My Master Is a God

Chapter 1869 The Golden Immortal seeks revenge

Du Jiebin's face lit up when he saw the reaction, and he said to Yang Yiyun: "Yunzi, let's go help too, it seems that we are still not ready."

The halo of the alchemy furnace lit up, and the inscription centered on the alchemy furnace also lit up at this time, which meant that they were looking in the right direction.

Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin immediately walked to the other two directions of Danlu to help.

Arriving in front of the huge alchemy furnace, which was more than two meters high and more than one meter in diameter, Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin also joined in the process of feeding the alchemy furnace into the immortal energy.

With the addition of Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin, the golden light of the entire alchemy furnace and the runes on the surrounding ground became brighter and brighter, reaching the point of dazzling in an instant.

At this moment, the four of them saw runes flying out of the alchemy furnace, lighting up the entire cave hall.

Lao Tomb first said excitedly: "'s the Jinyuan Zhendao elixir recipe..."

Hearing Lao Tomb's words, Yang Yiyun and the three of them were also happy.

But at this moment, the god and demon bird on Yang Yiyun's shoulder suddenly transmitted a message to Yang Yiyun and said: "You little bastard, hurry up and enter the alchemy furnace. I can feel the breath of fairy fire."

"You want me to jump into the alchemy furnace?" Yang Yiyun was stunned and asked the God and Demon Bird.

"Otherwise? Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. There seems to be something else inside this alchemy furnace. After the four of you entered the immortal power, a passage seemed to open in the alchemy furnace. The breath of fairy fire was revealed. Jump out quickly. Go in and take a look, getting a fairy fire is 10,000 times better than your kid getting an elixir. Hurry up and run out of time~" The God Demon Bird urged Yang Yiyun while cursing.

At this time, the entire cave hall was actually flooded by the light erupting from the alchemy furnace, which was so dazzling that I had to close my eyes.

Yang Yiyun felt that the words of the God and Demon Bird were a bit deceptive. Would he jump into the alchemy furnace?

And he also felt the breath of fairy fire. If there really was fairy fire inside, wouldn't he be burned to death if he jumped in?

There are such worries in his heart, but on the one hand, Yang Yiyun is also thinking that the God and Demon Bird will not deceive him like this.

So at the urging of the God and Demon Bird, he gritted his teeth and jumped towards the alchemy furnace.

Anyway, the alchemy furnace is open at this time, and it is not small.

He instantly entered the alchemy furnace or something like that.

Danger or not, choose to trust this problem bird.

Seek wealth in danger!

The next moment when Yang Yiyun jumped into the alchemy furnace, he did not feel the feeling of reaching the end as he imagined. He only felt a suction force. His body also lost control in an instant. He felt that his body was always moving towards him while the sky and the earth were spinning. Falling below...

It's not too long, just about a minute.

Finally he felt the suction force disappear.

The next time he touched, he felt his body hit the hard ground.


Yang Yiyun let out a scream.

When I opened my eyes at this moment, I found that I was in another cave secret room. The space was not large, less than fifty square meters.

But when he looked forward, he was stunned.

Because he saw a man sitting cross-legged on a stone bed in the secret room.

It is very abnormal for a person to appear here.

There was no door found in the entire secret room, it was completely a closed secret room.

But there is light in the secret room ~

The source of light is the person sitting cross-legged in front of him.

To be precise, the clothes on this person are glowing.

There is no doubt that Yang Yiyun knows that the clothes on this person are not ordinary things, but a piece of immortal clothing, and the person is an immortal.

This is Daluo Immortal Mansion. Before entering, I also saw the words Qijun Alchemy Cave on the alchemy gate.

Inferring from this, this person is most likely the owner of Daluo Immortal Mansion - Qi Jun Alchemist.

From more than twenty meters away, Yang Yiyun could clearly see that this man was an old man with white hair and white beard.

His face was radiant, and his body exuded powerful immortal power.

Just with eyes closed.

A dead person? A living person?

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

In his opinion, he was a living person, because he had powerful immortal energy emanating from him, and his face was shiny, so he didn't look like a dead person.

He is a person who is cultivating at a deep level...

At this moment, Du Jiebin, Lao Tomb, and Ashan were in the hall before they noticed that Yang Yiyun had disappeared.

Du Jiebin and the others sank into the elixir that flew out of the elixir furnace, and the three of them helped record the elixir's runes.

At the same time, a group of people appeared at the entrance where they came in, at the edge of the big pit dug by Yang Yiyun.

"Master Yan's aura is here. I saw with my own eyes that Du Jiebin and the boy named Yang Yiyun entered from here. Should we go down?"

If Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin were present, they would definitely recognize the young man who spoke. This young man is Cao Man of the Dayu Immortal Sect.

Cao Man was killed by Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin before, and among the twelve disciples they brought with them, he was the only one who burned Daoyuan and escaped, escaping Yang Yiyun's pursuit. However, later he also arrived at the scene of the Shixianguo fight and witnessed it with his own eyes. The scene of Yang Yiyun beheading Yan Wuchi.

Cao Man did not dare to provoke Yang Yiyun, but he saw that after Yang Yiyun was surrounded, Du Jiebin actually left...

Cao Man didn't dare to provoke Yang Yiyun, but that didn't mean he didn't dare to provoke Du Jiebin.

Anyway, their Dayu Immortal Sect and Taiqing Immortal Sect where Du Jiebin is located are mortal enemies.

After that, Cao Man quietly followed Du Jiebin, and later discovered that Yang Yiyun was alive and joined Du Jiebin, and finally arrived at a wasteland as if he was looking for something.

Cao Man had been lurking and discovered that Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin had actually found the alchemy secret room of Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Regarding the alchemy secret room of Daluo Immortal Mansion, all the ten major immortal sects in Daqing World know about it, but no one knows where the entrance is.

Unexpectedly, they were discovered by Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun.

After Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin entered, Cao Man thought about following them, but he knew that he was weak alone, and with Yang Yiyun there, he was no match.

After thinking about it, Cao Manji came to his mind. Since Yang Yiyun killed Yan Wuchi, the heir of the Shangxuanxian Sect, the number one immortal sect in the Daqing world, this was a top priority for the Shangxuanxian Sect and they would never give up. Someone will definitely be sent to deal with that kid Yang Yiyun.

And the important point is that Du Jiebin has been hanging out with Yang Yiyun. Cao Man thought that he would wait for the Xuanxian Sect to send someone to come, and he would blow off the wind, and if possible, he could deal with Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun together.

There is also the matter of the secret alchemy room of Daluo Immortal Mansion. I think that in addition to the people who go to the Xuanxian Sect, other immortal sect forces will also be interested. When the time comes, he only needs to release the news of the secret alchemy room of Daluo Immortal Mansion to other immortal sects. There will definitely be beauty.

By that time, even if the four of Du Jiebin have gained anything, everyone's eyes will be on them. They will be attacked by all the immortal sects, and Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun will be dead by then.

So Cao Man went around the Daluo Immortal Mansion to contact other immortal sects. It was just as he expected. After hearing the news about the alchemy secret room of the Daluo Immortal Mansion, the other immortal sects went crazy. Feng Feng joined in. Said that they would enter the alchemy cave of Daluo Immortal Mansion together...

Cao Man did not disappoint when he went to the Xuanxian Sect. Not only did he send people again, but he also came with a Golden Immortal.

Although the laws of heaven and earth exist in Daluo Immortal Mansion, only heavenly immortals can enter, and those with cultivation levels above heavenly immortals cannot enter.

But that is not absolute. For the Shangxuan Immortal Sect, as long as they are willing to pay the price, it is not difficult for a Golden Immortal to enter the Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Compared to the fact that their heirs to the Xuanxian Sect were all beheaded, this price was nothing.

So the Golden Immortal of Shangxuanxianmen entered the Daluo Immortal Mansion. Of course, his realm was suppressed at the peak of the Great Perfection of Celestial Immortals, and he also brought a total of thirty Celestial Immortals to Dzogchen. This time, Shangxuanxianmen can be said to have touched all the Celestial Immortals. The elites in the realm vowed to avenge Yang Yiyun's skin and cramps to Yan Wuchi.

Cao Man heard that Yan Wuliang, the master of the Shangxuan Immortal Sect, was furious when he heard that his son had been killed by a little immortal. The elite disciples of the Great Perfection of Heavenly Immortals enter the Great Luo Immortal Mansion.

Not only that, he also personally led the elders of the Xuanxian Sect to guard outside the Daluo Immortal Mansion. He would not give up until he saw Yang Yiyun's body. Yan Wuchi was his only son, Yan Wuliang, but he was killed by Yang Yiyun. , How can Yan Wuliang give up and give up?

Moreover, the death of Yan Wuchi will cause instability for the Shangxuanxian Sect. On the other hand, the entire Daqing world will become a joke. This is not only about the murder of his son, but also about the face and prestige of the Shangxuanxian Sect.

Therefore, Yan Wuliang made all preparations and would never let Yang Yiyun live.

Cao Man was so excited after hearing the great determination and battle of the Shangxuanxian Sect Master. Cao Man knew that this time he could not only kill Yang Yiyun, but also Du Jiebin, and maybe even provoke Shangxuan. The Immortal Sect is fighting with the Taiqing Immortal Sect where Du Jiebin is...

At that time, the No. 1 and No. 3 Immortal Sects will fight, and their ranking as the fourth Great Universe Immortal Sect will definitely have a chance to become the No. 1 Immortal Sect in the Daqing World.

As for the Second Immortal Sect, Cao Man knew that there would be no fight at all, because the Second Immortal Sect was a female immortal and rarely participated in the battles between the Immortal Sects.

Therefore, their fourth-ranked Daewoo Xianmen can only benefit.

Thinking of this, Cao Man couldn't help but feel excited and trembling. It was a pity that all his fellow disciples around him were killed by Yang Yiyun, otherwise he would have wanted to notify his own immortal gate to come and join in the fun if he had time.

The secret of the alchemy secret room of Daluo Immortal Mansion is known to all the ten immortal sects, and no one is not interested.

No, apart from the Shangxuan Immortal Sect in Datou Formation, there are seven of the other ten Immortal Sects. There are hundreds of immortals in total, and all of them are the existence of the Great Perfection of Immortals. If he goes in this time, Yang Yiyun It's inevitable to die with Du Jiebin.

Cao Man secretly asked Yan Wushan with joy.

Yan Wushan said in a deep voice: "Are you sure that Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin from the Taiqing Immortal Sect entered through here?"

"This junior has seen it with his own eyes. Don't worry, Mr. Yan. You will definitely not be wrong." Cao Man said firmly.

Yan Wushan nodded and said: "I'm sorry you don't dare to deceive me. Let's go in together. Once we kill Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin, we will gain something from this secret alchemy room, and you will benefit from it."

"Thank you, Mr. Yan! I will jump down first and lead the way." Cao Man felt very happy.

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