My Master Is a God

Chapter 1872 Fusion of Green Lotus Immortal Fire

A burning sensation spread throughout his body, and pain penetrated deep into his soul.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but want to shout.

But at this moment, the fairy clothes he was wearing shone with light and began to exude a chill...

And that's not all. The higher the scorching temperature in the body, the colder the immortal clothes on the body become.

What is the world of ice and fire? Yang Yiyun feels like it is now.

Fortunately, this can only be blamed on the situation, which is just enough to offset the burning pain in the body.

But Yang Yiyun also knew that this was the fairy fire merging with him.

At this moment, he was running his skills and tried his best to integrate the fairy fire. Eventually, the fairy fire would become the fairy fire he controlled and become part of his strength.

With the chill emanating from the fairy clothes on his body to regulate Yang Yiyun, he was finally able to spare some time to integrate with the fairy fire.

Even if Immortal Qijun guides the fairy fire into his body, eliminating the trouble of conquering the fairy fire, after all, the top ten fairy fires in the fairy world cannot be used just after entering the body.

Yang Yiyun knew this, the treasure of heaven and earth was not so easy to use.

At this time, he looked inside and saw a small flame the size of a fist emerging from the Immortal Mansion in his body, floating next to the Qiankun Pill. Yang Yiyun was really afraid of accidentally burning his Qiankun Daoyuan.

But fortunately, it entered the body through inheritance after all, and the Qinglian Fairy Fire did not release the power of flames to burn the fairy palace in his body.

Yang Yiyun can feel this. It is actually the inevitable result of inheritance. No one can do anything about it. It is the painful pressure that he must bear. Just like tempering his body, if he wants to strengthen his body function, he needs to undergo muscle tempering. The pain of refining.

The Green Lotus Immortal Fire is even more difficult to understand with common sense. It's nothing if it hurts a little.

This was after Immortal Qijun used inheritance to allow Yang Yiyun to accept the Green Lotus Fairy Fire. Otherwise, it would be a problem for the Green Lotus Fairy Fire to enter his body, let alone use it for his own use.

At this moment, after Yang Yiyun activated the Qiankun Creation Technique, he began to blend and adapt to the Green Lotus Immortal Fire bit by bit...

He knew that when he fully adapted to the fusion, all the pain would naturally disappear.

Fortunately, his Qiankun Creation Technique is not an ordinary cultivation technique, but a Shinto method. When Yang Yiyun devoted himself to it, he gradually began to adapt to it...

To fully integrate the Green Lotus Fairy Fire, he actually needs to feel the control and penetration of the Fairy Fire. When he can communicate and drive the Green Lotus Fairy Fire with a single thought, he will have completed the control of the Fairy Fire.

I don't know how many days passed before Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flickered, and two rays of light burst out.

But there was a mark of a blue lotus flower between his eyebrows.


Yang Yiyun let out a long breath and finally completely integrated the Qinglian Fairy Fire.

The next step is to organize the Qijun Alchemy Book in my mind.

When Yang Yiyun took a closer look, he was overjoyed. Immortal Qijun's book of Qijun elixirs included more than just three elixirs: Jinyuan Zhendao Dan, Jinyuan Daluo Dan, and Jinyuan Hunyuan Dan, as well as various other elixirs. There are nearly a hundred complete and detailed recipes in total.

What makes Yang Yiyun happy is that in the Qijun Alchemy Book, the main elixirs needed for each elixir are included. What are the characteristics of each elixir, what properties and effects it has, what kind of environment does it grow in, etc. Wait, the records are very detailed.

Finally, there are notes on the alchemy experience of each type of elixir, how to refine it, what effects the elixir will have after it is completed, etc., all of which are recorded in the Qijun elixir book.

In Yang Yiyun's opinion, rather than saying that the Qijun Alchemy Book is a book that records elixir recipes, it is more appropriate to call it a book of alchemy recipes. Although the number of elixir recipes recorded is not too many, the total number is exactly one hundred elixirs. However, after Yang Yiyun read it, he thought that basically all of the 100 prescriptions in the Qijun Pill Book could be refined as long as the medicinal materials were complete.

In Yang Yiyun's opinion, the method of alchemy in the Qijun Alchemy Book is its own school and is very mysterious. From the understanding of the Qijun Alchemy Book, Yang Yiyun has a completely new understanding of Qijun Immortal.

It is not an exaggeration to call this person a master of alchemy.

When he was in the world of cultivation, the old man also taught him the knowledge of alchemy. It was said to be a top-notch alchemy method, and it was also detailed and clear.

But now after watching Qijun Alchemy, Yang Yiyun has a new understanding of alchemy, as if a door to a new world has been opened for him.

Comparing the two, Qi Jun's alchemy method is more sophisticated and sophisticated than the alchemy method taught to him by the old man.

Of course, Yang Yiyun also knew that what the old man taught him before was the alchemy knowledge adapted to the world of cultivation, but the current Qijun Dandao was the Tao of elixir for the immortal world. It is normal that the levels are different.

For a moment, Yang Yiyun was really mesmerized and completely immersed in it. He believed that after he completely understood the Qijun Dan Dao and refined the elixir, there would be no problem at all.

However, Yang Yiyun also knows that there is a big difference between the way of elixir and alchemy in the world of cultivation. High-level and low-level elixirs need to be determined by strength, cultivation, understanding of the way of elixir, etc. These all take time. Only then can we delve into it.

Now that he has Qi Jun Dan Dao, Yang Yiyun thinks that none of this will trouble him, all he needs is accumulation.

Another thing Yang Yiyun understands is that, as Qi Jun said, with the Qinglian Immortal Fire and Qi Jun's Alchemy Book, his alchemy can be further advanced to a higher level in the future.

The Qijun Alchemy Dao that Immortal Qijun has studied can really turn decay into something magical. If Immortal Qijun had not been plotted by others, if he could survive to this day, relying solely on his Qijun Alchemy Dao, he would be He will be an existence like a great overlord in the fairy world.

Not to mention anything else, there are three ready-made elixir recipes: Jinyuan Zhendao Pill, Jinyuan Daluo Pill, and Jinyuan Hunyuan Pill. As long as you find the ingredients for the Qixian Medicine, a little fairy can hope to enter the realm of Hunyuan all the way. .

This is a very terrifying power of the elixir and the charm of the elixir.

Starting from the Heavenly Immortal, entering the True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo, and Hunyuan realms, these are the four realms. This is a level that many, many immortals need to spend countless years to reach. Some immortals may even fail to reach it in their entire life. The realm of Hunyuan.

However, the three elixirs developed by Immortal Qijun can do this.

This sounds like a very heaven-defying elixir recipe. It is no wonder that Immortal Qijun wants to be tricked into snatching the elixir recipe from him.

It is no exaggeration to say that the three elixir recipes are of infinite value.

Of course, in Yang Yiyun's view, the most priceless thing is Immortal Qijun's Alchemy Book of Qijun. This is the priceless treasure.

Because after Yang Yiyun read the Qijun Alchemy Book, he found that Immortal Qijun was not wrong at all. With the existence of the Qijun Alchemy Book, he would be able to study and understand the elixir beyond the Hunyuan realm in the future. As long as the conditions are sufficient, it is theoretically complete. It can be deduced all the way.

This is the greatest value of Qijun Alchemy Book or Qijun Alchemy Way.

Not to mention that Yang Yiyun sank into the Qijun Alchemy Book in the small secret room, Du Jiebin, Lao Tomb and Ashan in the cave hall were about to encounter big trouble.

Because Yan Wushan, who went to the Xuanxian Sect, entered the cave hall with murderous intent.

Du Jiebin and the other two people in the cave hall are still carefully recording the runes flying out of the alchemy furnace. This is actually the Jinyuanzhendao elixir recipe released by Immortal Qijun, and it is a residual recipe. It is simply an incomplete elixir recipe. To cover up the place in the alchemy furnace that leads to the entire alchemy secret room.

No matter how much Can Fang records it, he will always be Can Fang, and no matter how he looks at it, it doesn’t feel right.

It will only waste time here.

But he didn't expect that Yan Wushan would lead his men to kill him.

When Cao Man and Yan Wushan arrived at the cave hall and saw Du Jiebin and three people in the runes, Yan Wushan's eyes lit up.

Regarding the secret of Daluo Immortal Mansion, Yan Wushan naturally knew it, and he immediately thought of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan.

"Take the three of them, and the rebels will live or die."

Yan Wushan immediately gave the order. In his mind, Du Jiebin and the others might have obtained the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill and everything here.

It's okay now, just grab the three of them and rob them directly.

Anyway, according to Cao Man's story, Du Jiebin was also an accomplice of Yang Yiyun, the accomplice who killed his nephew Yan Wuchi, or Yang Yiyun was a disciple of their Taiqing Immortal Sect.

This time it paid a price. Recently, Yan Wushan's goal was very clear, to kill Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin and avenge his nephew Yan Wuchi.

As for the fact that Du Jiebin was the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, Yan Wushan didn't think much about it at all. It was just a Taiqing Immortal Sect, and they didn't take it seriously when they went to the Xuanxian Sect.

At this time, Du Jiebin and the others heard Yan Wushan's murderous voice, and then realized that at some point, a large area of ​​darkness had entered the cave.

And he heard Yan Wushan's order to kill the three of them.

Du Jiebin looked up and saw that it was Yan Wushan, the younger brother of Yan Wuliang, the master of the Shangxuan Immortal Sect. As the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, he naturally knew these high-level immortals among the top ten immortal sects.

Yan Wushan is a golden immortal, but now he has entered the Daluo Immortal Mansion, and it seems to be the Dzogchen level of the Celestial Immortal. It is obvious that Yan Wushan entered here by suppressing his realm cultivation through the cost of secret methods.

This time I’m in trouble~

Du Jiebin thought so.

But in an instant, the three of them stood back to back with Lao Tomb Ashan, looking at Yan Wushan, Du Jiebin said in a deep voice: "Senior Yan, what do you mean?"

Yan Wushan snorted coldly: "What do you mean? My nephew Yan Wuchi, the heir of my Taixuan Immortal Sect, was killed. Doesn't Master Nephew Du know what it means?"

There is a boy named Yang Yiyun who is from your Taiqing Immortal Sect, right? He killed my nephew Yan Wuchi. Don’t you, Du Jiebin, know? Or is it that Yang Yiyun has nothing to do with you? "

Listening to Yan Wushan's words, Du Jiebin really didn't know how to answer Yan Wushan's words at this time. Does it have anything to do with Yang Yiyun?

How can it be? Most of the disciples of the Immortal Sect have seen that Yang Yiyun was brought into Daluo Immortal Mansion by him. If they want to clear up their relationship with Yang Yiyun, I am afraid that even Yan Wushan will not believe it. Moreover, Du Jiebin is not the kind of person who betrays his friends and has no responsibility. .

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