My Master Is a God

Chapter 1864 Invincible among the Immortals

It still has the voice of a boy who is in the voice-changing stage, and it is still in the Qiankun Temple.

But this time, the black and white sphere was missing. Yang Yiyun knew that it was fused by him last time.

But now there is chaos in the Qiankun Temple, and nothing can be seen due to the clouds and mist.

He was like a person who had lost his way in the Qiankun Temple.

There was chaos all around.

"Want to ask about the timing of the water of life?"

The voice of the boy who was in the stage of changing his voice sounded again.

Yang Yiyun still didn't see anyone.

At this time, he couldn't help but said: "Don't pretend to be a ghost, come out."

The next moment, a group of airflow appeared in the center of the hall, and then slowly gathered and formed.

I originally thought that a young man should appear.

But unexpectedly, a ball of glass airflow appeared. At first glance, it was crystal clear. At second glance, it was colorful and really beautiful.

It's not big, just as big as an adult's fist.

Immediately, this mass of glazed air changed and turned into the shape of a puppy. However, it has not stopped yet and is still changing...

Later, dragon horns and whiskers grew, and a pair of wings appeared on the back...

In the end, it no longer looks like a puppy.

A bit like a unicorn, but with wings.

What is this?

Yang Yiyun stared blankly at the little thing in front of him.

"You...are you the spirit of the Qiankun Pot?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Otherwise?" The fist-sized thing has a pair of big human-like eyes. It is very humane and talks like a person with spirituality and wisdom.

The voice was exactly the same as that of a boy who was in the voice-changing stage before.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was sure that it was indeed the spirit of the Qiankun Pot.

But he just doesn't know what kind of mythical beast this is?

"Who are you?" Yang Yiyun asked a very rude word after being stunned.

"What are you talking about, little bastard, who is not a thing? This great god said that the spirit of heaven and earth, you can call it Qiankun." The spirit of the Qiankun pot confirmed Yang Yiyun's name while he was cursing.


This name is a big word, and Yang Yiyun guessed that the spirit of the Qiankun Pot dared to call it that.

Or rather he is.

It's quite appropriate when you think about it.

The Qiankun Pot, Qiankun Creation Work, and Qiankun, the spirit of the Qiankun Pot, are all named after Qiankun.

Very apt.

"Okay, then I'll call you Qiankun." Yang Yiyun did not argue with Qiankun.

Then he asked: "After using the current water of life, how long will it take for the next recovery?"

Question after question, he needs to figure it out.

There are also other functions of the Qiankun Pot that need to be understood.

Just listen to Qiankun say: "The time it takes to recover again using a drop of water of life is nine days."

"That is equivalent to nine days in the world of cultivation. The whole time is acceptable. If all three drops are used, the recovery time will be 3927 days, or a month.

But this time is nothing in the world of immortality.

That’s something that happens within a snap of your fingers.

After ascending to the immortal world, although the time has been long, the relative longevity is also infinitely increased. It can be said that after becoming an immortal, basically no one will consider the issue of longevity.

So three big weeks is nothing.

Yang Yiyun nodded and then asked: "Does the water of life still have the effect of controlling monsters? I mean, after arriving in the fairy world, can it still control fairy beasts or vicious beasts?"

At this time, the spirit of Qiankun rolled his eyes and said in a changed voice: "Of course it is possible. I have told you a long time ago that the Qiankun Pot is an existence that transcends everything. The things in the space of the Qiankun Pot can be said to be the old master. For the benefit of Shinto successors, each one is the top treasure in the world.

Trapping fairy beasts and evil beasts is a piece of cake. Of course, the premise is that you have the ability to use it and can make fairy beasts or demonic beasts take it. Another point is that you have also seen the current water of life for the fairy tree. The effect of water flow, one drop of water of life can completely make a fairy tree or a fairy tree mature for a thousand years. Three drops is three thousand years. Of course, this is just the beginning. There will be many surprises for you in the future..."

Yang Yiyun was finally relieved. Since the effect of the water of life is still there, has not disappeared, and is even more powerful, it means that the benefits to him are still there, and it will be a trump card in the future.

"Next question, are there any other treasures in the Qiankun Pot space?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Qiankun Spirit said simply: "No."

"Isn't it already upgraded? Why not?" Yang Yiyun said in confusion.

Qiankun Spirit said: "You kid, be satisfied. Lingtao and Purple Thunder Leaf have been improved like the water of life. How could it be possible? Otherwise, you kid can kill a Dzogchen with just a few Purple Thunder Leaves." Immortal?

Besides, my Qiankun Pot also says that it has a spirit, and it also needs the nourishment of the treasures of heaven and earth. You kid knows how to ask for it, and you don't want to find the treasures of heaven and earth to devour it for me. How can you improve?

Remember, it’s okay if you want me to improve in the future, but you need to find the treasure of heaven and earth for me and let me replenish my energy, so that I can have the strength to open the place within the space of the Qiankun Pot to you.

For example, the space in the space of the Qiankun Pot can be enlarged. Another example is that after you upgrade the Qiankun Pot, treasures like purple thunder leaves, spiritual peaches, water of life, etc. can appear. "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up and he said, "Then what kind of energy do you need to improve?"

He had experienced the improvement of the Qiankun Pot before. Now that he heard it from the spirit of the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun felt that it was normal.

"This depends on chance. When you come across the treasure of heaven and earth that my Qiankun Pot is interested in, I will naturally remind you at that time." The spirit of Qiankun said.

"Okay, you are the uncle, I listen to you. If you come across a treasure of heaven and earth that can help you and improve you, you must tell me, and I will risk my life to find it for you." Yang Yiyun finally understood. The Qiankun Pot can be continuously upgraded, which means that its power is constantly increasing.

Yang Yiyun thought that the Qiankun Pot was too mysterious. Whether it was the Spirit Peach, the Purple Thunder Tree or the Water of Life, each of them was a super treasure that defied the heavens.

Just taking it to the outside world can cause huge confusion.

If the Qiankun Pot continues to be revitalized in the future, the more precious treasures like the Water of Life appear, the more you will get. It is a very satisfying thing to think about.

The increase in his cultivation and the durability of his combat power will be incomparable and unimaginable by others.

"What's going on in the Qiankun Temple here?" Yang Yiyun asked what he wanted to ask the most.

In the entire Qiankun Pot space, the most mysterious and opaque thing is the Qiankun Temple that emerged last.

This is what Yang Yiyun wants to know most.

He doesn't know the core part, and he always feels unsure about this.

Although the spirit of the Qiankun Pot said that he, Yang Yiyun, was the owner of the Qiankun Pot, there were many things about the Qiankun Pot that he could not see through and did not know. This was something that made him a little weak and worried.

What if the Qiankun Pot loses control in the future?

You have to think of all the bad interruptions.

After asking the question about the Qiankun Temple, Yang Yiyun noticed that the Spirit of Qiankun trembled slightly, then disappeared, and said in an impatient tone: "You are just a little fairy now, why are you asking so many questions about the Qiankun Temple? You will naturally know in the future, okay, just leave if you have nothing to do, don’t disturb my sleep..."

As he finished speaking, Yang Yiyun felt a breeze coming out, and his body flew out of the Qiankun Temple involuntarily.

The next moment, he went directly to the Qiankun Pot space and still appeared in the elixir garden.

"You must be hiding some secrets from me~"

Yang Yiyun was full of dissatisfaction as he muttered to himself.

However, the curse of the spirit of Qiankun sounded directly in his mind: "There is a fart secret. I am the biggest secret of the Qiankun pot. You are not a gentleman by cursing me behind your back."

"Uh, you can hear it like this~" Yang Yiyun was stunned.

There is nothing Yang Yiyun can do about the Spirit of the Universe for the time being, but one thing he can be sure of is that the Spirit of the Universe Pot has no ill intentions towards him.

He stood back and exchanged a few words with the Spirit of Universe, and asked about the recovery time of Purple Thunder Leaf and Spirit Peach, which was basically the same as the recovery of the Water of Life.

In the following time, Yang Yiyun directly picked off twelve stone fairy fruits. After saving them, he left the Qiankun Pot space.

The calculated time was almost the same as the time agreed upon by Du Jiebin and the three of them. He had to rush over to meet up, otherwise Du Jiebin would level up and might come back.

After leaving the tree hole, Yang Yiyun walked forward according to the path Lao Tomb told him before.

After a little week, I finally saw Du Jiebin and the others.


Du Jiebin shouted from afar.

Seeing the worry on Du Jiebin's face, and then seeing his happy and relaxed look, Yang Yiyun felt a warm feeling in his heart.

It's worth it to have a friend like Du Jiebin in this life.

"Lao Du~"

Yang Yiyun walked over with a smile.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Although he saw Yang Yiyun coming intact, Du Jiebin still asked. Before, he chose to believe that Yang Yiyun could get out of the siege of so many immortals.

But after leaving, I became more and more worried. After all, they were all high-grade immortals, and there were also many Dzogchen immortals among them.

Now seeing Yang Yiyun catching up safely, Du Jiebin was really convinced of Yang Yiyun.

He is just a first-class immortal~

"Hey, I killed one Hao Youduo, and then all the other immortals gave in. I left safely." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Du Jiebin felt tingly in his heart as he listened to Yang Yiyun's words.

Hao Youduo and Du Jiebin naturally knew that it was also a Dzogchen Immortal, but in Yang Yiyun's mouth, he was beheaded by him in an understatement.

What kind of strength does this kid have now?

Are you invincible among the immortals?

Du Jiebin thought that it was very reliable. Yang Yiyun could kill Yan Wuchi, and he could kill Hao Youduo. They were both Dzogchen immortals.

Besides, being able to escape safely from being surrounded by so many immortals, with such strength and means, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible among the immortals.

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