My Master Is a God

Chapter 1881 The power of the four phenomena of heaven and earth

The situation in the field was obvious to Yang Yiyun. It was obvious that Yan Wuliang would not bypass him and wanted to kill him immediately.

Since it was all a matter of misunderstanding, why should Yang care about anything else?

Although Yan Wuliang is a master of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen, Yang Yiyun is not afraid at all. He provokes, angers, and directly confronts him, so what is there to be afraid of?

That would be the best ending if you can piss him off to death.

Yan Wuliang felt like his lungs were exploding when he heard Yang Yiyun contradict him. He was the number one person in the world, and no one had ever dared to contradict him like this.

This kid Yang Yiyun is simply unreasonable and doesn't take him seriously at all.

"Okay, okay, I want to see if you are tough with your skin, or if you are tough with your mouth, take it down and crush it into ashes."

Yan Wuliang directly ordered Jin Xian who was blocking Yang Yiyun's path.

For Yang Yiyun, he was not worthy of being dealt with by the master of Xuanxian Sect.

However, this was also a test by Yan Wuliang, an old fox, who would not risk it himself.

He has also learned about Yang Yiyun's strength. He heard that he was just a first-grade little immortal at first, and his level of cultivation was not on the table at all, but under such circumstances, he was able to kill his son Yan Wuchi.

The father of his own son knows best that his strength is at the level of the Immortal Dzogchen. Looking at the younger generation in the entire Daqing world, he is considered the best, but he was killed by Yang Yiyun, a little immortal.

This was something that Yan Wuliang didn't believe at all when he heard the news, but now he was a little unsure.

Because Yang Yiyun at this moment is not a first-level heavenly immortal, but a first-level true immortal, which is completely different from the information he knows.

Moreover, his brother Yan Wushan was summoned before his death and was also killed by Yang Yiyun...

His younger brother Yan Wushan was a Golden Immortal. Although he had suppressed his realm and entered the Great Luo Immortal Mansion, he still had the experience of a Golden Immortal.

In the end, he still died.

This made Yan Wuliang feel weird.

If you are full, the time from the opening of Daluo Immortal Mansion to the time you enter will not exceed ten rounds of the Immortal Realm. (Here, one day in the Immortal Realm is called one round, and the time in the cultivator world is equivalent to one year in the immortal world.) In total, It’s just more than nine years in the lower realm.

Even if it takes ten years, it is just a snap of the fingers for the immortals to come.

But in less than ten years, Yang Yiyun has gone from a first-grade heavenly immortal to a first-grade true immortal. This level of cultivation is terrifying and unique in the entire fairy world.

Therefore, Yan Wuliang, an old fox, was not in a hurry to take action himself. Instead, he asked his first-grade Golden Immortal elder to try Yang Yiyun's skills.

Another factor that Yan Wuliang was more optimistic about was that when he thought that Yang Yiyun could advance from a heavenly immortal to a true immortal in just ten rounds, he must have had a great adventure in Daluo Immortal Mansion, otherwise he would have relied solely on himself. Cultivation is absolutely impossible.

As for the number one person in the Daqing Immortal Mountain, Yan Wuliang knows what the adventure will be like in the Daluo Immortal Mansion.

The first thing that came to mind was the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan, the secret alchemy chamber at the core of Daluo Immortal Mansion.

Taking one of the rumored Jin Yuan Zhen Tao elixir can directly allow a little immortal to enter the realm of true immortal, golden immortal or even Daluo Shangxian.

Although the rumors may be exaggerated, Yan Wuliang has been paying attention to the secrets of the Daluo Immortal Mansion or the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill for a long time. Even if a Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill cannot be taken to reach the realm of Jin Xian and Da Luo, it can step into the realm from the Heavenly Immortal. True immortals should be trustworthy.

So when Yan Wuliang stared at Yang Yiyun, there was a faint glint in his eyes.

There is already a rough guess, that is, Yang Yiyun is very likely to have obtained the greatest opportunity in Da Luo Immortal Mansion, Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir, or even the elixir recipe.

Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that Yang Yiyun was able to kill his younger brother Yan Wuliang.

On the other hand, another problem is that after Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin came out together, Yang Yiyun suddenly took action against Du Jiebin. This is obviously Yang Yiyun trying to protect Du Jiebin.

As an old fox, how could Yan Wuliang not see the tricks between Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin.

He thought that the biggest opportunity to come to Daluo Immortal Mansion had already been taken by Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin.

Or maybe what Yang Yiyun got was the Jinyuan Zhendao elixir, while Du Jiebin got the elixir...

Anyway, in Yan Wuliang's heart, these two boys have entered the realm of true immortals. They both have problems and must be taken down. They must get the Jinyuan elixir and the pill formula. His son's death cannot be in vain, and his revenge must be avenged.

He wanted to deal with Yang Yiyun first, then Du Jiebin, and even the entire Taiqing Immortal Sect. He wanted to get rid of Liwei. These Taiqing Immortal Sects were always working against him.

It's better to get rid of them together today and avoid future troubles. There is only one voice in the world of Daqing Immortal Mountain, and that is Yan Wushan and Shangxuan Immortal Sect.

If he can get the recipe for Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan, then he will go one step further to the Xuanxian Sect...

After thinking of this, Yan Wuliang's eyes burst out with hot flames, and he focused his eyes on Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, the first-grade Golden Immortal that Yang Yiyun faced took action against him.

But he saw this first-grade Golden Immortal elder from the Xuanxian Sect. He was thin and looked like a sick man in his fifties or sixties. However, when he rushed towards him, he was covered in golden light, with an unparalleled momentum, and in his hands The halo flickered and a dagger-like fairy weapon appeared. From the aura, it felt like a low-grade fairy weapon.

"Golden Magic Thorn - Phantom Ultimate Kill~"

When this person rushed over, he spoke in a very low voice, like a ghost coming out of the darkness, and disappeared in a swish.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was slightly shocked.

The speed of this first-grade Golden Immortal was extraordinary, even slightly faster than his own.

"As expected, he is indeed a golden immortal."

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart, but he was not afraid.

At this time, he can only risk his life and fight. It is useless to be afraid. It will only make his heart more chaotic.

Besides, he is wearing a mid-grade peak-level fairy clothing, which has good defense. He has also swallowed a stone fairy fruit to strengthen his defense. He is confident that he can attack immediately.

The dragon-slaying sword in his hand had been stored for a long time. The moment the opponent's figure disappeared from sight, Yang Yiyun suddenly slashed him with his sword. It didn't matter if he couldn't see it. Attack was also the best defense. I didn't believe that he could still defy the heavens. Can't?



However, the next moment, Yang Yiyun's sword struck the air.

There was nothing directly in front of him, but instead he was hit in the back.

Make him spit out a blood stain.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. The other party's movement was that of a ghost, and he couldn't feel the breath at all. Unexpectedly, he went around behind him and gave him a blow.

Fortunately, the defenses of Xianyi and Shixianguo worked, blocking the opponent's dagger attack from behind.

If it weren't for the existence of Immortal Clothes and Stone Immortal Fruit, Yang Yiyun would have been pierced through the body by this blow.

Yang Yiyun was also breaking into a cold sweat.

Vomiting blood was shocked by the opponent's strong power.

But he also used a sword with his backhand to force the opponent back.

Immediately afterwards, the golden immortal appeared ten meters away from his left side: "You are lucky to have high-level immortal clothes to protect you!"

"Ahem... Haha, it's none of your business." Yang Yiyun coughed and cursed.

He summoned the power of Black Lotus in his heart, and at the same time activated the power of Qiankun Daoyuan, and suddenly drew out his sword.


The sword came out with a roar, but it failed again.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and he couldn't hit him at all.

This made Yang Yiyun very depressed.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind: "He cultivates the laws of metal and has the body of a golden immortal. The use of the laws is beyond your understanding. You can't kill him even if you are exhausted like this~"

"If you have any idea, just say it quickly and don't say anything sarcastic." Yang Yiyun heard the voice in his heart, and he knew it was the spirit of Qiankun who was speaking.

"You kid is so stubborn when asking for help, you deserve to suffer a loss..." Qiankun Spirit cursed, and continued in the voice of a young man who was still in the voice-changing stage: "Didn't you kid realize that when he stepped into the realm of true immortals, your body There are four more inscriptions on the surface of Qiankun Daoyuan, is one of the inscriptions flashing red?"

"Nonsense, I naturally know the situation in my own body, but I don't have time to study it. If you have any idea, you don't want me, the master, to die now, right?"

Yang Yiyun said angrily to the spirit of the Qiankun Pot.

Just listen to the spirit of Qiankun saying faintly: "Okay, let me tell you kid, it is actually very simple. The four inscriptions that appear on your Qiankun Daoyuan represent the power of the four phenomena of heaven and earth. Qiankun Daoyuan or Qiankun Dan is the two rites , Liangyi can evolve into four images. When your cultivation level improves, Qiankun Dan will evolve at once.

The fiery red inscription represents the power of the Suzaku among the four elephants. You can use it to kill this little golden fairy. Alas, why can't the powerful power of Shinto be used in your hands? In the future, you will study more about the Qiankun Creation Kung Fu and the Qiankun Daoyuan in your body. That is the power of Shinto. "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "The four phenomena of heaven and earth? The power of the Suzaku? Do you mean that there is still a divine bird in my body? Can it really kill the Golden Immortal?"

"To be precise, it is the power of the four directions of heaven and earth. The universe is divided into four directions: east, west, north, and south. It is the power of the south in the universe. As for the celestial evolution of Suzaku's aura of power at that time, it is not a real divine bird. You can understand it as the power of the south in the four images. The evolution of celestial phenomena.

As for whether you can kill a little golden fairy, you can try it. Of course, when activating this power, you need to use your immortal consciousness to activate it. You only need to lock the golden fairy tightly. No matter how fast you escape, it is useless. Shinto The power of power is not that simple.

Your boy is now in the realm of true immortals. There is no problem in killing a golden immortal who is in a very different realm. Use all your strength to activate the inscriptions belonging to the Four Symbols Suzaku on the Qiankun Daoyuan and kill him. "

The Qiankun Pot Spirit's words at this moment sounded very confusing in Yang Yiyun's ears, making Yang Yiyun seriously doubt the authenticity of what this guy said.

However, time did not allow him to think too much. While he was having a mental conversation with the spirit of the Qiankun Pot, the Golden Immortal on the opposite side once again gained momentum and launched an attack on him.

Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth, his mind sinking into the fiery red inscription on Qiankun Daoyuan, and he suddenly activated it.

The next moment his Qiankun Daoyuan roared, and a power that made him feel palpitated suddenly burst out from the Qiankun Daoyuan...

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