My Master Is a God

Chapter 1865 Don’t eat alone

"Old Tomb, are you sure this is here?" Du Jiebin asked Old Tomb while waiting for his eyes.

Lao Tomb nodded and said: "According to the results of the deduction, it should be in this area, but where the entrance is, we need to find it."

Yang Yiyun was also a little stunned, looking at his surroundings blankly.

The place where Lao Tomb took everyone to was not a ruined palace, but a large flat wasteland.

It is overgrown with weeds, not to mention the palace, and there is not even a tree in sight.

Logically speaking, places like the alchemy secret room should exist in the ruins of the palace.

Even if Daluo Immortal Mansion was destroyed, it should be buried underground.

But here is only grass as deep as one person, and there is not a single boulder. There is no palace ruins or other entrances that can be connected to the alchemy chamber.

"How can there be any alchemy secret room here? There is not even a mouse hole." Du Jiebin muttered.

Ashan said: "Don't worry, young master, let's look around. The location deduced over the years should be right, it's this area.

The terrain around us has actually changed. After all, how much time has passed. Even if there is a palace, it is possible for it to be buried under the earth. And another thing is, look at the terrain here, It seems that there is a river crossing, so it is overgrown with weeds..."

"Okay, let's look for it." Du Jiebin spoke.

Then the four people spread out and started looking around.

The four of them were submerged in the weeds that were as deep as one person, and there was no trace at all. It seemed difficult to find them in this environment.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the four of them had only searched less than half of the grass, but still found nothing.

Three days later, the four of them met together and looked at each other.

"Is Lao Tomb, Ah Shan in the wrong place? I've searched this area all over and found nothing." Du Jiebin became a little impetuous at this moment.


Lao Tomb actually became suspicious at this time. Is there really a mistake in the information compiled over the years?

For a moment, I didn't know how to answer the young master Du Jiebin.

Ashan has always been cold and talkative, but now he said with a serious face: "Young Master's general position should be correct. After all, we from the Taiqing Immortal Sect entered the Daluo Immortal Mansion three times to collect information and spent thousands of years. It took time to deduce it, and it was deduced by the sect leader and several elders personally, so there is no mistake in this."

"But the problem now is that there are no clues. This place is completely overgrown with weeds. Other than that, there is nothing else..."

While Du Jiebin and the other three were arguing with each other, Yang Yiyun was not idle either. He did not find the entrance to the secret alchemy room, but he also heard the confirmation from Lao Tomb and Ashan.

So he chose to believe it, but at this time Yang Yiyun thought of the God and Demon Bird. This guy was rich and knew a lot. Yang Yiyun communicated with the God and Demon Bird through voice transmission.

"Can the crow give you some advice? Or help to find out if there is anything suspicious in this place?" Yang Yiyun asked the god and the devil bird directly.

"I thought you wouldn't ask. Listen, little bastard, there is something in this place, but you are looking in the wrong direction. You should look for it underground..." The Demonic Bird spoke with hurt.

"Can you be more specific, how do we search in such a big place?" Yang Yiyun said directly.

The God Demon Bird transmitted the message: "There are some weak fluctuations three hundred meters to the left. I'm not sure whether they are specific. If not, it is somewhere else. Another point is that as long as Lao Tomb and Ashan are convinced, it will be so big The alchemy secret room in Luoxian Mansion must exist, and the Jinyuan Zhendao Pill did exist in the immortal world, and it is famous."

Yang Yiyun nodded to show that he understood, and he wanted to talk to Du Jiebin.

Of course, it cannot be said that the demon bird discovered it. Regarding this problem bird, Yang Yiyun always wanted to regard it as an existence that was ignored, but he could not let people know that this guy was a crazy bird who knew everything.

That would only get him into trouble.

"Yunzi, what do you think we should do? Are you still looking for me?" Du Jiebin, the three of them, had no idea when they were in a stalemate. He looked back and saw Yang Yiyun lowering his head, so he asked Yang Yiyun for his opinion.

Hearing Du Jiebin speak, Yang Yiyun was worried that he could not find an excuse to give him, so he quickly said: "I think I should look underground?"

"Underground?" Du Jiebin was stunned.

"Yes, since Lao Tomb and Ashan both said that this is the result that your Taiqing Immortal Sect spent thousands of years deducing, I think it is still credible, but we have been looking for it in the weeds. This is too obvious. .

If there really is an alchemy secret room, it would have been discovered long ago, so I think we should check the underground. What if the entrance to the alchemy secret room is buried underground?

In other words, the alchemy secret room of Daluo Immortal Mansion itself is not a conventional building. It is an independent existence, or it is buried under the earth, etc. These situations are actually possible, so my It means we are looking for the situation underground. What do you think? "Yang Yiyun began to induce Du Jiebin and the others.

Of course, the person who can find the clue in the end will definitely be him, because he needs this credit so that he can feel at ease if he has a share in the alchemy secret room and the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill. Share the recipe from Du Jiebin.

He would not let Lao Tomb and Ashan think that he was taking advantage. He, Yang Yiyun, didn't like taking advantage of others.

When Yang Yiyun finished what he said, Du Jiebin, Lao Tomb and Ashan's eyes lit up.

"Okay, let's look for it. What you said makes perfect sense. If the location is correct, the entrance may really be underground." Du Jiebin said.

"Brother Yang is right."

"I agree."

Both Lao Tomb and Ashan agreed with Yang Yiyun's words.

Then the four people began to scatter again, using their immortal consciousness to start searching.

As expected, Yang Yiyun arrived at the destination under the guidance of the God and Demon Bird.

"Are you sure this is where it is?" Yang Yiyun asked when he came to the place designated by the God and Demon Bird.

"What nonsense, can I still lie to you? In this vast desolate land, only here is a very weak energy breath coming from the underground. You, a weakling, can't feel it. Dig down ten meters from here. You can feel the energy aura, and it is most likely the entrance to the alchemy secret room." The God Demon Bird said impatiently.

"I'll trust you just once." Yang Yiyun nodded, then held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

He activated the power of the Qiankun Pill in his body and suddenly struck the ground with his sword. For him, digging the soil with the Dragon Slaying Sword was not a matter of minutes?


"Let me go... Is the soil in the fairy world so hard?"

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that the sword would only penetrate half a meter deep. According to the land of the cultivation world, a ten-meter pit would appear when his sword struck.

Unexpectedly, the earth in the fairy world was harder than he imagined, and the sword only penetrated half a meter.

"Haha, you weakling thinks this is the realm of cultivation. This is the fairyland where the laws of the three realms are comprehensive and the world is stable. Don't try to dig it out without using all your strength." The God Demon Bird did not miss any opportunity to attack Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun put away the dragon-slaying sword, and with a sudden movement of his mind, he directly activated the Supreme Dharma Appearance to a height of eight or nine meters.

Then all the strength in the body was mobilized, the huge hands spread out, and began to dig holes.

"Puff puff……"

After using all his strength, with the blessing of the Dharma Body, the speed was finally much faster.

About half an hour later, a large pit three meters wide and ten meters deep appeared.

When digging for the last time, Yang Yiyun touched the gold and stone with his hands.


After a roar, golden light burst out.

Finally there was energy coming out, and this time he felt it.

When he looked down, he saw a stone wall covered with inscriptions.

The inscriptions on it are very old and flow with golden light.

"This is the alchemy inscription. This is where the boy is. If you find a way to break it, you can get in." The God Demon Bird squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and couldn't help but speak out.

"No, I have to wait for Du Jiebin and the others to come together. Now that I have found it, I have to inform them." Yang Yiyun naturally understood that the magic bird wanted him to eat alone.

But he, Yang Yiyun, couldn't do anything but eat alone without his friends.

Besides, this location itself was provided by Du Jiebin.

"Lao Du, come here quickly, I've discovered something." Yang Yiyun called Du Jiebin and the others directly.

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