My Master Is a God

Chapter 1879 Thinking of Countermeasures

Yang Yiyun remembered that according to what Yan Wushan said before his death, his brother Yan Wuliang and a group of elders from the Shangxuanxian Sect were blocking the outside. He didn't know whether the news was true or false. Anyway, Yang Yiyun felt that he had to think of a countermeasure, otherwise he would go out. Will suffer a loss.

"What's wrong?" Du Jiebin saw something wrong with Yang Yiyun's face.

"Yan Wushan spoke before he died. Yan Wuliang and a group of elders from the Xuanxian Sect are outside the Immortal Mansion. We have to think about the countermeasures and cannot go out rashly, otherwise we will suffer losses.

By the way, do you know what the overall strength of Shangxuanxian Sect is? How many elders are practicing at what level? How is the situation of the disciples? "Yang Yiyun asked Du Jiebin.

Du Jiebin thought about it and said: "The master of the Shangxuan Immortal Sect, Yan Wuliang, is the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal. There are five elders under the sect, one is a top-grade Golden Immortal, one is a middle-grade Golden Immortal, and three are first-grade Golden Immortals. Yan Wuliang is One of the three, if you count now, there are only two first-grade golden immortals.

Thinking about it, Yan Wushan would not take everyone with him when he went out, and he would also leave some people at home who would be in charge. If not all of them, the Great Elder, the High-grade Golden Immortal, would not come, the remaining three elders might be around Yan Wuliang.

As for the intermediate powers at the level of true immortals, there will be no more than twenty in the entire Shangxuan Immortal Sect. We are not afraid of the remaining heavenly immortals now, but having said that, it will be difficult for us to deal with the existence of golden immortals alone. "

Du Jiebin's words were full of worry.

Yang Yiyun also felt worried after listening to Du Jiebin's story. According to his current first-grade true immortal cultivation, he might be able to deal with half of the first-grade golden immortals, but if there were too many, it would be difficult to say.

The two of them didn't have any good solutions for a while and fell into deep thought.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing. After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun said: "Forget it, let's not worry about it. Maybe it was Yan Wushan who tricked him. There may not be Yan Wuliang and his people out there. Even if there is, we will have to face it sooner or later.

I will go out to check the situation later. If the situation is not right, then just one word - run away. I will definitely not be willing to fight. I will try my best to escape even if it costs me a lot. As long as I escape this disaster, it will be easy to handle. Yan Wuliang is getting stronger and stronger. It's just that Jinxian has not reached the level of defying heaven.

There are five more Stone Immortal Fruits here. Keep them. They may be of some use. If you can escape, you can go back to the master's door. Yan Wuliang will also consider coming. And now that your Wind and Thunder Immortal Body is activated, which Hunyuan Taoist Immortal can you rely on? , Yan Wuliang should be wary of your Taiqing Immortal Sect..."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? Why does it sound like you want to... I, Du Jiebin, am not the kind of person who leaves his friends alone, okay? I've experienced life and death, and it's no less dangerous than this one. And Lao Tomb He Ashan self-destructed, our Taiqing Immortal Sect will definitely receive the news as soon as possible, and my father will definitely come to support, you will be with me.

If Yan Wuliang is really shameless and starts to fight against you, I, Old Du, will accompany you. Yunzi, don’t even think about me. Although his Shangxuanxian Sect is indeed the number one immortal sect in the world of Daqing Immortal Mountain, but That was when Yan Wuliang had Hunyuan Taoist Immortal as his backer, and they were really fighting. Our Taiqing Immortal Sect might not be afraid of them.

I, Du Jiebin, have very few friends. Although you and I have not known each other for a long time, we all have bad tempers with each other. Don't do stupid things. You can't resist the entire Shangxuanxian Sect alone.

After this wave is over, after I become a disciple, I will no longer be afraid of him going to the Xuanxian Sect. Then you and I will go to the bigger fairy mountain together. Looking at the fairy world, the world of Daqing Fairy Mountain is just a small particle in the whole fairy world. sand……"

Du Jiebin spoke very loyally and understood that Yang Yiyun wanted to take over all the responsibilities and did not want to implicate him.

And Yang Yiyun was indeed moved when he listened to Du Jiebin's words, but precisely because of this, he did not want to implicate Du Jiebin. Although Du Jiebin said that he would let Taiqing Xianmen come forward, it was still unknown whether the people from Taiqing Xianmen would come.

Moreover, he has a master. The old man has returned to the fairy world, and he will definitely be able to find him. Yang Yiyun does not want Du Jiebin to involve their Taiqing Immortal Sect because of him.

Yang Yiyun just smiled and said: "Okay, we just discussed it this way. Anyway, just listen to me when you lead me. In terms of escape speed, I am definitely better than you, haha~"

"Nonsense, my Wind and Thunder Immortal Body is not a decoration. Wind is speed and thunder is attack." Du Jiebin said unconvinced.

The two bickered for a few words, which actually eased the tension.

Then they looked at each other and smiled and said: "Let's go~ Anyway, the closing time of the Immortal Mansion is coming soon, and I have to go out sooner or later."

Haha, Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin ducked into the passage.

In fact, I feel that they are trying to scare me. Maybe there is no one outside Daluo Immortal Mansion?

Outside Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin didn't know it was already a huge crowd of people.

Eighty percent of the forces in the entire Daqing Fairy Mountain world have gathered here.

As for the reason...

Naturally, Yan Wuliang, the master of the Shangxuan Immortal Sect, the world's number one immortal sect in the Daqing Immortal Mountain, came out in person, accompanied by three golden immortal elders, twenty elite true immortal disciples, and three hundred heavenly immortal disciples.

It is equivalent to dispatching 90% of the power of the Xuanxian Sect and gathering it outside the Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Various reasons have now spread.

The reason why Yan Wuliang went to war was because his son Yan Wuchi was beheaded in Daluo Immortal Mansion.

The murderer was a first-grade immortal named Yang Yiyun.

This is big news in the Daqing world.

Yan Wuchi is not only Yan Wuliang's son, but also the heir to the Shangxuan Immortal Sect.

Yan Wuliang was such a son, and now he was killed by Yang Yiyun, how could he not be angry?

Even though he was in Daluo Immortal Mansion, there was no airtight wall for Yang Yiyun to kill Yan Wuchi, the focal figure. Moreover, there were many immortals in the field that day, so word spread quickly...

In addition, the Xuanxian Sect is the number one immortal sect in the Daqing world, and this name is not for nothing.

Yan Wuliang and his people almost came out in full force. Such a big movement would naturally attract the attention of many immortal sect forces.

There are also a large number of disciples from various major immortal sects who died in Daluo Immortal Mansion this time, and they all received a message from a disciple before his death.

Most of the disciples were actually killed by Yang Yiyun.

And there is Du Jiebin, the heir to the Taiqing Immortal Sect.

The relationship between Du Jiebin and Yang Yiyun has also been revealed. Now everyone knows that Yang Yiyun was brought into Daluo Immortal Mansion by Du Jiebin.

Under such circumstances, the people of Taiqing Immortal Sect became the focus.

Of course, the current situation is still uncertain about the relationship between Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin, and whether Du Jiebin participated in killing other disciples of the Immortal Sect...

Everything will have to wait until Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin come out to confirm.

Many forces have already surrounded Yan Wuliang, saying they want to kill Yang Yiyun...

But Yan Wuliang was very confident, because he sent his younger brother Yan Wushan to suppress his realm cultivation and enter the Da Luo Immortal Mansion to kill Yang Yiyun.

But later, Yan Wushan's Immortal Soul Card was broken, and the disciples who entered also broke their Immortal Soul Cards one by one.

This meant that they were all dead, and they were also shattered together with the other immortal disciples who followed Yan Wushan into the Daluo Immortal Mansion. There were hundreds of them, none of them survived, and they were all dead.

At this time, many immortal sects were in an uproar.

Yan Wuliang's face turned livid, and he did not expect such a result.

However, at the last moment, Yan Wuliang received the last message from his brother Yan Wushan's immortal soul before his death. There was only one sentence, Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin must be killed.

Although there is only this sentence, it is very clear that Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin are the two boys who are the cause of trouble and must be killed.

Although it was unbelievable that his younger brother Yan Wushan and the hundreds of immortals he brought in would be the result of the total destruction of the entire army, Yan Wuliang was more willing to believe in his younger brother Yan Wushan.

Two juniors could actually kill their younger brother Yan Wushan, a golden immortal who had suppressed his cultivation level?

Although it seemed impossible, the facts were before our eyes. The natal soul cards of hundreds of immortals were shattered, and they were all dead.

At this moment, Yan Wuliang's murderous intent spread and he opened his mouth. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Du Renjie, the leader of the Taiqing Immortal Sect not far away, and said, "Master Du, you gave birth to a good son~"

Du Renjie was stunned, feeling Yan Wuliang's murderous intention, but as he was also a Golden Immortal, he was not afraid and snorted coldly: "Master Yan, what do you mean by this? I, a member of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, are also Died inside~"

Although he didn't know what happened inside, it was true that Lao Tomb and Ashan, whom Du Renjie sent to protect his son, blew themselves up and died. This was news to him, and it was also true.

Moreover, Du Renjie knew best that the purpose of asking his son Du Jiebin to lead people into the Da Luo Immortal Mansion this time was to find the secret alchemy room of the Da Luo Immortal Mansion.

The lack of guarantees was due to the issue of interests, which led to fighting with various families.

As for Yang Yiyun, Du Renjie also heard about it, but didn't care.

Daluo Immortal Mansion has experienced that it is normal for people to die. If your son Yan Wuliang was killed, it can only be blamed on lack of ability, and it can be blamed on others. It is really shameless.

Yan Wuliang said gloomily: "If I were to find out that the boy named Yang Yiyun is from your Taiqing Immortal Sect, or that your son participated in the murder of my son Yan Wuchi, I will not be done with you today."

"What the hell, I told you that our Taiqing Immortal Sect does not have a person like Yang Yiyun. Believe it or not, Master Yan Clan should not be too arbitrary in doing things, otherwise how can he become the number one sect in the Daqing Immortal Mountain?" Du Renjie also disagreed. Wen Buhuo pushed back.

The implication is that I, Lao Du, am not afraid of you. If you, Yan Wuliang, want to impose a crime, it will only be an embarrassment to yourself.

In fact, Du Renjie is still quite worried in his heart. If his son Du Jiebin really participates in killing the disciples of Shangxuanxian Sect and other forces, it will be really difficult for him to do well today.

But Du Renjie is not afraid, so what if he kills him in the worst case?

Yan Wuliang has always caused trouble for his Taiqing Immortal Sect over the years. If he continues to swallow his anger, he will be swallowed up by Yan Wuliang sooner or later.

The two masters of the Immortal Sect were fighting at the corners of their mouths, but the remaining forces did not dare to speak out.

Speaking of which, Taiqing Immortal Sect is not easy to mess with. According to legend, Taiqing Immortal Sect is related to a certain Hunyuan Taoist Immortal.

This was also the reason why Yan Wuliang did not dare to attack Du Renjie easily.

"Someone is coming out~"

Just then someone shouted in the field.

Du Renjie and Yan Wuliang also looked at the same time, and saw that there was a bright light on the door of Daluo Immortal Mansion, and two human figures gradually appeared...

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