My Master Is a God

Chapter 1852 The master who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger

Although Yang Yiyun kept saying that he was just taking advantage of the situation, he could only kill the black snake by injuring three people severely.

Looking at Du Jiebin, the three of them all understood that killing the black snake was a small thing, but being able to save Du Jiebin was a big thing.

Even Lao Tomb and Ashan of the Dzogchen Immortal, including Du Jiebin himself, were in a state of misunderstanding when faced with the inscription of the black snake.

However, Yang Yiyun resolved Du Jiebin's crisis with just one word. He not only saved Du Jiebin, but also killed the black snake.

Although the black snake was indeed severely injured by the three of them before, Yang Yiyun, a first-level immortal, was able to kill the black snake that was comparable to the Dzogchen level of the immortal, and defused the powerful attack inscription of the black snake's mouth. This is not modest. Can be covered up.

It's not even the means and strength that a first-grade immortal has.

It is true that the three of them were not optimistic about Yang Yiyun at all before. After all, he was just a first-class little angel and should not be taken seriously.

At most, Du Jiebin let Yang Yiyun follow him because of his disgust with Brother Cao Man of Dayu Xianmen.

Behind them, Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun were chatting and getting along, and he put Yang Yiyun in the middle to protect him along the way.

Although Lao Tomb and Ashan didn't say anything, they didn't take Yang Yiyun seriously.

Now it seems that Yang Yiyun is a master.

A master who looks like a first-grade little immortal, but is actually no weaker than the Dzogchen Dzogchen, or even a stronger master.

The four people who survived being chased by the Red Flame Black Snake in the distance witnessed the three Du Jiebin fighting against the Red Flame Black Snake, and even witnessed the process of Yang Yiyun saving Du Jiebin from killing the Black Snake.

Similarly, in the eyes of the four of them, Yang Yiyun was a first-class little angel, and they didn't take him seriously at first.

But now his eyes seemed to widen.

In fact, one person couldn't help but mutter to himself: "That kid is the legendary being who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger~"

"Shut up, damn it, be careful if he hears it, he will follow me and say thank you. If it weren't for the four of them, we would have been treated as snacks by the Red Flame Black Snake."

The leading high-grade immortal cursed and then the four of them went over to thank Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun.

For this kind of thing, it was just a matter of effort, and I didn't blame them for attracting the black snake, because it was an emergency.

After that, the four immortals turned and left. For them, something had changed deep in the Daluo Immortal Mansion. In order to save their lives, it was better to leave. Only by living can you have a chance. Forget about the opportunity in the Daluo Immortal Mansion this time.

After the four immortals left, Du Jiebin looked at the body of the red flame black snake and said to Yang Yiyun: "Yunzi, this red flame black snake is considered the best among the first-order ferocious beasts. It can be said that the whole body is a treasure. You put it away. Oh, by the way, there is also the most precious inscription fairy core in the black snake, you should also take it."

Yang Yiyun was stunned as he listened to Du Jiebin's words, and then quickly stopped and said: "No, no, no, after all, it was the three of you who seriously injured this black snake, and I only made up for it. I can't have it."

In Yang's opinion, this is indeed the case. Although he also knows that Black Snake is valuable and needs money, since he regards Du Jiebin as a friend, he will not take it.

For Du Jiebin and the other three, a red flame black snake is nothing compared to the life of Du Jiebin, the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

The Taiqing Immortal Sect is the third largest Immortal Sect in the Daqing World. With a rich family background, they will naturally not care about a black snake.

Du Jiebin laughed and said: "This is just the beginning. There are many treasures in Daluo Immortal Mansion. We have many opportunities. Compared with you saving my life, it is just a black snake. And in terms of strength, you are the master. You pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger." That's what you're waiting for, hahaha, okay, don't refuse, just say you treat me as a friend and don't say any more polite words."

Yang Yiyun was said by Du Jiebin to be a master of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. His old face turned red, but he didn't explain any more. We are all old men, and any further words would be hypocritical.

"Okay, then I'll feel guilty."

"That's right. Hurry up and take out the Black Snake's inscription fairy core to see what's going on. Is it damaged in the previous fight? If it's damaged, it's worthless. The corpse can cure up to twenty lower-grade fairy stones." Du Jiebin said.

"Only twenty?" Yang Yiyun was surprised. The value of the black snake's body was lower than he imagined.

Du Jiebin smiled and explained: "You don't know the situation in the immortal world not long after your ascension. Twenty lower-grade immortal stones are already considered very high. This is because the strength of this red flame black snake is comparable to that of the Dzogchen Immortal, and it is a first-order peak ferocious beast. , otherwise it will kill ten fairy stones.

However, if the inscription fairy core in Heishan is not damaged, the inscription is complete and is worth at least one hundred low-grade immortal stones. The inscriptions in the most precious immortal core of such ferocious beasts are because the inscriptions are laws and Taoism and can be learned. As long as you By devouring and refining the immortal core, you can obtain the inscribed Taoism in it.

Having said that, it is almost impossible for immortals to learn the inscription Taoism of vicious beasts or fairy beasts, because the body structure is different and the Tao they understand is different, so it is difficult to learn. Immortals collect the inscription immortal cores of vicious beasts, fairy beasts, etc. , the real purpose is to learn from the inscriptions in it and improve it for your own use.

But it is actually so easy to change the inscriptions and Taoism. Without a profound understanding and cultivation on the great road, it is very difficult to change the inscriptions of fairy beasts and ferocious beasts for your own use.

Taking the time to change the lowest-level ferocious beast inscription is not worth the loss for a high-level immortal. The only valuable change is the inscription of a high-level ferocious beast. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain the high-level inscription immortal core. .

Theoretically, under the same realm, ferocious beasts and immortal beasts are stronger than immortals. It is too difficult to hunt high-level immortal beasts or ferocious beasts, so the best way to obtain low-level immortal cores is to sell them and exchange them for immortal stones or equivalent. Immortal treasure for your own cultivation. "

Yang Yiyun understood now and said: "In other words, whether it is a vicious beast or an immortal beast's inscribed immortal core, it is actually very valuable in itself, but for an immortal, it is difficult to convert it into its own strength. So selling is the best option!”

"Yes, that's it. Of course, the inscribed cores of ferocious beasts and fairy beasts have powerful and pure power, and they are also excellent resources for cultivation.

However, there are some differences between the immortal cores of ferocious beasts and fairy beasts. Generally speaking, ferocious beasts refer to creatures that have been assimilated by demonic energy. If they directly absorb the immortal cores of ferocious beasts and refine them, they will also be affected by demonic energy. , most people don’t dare to absorb it, unless there is a way to refine the demonic energy.

But then again, is demonic energy so easy to refine? Therefore, it is very dangerous to absorb the refining immortal core, and the same is true for the immortal core of the immortal beast, because the immortal beast is a demon clan, and each demon clan has different cultivation attributes. In theory, it conflicts with the immortal power in the immortal body, but Compared with the demonic energy of ferocious beasts, the fairy core of fairy beasts is easier to refine and has less risk.

The Immortal Core of low-level Immortal Beasts can be refined and absorbed with some time, but in the Immortal World, many Immortals will choose to exchange it for Immortal Stone after obtaining the Immortal Core. This is the safest way. "Du Jiebin patiently explained to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "In other words, the value of both the immortal core of the ferocious beast and the immortal core of the fairy beast is very high, but the immortal cannot use it directly, so he chooses to exchange it for immortal stones, etc., which means that the value Isn’t it a big deal when it’s in your own hands?”

"Exactly, haha, quite smart." Du Jiebin laughed.

Yang Yiyun's eyes flashed at this time.

Then he asked: "What is the biggest difference between ferocious beasts and fairy beasts?"

Du Jiebin pondered for a moment and said, "What do you mean? The theory is that both are actually from the demon clan in the fairy world. The biggest difference between the ferocious beasts is that they have demonic energy. Many ferocious beasts have no reason and wisdom, only hostility and cruelty. The evil spirit is heavy.

Immortal beasts, on the other hand, are spiritual and intelligent beings, and are relatively easy to get in touch with. However, after all, they belong to the demon clan, and are somewhat different from those of the immortal lineage, making them difficult to deal with. "

"Does that mean ferocious beasts don't have any intelligence?" Yang Yiyun asked after thinking about it.

"No, some ferocious beasts will gradually develop wisdom when they reach the third level, while some ferocious beasts are intelligent from the beginning because of the special nature of their bloodline.

The origin of ferocious beasts is actually very interesting. It traces back to very early history. It is rumored that they are the product of demons and monsters, and they are also creatures assimilated by demonic energy. Even if ferocious beasts with high intelligence are produced in the fairy world, they are not considered by immortals and Fairy beasts and demon clans are waiting to be seen, and demon clans do not recognize the status of ferocious beasts.

Therefore, the status of the ferocious beast lineage is very embarrassing in the fairy world, but I have to say that the ferocious beast lineage is very difficult to mess with in the fairy world. Fierce beasts exist in many places, and ferocious beasts are often stronger than immortals and fairy beasts. ,This is a fact. "

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