My Master Is a God

Chapter 1853 Jin Yuan Zhen Tao elixir

After listening to Du Jiebin's story, Yang Yiyun understood a little about the ferocious beasts.

In the fairy world, he found that he was really a rookie and had a lot to learn.

However, Yang Yiyun was angry about the matter of the ferocious beast's immortal core.

He had an idea in his mind that since the beast's inscription fairy core was also pure and huge power, it could theoretically be absorbed. The difficulty was how to turn the demonic power into his own power.

At this point, Yang Yiyun was thinking, since the skills he practiced were Shinto skills, could he refine the immortal core of the vicious beast?

No matter what, you have to try it to find out.

Moreover, according to Du Jiebin's opinion, the ferocious beast fairy core is already worth a lot of money.

The red flame black snake fairy core that was killed was actually worth a hundred fairy stones. This price was a bit beyond expectation.

As for the black snake's body being exchanged for fairy stones, it is not worth a few fairy stones.

But for Yang Yiyun, it is of great use. It can be used for refining elixirs, weapons, and spells. He has studied elixirs in the immortal world, etc., and also discussed them with the gods and demon birds. In fact, the core of refining has not changed. The changes are inseparable from the original sect, the changes are only in the details such as materials. Of course, the refining methods in the fairy world may be different, but Yang Yiyun believes that he can figure it out.

After chatting with Du Jiebin, Yang Yiyun walked over and scanned it with his consciousness, revealing the location of the red flame black snake's inscribed fairy core, which was at the head. He swung his sword and took it out. Fortunately, it was not damaged. This shows that One hundred and twenty Immortal Stones have been obtained.

Of course, he was free to think whether to sell it or not. Anyway, he had the money for the cheapest map.

This is a great start.

He was not polite to Du Jiebin, and tightened the space of the Qiankun Pot together with his own black snake's body.

As for the fairy core, he will study it later. Now they have to move forward. According to Du Jiebin, some unique fairy treasures may appear in Daluo Immortal Mansion this time.

Because according to usual logic, on this section of the mountain, there will at most be some low-level ferocious beasts, which are comparable to the ferocious beasts of the junior high-grade immortal level.

But the red flame black snake that appeared this time is comparable to the Dzogchen Immortal, and according to the previous immortals who left, it came out of the Daluo Immortal Mansion Valley. They speculated that there were high-level ferocious beasts driving away the low-level immortals. The ferocious beasts of different levels came and organized the immortals to enter the depths of Daluo Immortal Mansion.

This is an unusual thing, so there must be a rare immortal treasure born in the deep area of ​​Daluo Immortal Mansion.

So Du Jiebin Cui urged to move on.

Yang Yiyun guessed that Du Jiebin must have grasped some clues about some immortal treasures in Daluo Immortal Mansion, otherwise he would not have been so anxious even when he almost lost his life.

Of course, this time Du Jiebin almost fell into the black snake's inscription method, and there was also an element of carelessness on his part. Otherwise, Yang Yiyun estimated that Du Jiebin's true strength still had not been shown.

Without further ado, just follow Du Jiebin and continue walking forward.

Deep down, Yang is actually an adventurous person.

He also wanted to see the difference between the fairy mansions, secret realms and small worlds he had seen in the world of immortality and cultivation.

What appears here is the Daluo Immortal Mansion. According to the levels of the immortal world, Daluo Shangxian, this level is, Tianxian, True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo Shangxian. The fourth level is the Daluo. To be honest, he is no longer a simple immortal.

So Yang Yiyun really wanted to go and see it.

Even if there is danger, he will go, because his path of cultivation is to rise from dangers one after another.

Without danger, there is no opportunity. This is the truest portrayal of the path of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun has the deepest understanding of this.

And in terms of combat experience, he dared to say that even Du Jiebin, who was born in the immortal world, was not as rich as him.

On the other hand, since I have become friends with Du Jiebin, let's go out and have a try together.

Whether he can help or not is another matter, Yang Yiyun is not the kind of person to give in to his friends.

In his understanding, true friends and brothers are always the kind of relationship that never abandons or gives up.

And he could tell that Du Jiebin must have a miniature when he came.

It's just that Du Jiebin hasn't mentioned anything to him so far.

But he believed that Du Jiebin would tell him when the time came.

If Du Jiebin didn't tell him about it then...he thought it would be a test of their friendship.

So Yang Yiyun is not in a hurry.

The four of them continued to move forward, in the same order that Lao Tomb opened the way in front and Ashan held the line in the rear.

As for him and Du Jiebin, they were placed in the middle and were protected.

To be honest, Yang Yiyun was actually quite envious of Du Jiebin's two subordinates, Lao Tomb and Ashan.

From the whole journey to the previous fighting, Yang Yiyun had seen the actions of Lao Tomb and Ashan. They were loyal servants who could really act as knives for Du Jiebin.

Yang Yiyun thought about when he would be able to have such two younger brothers in the immortal world, and it would not be in vain to practice in the immortal world.

But he also knew how difficult it was to find a few loyal servants?

It is especially difficult to get the immortal to be loyal.

This is also the reason why when he was in the world of cultivation, he never accepted any human cultivators as servants in a substantial sense.

Of course, there are no loyal human servants, but he has accepted demons.

This is the only thing he is proud of.

But on the other hand, Zi Huang and other demon clan subordinates were still controlled by him only by using the water of life.

In the final analysis, these subordinates used shady means rather than attracting people with their charisma.

He knows that true loyal servants require personal charisma to attract them.

As for what charisma is, Yang Yiyun's previous etiquette was very confusing.

Not enough. Ever since he met the six-eared macaque on Sanxian Island, he had understood something.

In his opinion, the character of the six-eared macaque is that of a demon with a charming personality.

Anyway, he was thinking about when he would have to rely on his charisma to have a few loyal followers.

Just like Lao Tomb and Ashan.

But Yang Yiyun also knows that this kind of thing requires opportunity and cannot be forced.

Although the road after that was slower, it went fairly smoothly. Along the way, I saw a lot of blood stains and corpses, all of which were immortal corpses.

Judging from the wounds, some were killed by humans, and some were killed by sharp claws. Needless to say, they were killed by ferocious beasts.

I just saw the corpses of many human immortals, but not the corpses of ferocious beasts.

According to what Du Jiebin said, the whole body of a ferocious beast is full of treasures, and the bodies of the killed ferocious beasts are naturally collected by others.

It can be seen from the fighting scenes along the way that the fighting is very fierce.

After all, an immortal finally broke through and entered the depths of Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Compared to the number of ferocious beasts, there were thousands of immortals who came in today, giving them an even greater advantage.

In the end, it was the Immortal who had the best chance of winning.

This is also normal, because the immortal world itself is dominated by immortals.

"Finally out~"

There was a bright light in his sight.

Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin heard the old tomb in front of them.

Indeed, they saw a valley in their sight.

A lush, colorful and vibrant valley that can be seen endlessly and looks very big.

"This is the inner gate of Daluo Immortal Mansion. Yunzi must be careful from now on. The more peaceful and tranquil the environment in the Immortal Realm seems, the more dangerous it is." Du Jiebin said seriously to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun nodded: "I understand, Lao Du, where are we going now?"

They came out from the foot of a mountain, and the valley that appeared in front of them was very wide, but overall it was rectangular, with a north-south shape.

Either go south or north.

Du Jiebin glanced at Yang Yiyun, then looked at Lao Tomb and said: "Lao Tomb, tell me, there is no need to hide anything from Yunzi. Since I recognize him as a friend, I will not hide anything from my friends, and let Yunzi Make your own decision."

Yang Yiyun listened to Du Jiebin's words, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he guessed the meaning correctly. Du Jiebin brought Lao Tomb and Ashan to Daluo Immortal Mansion for a purpose.

Although he didn't know what it was, Du Jiebin could honestly say these words at this moment, and Yang Yiyun knew that he had not made this friend in vain.

I saw Lao Tomb looking at Du Jiebin, but he hesitated to speak.

Yang Yiyun said: "Lao Du, don't be embarrassed. If you can't say it, don't say it. I can understand."

"Tell me, Lao Tomb. If anything happens, I'll take care of it. If anything happens, I'll be responsible." Du Jiebin said to Lao Tomb in a deep voice.

Then Du Jiebin looked at Yang Yiyun again and smiled apologetically: "Yunzi, don't mind, we do have a specific purpose in coming to Daluo Immortal Mansion, but I don't know what it is specifically.

This matter was told to Lao Tomb by my father when he took it away. Even I don’t know what it is specifically. My father only said that he could ask Lao Tomb at Daluo Immortal Mansion, so I didn’t tell you before. "

"No, no, don't tell me..." Yang Yiyun looked at Lao Tomb's troubled face and quickly stopped.

But Du Jiebin raised his hand to stop him and looked at Lao Tomb again.

At this time, Lao Tomb hurriedly said: "Young Master, it's not that I can't say it, it's just that the old master told me before leaving that no outsiders should be present...

However, since Brother Yang is the person who saved the young master's life and is also the young master's recognized friend, then even if he is one of his own, the old man's words are not considered to be against the old master's words.

In fact, when we came in this time, we came here for a treasure like Daluo Immortal Mansion...

We all the immortal sects in the Daqing world know that the owner of the Da Luo Immortal Mansion here is said to have been an outstanding alchemy master in ancient times.

I heard that he had refined an elixir called "Jinyuan Zhendao Pill", which can improve one's cultivation in any realm under Hunyuan.

Heavenly immortals can directly enter the realm of true immortals by taking one Jinyuan Zhendao elixir and jump to four levels in a row. True immortals can jump to three small realms if they take it. Golden immortals can jump to two small realms if they take it. Daluo can jump to one small realm if they take it.

These elixirs were once popular in ancient times, but later the alchemy master was plotted by a fellow alchemist, and his death was unknown...

However, no one knew about his Immortal Mansion until someone accidentally discovered it tens of thousands of years ago.

But very few people know that the owner here is the Danian Alchemy Immortal Master... that is, we are among the top ten forces in the Daqing world.

But knowing is one thing, but it is not easy to find the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill from the Immortal Mansion. Thousands of years ago, the ten major forces jointly organized people to invade the Immortal Mansion. Only then did they find a stone tablet and learned that the owner of this place had left opinions. The secret alchemy room contains the Jinyuan Zhendao elixir.

But no one knows the specific location. Everyone only knows that there is Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir here.

Of course, the key point is the elixir. If there is an elixir, the secret room will naturally have the elixir. This is the key point.

If we can get the prescription of Jinyuan Zhendao Pill, our Taiqing Immortal Sect can be called the number one Immortal Sect in the Daqing World. We may even have a chance to aspire to dominate the Immortal Domain and be called a powerful Immortal Sect in the entire Immortal Domain. .

In the future, young master, if you take over the Taiqing Immortal Sect, you will definitely be called the Great Immortal Master.

The old master has been sending people to investigate the location of the secret alchemy room in the Immortal Mansion here. The last time A Shan and I came in a thousand years ago, we got some fragmentary information. After going out and studying for a thousand years, we were finally able to determine where the secret alchemy room in the Immortal Mansion here is.

So this time the old master asked the young master to come out in person. If it weren't for the restriction of Daluo Immortal Mansion that only the immortal level could come in, the old master would take action himself. "

Lao Tomb finished speaking in one breath, looked at Du Jiebin, and then looked at Yang Yiyun, meaning that after saying it now, Yang Yiyun needs to be completely tied to the chariot.

Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan is related to the future of Taiqing Immortal Sect, and there is no room for sloppiness.

It took Taiqing Immortal Sect thousands of years and countless disciples' lives to finally determine the location of the alchemy secret room.

Du Jiebin was stunned and opened his mouth. He naturally knew what it would mean to their Taiqing Immortal Sect if they had such a pill recipe in hand.

Even Yang Yiyun's heart was churning at this moment.

Not to mention whether what Lao Tomb said was true or not, the god-demon bird squatting and napping on the shoulder mountain actually spoke to him and told him something.

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