My Master Is a God

Chapter 1856 You are not ruthless enough

Lao Tomb and Ah Shan held back their anger and headed directly towards Cao Man.

At this moment, Cao Man's expression changed completely. He was shocked by Yang Yiyun's sword, and even saw the two great perfections of Lao Tomb and Ashan approaching him.

Twelve fellow immortals were knocked down by Yang Yiyun's sword.

At this time, he was a polished commander facing Lao Tomb and Ashan, two men of the same level as Dzogchen. Cao Man knew that he would not be his opponent no matter what.

One word runs.

What a fairy who doesn’t suffer the immediate consequences!

If he was stopped, Cao Man knew that today would be the last day of his journey to immortality.

He saw the current situation clearly and did not dare to hesitate or pause at all. Cao Man gritted his teeth and directly burned his immortal energy, and his whole body suddenly turned into a meteor and flew away...

Lao Tomb and Ashan who were chasing after him looked at each other in shock when they saw Cao Man, but they did not pursue him.

Because they know that at the same level, they cannot catch up with Cao Man who burns the immortal power, unless they also burn the immortal power, which may be possible.

But burning the immortal power comes at a cost. Burning the immortal power for the sake of a Cao Man is not worth the loss.

The cost of burning the power of immortality may range from entering a period of weakness, which will be very dangerous in the Daluo Immortal Mansion, to the worst case, the realm of cultivation will plummet.

So Lao Tomb and Ashan gave up the pursuit.

Yang Yiyun's side has already started to hit the target.

He knocked down twelve immortals with one sword, all of them were high-grade immortals. Three of them died on the spot, and the remaining nine were seriously injured. Yang Yiyun did not give them a chance. He swung out his sword and killed eight of them in one breath. Finally, He set his sights on Cao Xiaobao.

Holding the bloody dragon-slaying sword in his hand, he stared at Cao Xiaobao and said with a grin: "You look down on me as a little first-grade immortal, but I said I can kill a high-grade immortal, can you see if I can do it?"

At this time, Cao Xiaobao was seriously injured by Yang Yiyun's powerful sword, which actually cut off the roots of his descendants.

At this moment, he said with an extremely frightened face: "You... you can't kill me. I am a member of the Cao family of the Dayu Immortal Sect. Our Cao family is the orthodox of the Dayu Immortal Sect. My grandfather is an elder of the Immortal Sect and a golden immortal level existence. You...can't kill me..."

Yang Yiyun just sneered: "It's just a golden immortal, that's not you either..."


Cao Xiaobao screamed and was killed by someone Yang with a sword.

"Bah~ what the hell?" Yang cursed at Cao Xiaobao's corpse.

He used his sword without hesitation and directly destroyed the Daoyuan of these people.

Looking back, Yang Yiyun found that Du Jiebin, Lao Tomb, and Ashan were all looking at him blankly.

This made Yang feel a little uneasy and said: "Ahem...then am I being too cruel?"

Indeed, he had taken action before, killing twelve immortals in one go, and destroying Dao Yuan for each one. Such methods were cruel in his own opinion.

Seeing Du Jiebin and the others looking at him in a daze, Yang Yiyun guessed that this was the reason.

But for him, there is nothing he can do about it, because if he doesn't kill people, people will kill him, especially people like Dayu Xianmen.

It was they who provoked themselves first.

After he finished speaking, Du Jiebin and the other three shook their heads quickly, indicating that this was not what he meant.

In fact, what Yang Yiyun said was nothing in the eyes of Du Jiebin and the others. The point was that they marveled at Yang Yiyun's strength.

He felled twelve immortals with one sword, and they were all top-grade immortals. Du Jiebin knew that Lao Tomb and Ashan at the Dzogchen level could not do this kind of strength, but Pianpian Yang Yiyun could do it.

This was the biggest shock to the three of Du Jiebin.

What level of strength is Yang Yiyun?

Isn’t he a true immortal?

The three of them stared blankly.

After half the payment, Du Jiebin looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Compared to this scene, you are not ruthless enough. Yunzi remember that to survive in the fairy world, you must be ruthless and decisive than anyone else in order to live longer.

Only by living a long life can you aspire to the supreme immortal realm. The realm of immortal is only the beginning of the immortal realm. What surprised the three of us is your strength, not your ruthlessness. "

Yang Yiyun didn't expect Du Jiebin to say these words, but he knew there was nothing wrong with them.

From Du Jiebin's words, I could tell that the fairy world really has a crueler side.

If these words were said by other people, Yang Yiyun might not believe it, but Du Jiebin is the epitome of a class in the fairy world and represents the fairy world to a certain extent, so Yang Yiyun believes Du Jiebin's words.

It also served as a warning to myself.

"Thank you, Lao Du, for your advice."

Yang Yiyun smiled and thanked.

As for Cao Man's escape, they didn't care. The people from Dayu Xianmen were completely wiped out this time. Only Cao Man escaped and couldn't cause any trouble.

A storm subsided.

Yang Yiyun cleaned up the battlefield.

Du Jiebin, the young master of the Immortal Sect, looked down upon this little fortune, but Yang Yiyun was a poor man after arriving in the Immortal Realm, and he did not let go of the belongings of the twelve immortals he killed.

After a round, Yang Yiyun harvested ninety-eight low-grade immortal stones.

Although the harvest is abundant.

Of course, this is the total immortal stone from the twelve top-grade immortals. There is no big harvest from the rest, and not a single elixir has been found.

From this point of view, Yang Yiyun intuitively understood the paucity of cultivation resources in the immortal world.

The four of them continued to move forward, and this time Lao Tomb led the way, which was relatively smooth.

After walking for about a week, the old tomb stopped, and a ruined building appeared in Yang Yiyun's sight.

This is our destination.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun finally had a clear understanding of time in the fairy world.

Of course it's all due to Du Jiebin.

According to Du Jiebin, one day in the immortal world is equivalent to one year in the world of cultivation, and the time of refinement in the immortal world is calculated according to the small and large heavens.

A small week is equivalent to twelve hours, and a large week is twenty-four hours, which is equal to one day and one night, a complete number of days.

Yang Yiyun calculated that it would take them a week to arrive here after crossing the river.

"Is this where the Immortal Palace Hall you mentioned is?" Du Jiebin asked Lao Tomb.

"Reporting back to Young Master, it is here. Even though it is now in ruins, it is not small in area. With an area of ​​fifty miles, this area is the core of the entire Daluo Immortal Mansion.

The alchemy secret room we are looking for is deep in the ruins, but it is not peaceful here. There are many ferocious beasts and fairy beasts hidden, as well as second-level ferocious beasts.

In addition, thousands of immortals came in this time. It is estimated that all the ten major forces in Daqing World are here. Others may not know this place and dare not break in, but people from the ten major forces will definitely come here.

So from now on, we all have to be extremely alert. Sometimes the ferocious beasts are not scary, but people are more insidious than the ferocious beasts.

If someone is killed here, the news will not spread, and the masters will not know, because there is a law formation here. Although it is broken, it is still an ancient formation. The power of heaven and earth, laws, etc. are very chaotic and unstable. The key point is that you cannot perform law-based magic.

There are dangers every step of the way. Of course, it is not without its benefits. This is the core of Daluo Immortal Mansion. There are all the major palaces and courtyards of the Immortal Mansion. There are ancient skills, Taoism, immortal weapons, elixirs, and so on. See if there is any chance to get it.

The elixirs in this area are not ordinary, and any one that can be used is a blessing. However, our goal is deep in the core. It is best to get the opportunity along the way. If you can't get it, don't force it. As long as you can find the entrance to the alchemy chamber. , we achieved a great victory in this trip. "Lao Tomb explained a lot.

"Is there a way to find the entrance to the alchemy chamber in the old tomb?" Du Jiebin asked.

According to what the old tomb said before, we can only determine a rough location. When we find the entrance, we don’t know whether we can go in.

"Young master, don't worry, it's basically certain." Ashan interjected.

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Du Jiebin nodded, Lao Tomb and Ashan would worry about other things.

The four of them then stepped into the ruins of the building...

The entire ruins not only contain collapsed buildings, but also towering trees and overgrown weeds. It actually looks desolate.

Indeed, as Lao Tomb said, the power of heaven and earth is very chaotic here.

In such an environment, it actually has a great influence on the execution of law and Taoism. The most reliable thing is internal strength.

The collapsed building looks very huge, with huge wooden pillars, stone strips, etc., all of which are carved and painted. It can be imagined that in ancient times, this place was also an extremely glorious place.

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