My Master Is a God

Chapter 1871 Qijun Danshu made an oath

Almost in the blink of an eye, a big change occurred in the field.

Yang Yiyun opened his mouth and looked at the immortal in front of him, still cross-legged and eyes closed, but the immortal clothes disappeared and were put on himself.

And this immortal only has one piece of underwear on his body. Fortunately, there is no naked fruit in front of him.

The human figure condensed in the white light shadow behind the immortal is exactly what this immortal looks like.

There is no doubt that Yang Yiyun knows that this is something similar to the soul mark.

While he was still in a daze, he only listened to the old immortal speak: "You are lucky because you are destined to have no violence against me. If you saw the immortal clothes on my body and violently snatched them away, you might have been out of your mind~ "

The first words the old immortal spoke made Yang Yiyun break out in cold sweat.

He was now extremely grateful that he was a Chinese, with traditional Chinese virtues in his bones, and the concept that the dead were the most important. He had been in awe of immortals from the beginning, and did not listen to the words of the gods and demon birds and violently take off people's clothes.

According to this old immortal, if you use rough methods to take off your clothes, waiting for yourself will be a powerful backlash set by this old immortal, and you may die by now.

Yang Yiyun broke into a cold sweat while listening.

At this time, I only heard the old immortal continue to say: "Little guy, I am the owner of this place, called Master Qijun. The fact that you can come here without offending me is the fate between you and me. Of course, if you can see me, it means I no longer exist, but I have been studying alchemy all my life, and this has led to the disaster of death.

Those bastards tried their best to get my secret method of alchemy, but little did they know that my real secret method of alchemy was sealed in this clone...

I think you have come here to know about the story about the "Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan" that I have spread out. In fact, Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan is just one of the alchemy methods that I have studied. Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan is really suitable for people from heaven. The advanced level of True Immortal is actually in the "Book of Qijun Alchemy" that I have studied. Later, there are the Jinyuan Daluo Pill for Jinxian to advance to Daluo Shangxian, and the Jinyuan Hunyuan Dan for Daluo Shangxian to advance to the Hunyuan realm.

Compared with the first Jin Yuan Zhen Tao elixir, the latter two are the pinnacle of my research. Although I am in the realm of cultivation of Da Luo Shangxian, I have studied Da Luo's advanced Hunyuan elixir, creating a precedent for the immortal world...

However, I didn't expect that this would lead to a fatal disaster for myself, but so what, those bastards only destroyed my Daluo Immortal Mansion in the end, and still got nothing. It was just a pity for my disciples. Killed by them..."

The immortal who claimed to be Qi Jun was full of sorrow and anger when he spoke.

Yang Yiyun also heard clearly what Immortal Qijun said, but he didn't know how to evaluate this old Immortal.

According to Immortal Qijun's story, Yang Yiyun could roughly imagine what kind of person this Immortal Qijun was.

A bit like those great academics who had national moral integrity in ancient times on Earth. These people have their own pride, are not afraid of power, and are arrogant to the core of their bones. But on the other hand, in some aspects they are pedantic. people.

I heard that Yi Qijun is indeed a wizard of alchemy. He has created three elixirs that can advance to the great realm, Jinyuan Zhendao Dan, Jinyuan Daluo Dan, and Jinyuan Hunyuan Dan.

According to what Lao Tomb said before, Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill can always be applied to the realm of Hunyuan. Now listening to Immortal Qijun’s own words, Lao Tomb’s previous understanding was exaggerated. I imagined that it was also the realm of Immortal Dao, which is higher than the realm of cultivation. Yang Yiyun knew that it was a very rare advancement to be able to advance to a small realm, let alone a large realm.

It is a normal and reasonable situation according to what Immortal Qijun said. Even so, the three elixirs described by Immortal Qijun can rise from the immortal to the realm of Hunyuan. This is already a very terrifying improvement.

Of course, in Yang Yiyun's view, Immortal Qijun is terrifying in his own right. He is at the level of Daluo Shangxian, but he is able to develop elixirs that can evolve to the realm of Hunyuan. He can definitely be called a grand master of alchemy. .

Each of the three elixirs can advance to an entire realm, which is extremely terrifying.

No wonder he is remembered.

And listening to Immortal Qijun, there seems to be a story in between.

Yang Yiyun knew that the Immortal Qijun at this moment was just an existence with the imprint of the soul, leaving only an image, so he couldn't say anything, otherwise he would really want to ask the reason.

Just when Yang Yiyun was thinking about these questions in his mind, he heard Immortal Qijun speak again: "In the end, all the mistakes are my fault. If I had known that those bastards would involve my disciples, I would have killed Qijun." If the alchemy book is handed over to them, the entire Immortal Mansion will not be massacred. I hate it~"

In grief and anger, Immortal Qijun continued: "Little guy, you are a destined person. Compared with coming here, you are also here for my Qijun elixir book. I don't ask for anything else. As long as you agree to me one condition, I will The Qijun Alchemy Book is handed over to you, and the powerful immortal fire accompanying me will also be given to you..."

Speaking of this, Immortal Qijun paused for a moment, and then said: "I want you to swear a poisonous oath. After you get my fairy fire and Qijun elixir book, you will help me avenge me in the future, or avenge my disciples. Give it to me." Up and down the Qijun Immortal Mansion, thousands of disciples seek revenge to quell their resentments, otherwise they and I will die in peace.

You can also worry about the question of whether you can take revenge. The path of Qijun Alchemy that I have studied does not stop at the realm of Hunyuan. As long as you have the understanding and are willing to study, with the help of fairy fire, you can reach the realm of immortality. Extended~

You don’t have to doubt what I said, because the foundation of my Qijun Alchemy study is not an ordinary Alchemy technique. Maybe you will wonder why the names of the three types of elixirs are preceded by the word Jin Yuan. Now I can tell you that Jin Yuan is a name.

The name of the origin of Qijun's alchemy foundation is Jin Yuan, so every elixir I researched and developed has the word Jin Yuan, because Jin Yuan is a member of the Shinto. When I was young, I had an adventure, and encountered After receiving the inheritance from a god named Jin Yuan, he embarked on the road of alchemy, so he could delve into the road of Qijun Alchemy.

Let’s talk about fairy fire. There are ten fairy fires in the fairy world, each of which is a peerless flame. The fairy fire I got is the ‘Green Lotus Fairy Fire’ that ranks third among the ten fairy fires. It can be said that with the help of the Green Lotus Immortal Fire and the Qijun Dan Dao I have obtained, your future achievements will be immeasurable...

If I hadn't been plotted by those bastards, I would have been confident of becoming the Immortal Emperor. Well, if you want to get my Qijun Alchemy Book and Immortal Fire, then swear a poisonous oath to the immortal way, and one day help me destroy the immortal elixir. Lou this force.

Of course, don’t fool me into swearing a poisonous oath casually, that won’t work, because after you swear the poisonous oath, I’ll pass on my immortal fire and Qijun elixir book to you and enter your body, Qinglian Immortal Fire It is the third fairy fire among the top ten fairy fires in the fairy world. Its power will be unimaginable. Moreover, the fairy fire has spirit. Once you swear an oath, if you do not fulfill your oath in the future, let alone the immortal way to kill you, the fairy fire will first Burn you.

Of course, you can also choose not to accept my Qijun Alchemy Book and Immortal Fire, and I won’t blame you. It’s your choice whether you want my Qijun Alchemy Book and Immortal Fire. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Liao Qijun's Alchemy Book contains more than just three elixir recipes..."

When Immortal Qijun finished speaking, Yang Yiyun felt depressed.

Who can remain calm in the face of such a huge temptation?

Who can say no?

Besides, for Yang Yiyun, his current cultivation level is very low, and he is at the bottom of the immortal world. It can even be said that he urgently needs to improve his strength and cultivation level.

Not to mention anything else, Yang Yiyun knew that he had killed Yan Wuchi, the heir of Shangxuanxianmen, the number one immortal sect in the Daqing world. After he got out, Shangxuanxianmen would never let him go, so he was more powerful than ever. All need to improve their strength.

When Immortal Qi Jun just told him to destroy the power of "Immortal Pill Tower" in the future, but did not give a period, this would give him a buffer time.

Of course, Yang Yiyun would not be weak to the power of the Immortal Pill House that Qijun Xian mentioned solemnly in his mouth. It would definitely be extremely dangerous if he faced it, but how could the path of cultivation not be dangerous?

If you want to get big opportunities and big gains, you have to pay a big price. This is very reasonable and normal. Yang Yiyun has long understood this truth.

So he will agree.

And there was also the existence of fairy fire, which he really couldn't refuse.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun stretched out his hand and swore: "Okay, I promise senior that I will definitely destroy the Immortal Pill Tower in the future. Anyone who violates the oath will be killed by the Immortal Dao and burned by the Green Lotus Immortal Fire..."

The Qinglian Fairy Fire, which ranks third among the top ten fairy fires in the fairy world, is not an ordinary thing just by its ranking.

Moreover, the God and Demon Bird was also urging him to swear to agree.

Yang Yiyun then took the oath of immortality.

There is one issue that Yang Yiyun is optimistic about, that is, Immortal Qijun is an immortal from ancient times. An unknown amount of time has passed from ancient times to now. The power of Baoqi Immortal Tower has disappeared in the long river of history. If the Immortal Tower has really disappeared, , that doesn’t mean he broke his oath.

So Yang Yiyun actually doesn't have much pressure in his heart.

The next moment when he vowed it was done.

Immortal Qijun's shadow turned into a stream of light in an instant, heading toward his eyebrows like lightning. He had no time to react, and swooped into his eyebrows.


For a moment, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but scream.

But he didn't expect that the imprint of the soul left by Immortal Qijun was the Immortal Fire and Qijun Alchemy Book.

My mind felt extremely swollen and painful, and a large amount of information emerged.

The whole body also burned up at this moment, and the Qijun Alchemy Book and Immortal Fire entered the body at the same time.

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