My Master Is a God

Chapter 1857 Immortal Stone Fruit Tree

After walking into the ruins for a week or half a day, the four of them heard the faint sounds of fighting, the sounds of people and the roars of animals.

There are even more powerful immortal energy fluctuations.

From a distance of hundreds of meters away, there was a faint halo of light rising into the sky, shining unusually.

"It seems that some rare fairy treasure has been born. Young Master, do we want to go over and have a look?"

Lao Tomb asked Du Jiebin.

Du Jiebin asked: "Is the direction and the place we are walking on smooth?"

"The approaching road." Lao Tomb said.

"Then go and take a look." Du Jiebin said.

Yang Yiyun actually wanted to see the situation. Everything that appeared in the fairy world was new to him now.

Immortal treasure?

What kind of fairy treasure will it be?

Is it an elixir, elixir, or magical weapon? I wonder if it's something else...?

Judging from the halo of fairy energy and the fairy power emanating from it, it is not a mortal thing.

The four of them followed the sound. As they approached, they heard the shouts of killing getting louder and louder. It sounded like there were quite a lot of people there.

Sure enough, when the four of them arrived at a stone forest, they saw at least hundreds of immortals.

And in the stone forest, colorful lights are constantly shining.

Yang Yiyun and the others looked around and saw a colorful tree over three meters high, covered with fruits.

At first glance, they looked like gourds of five colors.

But Yang Yiyun knew that this was a kind of fairy fruit, not a gourd, because he smelled the attractive fruity fragrance in his breath.

This tree is actually gray-white, the same color as the surrounding stones, but the gourd or fairy fruit hanging on the tree emits light of five colors, and the fairy power is so powerful that it reaches into the sky.

"This... is a fairy stone fruit tree. It bears stone fairy fruit. I didn't expect it to appear here..." Lao Tomb exclaimed!

Ah Shan also looked excited at this moment and said: "This place is an ancient immortal mansion. It is not surprising that any rare treasures appear. It seems that this stone immortal tree existed in the formation, but today it was broken by someone." , exposed, the stone fairy fruit, the five-color light soaring into the sky, this is a sign of maturity.

It seems that we can also fight for it. This is one of the top ten rare immortal fruits in the immortal world. According to the classics, the stone immortal fruit can contain huge amounts of pure immortal energy. It also has the properties of stone. Taking it can enhance your cultivation by a large amount. , what is even more rare is that it can petrify defense ten times.

Of course, there will be a time limit. Within a certain period of time, the physical body can be made ten times stronger and the strength increased ten times, and there will be no side effects.

This is the most precious thing about the Stone Immortal Fruit. The defense and power increase tenfold within a certain period of time. Depending on the situation on site, we can try to fight for it. "

"I'm afraid it won't be easy to argue. People from the top ten immortal sects, except our Taiqing and Dayu who was crippled before, all the people from the other eight immortal sects are here.

There are dozens of remaining forces. It seems that other forces are confronting the people of the Eight Immortal Sects. Moreover, such rare treasures as the Stone Immortal Fruit will inevitably be guarded by immortal beasts or vicious beasts. Look at these immortals. This must be the case if the people at the gate keep a distance from Shixianguo intentionally or unintentionally.

According to the usual rules, these people must be the ones who decide the winner and then deal with the fairy beasts harvesting the fairy fruit trees, but today it seems to be a chaotic scene. "Ashan also spoke at this time.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but said after thinking about it: "The Little Immortal Sect and the Great Immortal Sect are competing for interests. Aren't they afraid of revenge from the people of the Great Immortal Sect?"

Du Jiebin shook his head and said: "There is an unwritten rule among the immortal sects in the immortal world. Whenever they compete for cultivation resources in ancient ruins and other places, they are not allowed to retaliate against each other. If there is any retaliation afterwards, the small immortal sect will There is no room for development, and the fairy world is in chaos.

The competition between the immortal sects is a very cruel time. Although on the surface there is no distinction between the power of the immortal sects, there are actually levels. There have always been three, six or nine levels among the immortal sects, from the lowest to the lowest. The most top-notch, will always exist.

But in the end, it still depends on the foundation of the immortal sect, the number of masters in the sect, and the strength and cultivation of the master of a sect. In the immortal world, the master of a sect will always be the weather vane.

In fact, in our Daqing world, it sounds like there are our ten major powers. In fact, that is just because the masters of one of our ten major powers have each stepped into the realm of Daluo Shangxian, while other immortal sects have not. Da Luo level.

The so-called top ten forces are limited to Daqing World. If you look at the entire Immortal World, or even within the Immortal Domain, they are nothing.

There are nine realms of immortality, one realm and one ladder. It is difficult to advance beyond imagination. The realm of Daluo Shangxian is a master in the Daqing world, but what about letting it go?

Above Daluo, there are Hunyuan, Immortal Lord, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor and even Immortal Lord. Therefore, the relationship between the Immortal Sects is actually very responsible, but there will be restrictions in some aspects...

However, before entering the realm of Da Luo, whether it is personal cultivation strength or the power of the immortal sect, it is nothing when looking at the fairy world. When walking in the fairy world, the threshold is only a threshold when going up to the realm of Da Luo.

In the endless fairyland, without the cultivation level of Daluo Realm, walking and wandering would be a problem. Daqing World can only be regarded as a small microcosm of the fairyland. "

Listening to Du Jiebin's story, Yang Yiyun realized that his power in the fairy world seemed to be just scratching the surface, and he still had a long way to go in the future.

Yang Yiyun said: "So what you are saying is that in this ancient immortal mansion, people from weak immortal sects kill disciples of powerful immortal sects, so there is no need to worry about anyone causing trouble?"

"Haha, that's the theory, but it's not easy for people from the Small Immortal Sect to kill people from the Great Immortal Sect. The differences in cultivation resources determine the gap. It's actually very difficult for people from the Small Immortal Sect to kill those from the Great Immortal Sect.

Of course, if you are really powerful, under normal circumstances, as long as you kill people from the Great Immortal Sect, you don't have to worry about explicit revenge. You should understand what I'm saying, right?

Moreover, this rule is also limited to a small area. If you encounter those truly behemoths of the Immortal Sect, you really have to look at the situation, otherwise you will be killed.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the Immortal Sect has the power of the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor. As for me, even if I have the strength to kill someone, I would not dare to take action easily without being completely sure. Du Jiebin said.

Yang Yiyun listened to Du Jiebin's words, and he nodded secretly. It seems that whether it is the world of cultivation or the world of immortals, when the power and strength in your hands reach a certain level, it is really a protective talisman, and everyone must be afraid of it.

"Young Master, should we go there now, or wait?" Lao Tomb said eagerly.

For Lao Tomb, the temptation of Stone Fairy Fruit seems to be great.

Looking at Yang Yiyun, he was actually feeling pampered in his heart, but he was different from what others thought.

Lao Tomb and Du Jiebin were staring at the Immortal Stone Fruit, while he was staring at the tree.

One fruit is eaten one less, but there is no such problem with trees, and fairy fruits can be produced continuously.

As we all know, planting fairy fruits is very difficult, but this problem does not exist for him, because his Qiankun Pot contains the water of life.

Moreover, the Qiankun Pot is a Shinto treasure, and the environment inside is suitable for almost any spiritual vegetation. With the addition of the water of life, the maturity period will also be greatly shortened.

Since ascending to the immortal world, he has actually never seen the changes in the Qiankun Pot, and has never had time to study it, but he believes that the space of the Qiankun Pot has changed a lot, and he can feel this.

I originally wanted to find a place to study the Qiankun Pot after arriving in the fairy world, and I also needed to ask the spirit of the Qiankun Pot about Shinto and the Qiankun Pot.

But since ascending to the Immortal Realm, there has been no time to go directly to Daluo Immortal Mansion.

In short, Yang Yiyun was very confident in transplanting the fairy stone tree. He thought that he would join in the fun and grab the fairy stone fruit. If he could not grab the fairy stone fruit, his target would be the fairy stone fruit tree.

Trees were the most important thing to him.

Du Jiebin said: "Let's go, everyone be careful and wait for the opportunity. It is better to get the Immortal Stone Fruit. If you can't get it, there is no need to force it. Our ultimate goal is still the alchemy secret room. This time the Immortal Stone Fruit is just a matter of fate."

After the four people made their decision, they headed towards the field.

When they got closer, Yang Yiyun and the others finally saw the ferocious beasts guarding the stone fairy tree.

"It's the ferocious beast, the Golden Stone Demon Rat. This thing is not easy to deal with. No wonder the immortal didn't even get close to the Immortal Stone Tree. This thing is so difficult to deal with~" Lao Tomb became a little worried.

Ashan said: "The first-order Great Circle is quite difficult to deal with. Once this thing appears, it will probably be a male and a female. We haven't seen the other one, so we'd better be careful."

Du Jiebin nodded and said: "The Golden Stone Demon Rat has the highest defensive speed among the first-order ferocious beasts. It is indeed difficult to deal with, but we have a chance to take action. When there is chaos in the field, it is our chance to take action. Other immortal sects Everyone was jointly defended by several major immortal sects.

The Eight Immortal Sects want to monopolize the Immortal Stone Fruit, which is a bit shameless, but looking at the situation now, even if they block the other Immortal Sects, they still have to deal with the Golden Stone Demon Rat, and it is not easy to obtain the Immortal Stone Fruit.

Currently, only one golden stone demon rat has appeared, and the other one is obviously hidden. People from the eight immortal sects have to pay the price if they want to succeed.

And it seems that they haven’t done anything yet because they are afraid of the Golden Stone Demon Rat, and maybe they are waiting for another demon rat to appear..."


As soon as Du Jiebin finished speaking, a sharp and harsh voice sounded in the field.

The next moment another golden stone demon rat appeared.

And it came from a distance, which was equivalent to appearing on the periphery of these immortals.


At this moment, the golden stone demon rat guarding under the immortal stone fruit tree rose up in response.

"Ho ho ho..."

In an instant, the golden stone demon rat on the periphery suddenly turned into a gray stream of light and rushed towards the fairy stone fruit tree.

A road was suddenly opened among hundreds of immortals.

The huge golden stone demon rat, as big as a calf, was so fierce that it was a mess.

Wherever they passed, people were thrown off their backs, and some immortals were directly knocked away and killed by the impact of the golden stone demon rat.

He quickly broke through the defensive circle of the eight immortal sects mentioned by Du Jiebin.


Someone from the Eight Immortal Sects shouted loudly.

Du Jiebin's eyes lit up and he said, "Come on, our chance has come."

Not only Du Jiebin saw the opportunity, but also some Dzogchen Immortals hiding in the crowd saw the opportunity and rushed towards the Immortal Stone Fruit Tree.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and rushed over as soon as his feet moved. However, his target was the Immortal Stone Fruit Tree, and he wanted to uproot the Immortal Stone Fruit Tree.

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