My Master Is a God

Chapter 1880 You don’t know how to write the word death

As soon as Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin came out of Daluo Immortal Mansion, they were stunned. They were all immortals in their sight.

The breath feels strong and weak.

Du Jiebin said in a low voice: "Yunzi is in trouble. What Yan Wushan said seems to be... true... Yan Wuliang, the master of the Xuanxian Sect, is indeed at the scene."

Yang Yiyun followed Du Jiebin's eyes and landed on a middle-aged man.

According to Du Jiebin's eyes, this person is Yan Wuliang, the master of the Xuanxian Sect, the world's number one immortal sect in the Daqing Immortal Mountain.

But at this moment, from a distance, when Yang Yiyun looked over, Yan Wuliang was also staring at them, the murderous intent in his eyes was very deep. If eyes could kill, Yang Yiyun estimated that he and Du Jiebin had been killed a hundred times.

Looking at Yan Wuliang's appearance, with raised eyebrows and raised eyes, and a strong aura throughout his body, he is indeed the kind of unruly person.

The word "crazy" was Yang Yiyun's first impression of Yan Wuliang.

After looking around, Yang Yiyun confirmed that Du Jiebin was right, there was indeed big trouble this time.

Not to mention anything else, the number of experts around Yan Wuliang, all of whom are from the Xuanxian Sect, is over a hundred, and there are twenty at the True Immortal level. There are four of them including Golden Immortal and Yan Wuliang. , similar to what Du Jiebin did before.

This does not include people from other immortal sects. If Yan Wuliang is summoned, people from other immortal sects believe that someone will take action.

There were over a thousand immortals in the audience, and the formation was really quite large.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was really feeling a little bitter.

Then he sent a message to Du Jiebin and said: "Old Du, please listen to me later. Don't blame me for what I did to you. I'm sorry..."

Listening to Yang Yiyun's words, Du Jiebin was confused and said: "What are you talking about? Are you sorry...?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Yang Yiyun suddenly slapped him.


Quenching is not enough to prevent it.

Du Jiebin was hit by Yang Yiyun's palm without any warning, and he was completely unprepared because he had no defense against Yang Yiyun at all.

The palm hit his chest hard, and with a pop, Du Jiebin's body flew backwards, vomiting blood in mid-air.

His eyes widened with a look of complete disbelief. He didn't expect that Yang Yiyun would actually take action against him?

For a moment, Du Jiebin's head was in a state of confusion.

Never thought it would be like this?

Yang Yiyun is his considered friend. The two of them can experience life and death friendship together.

Why would he take action against himself as soon as he came out?

Just when Du Jiebin flew out, confused, he heard Yang Yiyun's loud voice.

Just listen to Yang Yiyun say in a cruel tone: "Du Jiebin brought so many reinforcements to deal with me, okay, I will take note of it, and I will kill you next time we meet."

After saying that, Yang Yiyun turned around and ran away.

At this moment, Du Jiebin finally realized why Yang Yiyun slapped him inexplicably. This was to draw a clear line with him, or to say that he didn't want to implicate him.

Because after all, it was Yang Yiyun who killed Yan Wuchi, not Du Jiebin.

"Yang Yiyun, your uncle~"

After Du Jiebin understood, he cursed angrily, but his heart was filled with emotion.

What is a close friend in life and death?

Yang Yiyun's current approach is to consider the other party anytime and anywhere.

While cursing, Du Jiebin's eyes were red and he was moved.

I was moved to meet a friend like Yang Yiyun in my life.

Du Jiebin is so angry. We agreed to face the difficulties together. What does this mean to you, Yang Yiyun?

Do you think I, Du Jiebin, am a person without responsibility?

When Du Jiebin was about to speak, it was already too late, because Yan Wuliang had already taken action, and his target was directly aimed at Yang Yiyun.

"Your boy is Yang Yiyun, right?"

As Yan Wuliang was speaking, he waved his hand and blocked him with a hand from a golden immortal elder.

In fact, Yang Yiyun never thought about escaping easily. He just thought about not involving Du Jiebin, so he simply stood where he was and said: "It's me."

"Haha, you still have some backbone. It's okay to admit it. My name is Yan Wuliang. You should know the reason why I came to you, right?" Yan Wuliang narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was very single and said: "You know that I killed your son Yan Wuchi, and even killed your brother Yan Wushan. Oh, and by the way, there are many disciples of the Immortal Sect. Hehe, stop talking nonsense, there are Either kill me or leave."

Listening to Yang Yiyun's very, very single words, Yan Wuliang was stunned for a moment.

Shouldn't the plot be about this kid kneeling down and begging for mercy?

Why do you say so arrogantly after killing someone?

He simply didn't take Yan Wuliang, the number one person in the world of Daqing Immortal Mountain, seriously.

As for the other immortals present, they were all shocked by Yang Yiyun.

Two different sentences come to many people's minds.

Yang Yiyun is a man who dares to take action.

Yang Yiyun was a fool and was frightened.

Of course, Du Renjie, the immortal at the scene, breathed a sigh of relief, because Yang Yiyun slapped Du Jiebin, which was equivalent to drawing a clear line between him and Du Jiebin. Next, even if Yan Wuliang wanted to cause trouble, there would be no reason, because his son Du Jiebin It has nothing to do with Yang Yiyun.

Regarding Yan Wuliang and the entire Shangxuan Immortal Sect, Du Renjie is unwilling to fight against him. After all, there is a Hunyuan Taoist Immortal behind Yan Wuliang, and Hunyuan Taoist Immortal's concubine is Yan Wuliang's sister. There is such a relationship. Now, Du Renjie was actually quite wary of Yan Wuliang.

Although their Taiqing Immortal Sect also has a relationship with another Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, and his son can even directly become a disciple of that powerful person in the future, but that requires his son Du Jiebin to activate the Wind and Thunder Immortal Body. Before that, which Hunyuan Taoist Immortal is not Will help their Taiqing Immortal Sect.

So Du Renjie was greatly relieved at this time.

Of course, with his shrewdness, there were some clues. It seemed that Yang Yiyun deliberately slapped his son Du Jiebin, making it clear that he did not want to implicate his son Du Jiebin.

After thinking about these questions, Du Renjie actually had some appreciation and affection for Yang Yiyun.

But that's all, because he can't risk the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect for one Yang Yiyun. This is not what a Immortal Sect leader should do.

At most, I'll take a look today and help Yang Yiyun within my ability, provided that I don't confront Yan Wuliang directly.

But the posture is difficult.

At this moment, seeing his son Du Jiebin's anxious face, Du Renjie quickly stepped aside and blocked him.

"Dad, you are here just in time. Please help Yunzi. He is my life-and-death friend..." Du Jiebin had actually seen his father Du Renjie and everyone in his sect for a long time. But as soon as he came out, Yang Yiyun came and said, He hadn't said hello in front of the mountain, but now that he saw his father coming, Du Jiebin spoke quickly.

"Confused... With Yan Wuliang's posture today, what do you think my husband can do to help? Even if it's you, it's already very good if my father can keep it..." Du Renjie said in a deep voice.

But he was interrupted by Du Jiebin, who said anxiously: "Dad, Yunzi was chosen by me in order not to involve the child..."

Du Renjie scolded: "As a father, of course you can see it. Do you think the people here are fools? Since you know that Yang Yiyun doesn't want to implicate you and sacrifice himself to protect you, you can't interfere even more. Yan Wuliang brought his son out today It is almost the strength of the entire Shangxuanxian Sect, and it is with the determination to kill.

It wasn’t just Yang Yiyun who was killed, you were among them. He was really worried that he couldn’t find an excuse to attack you and our Taiqing Immortal Sect. You can’t be confused at this time. If a war really breaks out, it will be our Taiqing Immortal Sect. The lives and deaths of thousands of people..."

Du Jiebin said angrily: "Let's start a war. Are our Taiqing Immortal Sect still afraid that he will go to Xuanxian Sect? In terms of the number of people, our Taiqing Immortal Sect is no worse than them going to Xuanxian Sect."

"Haha, there is a Taoist Immortal of Hunyuan behind him. Your grandfather and the Taoist Hunyuan you met in our Taiqing Immortal Sect know the situation best. Do you really want to take advantage of the thousands of Taoist Immortals in our Taiqing Immortal Sect? Are we from the same school?" Du Renjie said angrily.


The next moment, Du Jiebin activated his Wind and Thunder Immortal Body, proved it to his father Du Renjie with facts, and used his Wind and Thunder Immortal Body to convince his father.

When Du Jiebin opened the Wind and Thunder Immortal Body, Du Renjie's eyes widened and his mouth opened: "Son, succeeded?"

Du Jiebin's Wind and Thunder Immortal Body has always been the great secret and great hope of the Taiqing Immortal Sect. It is the hope of existence that can rely on a person who is more powerful than the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal behind Yan Wuliang. It is a pity that Du Jiebin's Wind and Thunder Immortal Body has been around for thousands of years. None were successfully opened.

And now...

When Du Renjie looked at it, he was stunned again the next moment.

He discovered that his son Du Jiebin not only successfully opened the Wind and Thunder Immortal Body, but also entered the realm of true immortality.

This time Du Renjie was even more...excited.

"Dad, can I convince you now? I can tell you responsibly that your son and I were able to successfully activate the Wind and Thunder Immortal Weapon, and have been blessed with karma and entered the realm of true immortals, all because of Yang Yiyun, who saved his son His life is also the hero who unlocked his son's Fengling Immortal Body. In other words, Yang Yiyun is the hero of our Taiqing Immortal Sect.

Dad, you told me since I was a child that you should repay kindness in life. When you meet someone who can turn his back to you and care about the other person regardless of life or death, you have to risk your life to make friends with him. I can tell you now, Yang Yiyun is this kind of person.

He can take all the responsibilities on himself in order to prevent me from being implicated. This is a real man. I, Du Jiebin, also want to be a real man. Yunzi is now surrounded by Yan Wuliang and it is a matter of life and death. If we don't take action, There is no doubt that he is about to die. Dad, I beg you, please save my brother. "Du Jiebin said a long paragraph in one breath, looking at his father Du Renjie with pleading eyes.

At this moment, Du Renjie looked at his son Du Jiebin. Listening to Du Jiebin's words, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and then he laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, my son has grown up, and the Taiqing Immortal Sect will flourish in your hands. Okay, today I will Huiyan Wuliang.”

Not only was the Du family father and son talking here, but Yan Wuliang finally came to his senses from his daze, looked at Yang Yiyun like a poisonous snake and said gloomily: "You kid, you don't know how to write the word "death~"

Yang Yiyun grinned: "I know, I can write it backwards."

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