My Master Is a God

Chapter 1870 Taking off Immortal Immortal Clothes

With Cao Man adding fuel to the fire, Yan Wushan, who went to the Xuanxian Sect, also included Du Jiebin on the must-kill list.

According to Cao Man, Yang Yiyun was from his Taiqing Immortal Sect and was Du Jiebin's brother. Du Jiebin ordered Yang Yiyun to kill Yan Wuchi.

In this way, Yan Wushan naturally included Du Jiebin on the list. As for the fact that Du Jiebin was the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, Yan Wushan didn't care at all.

Because his eldest brother is the master of the Xuanxian Sect, the number one immortal sect in the Daqing world, and can almost be said to be the number one person in the Daqing world.

I remember that my eldest brother Yan Wuliang told him when he set out to kill everyone involved with Yang Yiyun.

No need to think about the consequences...

Therefore, Yan Wushan, Yan Wuliang's younger brother, brought Shang Fang's sword into Daluo Immortal Mansion this time.

If Yang Yiyun was not killed, he would not be able to bear the heavy price he paid to use secret methods to suppress his cultivation level at the peak of the Immortal Dzogchen.

At this time, Du Jiebin and the others, who were deep in Qijun's alchemy cave, didn't know that they had been noticed by a golden immortal. They were still watching the rune elixir recipe with concentration, for fear of missing a rune.

Completely unaware that under the leadership of Jinxian Yan Wushan who had suppressed his cultivation, a total of about a hundred people from the seven immortal sects entered the alchemy cave, and a huge danger was coming towards them.

As for Yang Yiyun, after he got into the alchemy furnace, he didn't even know what was going on outside.

At this time, Mr. Yang slowly approached the immortal sitting cross-legged in front of the secret room with his eyes closed. He clasped his fists and bowed and said: "Junior Yang Yiyun pays homage to the senior. There is no doubt that he broke into the senior's secret room. I hope that the senior will forgive me..."

When Yang Yiyun thought about it, it was reasonable for him to salute others regardless of whether they were living or dead.

If it is a living person, there will be no blame after the greeting, and the other party will have room for maneuver when attacking.

If it is a dead person, then you should salute even more. The dead person is the most important!

As a result, before he could finish his words, the magic bird on his shoulder flapped its wings and flew up and said: "I'm sorry, you're just a dead person. I don't know how long he's been dead. You're so pedantic. Just go over there and see if there are any valuable treasures~"

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised when he heard the magic bird talking, "Dead person?"

"Isn't that true? Do you think he is a living person? If this person were alive and you broke in like this, they would have slapped you to death, and they are still waiting for you to pay homage~" the god-demon bird's mouth croaked say.

"Why does the dead person's face look so red? And his body is exuding extremely powerful immortal energy?" Yang Yiyun asked in confusion. In fact, he never dared to release his immortal consciousness on this person from the beginning to check for life.

Because it is disrespectful to rashly release your immortal consciousness to others to investigate.

If he is a great master, he can use his immortal sense to check and kill him in one go.

At this time, I only heard the God and Demon Bird say: "You kid, you still haven't changed your mind. Remember, this is the fairy world, not the world of cultivation. What you will face in the future are immortals. Immortals live forever and have immortal bodies. Immortal bodies Immortality is the norm. Even if you die, it will be the Immortal Soul of Dao Yuan that dies. As for the immortals with higher cultivation levels, they will not decay theoretically, so you will see no difference from a living person.

If you don’t believe me, use your immortal consciousness to check and see. The powerful immortal power emanating from this man actually comes from the immortal clothes on his body. It is a good thing. You are really lucky. Of course, your luck comes from me, Lord Bird. Be kind to me in the future. If I hadn't pointed you out, you wouldn't have encountered such a good fairy clothes. "

The magical bird chattered endlessly.

Yang Yiyun ignored its other problems, but focused on the key points.

When the Divine Demon Bird was talking, he released his immortal consciousness to check, and sure enough, there was no trace of immortal energy in this person, and the powerful immortal power emanating from him indeed came from the immortal clothes on his body.

His heart was greatly moved, and he asked the god and the devil bird: "What is the origin of this fairy clothes on this person Crow?"

The God and Demon Bird said: "Nonsense, it's not a good thing. Can I tell you, little bastard?"

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly, what is the fairy clothes on this person?" Yang Yiyun became interested.

"The level of the Immortal Clothes can be considered to be the best among the middle-grade immortal weapons. However, what I want to say is that the greatest value of this Immortal Clothes is the refining materials. It is made from the ultimate Heavenly Ice Jade in the Immortal World. Even if such materials are It is an extremely rare material in ancient times.

Of course, the Sky Ice Exquisite Jade added to this piece of clothing is only part of it, but even so, it is very good. It gives this fairy clothes the attributes of Sky Ice Exquisite Jade. These attributes are extremely cold and can withstand all kinds of damage in the fairy world. Great Immortal Fire can also have a wonderful effect on calming the mind and calming the mind when worn on the body for practice.

The material of Tianbing exquisite jade is also very strong. When you are attacked, the cold air emitted by Tianbing can increase your own defense three times. It is really a rare treasure. I didn't expect it to be worn on a dead person.

Fortunately, your boy's opportunity has come, and now he has a place to use it. The biggest advantage of this fairy clothes is that it can conquer the powerful fairy fire. Now that I think about it, it seems that all this is prepared for you boy. It's true. I don’t know what kind of bad luck your kid got.

Why are you still standing there, taking off the immortal clothes, waiting for this immortal to come alive and slap you to death, you little bastard? You stupid weakling will become a stronger weakling when you refine this fairy clothes and put it on~" The demon bird never stopped cursing Yang Yiyun.

But at this time, Yang Yiyun didn't care at all about the problem bird cursing him. Firstly, he was used to it, and secondly, because everything the magic bird said was what he wanted to hear.

After hearing the story from the God Demon Bird, the clothes were a top-grade fairy clothes in the middle-grade fairy weapon level. Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry to step forward to get the clothes. Instead, he wanted to understand the concept of fairy weapons.

When he was in the world of cultivation, he also knew about immortal weapons and had encountered them, but he never had a specific concept of them.

It’s time to learn about the immortal weapons in the immortal world.

It must be that the immortal weapons he knows about in the world of cultivation are different.

Then he asked the God and Demon Bird: "What is the situation with the fairy weapons in the immortal world? There are also fairy weapons in the world of cultivation, but I feel it is different from those in the fairy world, right?"

The magic bird flashed its wings and circled around Yang Yiyun while saying: "You weakling, I told you that you are now in the fairy world. Don't look at everything with your eyes in the world of cultivation. In the world of cultivation, The fairy weapon you come into contact with, even if it is a fairy weapon, is not a real fairy weapon.

Remember this, there is no Immortal Power in the world of Cultivation. Immortal weapons without the evolution of Immortal Power are not considered real Immortal Weapons. From now on, abandon your values ​​​​and vision in the Cultivation World to look at things in the Immortal World, otherwise you will sooner or later be eaten up. deficit.

Let me tell you, little bastard, about the levels of immortal weapons in the immortal world. There are four levels in total. The first is low-grade immortal weapons, the second is medium-grade magical weapons, the third is high-grade magical weapons, the fourth is top-grade magical weapons. Those who belong to the top class of immortals.

Ordinary immortals also use low-grade immortal weapons, and those with good conditions use mid-grade weapons. Only high-grade immortal weapons will appear among powerful forces, but the number will definitely not be large. As for the top-grade immortal weapons, for most immortals, they are legendary. Things, looking at the entire Immortal World, there are probably not many top-quality Immortal Artifacts. Even if there are, they are only in the hands of a few Immortal Emperors or even Immortal Masters.

So, the immortal clothes worn by the dead immortal in front of you are the best among the middle-grade immortal weapons, and are already infinitely close to the high-grade immortal weapons. If there is a chance to conceive and raise them, they might become high-grade immortal weapons. This is already considered good, and Let me tell you, boy, in the fairy world, the way to refine weapons is as rare as the way to make alchemy. The price of the same fairy weapons can make most immortals prohibit them. Death is expensive. "

Listening to the words of the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun finally had a clear understanding of the fairy weapons in the fairy world.

"Okay, I will tell you these things slowly in the future. Now I feel that if I touch the dead immortal, there might be a surprise. The aura of the fairy fire here is very strong. I am looking forward to the fairy fire appearing, but I don't know. What kind of fairy fire will it be..." The magic bird urged Yang Yiyun to take off the clothes from the opposite immortal.

It sounds a bit unpleasant and unlucky, but when faced with a top-notch fairy robe that is a mid-grade fairy weapon, it is really hard for Yang to resist the temptation.

As for the fairy fire in the mouth of the demon bird, he is also looking forward to it, but he has not found it so far.

But he believed that there would be powerful fairy fire here, because he could feel that this secret room was filled with strong fire attribute fairy power.

Taking a step forward, Yang Yiyun faced the meditating immortal with his eyes closed, still clasping his hands and chanting: "Senior, don't blame me, the junior needs the immortal clothes. When the junior wears the immortal clothes, the charm of the immortal clothes will definitely shine again... "

After muttering for a while, Yang Yiyun stretched out his hand to take off the immortal's clothes.

In other words, it is more appropriate to take off the fairy clothes.

After all, he was the one who touched an immortal who had been dead for who knows how long.

Chinese people have traditional virtues in their bones, such as the concept of respecting teachers, respecting Taoism, respecting the elderly and caring for the young, etc. Therefore, even though he knew that the other party had passed away, Yang Yiyun still protected him with awe.

The next moment when he reached out and touched the immortal's clothes, a strange scene appeared.

Yang Yiyun did not use violence, and even when he touched her, he did so cautiously.

When his fingers touched the Immortal Immortal Clothes, he felt a gentle force instantly spread through his fingertips...

At the same time, Yang Yiyun saw a soft milky white light shining on the immortal's body. Suddenly, the white light condensed behind the immortal's head to form a human-shaped shadow.

Yang Yiyun felt that just for a moment, his whole body felt cold, so cold that it made him tremble.

Suddenly, he saw that the immortal's immortal clothes had been put on him and he was looking at the immortal.

The phantom condensed into an old man with white hair and white beard, floating in front of him.

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