My Master Is a God

Chapter 1854 Demonic Fish in the River

"The little Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir came from the hands of Qi Miaozhen, a genius in the ancient alchemy world. His Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir is indeed extraordinary. It has a great influence on at least several realms below Daluo. It is recorded in the annals of elixirs. people.

Of course, the focus is on the elixir. You want to improve your cultivation strength. This is a good opportunity, so seize it. "The voice of the God and Demon Bird sounded directly in Yang Yiyun's mind.

Yang Yiyun was stunned. Even the God and Demon Bird knew about the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill. It seemed that it was indeed a famous elixir.

"It's too early to say this now. Didn't you hear that it took people from the Taiqing Immortal Sect thousands of years to discover it? Identifying the alchemy secret room does not mean that the elixir and elixir recipe can be found." Yang Yiyun communicated with the God and Demon Bird say.

At this time, Du Jiebin said to Yang Yiyun: "Yunzi, you also heard what happened, right? The place we are going to face next is very dangerous. Please consider whether you want to go with us. Don't worry, if we are together, friends will be friends , I will definitely not treat you badly, if you can really find the alchemy secret room and gain something, you will have a share."

Du Jiebin knew very well that if he followed them to find the alchemy secret room, there would definitely be danger, so he told Yang Yiyun the pros and cons and let him choose.

For Yang Yiyun, the temptation of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan is indeed great. Of course, what he also values ​​​​more is the elixir recipe. If Du Jiebin can really find the alchemy secret room of the Immortal Mansion and find the elixir recipe, I believe he can have a look at it.

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Since you have come to enter Daluo Immortal Mansion, I am happy to accompany you to have a try."

Du Jiebin grinned: "Okay, I knew you would agree, haha, let's go have a try."

In Du Jiebin's current view, Yang Yiyun has extraordinary means. If he is with him, he will be a strength for the three of them.

Fortunately, he helped Yang Yiyun to fight against the Cao brothers of the Dayu Immortal Sect outside the Da Luo Immortal Mansion. He originally wanted to disgust the people of the Dayu Immortal Sect, and he also stood up for Yang Yiyun, but he did not expect that he would befriend a master.

Being able to save his life in a critical moment was already his biggest gain this time.

In fact, the Taiqing Immortal Sect is not the only one who knows the secret of the Daluo Immortal Mansion. All the ten major forces in the Daqing World know about it. However, Du Jiebin estimates that the force that can find the alchemy secret room is the Taiqing Clan.

Therefore, his elders did not arrange for too many people to come out this time. He only asked him to bring Lao Tomb and Ashan. These two people also have the cultivation level of the Immortal Dzogchen. They also know the secret and have been to Daluo Immortal Mansion. People who do it more than once.

However, after the battle between Red Flame and Black Snake, Du Jiebin still felt that their team was a bit weak. It would be best to have one more Yang Yiyun now.

And from a perceptual point of view, he felt that Yang Yiyun was a trustworthy person. The most important point was that Yang Yiyun had means, which would be beneficial to the subsequent search for the secret alchemy room.

Although Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb Ashan were sure of the location of the alchemy chamber, they knew it would be difficult to get in.

So at this time, more Yang Yiyun means more strength, which is a good thing.

After the four people were determined, Lao Tomb briefly explained some things about the land of Immortal Mansion that everyone needed to pay attention to or need to be prepared for possible dangerous places, etc., and then started to go towards the destination.

The road to the valley is very familiar to Lao Tomb and Ashan. They have been here more than once.

Da Luo Immortal Mansion opens once every thousand years, and they were ordered to come in at least three times, and finally they were able to determine the biggest secret of Da Luo Immortal Mansion.

This time, I am determined to find the secret alchemy room or the Jinyuan Zhendao elixir recipe.

The valley was very large. The four of them passed through a jungle and arrived at the mouth of a river about thirty meters wide.

Datou's old tomb stopped and said: "Young Master, Brother Yang, this river is the only way for us to cross, but there are river monsters, which are more difficult to deal with. We must be careful when we cross the river later. .”

"Old Tomb, let me tell you the situation first. What kind of river monster is in the river? Is it a ferocious beast?" Du Jiebin asked.

In fact, compared to Yang Yiyun, Du Jiebin came here for the first time and did not know the specific situation of Daluo Immortal Mansion. In some aspects, he was worse than Yang Yiyun, such as combat experience.

In many aspects, I still rely on Lao Tomb and Ashan.

"The river demon here is a kind of ferocious fish. It is a ferocious fish. It is more than one meter long and has sharp fangs - poisonous. If it is bitten, even if it is the Dzogchen of the gods, the whole body will be numb and the movement will be slow.

Once we fall into the river, we will be in big trouble, so when we cross the river, we must cross it at once. There are not a single ferocious beast or fish in this river, they are swarms of fish. "Old Tomb said seriously.

"How many times have you been here and how do you cross the river? We can just fly over," Du Jiebin said.

"Young Master, if you want to cross the river, you naturally have to fly over it, but even flying has its limitations. About three meters above the river, there is the power of invisible laws in the sky above, and it has unparalleled suction power. You won't know where to go.

Anyway, the existence of ancient formations in Daluo Immortal Mansion is still very dangerous, so when we cross this river, we cannot exceed three meters, and within the range of three meters, we will inevitably be attacked by the ferocious beasts and fish in the river.

When crossing the river, activate your defense with all your strength, withstand the attack of the ferocious beast fish, and cross the river as quickly as possible. Never stop, even if you suffer some losses. It will be a nightmare if you get entangled and fall into the river. . "The old man's words became more and more serious as he spoke.

"Okay, Old Tomb, don't be so serious. It's your first time here, young master. Don't let you be nervous. Although the demon fish in this river are fierce, their strength is ordinary. They are generally first-grade immortals. There are very few high-grade ones, and I have never seen any high-grade ones in the three times I have been here.

Therefore, the Young Master and Brother Yang are not too nervous. When the time comes, they can just use their methods to cross the river quickly. It's not a big deal. Under normal circumstances, if nothing happens, crossing the river only takes ten breaths. "Ashan, who had rarely spoken at this moment, spoke.

Lao Tomb stared at him and said: "Ahem... you are so good at destroying me. Don't I hope that the young master and Yang Yiyun will be more vigilant and nothing will happen?"

"That's it, you two. Yang Yiyun and I are not necessarily worse than you in terms of strength. Let's cross the river first, haha." Du Jiebin said with a laugh.

"That's right. Let's not talk about it. I almost forgot about your true methods, young master. Haha, as usual, I will open the way first. Young master and Brother Yang will follow. Ashan will follow behind and leave..."

After Lao Tomb finished speaking, he jumped suddenly and flew over the river with a swipe...

Du Jiebin said to Yang Yiyun: "Yunzi, let's follow. Are you okay?"

Yang Yiyun nodded and said, "No problem."

He may be eager for other things, but he is not worried at all about being in a place with water.

Because there is a water origin bead in his body.

That was the treasure obtained from Immortal Emperor Shuiyuan's Immortal Mansion when he returned to Earth, a real immortal treasure.

With the Origin Bead of Water in his body, everything related to water is in front of him. If he wants to make it round, it will be round, and if he wants to make it square, it will be square.

Not to mention that there are ferocious beasts and monster fish in this river that are comparable to early and middle stage immortals, even if there are ferocious fish that are comparable to the Great Perfection level, he is not worried at all.

However, Yang Yiyun thought that it would be best if he could get through it safely. For the time being, he didn't want to anger the Water Origin Bead on his body.

After all, it's one of the trump cards, isn't it?

Seeing Du Jiebin jumping up, Yang Yiyun followed him...

On the river, the four of them all activated their full-body defense. According to Lao Tomb, activation of defense allowed them to withstand being attacked by the demon fish in the river. As long as the defense force could withstand ten breaths of time and they could cross the river, they would be safe.

The river is just thirty meters wide, and flying close to the river in ten breaths is really no problem.

It was calm at first, and the four of them didn't make any big noise. It was best to cross the river quietly.

But when they reached the middle of the river, the calm river surface suddenly started to boil like boiling water.

"Hiss, hiss..."

A low roar sounded like a snake's cry.

The faces of Yang Yiyun and the others changed. They saw huge gray fish on the river rushing out of the water. Each one was one meter long. They opened their mouths, revealing sharp fangs, and rushed towards them... …

"Don't panic, everyone, just rush forward. These monster fish can't break through our defense within ten breaths." Lao Tomb spoke loudly, his tone seemed very calm.

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