My Master Is a God

Chapter 1873 Lao Tomb and Ashan self-destruct

"Yang Yiyun is not a disciple of my Taiqing Immortal Sect, he is a friend of Du Jiebin."

After thinking for a while, Du Jiebin said it truthfully. He was still very afraid of facing the Shangxuan Immortal Sect, because he was the young master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect first and foremost, and it was best not to involve his own Immortal Sect.

But you can't abandon your friends, so Du Jiebin answered truthfully.

But what Yan Wushan said next made Du Jiebin know that Yan Wushan came prepared today and was not unreasonable at all.

"Haha, since Yang Yiyun is your friend, it means that you have nothing to do with the death of my nephew Yan Wuchi. If I kill you today, it will not be regarded as an injustice to you.

However... I will also give you a chance to complete the body, hand over the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill and everything you got here, and leave the whole body to you, otherwise I will let you die without the whole body. "

Yan Wushan's words were very strong and domineering.

At this time, Lao Tomb couldn't help being furious: "Yan Wushan, you dare to kill our young master? Do you think I, the Taiqing Immortal Sect, is easy to bully?"

"Hahaha... My Shangxuanxian Sect is the number one sect in Daqing World. Your Taiqing Sect is nothing. The person you killed this time is my Shangxuanxian Sect's successor. You really think that, Is this a trivial matter?

To tell you the truth, my brother Yan Wuliang has come out of the mountain in person, just outside the Daluo Immortal Sect. This time Yang Yiyun will be killed. Since your kid is connected with Yang Yiyun, let's die together. "

Yan Wushan was murderous as he spoke, and he shamelessly wanted to rob Du Jiebin and the others of their belongings.

Not to mention that Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan and its prescription were indeed obtained, but the prescription was a residual prescription. However, Du Jiebin and Lao Tomb Ashan did not notice this.

But now Du Jiebin and Yan Wushan discovered a problem.

That means Yang Yiyun is not present...

"Where is the old tomb Ashan Yunzi?" Du Jiebin asked the two of us in a low voice.

At this moment, Lao Tomb and Ashan were also stunned, and did not see Yang Yiyun's shadow at all.

"Young Master, we didn't see it either~"

When the four of them entered the immortal energy into the alchemy furnace before, they were still there. However, no one could see each other in the dazzling light. Only then did they realize that Yang Yiyun was not present.

From the moment they entered, Yan Wushan and others only saw Du Jiebin and the others but not Yang Yiyun at all. The whole cave hall had a clear view and there was no fourth person.

Yan Wushan asked Cao Man beside him in a deep voice: "Where is that boy Yang Yiyun? Didn't you say that the four of them entered here together? Where are the people?"

"Master Yan, I will definitely not be mistaken. I have been standing outside the pit and did not notice Yang Yiyun coming out. I saw the four of them entering the cave together with my own eyes. There must be something fishy about this matter. Come here... maybe There are other caves, and I guess Yang Yiyun went to other places."

Cao Man spoke at this time, with cold sweat on his forehead. He was telling the truth, and this time Yan Wushan's primary target when entering the Immortal Mansion was Yang Yiyun. He told Yan Wushan categorically outside that Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin were entering together. In the cave, Yang Yiyun was not seen at all at this moment.

Now hearing Yan Wushan's calm question, Cao Man's heart collapsed.

He didn't dare to offend Yan Wushan.

If Yan Wushan was not careful, he would have been killed in vain. Shangxuan Immortal Sect's reputation as the No. 1 Immortal Sect in the Daqing World was not for nothing.

At this time, he could only say this to Yan Wushan, saying that Yang Yiyun might have gone to other places.

Cao Man was also puzzled. He saw with his own eyes that Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin came in together, but now there was no one in sight. It was really a ghost.

Yan Wushan snorted coldly at Cao Man and said, "I hope so. If Yang Yiyun can't be found, then you just deceived me. Don't blame me for being ruthless and trying to deal with you too."

"Senior Yan Mingjian gave this junior a hundred courages, but he didn't dare to expire~" Cao Man defended himself with a heartbroken heart.

Then he shouted loudly to Du Jiebin: "Where did Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun go? If you are wise, tell Mr. Yan quickly, otherwise you will suffer."

If you can shirk responsibility, you must shirk it at this time. Cao Man is also good at doing this kind of thing.

When Du Jiebin heard Cao Man speak, he was also stunned at this moment. He originally thought that Yang Yiyun had been arrested by Yan Wushan, but looking at the situation now, it seems that no one knows where Yang Yiyun went?

Now Du Jiebin understood. Since no one knew where Yang Yiyun had gone, this was a good thing. At least Yunzi could escape this disaster.

And judging from Yan Wushan's appearance, it was already a certain death for the three of them. In this case, don't take any chances and just do what you can.

He, Du Jiebin, is not someone to be trifled with. Anyway, everyone’s cultivation level is in the realm of immortals.

The only person he is afraid of is Yan Wushan, but Yan Wushan suppresses the existence of the realm, but if he fights to the death, even Du Jiebin can win a few of them.

Looking at Cao Man's villainous appearance, Du Jiebin sneered: "Cao Man, you are just a dog now, you are not qualified to talk to me, get out!"

Du Jiebin, a villain like Cao Man, understood this, and he could imagine that Cao Man must have been instigating him this time when he was approached by Yan Wushan.

"You..." Cao Man was trembling with anger at Du Jiebin's contempt, but then he smiled sinisterly and said: "You can't escape death today anyway, haha, I won't care about you."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, come here, help me capture them." Yan Wushan lost his patience. As for Yang Yiyun's whereabouts, he would naturally find out the whereabouts of Du Jiebin later.

This time Yan Wushan gave an order, and the surrounding immortals, including people from other immortal sects, all pounced on Du Jiebin and the others.

Lao Tomb said in a deep voice: "Young Master, Ashan and I will hold them back. If you find a chance to escape, I will still serve you in the next life."

After finishing his words, Lao Tomb roared angrily: "Ashan, I, Immortal, take one step, and you can open a way for the young master to come out."

"I know." Ah Shan answered with the word "know" without saying much, but he was full of determination.

"No, Lao Tomb~" Du Jiebin suddenly felt bad when he heard Lao Tomb speak, and spoke quickly.

But it was already too late.


As Lao Tomb roared, the immortal energy in his body surged, and his body suddenly expanded in a large circle like an inflated balloon.

"No, Lao Tomb~"

Du Jiebin's eyes turned red when he saw it. Lao Tomb was going to blow himself up!

But it's too late to say anything.

Immortal self-destruction is no joke.

What is burning is the immortal power of the whole body and the Dao Yuan in the body. Once started, there is no way to stop it.

I saw Lao Tomb pounce directly on the immortals rushing towards him from all around.

The next moment, the old tomb turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed directly in the direction of Yan Wushan.

The largest number of immortals gathered in front of Yan Wushan.

Lao Tomb's goal is very clear. If he blows himself up, not only can he kill Yan Wushan, but even if he can injure Yan Wushan, he can still give his young master a chance to live.

When Lao Tomb rushed over, even Yan Wushan's expression changed drastically. As an immortal, who doesn't know the power of an immortal's self-destruction?

It should be said that when he was in the Golden Immortal realm, Yan Wushan was not afraid at all, but now that he has suppressed his cultivation to the level of Heavenly Immortal, Yan Wushan knew that if he was affected by Lao Tomb's self-destruction, he would definitely be injured.

So at the first moment, Yan Wushan's pupils shrank, he raised his hand and hit Cao Man next to him.

Cao Man originally wanted to run away after seeing Lao Tomb rushing towards him, but as soon as he turned around, he found Yan Wushan slapping him with his palm.


With a crash, Cao Man was swatted away by Yan Wushan and hit the old tomb accurately.

At the same time, Yan Wushan retreated and activated his defense.



In an instant, Lao Tomb's body exploded~

The huge and terrifying energy exploded in an instant.

The first person to be affected was Cao Man. When he hit Lao Tomb, Cao Man's body was torn apart and blown into pieces.

The power of the Immortal's self-destruction is very terrifying at the same level.

Yan Wushan needed to hold Cao Man's top vat, so he quickly retreated to avoid it, let alone the other immortals.

When Lao Tomb self-destructed, more than a dozen immortals who were a step slower to react were directly killed by the terrifying power of self-destruction, and most of the others were seriously injured.

"Young master, let's go~"

At this moment, Ashan's whole body also grew bigger.

"Ashan, don't want it~" Du Jiebin shouted with red eyes.

Seeing Ashan also choose to self-destruct.

However, after Ashan activated his self-destruction, he rushed directly towards the entrance where he came in.

Du Jiebin knew that Ashan was opening a way for him to escape.

At this time, Du Jiebin's heart was bleeding. He watched helplessly as Lao Tomb and Ashan blew themselves up one after another.

He couldn't stop it, because the difference between Lao Tomb and Ashan was less than three breaths, and once the self-destruction was started, there was no way to stop it.

Du Jiebin didn't want to escape, but he knew that if he didn't escape, Lao Tomb and Ashan would have died in vain.


Ashan's body exploded and turned into blood mist.

When they rushed over, they also killed four or five immortals. As for the other immortals, they had already fled away when they saw Ashan self-destructing.

Ah Shan used his life to open up a road~

"Old Tomb, Ashan~"

Du Jiebin's eyes were filled with tears of blood as he dodged and rushed towards the exit.

He didn't want Ashanbai to die.

Lao Tomb Ashan, these are two loyal servants who have watched him grow up since childhood. They have been with him for countless years of cultivation. Now watching them self-destruct and die, Du Jiebin's heart exploded.

With blood and tears in his eyes, he thought about the exit and rushed over.

But when he was about to reach the exit, a figure blocked the exit faster than him.

"Yan Wushan~"

Du Jiebin gritted his teeth and said three words.

Yang Yiyun, who was in the secret room at this moment, was suddenly shaken awake by violent vibrations.

Interrupting his meditation on the Qijun Alchemy Book...

"what happened?"

Yang Yiyun muttered to himself.


The entire secret room shook violently again.

And this time he heard a dull roar.

Upon recognition, Yang Yiyun looked up and saw gravel falling from the top of the secret room.

Yang Yiyun reacted and his expression suddenly changed.

He knew something must have happened to Du Jiebin and the others up there.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun no longer hesitated. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a green flame appeared in his palm, which was the Green Lotus Fairy Fire. He suddenly slapped the Green Lotus Fairy Fire towards the top of the secret room above his head.

When he received the inheritance from Immortal Qijun, he knew that he wanted to leave. The Green Lotus Immortal Fire was the key to the passage. There was a formation on the top of the secret room that directly connected to Danu in the cave hall.

The next moment, the Green Lotus Immortal Fire was fired out, and a swirling light appeared on the top of the secret room. Yang Yiyun no longer hesitated, and jumped directly into the vortex and disappeared.

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