.

But this is the fairy world, a high-level world that gathers three thousand world creatures. In the words of the Gods and Demon Birds, all creatures and races belong to it.

It wasn't surprising when he thought about it.

When he heard Du Jiebin's orders to Lao Tomb and Ashan, Yang Yiyun heard the implication. It seemed that Du Jiebin was confident that Lao Tomb and Ashan could kill the red-flame black snake.

On the other hand, Du Jiebin may have known about what kind of immortal treasure was born deep in the Daluo Immortal Mansion, or that was his purpose.


The ferocious beast in front of me is said to be a snake, but both its appearance and roar are beyond the scope of a snake. In addition to its body resembling a snake, it can really be called a ferocious beast.

While several people were talking, the Red Flame Black Snake had already rushed over.

He opened his bloody mouth, and in the blink of an eye, a black streak came over.

Yang Yiyun had seen this kind of black color just now. It was a kind of burning flame that could burn a low-level immortal to death in an instant.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was really worried when he saw a large piece of black energy sweeping towards them.

Although Lao Tomb and Ashan were standing in front of him and Du Jiebin, Yang Yiyun still activated the divine defense in his body. He was also a person who grew up in large and small battles, so he naturally understood that safety must always depend on himself.

You cannot depend on others for your life.

They are all cultivating beings, and the battlefield is changing rapidly. One careless move can lead to death, but you can't completely count on others.

And since he is following Du Jiebin, he and Du Jiebin have formed a small group, and they will need help later.

Of course, he also knew that Du Jiebin didn't count on him. This was related to his cultivation. Who made him look like a first-grade immortal now?

This cultivation level is the lowest level of immortals in the immortal world.

Among the four, even Du Jiebin is a top-grade immortal, and in his opinion, Du Jiebin is not a simple top-grade immortal.

Yang Yiyun always felt that Du Jiebin was more powerful than the two Dzogchen immortals, Lao Tomb and Ashan.

Of course, it's just his feeling. How powerful and capable Du Jiebin really is, we have to wait and see what he does to know.

At this time, I heard Lao Tomb speak hoarsely: "With the power of Yin, the evil spirits of Yin will be extinguished."

When Yang Yiyun opened the old tomb's mouth, he saw his hands forming seals, and a powerful force of Yin evil suddenly gathered in his hands. They were gray and thick, and suddenly rushed away from the black energy of the red flame black snake.


The evil power that burst out from Lao Tomb's palm instantly formed a rotating vortex and collided with the black energy of the black snake, causing a dull roar.

Both powers can be regarded as feminine powers, but they are essentially different. The power of the Red Flame Black Snake is a yin-yang power, a flame in one.

The power that burst out from Lao Tomb's palms was extremely sinister.

This may be related to practice. Du Jiebin said before that the place where Lao Tomb and Ashan practice is a sinister place like a cemetery.

But after the two forces collided, they were both resolved.

"After all, he is a Dzogchen-level immortal, with means and strength." Yang Yiyun said secretly in his heart.

The power of Lao Tomb restrained the power of the black snake and dissolved the black energy without affecting them.

"Ice Thorn~"

At the same time that Lao Tomb neutralized the power of the black snake, Ashan waited for the opportunity to take action.

Just right in time.

After a stab of ice, Yang Yiyun saw Ashan's hands flying, and an ice thorn more than one meter long condensed in front of him, flying towards the red flame black snake in an instant.



Ashan's power condensed into ice spikes, and the cold air emitted made Yang Yiyun feel that the air in the entire cave was as warm as an ice cellar, and an extremely powerful aura was emitted.

It was obviously a powerful ice spike.

The blow went away and stabbed the black snake's abdomen hard, causing the black snake to let out a scream.

But the next moment he looked at it, it turned out that Ashan's ice spikes had only pierced three scales on the black snake's abdomen.

This time did not cause any substantial damage to the black snake, but it made the red flame black snake furious.


A roar shook his ears.

Then the red flame black snake suddenly stood upright and looked down at them, spitting out overwhelming flames from its mouth.

This time the flame was a real flame, blood red in color, and it instantly filled the cave which was forty to fifty meters high and wide.


In an instant, there was no time to dodge, and both Lao Tomb and Ashan in front were swept away.

However, at the moment when the flames engulfed Lao Tomb and Ashan, Yang Yiyun saw a halo of gray and white burst out from their bodies.

At this moment, the flames covered everything, and in the blink of an eye they were in front of him and Du Jiebin.

Yang Yiyun used the power in his body to form a layer of mana defense on his body, and he was confident of self-destruction.

But at the same moment, he heard Du Jiebin snort, and took a step forward. The fan in his hand burst out with five-color light, and suddenly flashed towards the flames.



Yang Yiyun's pupils shrank and saw the power of Du Jiebin's fan.

But the overwhelming flames were extinguished and dissipated by Du Jiebin's fan, and a force similar to sword energy appeared on his fan and disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, the screams of the black snake were heard.

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