My Master Is a God

Chapter 1851 Become a hero for once

When Yang Yiyun looked up, his eyes lit up, and he saw a long wound on Chiyan Heishan's abdomen, with blood flowing across it.

"Old Tomb, Ashan~"

At this time Du Jiebin spoke again.


"Yes, young master."

Lao Tomb and Ah Shan spoke at the same time.

It was obviously a tacit understanding between the three of them.

The two people were submerged in flames before, but they did not suffer any damage.

In an instant, Lao Tomb and Ah Shan rushed towards the Red Flame Black Snake, one on the left and the other on the right.

As for Du Jiebin, when he was talking, he had already jumped up in front of the black snake, waved the folding fan in his hand again and sang in a deep voice: "The extreme wind, cut with a hundred blades~"

The next second, Yang Yiyun saw hundreds of wind blades suddenly appearing from Du Jiebin's folding fan, heading towards the Red Flame Black Snake from all directions without any blind spots.

And in his feeling, the Hundred Wind Blades are not only the power of immortality, but also the magic of law, with a very huge aura.

Now the Red Flame Black Snake has no chance even if it wants to dodge.

Yang Yiyun discovered that Du Jiebin's methods were more powerful than Lao Tomb and Ashan.

He is obviously a top-grade immortal, but the strength he displays is stronger than that of the two Dzogchen immortals.

Sure enough, he is not as simple as he seems on the surface, a top-grade immortal.

At this moment, Lao Tomb and Ashan also took action at the same time.

The old tomb roared loudly: "The evil spirit takes shape and is swallowed by the eagle~"

Ah Shan then formed a seal with his hands: "Sword of Ice, cut."

One of the two Dzogchen immortals used the power of Yin evil to transform into a huge eagle demon and pounced on the red flame black snake. The other used the power of ice to form a big sword and suddenly faced the red flame black snake. Cut off.

The three attacks broke out almost at the same time.

And each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the cooperation is almost seamless.

Du Jiebin fired out a hundred wind blades, which covered a large area and blocked the black snake's escape route. Even if Du Jiebin's blow could not kill the black snake, it still trapped the black snake and gave him a blow. Lao Tomb and Ashan created an opportunity to kill the black snake.

The attacks of the latter two were obviously powerful and violent attacks.

In this wave of attacks, Yang Yiyun estimated that the red flame black snake would peel off its skin even if it died.

However, when Yang Yiyun saw the red flame black snake, it lived up to its reputation as a ferocious beast. When Du Jiebin and the others took action, the black snake seemed to feel the danger. It roared and roared, and then the scales all over its body were like sharp weapons at this moment. The arrow exploded and shot up in an instant.

This scene made Yang Yiyun widen his eyes, but he did not expect that this black snake also had a countermeasure. The scales that erupted from its body met Du Jiebin's hundred wind blades.


"Ho ho ho..."

A deafening roar and the screams of the black snake sounded one after another.

During the battle of skills, Yang Yiyun saw that it was still Du Jiebin's hundred wind blades that were more powerful.

However, the Black Snake's scales were superior due to their sheer number. Against Du Jiebin's hundred wind blades, they instantly dimmed the dazzling light of the wind blades.

However, Du Jiebin's wind blade was a Taoist law, and it was obviously blessed by the fairy weapon in his hand. It was fast and powerful, and it still fell on the black snake's body in the blink of an eye.

"Puff puff……"

The sound sounded like a dull sound like the tearing of cloth.

The red flame black snake screamed, and scars appeared on its body.

At the same time, Lao Tomb and Ashan's attacks followed closely, hitting the black snake's belly and one eye.

"Ho ho ho~" The red flame black snake screamed wildly...

At this time, Yang Yiyun and the four immortals who had escaped earlier thought that the black snake would definitely die.

But just when this thought came to his mind, he saw a crimson light suddenly light up on the top of the Red Flame Black Mountain.

Looking carefully, there is an inscription. It seems to have come to life at this moment, suddenly brightening up.


In an instant, a depressing aura emanated from the black snake.

Yang Yiyun felt his heart beating wildly.

"No, young master, retreat quickly~"

A flash of bright red emerged from the black snake's head, but it was Du Jiebin who was running straight ahead.

This flash of red was as fast as lightning, heading towards Du Jiebin in an instant.

Lao Tomb and Ah Shan were scared to death. Du Jiebin is the young master of Taiqing Immortal Sect. The future successor of Taiqing Immortal Sect will be the Immortal Master of one side. If something goes wrong, the two of them will be the sinners of Taiqing Immortal Sect. .

The red flame black snake's head shines with its inscription, which is the innate Taoist skill of the ferocious beast. It is a powerful magical power, which can be said to be the last desperate fight.

I originally thought that by severely injuring it and then joining forces to kill it, I would be able to prevent this evil beast from using the magical power of the inscription. However, I didn't know that this black snake actually released the inscription magic so quickly. The key is that the young master Du Jiebin went straight to it.

At this time, Lao Tomb and Ashan both lost their voices. They couldn't resist but it was too fast. In addition, the two of them were still a little far away from Du Jiebin. They watched the black snake's inscription power go straight to Du Jiebin.

Du Jiebin's eyes widened at this moment, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He had just used the law of law and was a little weak, but he didn't expect that the black snake would use the inscription technique on him without any warning.

As the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, Du Jiebin understands how powerful the inscriptions of these ferocious beasts are. He knows that if he is hit by this blow, even if he does not die, most of his cultivation will be destroyed, or even worse, he will die. It's possible.

The important thing is that I didn't expect that the black snake's inscription would be so fast, almost without warning, as fast as possible.

Du Jiebin also knew that he couldn't hide even if he wanted to. At this moment, he was sweating profusely. He could only watch the strange red inscription of the black snake coming out in an instant and going straight to the center of his eyebrows.

"It's going to be over~"

Du Jiebin felt that the black snake's inscription reached half a foot away from him, tingling the distance between his skin.

The dazzling red light made Du Jiebin subconsciously close his eyes.

It wasn't that he wasn't strong enough, but that Black Snake's inscription was too fast, and he was even more careless.

It's going to end now.

Just when Du Jiebin closed his eyes, he heard Yang Yiyun's voice ringing in his ears.


Immediately afterwards, Du Jiebin felt that he was kicked, and his body flew out involuntarily.



Du Jiebin fell to the ground as soon as he was touched.

The moment he fell to the ground, he heard Yang Yiyun's voice and the cry of the red flame black snake.

He opened his eyes suddenly and looked.

But he found Yang Yiyun holding a gleaming ancient sword, standing not far away, and in front of Yang Yiyun, the red flame black snake also fell to the ground, with a long crack on his head, and blood flowing out like water. And risk.

The red flame black snake completely lost its vitality.

At this moment, Du Jiebin looked at Yang Yiyun in a daze.

He now understood that it was Yang Yiyun who kicked him just now, but he was not angry at all. Yang Yiyun's kick saved his life.

There is no doubt that it was Yang Yiyun who uttered the word 'ding' and the Eight Desolations just now, and killed the black snake with the last sword.


Lao Tomb and Ashan Chang were breathing, and their whole bodies felt a little chilly. The two of them finally took a breath.

so far so good……

Yang Yiyun rescued their young master and almost became the sinner of the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

He quickly ran over and helped Du Jiebin up.

"Young Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Du Jiebin had lingering fears.

Then he walked towards Yang Yiyun.

"Thank you so much, Yunzi, I owe you my life." Du Jiebin thanked Yang Yiyun.

"Thank you Mr. Yun~"

Lao Tomb and Ashan also thanked him. It can be said that Yang Yiyun saved their lives, because if Du Jiebin made a mistake, both of them would be dead.

Yang Yiyun looked at Du Jiebin and said: "You are my first friend in the fairy world. I don't care whether you say thank you or not. Besides, I only gave Black Snake a blow after the three of you severely wounded him. Be a hero for once, haha."

"Okay, you and I are friends, I, Lao Du, have taken note of it." Du Jiebin's eyes were full of seriousness at this moment.

Yang Yiyun knew that from now on, he and Du Jiebin would be true friends.

To be honest, he just took a gamble and didn't know if his body-holding technique would work. Seeing that Du Jiebin was about to play tricks, he didn't think much and used the body-holding technique to attack the black snake inscription. Stay.

It just worked, and then the sword came out, breaking the black snake's inscription attack. The sword's power remained unabated, and it struck the black snake's head, which had been seriously injured by the attacks of Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb Ashan. Killed the black snake.

Now that he thought about the rules and magic runes taught by the God Demon Bird, they were indeed different and effective against the black snake. This allowed him to succeed with his sword and become a hero for once.

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