My Master Is a God

Chapter 1866 The Ten Great Immortal Fires in the Immortal Realm

When Du Jiebin and the others arrived, they discovered that Yang Yiyun had dug a big hole.

"What is Yunzi?" Du Jiebin glanced downwards with doubts and saw the golden light shining in the pit.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "I felt a faint energy breath here, so I dug underground and found the stone wall below. If I am right, it is most likely the entrance to the alchemy chamber."

When he finished speaking, Lao Tomb said excitedly: "That's right, it's exactly the same as what the door owner described. The inscription above is the alchemy inscription. This is the entrance to the alchemy secret room of Daluo Immortal Mansion. You can't be wrong. Young Master Lord, we found it, haha~"

Du Jiebin was also overjoyed, but then he said: "It's not we who found the old tomb, but Yunzi who found it. Yunzi should be the first to do it. If we find it, it will be half of Yunzi's."

"Yes, yes, it's Brother Yang's credit." Lao Tomb reacted and laughed.

Yang Yiyun did know what Du Jiebin meant. He just wanted to give himself extra points, but for him, he was not that greedy and said:

"We found Lao Du together. There is no doubt about it. Without the information you provided, I wouldn't have been able to find this place. It was just luck. Let's not talk about other things. We will talk about what is inside after we enter. Whether there is any danger inside is unknown to us. We will wait until we have more details. What do you think?"

Among the three of them, Du Jiebin, are friends, but they still need comfort when it comes to interests, and those who should be humble should still be humble.

Du Jiebin nodded, for the same reason. He would wait until he found the Jin Yuan Zhen Tao Pill after entering.

The most central place in the Daluo Immortal Mansion is the secret alchemy room, and no one knows what dangers there may be.

Maybe there are ancient formations, and maybe there are powerful creatures. It's too early to say this now.

Besides, now that they have all entered, there is still a powerful inscription wall blocking the way.

"Let's go down and open the inscription wall first," Du Jiebin suggested.

"Let's go and have a look below. Although I haven't tried it, I can still feel the very powerful immortal power on the inscription wall. Perhaps the first difficulty we face is this inscription wall." Yang Yiyun expressed his opinion.

After the four people went down, Lao Tomb first looked at the wall of inscriptions, and then said in a deep voice: "These inscriptions are defensive inscriptions, and there is the power of law on them. I will try out the power first. You can pay attention to these flows on the sidelines." As long as we can find the rules of the flow of inscriptions, we can break the inscription defense."

"Okay, you try it first, be careful, Yunzi, Ashan, we are ready to deal with it. If the old tomb is attacked, we will help to resist the force at any time." Du Jiebin is worthy of being a person from the Great Immortal Sect, waiting here. Under such circumstances, it is almost instinctive to respond to command, and it can be seen that he often experiences similar incidents.

Then Lao Tomb roared suddenly, raised his hand and punched the inscription wall, and the powerful immortal power spread out in the narrow space.

When Lao Tomb punched out, a roar sounded in the deep pit.


At this moment, the golden inscription suddenly burst into golden light. At this moment, it was extremely dazzling.

Yang Yiyun, Du Jiebin and Ashan felt nervous, and they all used their immortal power to prepare to support Lao Tomb at any time.

But just when he was about to move, everything returned to calm in a blink of an eye.


"what happened?"

"Why did you stop..."

Yang Yiyun, Du Jiebin and Ashan were all a little confused.

When they went there, they found a big hole in the inscription wall.

Instead of the powerful force that had been imagined, a big hole appeared.

The inscription disappeared completely...

At this time, Yang Yiyun and the three of them were punching the air.

Originally, he mustered up all his energy to provide support to Lao Tomb at any time, but who would have thought that the prepared strength was not sent out.

In the blink of an eye, Lao Tomb opened a big hole with a tentative punch, or a passage entrance.

"Let's go in and take a look." Du Jiebin took the lead.

Ignoring Lao Tomb, he walked in first. As a qualified old servant, Lao Tomb was very qualified, and he acted like we were in danger.

Immediately, the four people entered the passage one after another...

It was dark inside after walking in, but this didn't affect the immortal at all.

You have become an immortal through cultivation, but if you still have vision impairment, your cultivation as an immortal will be in vain.

So for a few of them, there is no invisible problem at all.

This is a passage, about six meters high and three meters wide.

For the human race, such passages are actually very spacious, and the four of them discovered that after entering the passage, energy was emitted, which was much higher than on the ground.

The four people walked in the passage, still walking in the original formation, with Lao Tomb in front, Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin in the middle, and Ah Shan walking behind.

The entire passage was very quiet, but the four of them were still careful not to cause problems here.

Although this is an underground passage, it is the most central place in Daluo Immortal Mansion after all.

Those who can be careful should still be careful. After finally finding the destination, we cannot capsize in a place like this.

I don’t know how deep the passage here is or where it leads...

Anyway, since there is hope now that we can get in, it is a big step towards the target four people.

The goal is to find the alchemy secret room of Daluo Immortal Mansion.

I couldn't find it before, but now I can find it. It's already very good.

Only after entering can you find Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill.

After about a full day in the passage, the darkness disappeared, replaced by a faint halo of light that looked like fire.

"Everyone, be careful. We should be reaching the secret room soon." Lao Tomb said as he walked in front.

"Old Tomb, I feel something is wrong. The temperature in the passage seems to have increased." Du Jiebin said.

"Young Master should have the temperature of the flame. Since it is an alchemy secret chamber, it means that flames are needed to refine the elixir. It is very likely that the secret chamber of Daluo Immortal Mansion was built in some powerful fairy fire place." Ashan said time to speak.

Regarding places like the Alchemy Secret Room, Yang Yiyun agreed with Ashan's point of view.

The first thing he came into contact with since he entered cultivation was the art of alchemy. Although he is now in the immortal world, he knows that it is similar.

Even if an immortal makes elixirs, he cannot do without flames.

In addition, the place appeared underground, Yang Yiyun thought that it must be normal for underground flames to appear.

The light became brighter and brighter, and the four of them walked for another small week, and finally determined that there must be a place where fairy fire existed.

Because the temperature is getting hotter and hotter.

Moreover, the God and Demon Bird also spoke: "You little bastard, be careful, there seems to be a powerful fairy fire here."

Yang Yiyun listened to the voice transmission of the God and Demon Bird, and was stunned for a moment and asked: "Powerful fairy fire?"

It goes without saying that the fairy fire itself is powerful, but since the god and devil bird can say it, it is not an ordinary fairy fire, because the god and devil bird itself is not an ordinary bird.

From the moment he got to know this problematic bird, it claimed to be the number one god and demon bird in the Three Realms. At that time, Yang Yiyun regarded it as a problematic bird.

However, from the subsequent contact, it seems that this guy is really a bird with something in his belly.

Even though the mind of the God-Demon Bird sometimes seems to be working poorly, every time it speaks, it gets to the point.

And it solved a lot of problems for him.

At this moment, the magic bird said that the fairy fire was powerful, and Yang Yiyun knew that the fairy fire in the fairy world might actually be famous.

Sure enough, I heard the God Demon Bird say: "There are ten immortal fires in the immortal world, each of which is a very powerful flame. Obtaining any one of them can make an ordinary alchemist become a very famous alchemy master.

Of course, the Ten Great Immortal Fires are applicable to any refining method, as well as the methods of refining weapons and puppets. However, the Ten Great Immortal Fires are very rare and basically impossible to appear. They cannot be obtained without great opportunity. Most of them exist in legends. middle.

And even if you find it, if you want to conquer the fairy fire for your own use, you still need skills and means. The ten fairy fires are all spiritual and even conscious things. Without strong strength and means, there is no way to conquer them, unless the fairy fire takes the initiative. Adult clothing and you.

I can feel the powerful flame aura in the atmosphere here, which may be one of the ten immortal fires. After all, it is the alchemy secret room of the ancient Daluo Immortal Mansion. It is not surprising that there are ten immortal fires.

Now it depends on whether you have a chance. If you can get the top ten immortal fires, the value will be much greater than that of the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Danfang.

With the existence of fairy fire, your boy's strength will be greatly improved, and he will have a new beginning in the way of alchemy. When the time comes, your boy will refine the elixir. No matter how advanced the elixir is, you can do it with your eyes closed. Become an elixir. "

When the God and Demon Bird finished speaking, Yang Yiyun was really moved.

He couldn't help but asked: "What are the top ten immortal fires in the immortal world?"

The God Demon Bird said: "Why are you asking so many questions in the first place? I don't know what level of fairy fire it is yet. We will tell you when we find it.

You kid thinks that fairy fire is so easy to come across. I have told you that even if I meet you, I may not have that chance. "

Yang Yiyun was already accustomed to cursing the devil bird, and he didn't say much to the problem bird. He thought, this kind of thing still depends on chance.

When one person and one bird spoke through the sound transmission, Lao Tomb stopped.

At this time, Yang Yiyun took a look and found that the passage was over.

And a fiery red stone door appeared in sight, with three things carved on it.

From top to bottom, there is an elixir, a simple elixir furnace, and below the elixir furnace is a small flame.

It looks like an alchemy diagram.

At the top are ancient monastic runes.

"Qijun Alchemy Cave." Lao Tomb spoke, his voice full of excitement.

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