My Master Is a God

Chapter 1867 The outbreak of three pictures


"It seems that he is the owner of this Daluo Immortal Mansion."

"Nine times out of ten it is~"

"Don't talk about it yet, I think we need to be able to enter first. It seems not easy to have this stone door with a formation~"

The four of them stood at the door and had a discussion.

When Yang Yiyun said that there was a formation, Du Jiebin and the other three were stunned.

"Yunzi doesn't have any formation power or energy aura at all?" Du Jiebin couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, there are no formation runes." Lao Tomb also spoke.

Ashan was the only one who didn't say anything, but he said he came over to take a look.

At this time, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but remind: "Ashan, please don't get too close, there is something wrong with this alchemy door."

In fact, Yang Yiyun didn't find any problems before, but the God and Demon Bird sent a message to him that there was a big problem with the Danmen. The problem with this Danmen was the pattern carved by the Danmen.

According to the message transmitted by the God and Demon Bird: "You little bastard, look carefully at the details of the pattern on the Dan Gate."

Sure enough, when Yang Yiyun went to see it, he found a problem on the Danmen.

He discovered that the Danmen patterns were all drawn with runes, and you couldn't tell them without looking carefully.

There are three patterns on the alchemy door, an elixir, an alchemy furnace and a small flame.

But these three pictures are all drawn with small runes.

And what the God Demon Bird said was the alchemy rune.

These alchemy runes are not that simple. After being combined together, they form a powerful formation. Once activated, it integrates defense and attack, which is very powerful.

So Yang Yiyun saw Ashan approaching at this time and quickly reminded Ashan not to go there.

After Ashan heard Yang Yiyun's reminder, he quickly stopped and looked back at Yang Yiyun. What did he mean?

Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb also looked at Yang Yiyun. The three of them knew that since Yang Yiyun said there was a problem, he had his reasons.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun's character and strength were actually recognized by the three of them.

Yang Yiyun didn't have any more explanation, and directly said: "Look carefully at the patterns on the Dan Gate. The three patterns are all composed of runes, and they form a formation. Although I can't tell what the formation is, but once There must be formation power when activated.

After all, this place is an immortal mansion that existed in ancient times. There is a complex rune formation on this alchemy door. No one knows what else exists inside after this alchemy door is opened. Of course, there may be danger, or there may be nothing, but the formation runes in this alchemy gate are real, so be careful. "

"Yunzi, thanks to your carefulness, I didn't even notice the presence of runes on it. It's true what you said." Du Jiebin sighed after looking at it.

"Brother Yang's insight is as good as ever, and I am sincerely convinced. To be honest, I really haven't seen any clues about the formation of the runes on the Dan Gate. I wonder what Brother Yang can see, or how we should break it." The rune formation on this alchemy gate? We don’t understand the formation." Lao Tomb asked Yang Yiyun.

"Yes, Yunzi, the three of us don't understand this rune, and the formation is even more unprofessional. What can you do?" Du Jiebin said.

As for Ashan's inability to speak easily, he didn't understand this anyway, so he just stopped talking.

Yang Yiyun knew that although formations existed in both the immortal world and the cultivation world, they were completely different approaches, and he couldn't see the difference between them.

It was all the God and Demon Bird that was reminding him. Otherwise, how could he have been so careful to discover the existence of the formation above the Alchemy Sect?

At this time, when he heard Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb talking to each other, he could only pretend to say: "Let me think about it later."

"Okay, okay, take your time and watch..." Du Jiebin said with a smile.

In fact, no one noticed that, unknowingly, they had regarded Yang Yiyun as a core member.

However, things did develop like this. Yang Yiyun's performance along the way can be described as eye-catching.

Starting from killing Yan Wuchi, coming out of the siege of so many immortals, and now discovering the clusters of runes on the Danmen, it can be said that Yang Yiyun has dormant in the hearts of Du Jiebin and the others.

So much so that now when Yang Yiyun raises some questions, Du Jiebin will ask Yang Yiyun for his opinion. This is a wonderful change that has occurred invisibly.

Du Jiebin and the three of them may not have noticed it themselves.

In terms of strength, in the hearts of Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun, Yang Yiyun's status is the same as theirs, and they no longer regard Yang Yiyun as a first-class little fairy.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun naturally had no choice but to ask the God and Demon Bird.

"The crow is going to break the rune formation on this alchemy door like this?" Yang Yiyun asked the god and demon bird directly.

"Hey, please beg me~" The God and Demon Bird was quite mean at this moment.

Anyway, he never misses an opportunity to attack Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun's heart was filled with hatred. He wanted to strangle this problem bird to death.

But at this time, I really can't offend this guy, so I can only send a message: "I don't have time to argue with you. You'd better tell me, don't make me angry. If you can make a contribution this time, let me get the elixir." Or elixirs, if you want to take elixirs in the future, just take care of them..."

This is Yang's carrot and stick for the devil bird.

"Seriously?" God Demon Bird's heart moved. In fact, this guy is very shrewd when his brain is not convulsed.

"Stop talking nonsense." Yang Yiyun said impatiently.

The God and Demon Bird finally sent a message: "You kid, don't forget to give me the elixir, otherwise don't expect me to give you advice in the future."

Then he paused and said, "In fact, there is no way. Even if I tell you how to break the ancient formation runes, you still don't have the ability to break them. The most important thing is that you still need time to learn the formations.

Therefore, the simplest way is for the four of you to concentrate your efforts, find the weak points of the formation, and use the most direct method to forcefully break the formation. "

"Fuck~ Are you waiting for nothing? Who doesn't know how to forcefully break the formation?" Yang Yiyun cursed angrily.

The Demonic Bird scolded back: "You weakling, didn't you hear clearly? I said you should look for the weak points of the formation, didn't you understand?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned. He had never understood the phrase "weakness" before.

So he said: "Then stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly. Where is the weak point in the alchemy gate? If you just point it out to me, wouldn't that be the end of it?"

The God Demon Bird pondered for a moment and said: "The three pictures above the Dan Gate are the three weak points. At these three weak points, you need to attack at the same time. You should be able to break the formation. Go and try it. yes."

Hearing the words of the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, but he did not curse the God and Demon Bird. This guy finally said something useful, but Yang Yiyun always felt unreliable.

After talking with the God and Demon Bird, Yang turned to Du Jiebin and the others and said: "Old Du, there is a weak point on each of the three pictures on this Alchemy Gate. The three of us attack it together, and the remaining One person, responding on one side.

Ah Shan is here to help. The three of us are each responsible for attacking the formation, but the attack time must be consistent, otherwise the formation may be launched. By then, the runes on the three pictures will be serialized together. Maybe we will think about it again. Breaking the formation will cause a lot of trouble. Do you think there is any problem in doing so? "

"Let's do it like this." Du Jiebin said.

"I don't have a problem either." Lao Tomb agreed.

As for Ashan himself, he said little and just nodded to show that he had no problem.

Yang Yiyun said: "Let's start~ No matter whether it works or not, let's try it first and then talk about it."

For him, no matter how many years have passed for the formation here, after countless time has passed, the energy to maintain the formation may no longer exist, and even if there is, there may not be much left.

Yang Yiyun had experienced this kind of situation when he was in the cultivator world, so he still had some confidence in his heart.

He doesn't say that he understands the God-Devil Bird 100% now, but he has also touched some of its character. This guy is easy to keep quiet, but as long as he speaks, it will work in all likelihood.

"Okay, let's get ready together." Du Jiebin spoke, and then said to Ashan: "Ashan, you will come to help us in a while. If any of the three of us is weak, you will come to help as soon as possible."

"Okay, young master." Ashan nodded seriously.

"You can direct what Yunzi does, and Lao Tomb and I will listen to you." Du Jiebin now has great trust in Yang Yiyun.

"Okay, then I will give you the command once. Lao Tomb, you attack the elixir on the alchemy gate, Lao Du, you attack the alchemy furnace pattern, and I will attack the flame pattern." Yang Yiyun was not polite at all.

After the four of them were ready, Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand.

There was a gray aura flowing on Lao Tomb's hands.

As for Du Jiebin, he suddenly opened his folding fan.

Powerful immortal power flows between the three of them.

There was a substantial flow of mist in the passageway at Dan's entrance.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun nodded towards Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb, and suddenly swung his sword: "Attack~"




The three of them took action at the same time, each attacking the elixirs, elixir furnaces and flames on the elixir gate.

In the dull roar, the three people's respective powers reached the Danmen.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling yellow light erupted on the three patterns of Danmen.

At the same time, there was an extremely hot wave of heat coming towards my face...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and the others closed their eyes subconsciously under the dazzling yellow light.

Coupled with the appearance of hot air waves.

In my ears, I also remembered Ashan’s shouting: “Quickly retreat~”

In fact, there was no need for Ashan to remind Yang Yiyun and the other two people that they immediately felt an extremely powerful wave of energy and quickly retreated while closing their eyes. "

When they heard Ashan's reminder, the three of them retreated and felt an external force coming over them. The three of them did not resist, knowing that Ashan was assisting from one side.

With three muffled groans, Yang Yiyun and the others hit the wall of the passage.


But the blood and qi in his body surged.

What happened just now was not just Ashan's power, but also the hot air waves that hit them.

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