My Master Is a God

Chapter 1855 One sword laid down twelve immortals

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"Bump bump bump..."

There were dull sounds, followed by violent vibrations.

The demon fish attacked the four of them in an instant.

Fortunately, everyone's defense is good and within the tolerance range, and the hands rushing forward are not one-sided defense, they are also attacking.

"Boom boom boom..."

The four of them formed a line and each attacked. Faced with the attacks of densely packed monster fish, they did not stop. After six breaths, they had crossed two-thirds of the river.

Although it was attacked by the demon fish, it went smoothly overall.

victory is in sight.

Just as they were about to cross the river and reach the other side, the old tomb in front roared: "You shameless person, how dare you~"


While cursing, Lao Tomb was attacked and suddenly stopped.

At this time, Yang Yiyun and the others saw a giant palm of immortal power slapping down on the four of them from the opposite side.

Almost without warning.

Apparently there was an attack on them from across the river.

Lao Tomb's counterattack erupted with a rumble.

But since the other party was attacking Yin and others, they were naturally prepared. The giant palm photographed the old tomb in front and did not completely resolve it.

At this moment, the demon fish in the river attacked them, and now this giant palm was photographed, which really made it worse.

Originally, the four of them worked together as a whole, but after something went wrong with Lao Tomb, all four of them lost their balance.

One by one, they fell towards the river.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that he could no longer hold anything back, otherwise all four of them would have to fall into the river to feed the fish.

Maybe these monster fish are not strong, but if they are attacked by thousands of monster fish, they will definitely not be able to eat and walk around, and they will have to shed their skin even if they don't die.


Yang Yiyun uttered two words and fully activated the power of the water origin bead in his body.

The Origin Pearl of Water can be said to be the ancestor of all water-attribute powers.

He was the one who had achieved the status of Immortal Emperor. After he was frozen, his entire body erupted with a dazzling blue light.

With a soft drink, he slapped his palms against the water at the moment when his body lost balance.

The next moment there was a buzzing sound, and with Yang Yiyun as the center, a circular blue ripple erupted across the entire lake.

In an instant, the ice on the river consolidated and turned into a mirror-like ice surface.

"Bump, bump, bump~"

There were four dull sounds of falling.


Shocked sounds came from the mouths of Lao Tomb, Du Jiebin, and Ashan.

Originally, the three of them were mentally prepared to lose their balance and fall into the river to fight with the monster fish.

But for a brief moment, Yang Yiyun felt a dazzling blue light erupting all over his body. After the three of them subconsciously closed their eyes, what happened next was that they fell into the river to feed the fish as they imagined.

On the contrary, when his body solidified, he found that the entire river surface had condensed into ice.

The demon fish that jumped out of the water to attack them all turned into ice sculptures...

Now Du Jiebin and the other three looked at Yang Yiyun in disbelief.

"If you have any problems, we'll wait until we cross the river. There are enemies on the other side who are trying to trick us. We should deal with them first. Don't be stunned if we move quickly."

While Yang Yiyun was yelling at Du Jiebin and the others, he flashed the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and rushed towards the river bank first.

We were ashore in no time.

Du Jiebin and the others were extremely shocked by Yang Yiyun's methods.

There is no doubt that they were saved by Yang Yiyun three times...

The three of them were increasingly looking at Yang Yiyun. . . . .

But at this time, the three of them knew that what Yang Yiyun said was right. It was the right choice to go ashore first and deal with the enemies opposite them.

No time to lament.

If there hadn't been a sudden attack from the other side, the four of them would have been able to cross the river safely without any problem. They really didn't expect that someone would attack them here and secretly do something secretly.

Especially for Du Jiebin, the fire in his heart was soaring.

When had he, the dignified young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, ever suffered such a loss?

There are really not many people in the Daqing world who dare to play dirty tricks against him.

With great effort, Du Jiebin disappeared in a flash and followed Yang Yiyun closely. He swore that the demon would cut the attacker into pieces.

Originally, I still had some sense of superiority in front of Yang Yiyun, but now it's all gone.

As for Lao Tomb and Ashan, they were also filled with anger.

The four of them came ashore one after another...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun rushed to the shore in an instant, jumped up and saw the boulders on the river bank...

He had long discovered that the source of the attack was behind the boulder, so when he rushed over, he went straight here.

Sure enough, they found the target here, or the person who was tricking them.

After seeing it, Yang Yiyun was immediately happy.

It’s really a narrow road for enemies~

More than ten people were none other than the brothers Cao Xiaobao and Cao Man who had humiliated him outside the Daluo Immortal Mansion, along with their disciples from the Dayu Immortal Sect, and some other immortals who had been recruited into the team.

Among these people, only Cao Man has the Dzogchen cultivation level of the Celestial Immortal, so the twelve people, including Cao Xiaobao, are all top-grade Celestial Immortals.

Seeing Yang Yiyun suddenly appear, Cao Man and others were also stunned.

In other words, I haven’t come back to my senses until now.

It turned out that not long after they crossed the river, they discovered Du Jiebin, Yang Yiyun and four others coming.

The leader, Cao Man, naturally came in with a mission when he entered the Immortal Mansion this time. All the ten major forces knew about the secret alchemy room in the Immortal Mansion.

This time, a large number of ferocious beasts arrived on the mountain inside the Daluo Immortal Mansion. Something was obviously wrong. Cao Man thought that it must be related to the alchemy secret room of the Immortal Mansion.

Naturally, we don’t want other forces to get involved.

In particular, the Dayu Immortal Sect and the Taiqing Immortal Sect where Du Jiebin was located were enemies. After seeing Du Jiebin and the four of them, Cao Manxin had the idea of ​​​​dirty tricks.

Thinking that it would be best if Du Jiebin and the four of them died in the river to feed the fish, he calculated it well, and he hid behind the boulder and hit a huge palm, and saw the desired effect.

But who would have thought that he would see a scene that made his eyes widen.

I saw that the little angel named Yang Yiyun burst out with blue light, and then the entire river froze, leaving the four of them intact.

The next moment Yang Yiyun appeared in his sight...

This shocked Cao Man and others.

Only then did they realize that Yang Yiyun, the little immortal they looked down on before, was a capable master. He was definitely not as simple as a first-grade immortal as it seemed on the surface.

Cao Man and others were in a daze when they saw Yang Yiyun's appearance and had not yet recovered.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun acted preemptively. The Cao brothers had humiliated him before, and now Yang wanted to take revenge.

It didn't happen before because there were many people outside and Du Jiebin showed up to resolve it.

It's different now. In the Daluo Immortal Mansion, the person who killed Gouri is not afraid of anyone knowing.

Next to him are Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb Ashan, both enemies of the Cao Man brothers.

What's more, the bastard actually played dirty tricks on them, and the uncle couldn't bear it and the aunt couldn't bear it.

Is it great to be a great deity?

I'll kill one today and see.

It’s not like there’s no means.

In terms of quality, on their side, Lao Tomb and Ashan are both Dzogchen-level immortals. In Yang Yiyun's opinion, Du Jiebin has even more powerful methods than Lao Tomb and Ashan.

As for Yang, hehe...

From this moment on, let the Cao brothers have a taste of his methods.


Jumping up from the boulder, while Cao Man was waiting for Leng Shen, Yang Yiyun struck out with all his strength without hesitation.


The dragon-slaying sword has the power of Shinto added to it, and the power of law has become much stronger in the fairy world. The sword screams when it moves.

The point is that Yang Yiyun contacted Black Lotus for assistance. His sword was aimed at killing people. With the help of Black Lotus, it is powerful, so what if it is a Dzogchen Immortal?

With the bright light of the sword energy, the sword energy of more than ten feet was emitted, and the sword coming down from high was really as powerful as a rainbow.


When Yang Yiyun's sword exploded, Cao Man finally felt something was wrong in the air between heaven and earth. He was the only immortal Dzogchen in the field. He was more sensitive to danger and power. Feeling the power of Yang Yiyun's sword energy, he yelled quickly Let your men hide.

And when he spoke out, he activated the secret technique and quickly escaped.



He, Cao Man, was better at avoiding it, but others were not so lucky.

When Yang Yiyun slashed down with his sword, most of the immortals reacted hastily, and some even ignored Yang Yiyun, a little immortal.

Just like Cao Xiaobao!

The result is tragic ~

Yang Yiyun's sword energy exploded.

There were three chiefs at the scene, among whom the immortal's head was missing.

The rest were all affected by the sword energy, and suffered heavy injuries every time they died.

The screaming Cao Xiaobao was even worse. Although he was not dead, he fell to the ground and hugged his lower body with his hands, screaming and lying in a pool of blood.

How could their resistance block a sword blessed by Black Lotus?

This sword made twelve people from the Dayu Immortal Sect lie down, and those who survived were severely injured.

Only Cao Man escaped.

But at this moment, Du Jiebin and three others arrived.

"Fuck, it turns out you were the one plotting against me, Cao Man. Kill Lao Tomb Ah Shan for me~"

Du Jiebin became furious.

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